All Chapters of The Wolf Prophies: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
134 Chapters
Chapter 81
Luther I woke up to movement. I looked down and saw Lexi’s legs intertwined with mine. Her head on Ryan’s chest, her arm wrapped around his waist. I saw Ryan trying to lift Lexi’s arm and scoot out from under her. “ You alright, man?” I linked him. “ Yea, I just can’t sleep,” he linked back. “ Want me to help move her?” I asked. “ I was going to get up so I don’t disturb the both of you. But she has a good hold on me.” he laughed. “ I warned you she likes to cling in her sleep.” I chuckled. “ Yea, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Ryan said. He is right about that. We stayed in silence for a few minutes. “ Want to talk about what’s on your mind?” I asked him. We are a unit. We are supposed to work as a team. If I can help him sort out what is bothering him I will give it a try. “ You mean besides this bullshit with Valerose. It is my mom and Lexi’s idea about merging the packs.” Ryan said. “ I’m going to take a page from Lexi’s book. Let’s take one thing at a time. We can’
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Chapter 82
Ryan We aren’t in my mom’s apartment for five minutes and she looks like she wants to start shit just because we brought Luther along. I wasn’t joking when I said we would leave. She is the one who wanted to talk. We don’t have time for her bullshit. I know Lexi and Luther think I should at least hear my mom out since she is my mom. I want to but I won’t have her spouting garbage about the way our relationship works. Like I said, we are a team. All three of us. My mom needs to accept it. I sit on the couch with Lexi and Luther. Mom said she wanted to start over from when we walked in. So I’m not going to say a word until she does. When mom sits and sees I’m opening my mouth she does. “ Ryan, thank you for seeing me. You too Lexi.” she said. “ Don’t thank me. Thank Lexi. She was the one who convinced me to see you. I’m still pissed at you.” I said. “ I know, son. I wanted to say that I’m sorry. In my heart I thought I was doing the right thing for you and our pack.” mom said. I wan
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Chapter 83
Lexi I knew Skyline was in pain. As much as I hated it for Kent and Ryan I wasn’t going to put a stop to it. Ryan and Kent needed to hear what was in her head. And I wasn’t going to tell them. They needed to hear it from her. And what I saw I don’t think that was all of it. No I’m not a mind reader. I only saw what she was thinking at the moment. Just a few images and I could feel her emotions from those images. Got to tell you she is pissed at me. She thinks I ruined all her plans. Skyline screams out in pain “ Make it stop you bitch.” “ It will stop when you start talking.” I said calmly. The more she fights the more pain she will be in. I hold no sympathy for her. She has hurt my Ryan. “ How can you let her do this to me? I’m your mate.” Skyline groans. She is a second away from vomiting she is so much pain. I can tell by the way she keeps gagging. “ If you just talk the pain will stop.” Kent said. “ I don’t have to tell you anything.” Skyline yelled. I have had enough of he
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Chapter 84
Luther I can’t believe Ryan had to put his mom in a cell. And the things that woman said. What a power hungry bitch. I have never been so grateful for the mom I have. Lexi stayed close to Ryan and Kent after what we heard. She kept her calming glow around then as much as possible. I know Lexi was hurting with them. She could feel their pain. I could feel some of Ryan’s but I know he was trying to keep it to himself. When it was time to head back for Lexi to go to school Ryan stayed at his pack to handle some things there. I decided to escort Lexi to school on Monday. I could tell she was having a hard time being away from Ryan so I stuck close. We were walking through the courtyard when Lexi suddenly stops. Tyler, Melissa, Dean and I go on alert. Lexi sniffs around and turns her head towards the English building. But I follow her and see she isn’t looking at the building but past it. Lexi motions her head for us to follow her as she heads toward it. Lexi doesn’t go in but to the
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Chapter 85
I am frustrated beyond belief. My witches are worthless. I supposedly have some of the strongest, most powerful dark witches at my disposal. And yet the can't give a definite answer on how to override Lexi's mating mark with mine. Well, they can but all the answers they have given me involve hurting Lexi or causing her pain. I don't want that. I refuse to cause pain to my future queen. That is not the way I'm going to get her over to my side. She will hate me and resent me if I cause her any pain. I'm so pissed I have already killed two witches. The remaining have to start over from scratch to give me the answers I want. It is very simple. I want to mark Lexi without causing her pain. How hard can that be? Apparently very hard. I was waiting for my warriors that I assigned to Lexi to come back. I have four warriors watching while she is at school. That is the only place we know she will be for sure. Everything else is a guessing game. We don't know what pack she goes to. And the wo
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Chapter 86
Ryan After school Lexi and Luther were meeting me at a spot I think would be perfect for the new packhouse. At least I hope it is the perfect spot. We won't be able to tell until Lexi gives her thoughts on it. Anything we do Luther and I agreed to include Lexi in all of our decisions. And since this was her idea we defiantly want to know what she thinks. And Lexi has a several ideas. Some I just want to smack myself in the head for not thinking about it myself. Most of her ideas if we sat and thought about it are pretty much common sense. Or at least it should have been. Like frequent gathering with other packs to give the unmated a chance to find their mates. Like an friendly barbeque or a semiformal ball. Or inviting other pack’s warriors to come train with us and us with them to learn different techniques. And that is just a few of her ideas. I was feeling like an idiot. Luther told me not to be too hard on myself. Dad said the same thing. Lexi didn’t come up with these ideas
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Chapter 87
Lexi As sweet as it is to watch Jesse and Annabelle I need to move this love fest forward. We have things to do. I kiss Ryan’s and Luther’s cheek and tell them I’ll be right back. I approach the love birds that are just staring at each other. “ Congratulations to both of you.” I say. That startles both of the causing them to jump apart. I want to laugh at them but I don’t. I hold it in. “ Oh, my queen. I didn’t see you there.” Annabelle said. “ No, worries. You are looking at you mate. I understand. Since you two haven’t exchanged names yet, let me have the privilege.” I said holding my hand out to Annabelle. She takes it and I say “ Annabelle, I would like you to meet Jesse from Aspen Rain.” “ Jesse.” she whispers looking into his eyes. “ Jesse, my loyal guardian meet Annabelle.” I said. “ Beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” Jesse whispered. He is so cute when he is being cheesy. I look at Annabelle as I hold out my hand to Jesse waiting for her permission. Annabelle nods s
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Chapter 88
Luther We sat holding Lexi until it was time for dinner. We always have to go down to the dinning room ten minutes early because Lexi likes to visit with everyone that shows up to eat in the packhouse. It happens no matter what packhouse we are at. She wants to find out how everyone is doing and how there day was. She also uses the time to find out if anyone is having any issues Ryan or I need to be aware of. It took us three times to figure out a system so our food wouldn’t get cold. The first time it happened it was at my pack and the second was at Ryan’s. We figured it was just Lexi getting to know everyone. Nope, she does it every time. The people in Ryan’s pack were taken back by Lexi wanting to get to know them. All of them. She would talk to the kitchen staff, the gardener, the house keepers, nurses, daycare workers, warriors, you name it. If you are part of the pack Lexi is talking to you and making sure you were doing well and had everything you needed. It took Ryan’s
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Chapter 89
Ryan When Annabelle started shifting nervously in her chair my gut told me I wasn’t going to like what I hear. I looked around and noticed several of my pack members that were sitting at our table went quiet and were looking anywhere but at me. Jesse wraps an arm around Annabelle’s shoulder. “ Belle, I know we just met so my word may not mean that much yet. But I believe Alpha Ryan just wants to know. He isn’t going to punish you for telling what you have seen. You know him better than I do and I know he is a man of his word.” he said. I see Annabelle relax a little. “ And if not I’ll have Lexi zap him.” Jesse laughed. That cause the table to relax more. I have no doubt Lexi would send a pulse my way if I went back on my word. Annabelle takes a deep breath then looks at me. “ I honesty not sure how to answer your question. I have never interacted with her. Not many of us did. If we needed anything we went through her assistant. And until our queen came along I didn’t think anyth
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Chapter 90
Lexi I didn’t mean to listen in on the conversations in the dining room. I truly didn’t. But my enhanced hearing made it easy to hear what was being said. I wanted so badly to run out there and stop Ryan. He didn’t need to know how much people disliked the previous Luna. He already knows what a horrible person she is. No sense in adding fuel to the fire. The only reason I already know about what is being said is because I have heard people talk around the packhouse. Most compare me to Skyline. I seem to come out in a favorable light most of the time. Some of the older generations are having difficultly adapting to my ways. But I think it is just a matter of time. Even though they are all adjusting they have been nothing but respectful towards me. Don’t get me wrong I get some glares. Mainly jealous she-wolves who wanted to be Ryan’s chosen mate. I don’t let them bother me. They can glare all they want as long as they keep their hands off my mates and me we will be good. I don’t wan
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