All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
393 Chapters
Chapter 111
EVERYONE ROSE FROM THEIR SEATS when Cat and Alek entered. Sabyn felt relieved to see they both looked at ease this morning. After the horrific scenes yesterday and the squabble between Cat and Loi, he hadn't expected it.He watched as Cat paused in front of Loi.Last night had been tense.After the heated argument he'd had with Loi in the training room, they had attempted a proper discussion about it in her quarters. It was hard to really understand what they were going through and he often forgot how much younger she was than the other girls. After the shocking revelation of the girls' actual home planet a couple of weeks ago, it surprised Sabyn that Loi hadn't discussed it before now. The conversation had lasted late into the night and left them both exhausted. But at least now he felt he understood her a little better. Knowing how much she missed her former life didn't make it easy for him; he tried not to think about 'what ifs'.Elena was right, he thought. Yes, we may be soul
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Chapter 112
THE OVERCAST SKY CAST A CHILL when they crossed the courtyard, heading for the gate. Alek tried to keep his mind on the task at hand. Two vastly contradicting emotions ran through him at the moment.The first; fury at whatever had attacked the village. The second; a strong wish that everything would just disappear so he could take Cat back to bed and stay there, for a few days at least.It didn't help at all that he could still sense her energy. Their link seemed far stronger after last night, and while Cat might be asking all the right questions, a part of her appeared as preoccupied with other thoughts as he. That in turn caused shame at thinking such things at such a time. Alek resisted the urge to sigh, and smiled at Cat when she squeezed his hand with an anxious look.'Nothing,' he murmured, and indicated for her to enter the turret.ROUND AND ROUND WE WENT, right behind Elena and Yakov. When we reached the top I didn't see anything at first but the back of Elena's champagne
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Chapter 113
'STILL NOTHING?'Elena shook her head at her sister's image in the mirror. 'No. Though Deas hasn't reported in yesterday or today, so I am hopeful a successful report will be coming in soon.''I'm concerned that there's no evidence yet, Ellie.'Elena sighed. 'I'll see what today's report brings, and decide from there.''Take care, Ellie.''Always.'The mirror's surface shimmered and her sister's image vanished. With an elbow on the dresser and her chin resting on the back of her hand, Elena pondered the current situation. It concerned her that nothing at all had turned up yet, and where was Deas? She had told him to check in daily, even if he had no news.Whatever he's waited for, it better be worth it.Drumming fingers on the dresser didn't inspire any new ideas and only served to frustrate her more. Elena went to stand when the mirror began to shimmer. 'Verani? Did you for' The shimmering cleared and Elena's heart thudded loudly in her ears as she stared at the mirror.'Gree
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Chapter 114
MY MIND DRIFTED WHILE MAERI laced me into a gown. Alek didn't force conversation, simply offered his arm and we walked to the dining room. Sian, Kassie, and Loi wore the same look of resignation and acceptance that I knew I bore.Dinner wasn't awful but occasionally, when the conversation paused, I needed to squeeze a hand tight under the table, nails cutting into my palm, when my mind conjured up images of Deas.He was only fourteen.As old as my cousinsorry Alek's cousinon Earth. I knew that boys and girls too, were expected to grow up fast on Gar'nyse, but a fourteen-year-old fighting for his life against that witch? The image brought unwelcome tears to my eyes and I quickly glanced high, staring at the lamps hanging above while blinking the tears away. Anger simmered within me. Before this, I had intended to fight for Gar'nyse because it was the right thing to do. Now, however, it was fast becoming personal.*****AFTER BREAKFAST THE NEXT MORNING, and the debriefing in the lib
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Chapter 115
LOI BIT BACK A GRIN when Iggy smiled charmingly at Cat. Sabyn brushed against her and she turned, exchanging an amused glance with him. As soon as the Lieutenant had been informed of Cat's lineage his attitude toward them all had done an about face, and he seemed rather genuine about it. Meanwhile, his attitude toward Alek had cooled considerably.A snob, Loi thought watching the man. And one who doesn't appear to like aliens either. They all set off into groups of three, one woman to two men, so to teach them how to fight against two opponents at once. Something they would likely encounter in Jenviet's territory.'Actually,' said Rashid grimly. 'It will likely be three or four to one. Two is wishful thinking.''And an excellent way to learn,' Ignatius added smoothly.WHATEVER IGGY'S REASON FOR BEING more pleasant, I wasn't going to complain. Training was hard enough so I didn't miss the malicious undertones at all. Although the friendly, charming Iggy took some time to get used
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Chapter 116
IT APPEARED THAT THIS STYLE of gown had been my mother's favourite. The high neck at the back of the dress brushed against the bottom of my ears if I slouched at all and the sweetheart neckline revealed a tad more that I normally liked. It seemed I was better endowed than mother had been. That word still sounded so odd.My Earth mother.Alek's mother, echoed my rational voice.Right, Alek's mother, had been bigger than me in the bust and I'd felt rather silly when I first tried to squeeze into one of these gowns. Normally when I borrowed Mum's clothes they were loose, not tight. Thankfully Ada and her magic touch had seen to all the dresses and now I could breathe while wearing them.I have to admit, as annoying as it was to have to dress up for dinner, having such a selection to choose from was fun. A bright side to Alek having never seen hismymother in them meant he wasn't creeped out by it, because if I paused long enough to think about it, it started to creep me out. Falling in
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Chapter 117
AT THE END OF THE discussion, everyone headed their separate ways. Rumal arched a brow at Kassie while she regarded him with a stern expression. 'What?''Explain. What is a syren? How do you "survive an encounter" with one? Why don't your siblings or parents have the same eyes?'Her questions came thick and fast. She clambered onto the couch and held him by the shoulders while peering at his eyes. Rumal laughed as she held his face, and took the opportunity to wrap both arms around her and kiss those pouting lips.'NOW, WHICH QUESTION DID YOU want answered first?' Rumal asked as Kassie caught her breath. The sudden urge to drag him to their room almost overcame her curiosity. Almost. The night is still young, she thought. Plenty of time for that later.'What is a syren?''A syren is a sea creature. It comes ashore when it's ready to mate and takes the form of a humanoid creature. Then it mates with the first male it can find. When a syren peaks, it screams, and that usually kill
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Chapter 118
ALEK SWEATED WHILE WORKING AT linking with the girls. I hate how much effort this requires, he grumbled to himself. The girls make it look so easy.He just needed to relax, but the competitive edge to his nature made it difficult. Taking slow breaths, he ran through Elena's instructions again and worked at relaxing his mind and releasing the tension from his arms. Finally, the energy that had hesitated responded with a jolt and linked to the girls' energy.'LOOKS LIKE HE'S DONE IT.' Sabyn said, pleased to see Alek's gold energy blend in with the others. Rumal and Daron smiled as they watched.'That's fantastic,' Tomiar thought to Sabyn and she padded across the sand to stand beside him. 'Elena will be thrilled.' 'She will be.''It will be invaluable to them.''Can you sense it? Like the girls' energy?''Not as strongly and it registers quite differently. Now that they're linked, it's coming through loud and clear. This will guarantee a win against Jenviet.'The sense of reli
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Chapter 119
ELENA APPEARED DELIGHTED WHEN WE reported the progress to her in the library after dinner. It had been a productive day for her too, and she announced that the men would drop Leseach at the first village in two days' time. Alek, Rumal and Daron would go this time, so we'd be left to practice with the Lieutenants for possibly three days.'I hope it's only two,' I said to Alek as we climbed into bed.'Me too. Though it'll be interesting to see how she does it. And it's always good to meet more of our subjects.'I nodded against the pillow, feeling that odd anxiety at the words "our subjects"; still such a strange concept. Alek reached out, his large hands clasping my hips and dragged me back against him.THE SENSATION OF HER BARE ass against his thighs tempted him. Such a pity I'm so tired from the day's training, he thought and pulled Cat closer still. Just the thought of leaving her for three days made him want her.Cat gave a satisfied sigh when he gently kissed the back of her
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Chapter 120
CAT APPEARED IN THE DOORWAY of the kitchen, looking a little frazzled. Alek smiled at her, and she gave a vague nod before her eyes settled on Gredel. 'Gredel! You're wanted.'Gredel, Citaan's father, and brother, all paled visibly at the request. Rumal stood to hoist Gredel out of his seat. 'Go on, you can do this.'The rest stood and walked the three men to the bedchamber, ushering Gredel along in front. When they arrived, everyone stood in the corridor, except for Elena, Leseach and Citaan's mother.Sian opened the door for Gredel, and Daron shoved him in when he hesitated. Everyone laughed as the door closed.'Men.' One of the sisters shook her head, two others nodding with her. 'Always so brave till something like this.''We're just showing the proper respect,' Daron teased.Enclosed in Alek's arms, Cat chuckled and he smiled down at her. 'Agree do you?'She shrugged. 'I guess I have yet to see.'The sudden image of Cat, belly swollen with his child, gave Alek a rush of jo
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