All Chapters of The Wolf Prophies: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
134 Chapters
Chapter 91
Luther When Lexi said she wanted us to get in the hot tub I figured she just wanted to relax. I didn’t expect her to want to take care of Ryan and me. But it shouldn’t have surprised me. “ Why are you shocked our mate wanted to take care of us? Is concerned for us.” Diesel asked. As soon as I’m between Lexi legs and she puits her hands on my shoulders I almost forget Diesel’s question. “ No man. You are right. I shouldn’t be shocked. This is just something she hasn’t done before.” I said. Lexi digs her thumbs into the base of my neck I groan and my eyes roll back. Damn it feels good. “ When do you guys have time to just relax?” Diesel asked. “ Diesel, leave him alone. Let Luther enjoy his time with Lexi. Come over here and let’s see what I can rub on you.” Arya said. “ Hurry, up man. Before I keep her all to myself.” Stone chuckled.” Coming my sweet.” Diesel said and blocked me out. Lexi leaned down and kissed my cheek. “ Where are you, love?” she asked. “ Sorry baby. I was tal
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Chapter 92
Ryan Getting pampered by Lexi was nice but not something I thought I needed. That was until I got it. It was nice to have someone take care of me for once. I wouldn’t ask Lexi to do it often or at all. All my life I have always had to put my pack first. I knew I was going to take over one day and trained with my dad from the time I was fourteen. But even before that I put my pack before anything else. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t change it for anything inn the world. I love being the Alpha. But it was nice to be put first for once. I never thought about it before but I guess that is what mates are supposed to do. I know my dad did it for my mom all the time. I don’t recall her doing anything for my dad though. Just another way to prove how much of a bitch she is. It was all about power and what someone could do for her. I’m not going there and it will piss me off. I have other things that need my attention. Like my sweet mate for instance. We are in the backyard getting ready to
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Chapter 93
Lexi After running with the pups there was only one thing I wanted to do. Spend alone time with my mates. Or just one. I’m not greedy. I’ll take an hour if that is all I could get. But unfortunately there was pack business that had to be handled first. There is always pack things to handle. Don’t get me wrong I love these packs but sometimes it can be a little much. And I’m supposed to unite all the packs. There are times when I think mother made the wrong choice when she chose me to do all of this. It is overwhelming sometimes. If it weren’t for Ryan and Luther I believe I would lose my mind. “ Stop doubting yourself. Stress is normal for what you are dealing with. But you are not alone. You have me, your and my mates and so many others that are willing to help. You don’t have to take on everything yourself. Delegate if you have to. Get an assistant in both packs. But I assure you mother did not chose wrong.” Arya said. “ Thank you, Arya. It helps to hear it sometimes.” I told her.
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Chapter 94
Luther I was working with Ryan in his office trying to figure out how to merge our packs without too much strain on our members. But no matter what we came up with we knew it was going to cause stress to our pack members. We had been going at it for two hours with no perfect answer. I was getting frustrated and so was Ryan. “ I hate to say this but there is no easy solution.” Ryan said. “ I’m right there with you. Do you want to revisit Lexi’s idea?” I asked. Ryan leans back in his chair and stretches his arms above his head. “ I’m thinking we should have done that from the start. We could have saved ourselves a headache.” Ryan yawns. “ Let’s look at the plans for the new pack house and see if it is doable.” I suggested. I grabbed the plans from the corner of the desk while Ryan moved the papers about our packs that we were looking at. I rolled out the plans for both of us to look at. I stood next to Ryan looking over the plans. I looked at where the packhouse will be. “ Yo
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Chapter 95
Ryan I hated feeling Lexi’s distress but I knew we could interfere until she called out for us. I hated to say it but Lexi needed to prove to herself and the pack she could be a strong capable Luna. I know she can do and so does Luther. Hell the Goddess knows she can do it. Lexi just needs to have faith in herself. And her not being raised as a wolf gives her a unique perspective. She may see things we don’t because of it. I look forward to see what she comes up with. I’m already seeing some of in the new plans she has for the packhouse. Stone is not thrilled about me not going after Lexi. That was until Arya chimed in and calmed him down. Then he ran after her like a love sick puppy. I couldn’t help but laugh. Luther and I needed a way to distract ourselves from Lexi. We focused on the plans for a few minutes until Luther asked me if I had any ideas to help Lexi relax. We defiantly got distracted talking about our ideas. I’m sure Luther had a few mental images flow through his
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Chapter 96
Lexi After testing out almost all the furniture in Ryan’s office we were starving and exhausted. As luck would have it, it was almost dinner time. Being wolves we bounced back quickly. I can’t say the same for some of the furniture. Some of the things in the office will need to be replaced. The coffee table, one end table, a book shelf and one chair to be exact. Luther said it was good to know what not to add to the offices at the packhouse. That made me and Ryan laugh. I am in a silly mood going down the stairs so I lock my hands in Ryan and Luther’s elbows just before going into the dining area. We got a few looks but mainly members shaking their heads and smiling at us. I was scanning the room looking for the one person I needed to talk to. I find him sitting in the area Luther, Ryan and I usually sit. Kent, my father-in-law. I will talk to him in a minute. There is something else that has caught my attention. “ Is it just me or are there more families here today and more kids?
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Chapter 97
Valerose This has been the longest weekend of my life. I knew I was going to see Lexi when she returned to school on Monday. That is the only place I can see her since we haven’t figured out what pack she is in. I did that on purpose. I need Lexi to feel safe and not having my guys watch her all the time is one way to do. I wanted to track her down and take from those flea bags. I know they had to be touching her. Touching what was mine. Kissing her. Where they kissing her neck like I wanted to? Or any other part of her body? Was she moaning their name when she was supposed to be screaming mine? I want to rip the arms off those worthless mates of hers. Remove their eyes for looking at what belongs to me. What was the Goddess thinking when she pair Lexi with those two? She had to be drunk or something. Lexi is going to be mine and no puppy is going to stop me. Lexi is all I can think about. She is in my every waking thought and my dreams. I can’t even touch another woman because of
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Chapter 98
Lexi Did I hear him right? He wants me to be his queen. No that can’t be right. “ I’m sorry. I think I miss heard you. Would you mind repeating that.” Even Embrose looks shocked at the way Valerose is acting. “ I said I want you, Lexi. I want you to be my queen. To rule by my side.” he said with confidence. He was even a little smug. I hear growls coming from behind and beside me. I have Jesse, Tyler beside me. Behind me and spread out I have Melissa and several warriors from all three packs. Luther and Ryan had not been happy about not being here so they insisted on me having extra protection this week because we were sure when or if Valerose would show up. “You are serious.” I said shocked. “ I am.” Valerose said. I linked my guards and warriors “ Cover me.” “ If you are telling the truth you won’t mind me doing a little test.” I said. “ Not at all.” Valerose said without a second of hesitation. I look at my guards to make sure they are looking out for me. When they nod I tur
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Chapter 99
Luther I hated that Lexi wanted to meet Valerose alone. So did Ryan. We wanted to be there with her. Lexi insisted this was something she needed to do on her own. She needed to show Valerose how strong she was and she wouldn’t hide behind her mates. Ryan and I reluctantly agreed as long as she brought her guards and extra warriors from each pack. Lexi her cute pout thing that made me want to kiss her but agreed. And I did kiss her. So did Ryan. I love that pout she does. We didn’t know when Valerose would show up or if he would at all. Lexi was confident he would show up. Something about his ego would let the message Lexi sent go. He would have to come because he felt like Lexi called him out. She did to. She knew what she was doing when she sent the message. I know we are all tired of the wait and see game. Still we didn’t know when Valerose would show up. Ryan stayed at his pack today and I was at my packhouse. We figured having two stressed Alpha’s in the same packhouse wa
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Chapter 100
Ryan I could feel Lexi’s anger radiating through the bond. When Luther told me what was going on and that he was trying to calm Lexi down before she lost control. I didn’t bother getting into my car. I just shifted not bothering to take my clothes off shredding them as I went getting there faster. I could hear several shifting behind me to follow. It was a few warriors and Lexi’s guardians. She has a close connection with them and were feeling her anger as well. And we were all worried. We raced through the forest to get to the packhouse faster. When they were half way there he could feel Lexi calming down. “ Luther is trying to calm her down. It is working a little but not enough. Christine is tyring to help as well so no one gets hurt.” Stone told me. He must be in touch with Arya and Diesel. Why didn’t I think to try to contact Luther. “ Because you didn’t want to distract him from Lexi.” Diesel said. That’s true. “ Arya is pissed as well fueling Lexi. Deisel and I are trying
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