All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
393 Chapters
Chapter 121
SIAN GAVE NESHA A FISHY look at his line "in the trees" and Daron winked at his friend.'It'll be fun to surprise her.''Make sure you memorize it well; I'll want to see it on the way back.''You aren't staying to see yourself?'Nesha gave him a small nudge. 'No, you two will want alone time, I know I do. I'm going to hunt in the mountains for three days. I'm tired of the domestic lifestyle.''Fly safe, friend.''Always.'Daron unfastened the saddle, leaving Nesha wearing just the leather harness that crisscrossed his broad back and the man stood back when the griffon launched off the platform, swooping through the forest before disappearing up into the canopy.Sian watched wide-eyed. 'Why is he going?'Daron glanced at her. 'Did he say goodbye?''Yes, but why?''He just wants some alone time. Griffons are more solitary than people realize and living with four others in close quarters can be tiring. They love to hunt in the mountains, and that's what Nesha will do. He'll com
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Chapter 122
THE AMOROUS INTENTIONS SIAN HAD appeared to have seemed to disappear while she had him explain the creatures. Daron didn't mind too much, they'd have time tonight. He like seeing what caught her attention and rattled off names and descriptions.'Those are leeni,' Daron pointed at the creatures that swung through the branches and clustered on the roof above them, peering down with curious, bright eyes. To his surprise, Sian shrank back, watching them cautiously.'Pixie? What's wrong?''The people at Lothost warned us to watch out for leeni,' she frowned at the animals.Daron laughed. 'Leeni are rather mischievous and good at getting into things.' As he said that, one attempted to swing over the roof edge into their room. Daron caught it by the tail and flicked it off the balcony. The animal gave an excited scream, spreading the skin flaps it used to glide. Others on the roof made the same scream and dived off, whooping through the trees.'Wow, they can glide really far.' Sian watch
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Chapter 123
FLYING BACK TO THE CASTLE almost felt like going back to work; she hated saying goodbye to the cabin. Daron laughed at her sombre expression when he helped her up onto Nesha's back. 'We'll come back.'She sighed. 'I know. It's just, going back to the castle means going back to the craziness of that life, a life that's still so foreign, as well as a war with a vicious, freaky-eyed blonde.'Daron gave her a hug. 'Sorry Pix, but this is what you were born to.''That doesn't make it any better.''You'll defeat Jenviet and then really be able to live, Sian. I'm not suggesting it will be easy, but you know it will be worth it.' Nesha thought kindly. Contemplating their words still didn't help. Not with Deas and Moright's awful deaths still so fresh in her mind. Tears welled in her eyes and fear swirled in her gut. The whole concept scares the hell out of me, she thought, biting her lip hard to stop the tears.'DARON, SHE DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT. Her energy is off.' Nesha sounded concerned.
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Chapter 124
'SIAN?'With a jolt Sian realized that the sound, the voice she kept hearing, came from the ground. 'Land, Nesha, I need to get off now!''Fine.'The griffon swooped low, and Daron grabbed her waist with a muffled curse when Nesha dropped to the ground. Sian swung a leg over the saddle and slid down, hitting the ground hard. She danced on the spot when pain shot through her feet. 'Ow! Ow, ow!''Please.'Sian froze. There it was again. 'Did you hear that?'Daron and Nesha gaped at her with twin expressions of surprise.'No?' Daron ventured.Feeling exasperated, she clarified. 'A voice, like Nesha's, in my mind. It's been asking for help. You didn't hear it?'They looked concerned now and stared at each other for a long moment. Nesha nodded, and Daron came to stand beside her. 'Can you tell the direction?'Sian paused. The voice repeated its plea, and she nodded to him. 'This way.''Okay, let's go.' Daron grabbed her hand. 'Lead the way.'While Sian dragged him off, Nesha set
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Chapter 125
'WELL, THIS WASN'T HOW WE expected the ride home to be.''That's an understatement,' Daron snorted and watched ahead when Sito swooped high. Sian's delighted laughter travelled back on a wisp of wind. He smiled in spite of the frustration he felt. This might not be the romantic end to the trip he'd envisioned, but having linked with a creature himself, he knew the joy of it. They'd rigged up a hold for Sian to hang onto while riding Sito, and now the two looked to be having great fun.'I remember doing that.' Nesha sounded wistful.'Nothing stopping you. The packs are tied tight.'He could feel the griffon's reservation vanish as Nesha considered it.'Hold on!'Daron let out a whoop when Nesha dived.THE THREE DAY HOLIDAY HAD been fantastic: No training, no council meetings, and nobody bothering us. Alek and I holed up in his apartment for the entire time, only venturing out occasionally. Audrey and Nnelg worked out their own schedule. My furry critter would be let out of the
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Chapter 126
LIEUTENANT IGNATIUS STORMED DOWN THE corridor. Where was that damned Sorceress? This was going too far.He rounded another corner while servants and nobles scurried out of his way. Walking calmly toward him came the Sorceress and her consort. Yakov gave him a flat look which he returned with heat. He'd never liked the Southerner and felt less than impressed with the relationship the adviser appeared to have with the heir; the Princess should only be surrounded by born and bred Elionites.'What the hell is this I hear about a dragon?'The Sorceress gave him an undecipherable look.'I believe the Lady Sian has linked with a stafandral dragon. We're on our way to meet him, will you join us?'The casual, unconcerned tone she affected had him biting his tongue in fury. The heir to the throne should NOT be exposed to such risks. Ignatius knew better than to waste his time arguing with her; that idiot adviser would leap to her defence and waste more time. While against his nature to subm
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Chapter 127
ANXIETY NIGGLED AT IGNATIUS WHILE he waited for the girls to arrive for training. He couldn't decide if a headache threatened, or if perhaps something he ate caused it. Rashid and Patel selected various weapons for the training session as he paced the floor. The door opened and Sian, Kassandra, and Laura entered, but no Catherine.'Where is the Princess?' Ignatius demanded.'In a Council meeting,' replied Sian, walking past to greet the other Lieutenants.Impatience boiled within Ignatius and he snapped at Rashid. 'I'm going to collect her. Those Council members will spend hours talking to her otherwise. This is more important.'Rashid flicked him a flat look then shrugged. 'If you like.'Patel tossed the Princess' throwing sleeve to him. 'Take her to the range and have her practice it with her gift. We'll come down in a bit and you can switch to swords then.'Ignatius nodded and left the room.THE DOOR SLAMMED SHUT BEHIND him, and all those in the room flinched.'Determined
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Chapter 128
WE ALL MADE AN EFFORT to shake the serious mood off. Elena closed the circle, signalling the end of training. Yanking off my boots, I tossed them to the side and helped Sian spread a blanket. We laid the food Hiranes had packed out over the blanket, and everyone grabbed a plate. Sito suddenly looked more interested.'Food?' Came the loud, hopeful thought.Sian gave him a look. 'You ate just the other day, and I know that'll satisfy you for at least another week.'He huffed and lay back down on the black sand, his huge eyes doing the best puppy dog expression ever. 'Meanie.'Loi choked on a mouthful when she laughed, and I thumped her on the back. It wasn't what I'd expected from a dragon either, well maybe from Nnelg, but from a beast that looked like it could inhale a griffon in a breath? Not so much. With my legs outstretched in the sun I began to feel sleepy and lay back to enjoy it. A tug on the ankle had me peering down at Loi, who studied my anklet.'How does it actually wor
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Chapter 129
LUCKY WOKE KASSIE THE NEXT morning. The cat's tiny feet pounded across her head a good couple of times before she woke enough to push up and glare at the feline. Lucky stared back nonplussed when Kassie groaned, and the cat marched over, purring while rubbing her head on Kassie's.'Lucky,' she moaned.The instant she said the cat's name, Lucky darted off the bed, straight to the door and uttered a pitiful meow. After letting the demanding critter out, Kassie staggered back to bed and turned the glow lamp up to peer at the clock. Nearly two hours until she had to get up.'Damn that cat,' Kassie growled.Going back to sleep was a lovely idea, but not possible now she was awake. Resigned to being conscious, she turned the lamp up full and decided to have a long, hot shower. Afterward, she went to the bookshelves Rumal had had installed and selected a couple of books to read. Time flew while she read, and a knock on the door startled her.'Kass?' Sian's voice floated through. 'It's ti
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Chapter 130
THE NEXT DAY WAS FINALLY the rest day. Alek still slept when I snuck out of the room. The two guards shadowed me as I walked to the library. I thanked the one that opened the library door and paused, staring at all those shelves packed with books.I intended to spend the day reading up on my realm. Not the romantic rest day I'd envisioned at the beginning of the week, but it had to be done. I had so much to learn.'Morning, Cat.'I jumped. I hadn't spotted Kassie on the far couch, tucked up with a blanket and surrounded by books. 'Kass, you're up early.'She smiled at me then pointed to the mezzanine level. 'But not the earliest.'Leseach's melodic tenor voice called out quietly, 'Good morning, Your Highness.'I climbed the short, narrow staircase to her level. 'Good morning. What are you studying?'She stood bent over the table looking at a large map of Elion and glanced up. Those vivid green and yellow, inhuman eyes stared as she flashed a smile. 'Looking at where else the Sor
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