All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
393 Chapters
Chapter 81
THEY STOPPED AT A WEAPONS stall next and the men watched in amusement while the girls enthusiastically studied each piece. Cat appeared much taken with a sleeve that held throwing blades, while Sian examined an expanding sword with great interest.Daron laughed at her. 'Pixie, I don't think you need that. You've got a sword.'Both Kassie and Cat began to laugh as they exclaimed, 'Pixie?'Sian ignored the girls and gave him her best innocent eyes. 'But this one I can fit in my pocket. It's practically an accessory.'He gave her an exasperated look and leaned forward to bargain with the stall owner.I EXCHANGED AN AMUSED GLANCE with Kass when Daron paid for the sword Sian wanted. She always excelled at getting men to buy things for her, though usually it was drinks not weapons. I looked back at the throwing sleeve in my hands. The stall owner began to run through its attributes, again. 'Extremely durable, the sleeve is made of dragon skin and will last for eons. The edges of the
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Chapter 82
THEY FELT THE FLUSH OF pain radiate through Cat's energy and froze; the three girls stared at each other.'Where the hell is she?''What's she doing?!'A loud scream of pain rang out and a tall brunette staggered out from between a couple of tents, clutching her face while blood dripped down her arms.'Rayna!' Alek lunged toward the brunette but stopped short when Cat stepped out. The angry red mark on her forehead and the red stripe across her chest said it all.'What happened?''Your charming ex thought she'd try accosting me. I wasn't in the mood.' Cat's face looked dark, eyebrows low and lips flat.Alek stared in astonishment, appearing uncertain as to who to help. Sian felt annoyed, she glanced at the other two and jerked her head toward Cat. They moved to her side. 'You okay?' Sian reached to Cat's forehead and gently pressed the piece of ice she'd created to the developing bruise.'Ouch! Yeah I'm fine, I lost a couple of blades.''Not to worry, we'll'The brunette in
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Chapter 83
ALEK HERDED ME TOWARD A jewellery stall while he explained. 'An isanith is a type of faerie. There are hundreds of different types of fae, but the isanith is a pretty basic version. It hunts insects and will even kill other faerie if they're small enough and not quick to get away. They have a nasty bite and a sting.''Eww. They sound like wasps, are they considered a pest?''Depends on where they are,' he smiled at me. 'They can be very useful to farmers if they've had an infestation of wetans or deni. But if they found a hive near their house then they'd get rid of it.''Oooh, pretty.' I forgot the conversation in an instant and beamed at the gorgeous jewellery on display, making Alek chuckle. The girls and I examined each piece, to the obvious delight of the stall owner.THE MEN INSISTED ON BUYING a piece for each of the women, though Cat refused to let Alek. Sian felt bad for him and touched his arm when Cat was preoccupied with examining something. 'Buy her a piece to wea
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Chapter 84
WHEN I FELL INTO BED that night, with Audi already snoring away beside my bed, it hit me. The ball was in just three days. We had weapons training tomorrow and then two days in which the castle became even more chaotic with preparations. On the eve of the second day was the ball, after which, we would start our normal life at the castle and fulfil Elena's expectations, as protectors of the Realm. I could feel the beginning of a panic attack while images of what had happened in the last month bombarded me. I sat up, ripping the covers back.Breathe. In out. In out.I kept the chant up in my head, trying to keep quiet so I didn't disturb the others. Audrey sat upright a moment after I did and cuddled against my leg, her head on my thigh as she studied me with a concerned expression. I smiled down at her and stroked her head. 'Beautiful girl,' I cooed, feeling the anxiety lift a little. Her tail swished and she gave me little kisses on the nose then nibbled it, something she did o
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Chapter 85
When I walked back into our quarters, I found the girls awake and piled onto Sian's bed, chatting.'Where've you been, Cat?' asked Loi.'Yakov gave me a tour of the rest of this floor.'I wandered over and climbed on the bed, then told them about the beautiful picture. It inspired us to make a trip to the libraryfinallyand we spent the rest of the day there. It made for a good distraction with us nervous at the idea of starting our new, official lives and it gave me something else to think about when I fell into bed that night.We didn't say much when we woke and dealt with the usual morning stuff then walked to breakfast together. The Great Hall buzzed with activity as we neared it. Servants worked on opening the walls between the ballrooms and the throne room. The castle had two ballrooms divided by the main corridor, and the walls on the corridor were bi-folding so that the two rooms could be linked for large events. The throne room linked to the outer most ballroom, which overl
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Chapter 86
WE HAD ABOUT AN HOUR to kill leaving me pacing the floor in nervous anticipation. I couldn't lie down thanks to my hair; curled and then pinned so it cascaded down like a waterfall. I was to wear it draped over one shoulder; the stylist had insisted after she gushed over the colour. It made me laugh. Sure, my hair was pretty but with the fabulous blues, greens and violets I'd seen today I didn't think it compared. The stylist had shrugged and informed me red hair was unique. So, I still stood out. Even on a different world. Figures. Audrey could sense my mood and it made her agitated. I studied her for a moment. What will I do with her this evening? As I pondered, a knock sounded on the door. I was surprised to find Ada there. 'What are you doing with Audrey tonight?' she asked, seeming a little anxious.My jaw dropped. 'Do you read minds too?' I asked in amusement.'N-n-no-o,' she stuttered. 'It's just, I haven't a partner this evening and I intend on leaving early. Everyo
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Chapter 87
ALEK SMOTHERED THE LAUGHTER HE felt at Cat's teasing. Instead, he placed a soft kiss on the white skin just above her breasts and smirked when she gasped. 'You know I do.' Before he could chicken out he pulled her back to sitting then spoke, 'Cat.'He swallowed and tried again. 'Catherine, when we enter the ball together, people will assume something about us. So I wanted to give you the option either way.'She nodded at him, an expression of concern in her eyes.'It's just, well, you see, I've never entered an official reception with ah, a woman before and-'I STARED AT HIM, WILLING him to spit it out already. The nervous butterflies had returned tenfold and having Alek dither about whatever this issue was made me feel ill. 'Alek. Please, what's the problem?''They'll assume we're betrothed.'CAT'S EYES WENT WIDE. 'WHAT? Who? And why?''Everyone. If we enter the ball together, it will be taken as an official announcement.'She sat back, silently staring down at her h
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Chapter 88
AS SOON AS SHE SIGHTED Alek, Elena gave the signal to the musicians, who drummed out the Thalian anthem. The stunned look of delight on his face told her the answer she'd been waiting for, that and the sparkle from Cat's ring. Queen Ariadwen's ring looked stunning on the girl, just as she knew it would. Yakov touched her arm lightly and they exchanged a quick look of delight, then she stepped forward to announce them. 'Presenting, His Royal Highness, Prince Alekander Nikias Dianto Thalian, heir to the Elion throne and, his newly betrothed, Lady Catherine, Elemental of Fire.'A loud gasp went through the room while everyone stared open-mouthed at the couple. Elena smothered a laugh when she caught sight of the other girls' faces. She was pleased to see Cat handling the situation with poise. Elena had meant to have a word with the women prior to the ball but ran out of time. Also, she wasn't entirely sure what answer Cat would give. She'd let the men know about the title change and to
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Chapter 89
NOW THE BALL WAS FUN! The dances were easy because all of them just required you to follow your partner. It proved helpful with my mind stuck on my ring. I couldn't wait to show it off when the girls finally caught up with us. Alek and I both turned red as the men teased us, while Sian, Kass and Loi exclaimed over the ring and gave me tight hugs. 'Happy, Cat?' Sian gave me a firm look.I nodded rapidly, feeling the tears prickle again. 'Yes, yes!' We hugged again with Kass and Loi joining in, making onlookers chuckle at their excited squeals.'Soo happy for you, Cat.''Can't believe it!'ALEK COULD SEE SHE WAS happy, everyone could. Rumal, Daron, and Sabyn had given him knowing looks before they congratulated him. They were all in a similar place. When he finally got Cat back from the girls, more people pushed forward to congratulate them. It would be a long night, but a happy one. Cat caught his eye and giggled when he rolled his eyes up and he took the opportunity to pull
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Chapter 90
DARON LED SIAN TO THE refreshments table and while they stood chatting the others came over too. Sian glanced at Cat. 'How's it going? Not too overwhelming?''Honestly it feels like a dream, I'm sure it'll hit me tomorrow.'Sian hugged her. 'It'll hit us all tomorrow; a new beginning.'Gredel and Citaan arrived at the table. Citaan smiled sleepily at them.'We're going to head upstairs,' Gredel said. 'Citaan's had enough.'Sian and the other girls hugged Citaan and Kassie made Gredel blush when she insisted on kissing him on the cheek. They watched the couple make their way out of the ballroom. It's very clever how the rooms are designed, Sian thought. With the mirrors lining the walls you couldn't tell the room had been pieced together.LOI FELT A BIT TIRED too but Sabyn had told her they had a few more hours yet. At midnight there would be cake and other food brought out, some speeches, and then fireworks in the courtyard. In the meantime, there was dancing and chatting.
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