All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
393 Chapters
Chapter 61
I WOKE THE NEXT MORNING and lay there, feeling a horrible sense of loss followed by overwhelming fury.Why am I letting this bother me? So he'd turned out not to be who I thought he was; it wasn't the first time this had happened to me. And I liked being single. I loved it. No-one to have to report to or think about and I LIKED BEING SINGLE!Tears welled in my eyes and flowed down my cheeks. I stuffed the sheet in my mouth to stop any sounds. Why? What had I done?He'd seemed so sweet and thoughtful and I thought the chemistry was there. The weird pain in my chest wouldn't go away. It hurt to breathe. I curled into a ball and pulled the covers over my head. Yanking the sheet out of my mouth, I wept into my pillow. I couldn't decide what was worsethe sensation of loss or the feeling of self-deception at allowing a mere male to affect me like this.A STRANGE NOISE WHISPERED INTO her dream. Kassie thrashed about, wondering at the whimpering sound and woke disorientated, staring ab
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Chapter 62
ELENA WATCHED THE GIRLS RELAX further and further into their seats and continued.'I want you to become aware of your hands. With your mind's eye feel your way around and through them, until you are intimate with them.'LOI FELT THE TINY HAIRS on the back of her hands prickle when she traced over the skin in her mind, the creases and cracks, even the roughened edges of her nails. She focused her mind on them until she could see how the nails were woven together. Then moving inside, followed the veins and pricked at the nerve endings. Her fingers jerked and her muscles twitched as she tugged and probed at them. It's fascinating, she thought, I can truly see how my hands work. She pushed deeper until she came to the bones, seeing the cartilage between the joints and the tendons which fastened them together.ELENA SMILED AS SHE WATCHED their hands twitch and the frowns they wore while they studied them.'I can see you are aware of your hands, so I want you to focus on your heart.
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Chapter 63
THE SIGHT OF THE FOUR women shocked Sabyn when he and Daron arrived for lunch. They looked ages older and whiter than ice sprites. He gave Elena a concerned look.'They need to eat and rest, that's all,' Elena said reassuringly.Sabyn nodded and hurried over to help Kassie to the cloth, then Loi, both gave him a brief nod in thanks and fell to eating.DARON WATCHED, ASTONISHED BY THE amount of food the girls consumed. Elena must have expected it, he realized; she'd packed enough for at least twenty. The colour came back to their faces and they started to look more alert. Cat seemed to take longer than the others to recover. Perhaps she's weaker than them, Daron thought, surprised. Or maybe it's the result of Alek's behaviour toward her. He watched her then glanced at Sabyn who watched her too. They exchanged a concerned look.IT TOOK A BEWILDERINGLY LONG time to feel normal again. Especially after the rush you got from first handling the energy. The food began to make me feel
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Chapter 64
THEY CONTEMPLATED THE SITUATION IN silence. Sabyn now began to understand Alek's predicament, a little.'But that sort of spell can't force a person against their will?' Daron looked confused. 'So if there was, or is, a genuine attraction then it would mean-,' he stopped, looking a bit wild-eyed.'Yes. It would mean you've found your soul mates,' Elena looked amused at their dazed expressions. 'I find it rather strange that so many would kill to be in your positions, yet you all look terrified.''But what if we're not? ' Rumal asked.'Then it won't work out. In some ways this will be very similar to any other relationship you may have been in. The difference will be that this one should feel easier and give you a sense of completion or wholeness. Though as I have never found mine, how can I tell?'The men gave her unimpressed looks.'Oh stop that,' she snapped, her eyes flashing with annoyance. 'Be as childish as you like, but I will tell you this. Those girls did not cast that s
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Chapter 65
I MUST HAVE DOZED OFF because I jerked awake when Loushka's voice popped into my mind.'Cat! What are you doing here? Are you okay?' the griffon sounded astonished to see me.Not surprising I guess, but I wished everyone would stop asking me if I was okay. In my current state it brought on tears. I took a couple of ragged breaths before I could answer her. The other griffons regarded me curiously.'Come on outside and we can talk,' Loushka's voice sounded kind, causing more tears. Fighting the lump in my throat, I nodded to her and climbed out the pen.ALEK WATCHED WHILE LOUSHKA AND Cat walked out of the room. He had to fight the urge to go to her when he saw the tears slide down her face. A lump seemed wedged in his throat and he leaned over his knees, staring at the ground. It didn't feel right being apart. Maybe I am wrong.He stood and gathered his things. Might as well go back to my quarters. A talk with the guys might help and he couldn't stand being this close to her with
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Chapter 66
YAKOV WASN'T WRONG. I WOKE just before dawn and stretched hard in bed then relaxed. Huh. I actually feel like a run. The thought made me smile and I felt a buzz of delight, my first genuine smile in days. I got out of bed and slipped quietly around the bedroom, getting ready. The other three snored on, oblivious. Nnelg had slept over again and watched curiously. It amused me when he quickly turned his back on me as I changed; it wasn't every day I made a dragon blush. Audi and I slipped out of the room.ALEK PACED THE CORRIDOR, AGITATION rippling through him. Yakov said he'd strongly recommended Cat go for a run. He knew she'd do it in the morning but when? He'd paced this section of floor for a good half hour.What if she doesn't come? Then what? He gritted his teeth at the annoying butterflies he felt. I want to see her.Hearing a noise Alek froze and listened. It sounded like footsteps. They sounded light.Yes, I hear a dog. What do I do? His mind went to pieces on him when
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Chapter 67
ALEK FOUGHT TO GET HIS breath back while Cat screamed at him. Bloody hell her voice is intense. It rang through his head, reverberating about his skull. The pain in his chest passed and he straightened up.'OH THANK GOODNESS,' KASSIE BREATHED in relief at seeing Alek stand up with no apparent injuries. Then he began roaring at Cat. The three girls started to glow as their energy expanded with their increasing anger.'What the hell?' hissed Loi to Kass, her brown eyes glowing an unnatural green. 'Where does he come off yelling at Cat? It's HIS fault.'HONESTLY, I COULDN'T EVEN REGISTER what I yelled. I was so angry. All the bottled words and thoughts from the last agonizing week rushed out of me. I don't know what he roared back. All I could hear was a strange rushing sound. The two of us stood about a foot apart, our faces red while we screamed at each other.A FLICKER OF MOVEMENT CAUGHT his attention and Alek suddenly realized they had an audience, of increasing size.This
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Chapter 68
MY FEET DRAGGED AS WE headed to the library. The guys and the Lieutenants of the General Guard would meet us there.'It'll be okay, Cat,' Sian gave my hand a squeeze. 'At least it's out in the open now.'Kassie sniggered. 'Very out.''Humph.' The butterflies in my stomach appeared to have permanent residence at the moment. Ugh, it'd be so nice to have everything back to normal, whatever that is. We reached the library and paused at the doors. My hands trembled so I jammed them into my pockets.I hope I haven't ruined everything.The pause at the door got longer.Yakov cleared his throat behind us. 'C'mon then, let's get this over with.' He pushed past us to open the doors and bowed low to Elena when she passed.I blinked in surprise. It almost looked like she'd traced her fingers against him.The three Lieutenants sat on the couch opposite the guys. Elena took a seat at the head of the couches and Yakov pulled a chair up beside her. Alek sat next to them.I gulped.There wa
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Chapter 69
OUT IN THE CORRIDOR EVERYONE listened intently and the girls tested their ability to sense each other's energy.'I think it's good now,' announced Kassie. She glanced at Loi and Sian who agreed.'Okay, I'll lead the way.' Yakov stepped to the door and gave it a light rap with his knuckles, then after a pause, opened it.They followed him in.Alek and Cat stood close while Alek instructed her on her hold using a wooden practice sword. The atmosphere in the room felt free and easy. Cat looked back to them and gave a bright, delighted smile. Kassie exchanged a happy smile with the others; it worked! They all settled into practice while Yakov, acting as the time keeper, watched.SHE'D DEMANDED HE NOT HOLD back and he didn't. Within a quarter hour Alek had smashed the first of Cat's swords. Her eyes belied the fear she felt but she fought back hard. When she broke his sword near the end of their session she let loose a shriek of delight. He laughed at her, she was on to her fourth sw
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Chapter 70
WE HEADED TOWARD THE GREAT Hall, all the while discussing creative ways to get back at Nnelg. Well, I swung between those ideas and some others in my mind, but I wasn't sharing those. When we reached the Great Hall laughter and applause greeted us. Nnelg sat centre table, preening his wings and looking very proud. Yakov and Elena attempted disapproving looks at the little blue cretin but failed.'Gee I wonder who gave Nnelg the clever idea,' Loi said sarcastically.The guys and others teased us through most of lunch but I didn't care. My appetite had returned in a rush, it was so good to enjoy food again. Alek pulled my chair close to his, so we leaned against each other while we ate. Everyone promptly switched from teasing us girls about Nnelg, to teasing Alek and me. I smiled smugly and continued eating.After lunch we followed Yakov and the Lieutenants to the training room. We could hear a loud murmur of voices as we approached. Yakov glanced back and gave us a warm smile. 'The
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