All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
393 Chapters
Chapter 101
SABYN LEANED OVER THE BED to kiss Loi, who sleepily cracked an eye open.'You off?'He smiled down at the sexy rumpled vision before him, long dark hair spread across the covers with a tempting glimpse of thigh amongst the tangled sheets. 'I am. Might go for a flight with Tomiar.'She nodded and yawned before snuggling back down. 'Enjoy,' came the muffled reply.He chuckled and walked out, quietly closing the door behind him. It wasn't exactly early, but Loi had fast revealed her love of a sleep-in on the rest days.Sabyn, while more than happy to spend time in bed with her, wasn't interested in sleeping all day. So he left Loi to it, knowing they would catch up later in the day.A flight, high into the mountains would be great, if Tomiar was in the mood. Sabyn quickened his pace. Around the corner, in front of the Royal chambers, stood Elena and Yakov, deep in hushed conversation.'Morning,' Sabyn called, watching both heads snap up. The sudden intent look they both wore made h
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Chapter 102
I WAVED THE TWO OF them away when Loi asked if I wanted anything. It might only be mid-afternoon, but after all the laughing I'd done thanks to Sabyn's stories, I could feel the need to sleep creeping over me. Being sick was so frustrating! I wouldn't miss the extreme tiredness at all. Pushing out of the chair, I walked slowly to the bed and climbed in. The soft mattress and still warm sheets were horribly inviting, and I didn't even realize I'd fallen asleep until Audi hit me during her attempt to "sneak" on the bed, sometime in the night. Grumbling at the klutzy dog, I shuffled about until we were both comfortable, then promptly fell asleep.While Yakov worked hard that week at teaching me about the Council of Elion and my duties within it, I worked just as hard at distracting him, relaying certain tales Sabyn had told me, or gossip from Maeri. It worked the first few times and had the adviser doubled in laughter as he remembered the incidents he'd been privy to. I loved to make him
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Chapter 103
HIS ARM FELT NUMB; UNTIL he tried to move it, which brought on a sharp jolt of pain followed by the unpleasant tingle of pins and needles.Blinking, Alek tried to open his eyes, astonished at how hard it felt.Where am I?He stared at the ceiling above; this is the Royal Quarters, why am I here?Normally he slept in the Griffon Guard Quarters, along with the other men. Well, not Gredel of course and Rumal had been absent quite a bit lately.That's odd. Why does it feel like I'm missing something, he thought, pondering. A noise caught his attention, and he realized then why he couldn't feel that arm. Catherine lay curled beside him, the numb arm under her. He smiled in spite of the current confusion he felt and forcing his arm to work, carefully wrapped it around her and let his head fall back. He felt her mumble against his chest in her sleep and smiled again.A few seconds later he jolted with a gasp, his brain suddenly putting the pieces together. At that moment Cat woke.TH
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Chapter 104
'CAT. PAY ATTENTION.'Loushka's voice in my mind made me jolt awake, and more than one Council member frowned.'Thanks.' I thought, then struggled to catch up with the conversation until Loushka hissed some points. Once again, I felt supremely grateful that the Council Chambers were next to an external wall. On the other side of the wall sat Loushka, listening to the conversation via my mind; helping me to keep up with it and respond appropriately. I always hated meetings on Earth. Normally Alek and Sabyn would attend these meetings, but the guys left early this morning to go investigate an attack on a village, so I had to step in.The two weeks after Alek woke had been the busiest of my life, even compared to the month's training prior to the ball.A pang of envy hit. The girls are so lucky. While I sat stuck in this large, grand and stuffy room, listening to land complaints and international and national politics, the girls got to have weapons training. Artama instructed us today
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Chapter 105
IN THE TRAINING ROOM THE sound of the wooden swords cracking together echoed sharply. Lieutenant Patel worked Loi hard, and sweat poured off her while they moved around the room. She threw her sword up to deflect a blow he aimed at her head, his sword slamming into hers and she wavered under the weight.'Yield to it!' Patel bellowed. 'Allow your attacker to over extend, it reveals their weakness.'Loi nodded and they backed apart to try again. This time when his sword crashed into hers, she relaxed her wrist, allowing the sword to flick back, and made to slam the pommel into his nose.Patel jerked his head to the side just in time and grinned. 'Excellent move, my Lady! Next time, go faster. If you catch me, then it's my own fault. And remember to bring your short sword up and under when you release your long sword like that. A quick thrust up and it'd be all over for your opponent.'Double swords might look pretty cool in the movies, but in reality, it was damn hard work. They cont
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Chapter 106
THE TRAINING SESSION HAD BEEN fantastic, and I hummed while walking the corridors of the castle. Ada had brought a pair of fitted, straight-leg pants and a shirt that laced down the front for me to wear. The pants made my legs look long and the fabric almost looked like black leather. They made me feel rather bad ass as I strode along. The shirt was the shade of green that Ada knew I loved and it highlighted my complexion and hair. It reminded me yet again of all those times I'd attributed my pale skin and red hair to my apparent Scottish ancestry. Here on Gar'nyse, it simply emphasized the similarities I bore to Queen Ariadwen. We shared the green eyes and pale skin and, according to Yakov, the red hair was a family trait on my father's side.Speak of the devil- I smiled at the adviser as he walked toward me. 'Yakov.'He swept me a low bow before answering. 'Your Highness.'I gave the required nod of acknowledgment and rolled my eyes.He laughed. 'Now you do promise that you only
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Chapter 107
KASSIE STRETCHED HER STRIDE TO keep up with the others while they walked to the formal dining room. They rarely ate in the Great Hall for dinner anymore. Since Alek and Cat woke they had to entertain visiting dignitaries or nobles almost every night. It made the evenings interesting. Kassie enjoyed meeting new people and learning more about their new world. With only one rest day a week, she'd learned to make the most of these long dinners. Some of the people and creatures they met had been fascinating.Kassie glanced at Cat and smiled again. Sian's solution had been perfect. The deep red dress looked stunning on Cat and the splits on either side didn't mar the outfit at all, the glimpse of silk pants adding to the look. Cat clearly felt more comfortable, not fidgeting or pulling at the dress like she normally did on the way to dinner. It made Kassie grateful that she wasn't required to wear anything as dressy as that. A lovely knee length dress with a bolero jacket and flats, as no o
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Chapter 108
I HADN'T EXPECTED HER TO use her energy against me, and the blow that threw me into the door winded me. Loi stood in the middle of the floor, her face tense and fists ready at her sides.I scrambled to my feet and quickly unbuckled the dress, tossing it to the side, so I stood in the silk pants and undershirt; better than ruining the dress.She threw energy at me again. I easily deflected it, throwing her back on her ass. I felt a moment of vindication, which quickly shifted to shame. 'Laura. What the hell?'She staggered to her feet; her face creased with anger, arms shaking, and began to scream. 'What the HELL? What the hell is wrong with YOU?'CAT GAPED AND LOI CONTINUED, unable to stop once she started. 'You find out your parents are dead and DON'T MOURN. You find out you're a fucking princess and don't blink. What's WRONG with ME? What's wrong with you, CATHERINE!'The hysteria built within, fanning her words.'You were out of it for TWO MONTHS. I was TERRIFIED. You wake u
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Chapter 109
ALEK CAUGHT CAT BEFORE SHE could fall, and resisted the urge to give Laura a piece of his mind. It had been a hell of a day and the last thing he needed was to watch Cat being torn to strips by someone who should have been on her side.Sabyn shoved past him into the room and slammed the door. Raised voices were heard and the others in the corridor decided to leave them to it.'Cat?'She glanced up; the dark circles under both her eyes looked almost purple.'Alek.' She attempted a smile. 'How'd the day go? All sorted?'He grimaced and shrugged. 'No. But we'll discuss it tomorrow. Come on, dinners at my place. We'll see our visitors tomorrow night.'She nodded and walked with him. More than one person stared, and Alek suddenly realized she wore just her underclothes, barely decent. 'Cat! Where's your dress?'Cat blinked and looked down at herself. 'Oh. I took it off, so it wouldn't get damaged.'Again, he resisted making a comment, instead unclasping his cloak and swung it around
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Chapter 110
SHE SIGHED IN PLEASURE AT the light kisses and Alek paused at her mouth, savouring the kiss. The red energy began to flush out around her, echoed by the flush of her skin and he felt his own energy begin to respond. It didn't feel like the last couple of times. This time it felt as though his skin was thinner, more sensitive, and he could feel the throb of Cat's energy through it. The intense wave of arousal it brought nearly shocked him. Curious to see if he truly felt it, Alek began to move his mouth down Cat's neck in open, languid kisses, and nibbled at the collarbone that jutted up.The tiny, gasping breaths she made echoed through the red energy and then through his. The intense sensation made him pause, breathing hard as his head spun. Cat chuckled, and he opened his eyes to hers.'Feel it too?' she asked.Alek nodded, grinning down at her before leaning forward and kissing her. The swell of energy left them both panting. 'Whoa.'ALEK'S CHEEKY LOOK OF DELIGHT made me laugh
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