All Chapters of The Dragon King's Chosen Bride: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
377 Chapters
83 - A Little Theft
The full moon gave her more strength. There was no more perfect night than this.She could feel the power rush through her veins. The chains that had now vanished from her heart made her feel ecstatic, she could feel the tingles at the tips of her fingers. The Thanatou must be dead. Her freedom was now acquired. She had to get Eli back, however there were a couple of problems. How would she get off this mountain without dying? Where was she?All that, she would figure out with time. She just had to follow her string. ________Back in Inaymi, the Full Moon Feast was being celebrated in the Village Square. The sound of drums and many instruments being played filled the air. There were many people dancing at the Village Square, celebrating. Aniya was one of those people.She was in the crowd dancing with her veil tied around her face, as she danced to her heart's content. Earlier, Zesika and she had talked about her experience with the Ringer. Apologies had been made when nece
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84 - A Stab To Reality
Different activities were going on during the celebration. A crowd had formed around two wrestling men. Bets had been placed and the crowd roared for their fighter to win. Belladonna had joined the crowd too, just so she could find out what was going on. When she saw that it was a wrestling competition, she lost interest and started to walk away but someone had stopped her. “You are the Bride!” It was a woman. She half yelled so that her voice could be heard above the shouting crowd. “You made my sweater.” She said with excitement and Belladonna smiled as the woman told her about how much she loved Belladonna’s sewings and how many of them she had. With Belladonna now engrossed in a conversation she enjoyed, Eli decided to stay. His eyes were ever on her and it was wonderful to see her relaxed and happy. It was a great distraction from the turmoil that wrestled inside of him. A really good distraction that he didn't realize when someone ran across the wrestling circle and stru
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85 - I Don't Want You
It only took him a second to pull away. Hurt flashed in his eyes. “Do not do this. Not again, please. Do not offer me your lips when you know I cannot have the rest of you.”She blinked, then she nodded. “You are right, I don't— I don't want you. I’m angry— you lied to me and I’m angry still— very angry— I should go before I do something that— I—” Her actions contradicted her words because with every pause, her grip on his collar tightened and she pulled closer to her, her gaze heated on his lips.A drunken desire flashed in her eyes and he tilted his head in confusion, his gaze dark and observant. “You are not drunk.” He stated. He had followed her around during the Feast and she had taken no alcohol. He was sure of it. “I am not drunk,” her reply was a whisper. “Kiss me, Eli.”He pressed his forehead against hers. “It is not only your lips I desire, Donna.”“I know,” her blue eyes were filled with… longing?He was observing her once again, she looked very much in control of her
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86 - Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
His gloved hand didn't leave hers and he wouldn't let her close her eyes when the pleasure hit. “Do not look away. I want you to look at this and remember it forever. Look at the mirror.”By Ignas. This mirror. This wasn't what she had in mind at all the first time she had seen this mirror. It was like Fate wanted her to burn this moment into her memory in every way possible, so she could forever remember this moment— her moment of defeat. Her fingers sank into her wet entrance and her thumb rubbed over her clit, her rhythm fast. She wished it was his hands doing this to her instead, but Eli wore his guilt as gloves and he kept himself from desires that he had longed for as punishment. She fell back against him, mumbling incoherent words as she felt the pleasure spread to the tip of her toes, that it was hard to stand. His head dipped and his tongue rolled over her nipple.It hit right then. “Eli…” she moaned. He kept an arm around her waist keeping her anchored to him. So th
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87 - Those Gloves
He came inside her, and she let him. She desired him so much, she had reached for him more than once.She had moaned his name at the top of her lungs and given her body to him without rejection. She had been his good girl. She had replied positively to it herself.That meant that she was his, only his. Also, with an implied answer she had claimed him.Not in a million dreams would he have suspected that this would happen tonight or they would go this far. His happiness was boundless. The day of Full Moon Feast would forever remain special because of this. Eli wanted to remain inside her forever, but he wasn't as hard as he was before and he feared that his weight might crush her. So he pulled out of her, carried her and headed to the bathroom. He just couldn't stop smiling.When he laid her into the tub, she didn't let go, so he went in with her.She sat down in the tub and he sat next to her.Now that he was no longer sad, this bathroom was quite large. It reminded him of th
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88 - A Little Ruckus
Belladonna fell asleep quickly but Eli couldn't sleep.It still felt like a dream. He kept looking at her to ensure that she wasn't just a figment of his imagination and that everything that had happened wasn't just an illusion. Hopefully, it hadn't been as a result of him being so desperate that his mind had tricked him into thinking this had happened. Wait! Was it possible that Galdur still had him trapped in his mind?His fingers went through her hair again and she turned in her sleep, facing him. His breath caught in his throat. No. This was real. They should leave Osi’s house now and return to the Golden Boy's Guest House, but Eli didn't feel like moving an inch. He could live here forever. Besides, their hosts said they could stay for the night. That was what they would do. When he started falling asleep, he pulled her into his arms, afraid that if he didn't she would disappear while he slept. ______The loud banging against the door jolted Belladonna awake.She spr
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89 - Better A Slave
It had been three days since the search for Aniya and her son had begun. The search through the forest had been futile. The soldiers were tired and running out of resources. They had to go back to the village and report the situation. Eli didn't want to go back without finding them but it was illogical to keep on the search when reporting back to the village would help the situation better, as they would broaden the search beyond just the surrounding borders but into those other villages instead. The sun was setting and it would be better to get out of the forest before dark.They started heading back to the village, but something strange happened at that moment. The little stones on the ground started to vibrate and the earth started to quake.Chaos erupted, and the soldiers ran towards the village, colliding with one another, as the mighty trees around them fell to the ground. Two soldiers lost their footing, as a tree fell behind them, the long branches knocking them to the g
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90 - Something Is Wrong With Eli
Belladonna was the most distressed when the soldiers returned without Eli, Aniya, or her son. Then her worth worsened when they told her what had happened in the forest. They had felt the quake in the village too but then, the ground had only trembled with no lasting damaging effect. Lytio assured her that everything would be alright. Zesika was no help however, she was a wreck herself. “Arlo would be so cold. My boy, my baby. Aniya, by Ignas, she must be so scared.” Zesika would say to herself over and over again as she wiped her tears from her face. It was dark and many of their warriors were exhausted. With the news the soldiers had reported, many were scared to go into the forest and look for Eli. Armed with a couple of ropes, Belladonna decided to go into the forest herself to find him. Hopefully, her powers would help her. After all, they had worked to protect him once, they probably would do the same again. By Ignas, he should have let her come with him!Lytio tried to di
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91 - The End Draws Nearer
Belladonna turned to the door, ready to leave. “Donna?” Something about the way he called her name made her stop and turn to him wordlessly until the silence forced her to speak. “What?”His lips parted, like he was about to say something but instead, he walked to her and pressed a kiss against her lips. “Eli.” She pulled away. “Goodnight.” She left the room but a moment later, Zesika was at the door. “Did you find her, Sir—”“Get out of my face.” Eli slammed the door shut. He rubbed his hand over his lips vigorously as if to rub away every evidence of the kiss. His fingers hovered over the necklace she had gifted him as if to yank it away but he stopped himself and groaned. His hand gripped either side of his head and the alterer on his chest reappeared, glowing softly. ______Lytio was surprised to see Belladonna at the door of his study. Ever since she had arrived in Inaymi, she rarely ever came to him. However, that wasn't what made him worried the most. It was the look
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92 - One-sided Goodbyes
So, it was dawn. The smell of dew filled the air and darkness lingered in the sky. It was time for Eli to take Belladonna to Kestra's corpse. Time for him to do as his Mistress had commanded. They were alone, treading through the forest. A lantern was in Eli’s hand and his other hand held her wrist, ensuring not to let her go no matter what. Belladonna glanced up at him briefly. By Ignas, she would miss him. If she were to die from this, he would lose his mind remembering this moment as the time he led her to her death. This situation reminded her of Collin and she couldn't help but hear his voice of regret, pain, and anger once again in her head. The way he had burst into her bathroom, looking for someone to blame while blaming himself for the death of his wife and child. It felt like it was happening all over again, just that this time it was happening to them. Eli would be Colin. She blinked her tears away, trying to focus her thoughts on Alaris instead. She didn't want t
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