All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
393 Chapters
Chapter 131
AT THE USUAL, UNGODLY, HOUR that we got up to run, Audi leaped on the bed and ambushed Alek. For some reason she did it just to him. I woke to his cursing as he swatted the dog off the bed. 'Cat! Can't you do something about her?'I blinked sleepily and chuckled at his sour, unimpressed expression. 'Sorry hun, she loves you. That's how she shows it.'He grumbled while he headed for the wardrobe.We met Yakov at the inner gate. He laughed at the red stripe on Alek's face. 'Did she get you again?'Alek smiled ruefully, 'One morning I'll be quick enough.'The three of us chatted while we followed the trail between the inner and outer gates. Every so often calls rang out from above, as the guards tracked our progressthe only way we could run without an escortto be observed from above.When we got back to the castle, Alek and I had to boot it to get ready. We had a Council meeting to attend and an earlier start than usual, as the men had to leave with Leseach after lunch. Alek lounged
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Chapter 132
ALEK WOKE TO THE NOISE of the birds clattering over the roof of the house they slept in. He shifted in the narrow cot bed, twisting to lift the curtain a little and peered out; the sun had just started to rise. With a yawn he sat and slipped his boots on, the other men snoring when he ducked out the back door with a towel.'Going for a swim?' Loushka appeared silently around the corner as he walked toward the river.'Yeah. A moment's peace before the day begins would be nice.'They continued to the water's edge; the dirt-track wide enough for Loushka to walk alongside him.'Missing Cat?''Yes, but it's good to have time with just the guys, like we used to.'A sound behind them caused them both to turn, and Kerak sauntered up with the languorous grace of a lion. Alek greeted the griffon then dropped the towel to the side and stripped his pants and boots off. The river had a bend not far down with a deep swimming hole tucked in it and an overhanging tree that had a rope hanging fro
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Chapter 133
YAKOV WENT TO WATCH THE girls at practice with the Lieutenants the next day. They all paused mid-strike when he entered, then set back into it. Today was staff practice. Kassie sat out, waiting her turn while the other three trained.The petite brunette smiled at Yakov as he had a seat next to her. 'Good morning, Kassie. How are you?''Good. Just waiting my turn.'A loud crack and thump made them both look up in time to see Cat stagger back, staff broken in two and a shoulder oddly low. Ignatius, who'd appeared to have assigned himself as her personal trainer, caught her good arm and slipped a hand under the dislocated shoulder. 'Ready?'Everyone paused. The other girls wore stoic expressions as they felt Cat's pain through their link. Cat, her face grey, gave Ignatius a terse nod. In a swift move he seized her wrist and flicked the arm high. It slipped back into the joint, and the girls breathed a sigh of relief while the grey colour vanished from Cat's face.'Thanks,' she said t
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Chapter 134
IGNATIUS KEPT A DISCREET WATCH over the Royal couple while they chatted with courtiers. It was one of the rare occasions that they had eaten in the Great Hall, and they appeared to be making the most of the evening. A delicate touch to his arm caused him to glance down. The Lady Roscel gazed up and met his eyes with a mischievous lilt to her lips. 'My lady?'It wasn't until she gave him a coy glance that he noticed and he reached out to catch her chin, tipping it up. Roscel flushed and her painted, full, red lips parted invitingly. The same red that resonated from her normally blonde hair. 'What's this, Roscel? A charm?'She giggled, and her eyes creased in mirth. Usually brown, the green tint they now bore shimmered.'It won't last long, the night perhaps?' she said invitingly.It fascinated him and he stepped closer, pressing against Roscel. She tried another of the Princess' expressionseyes wide and curious with a naughty, seductive glint.Desire rushed through him, and he suck
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Chapter 135
RIDING THE HORSES THROUGH THE outer gate felt fantastic. Loi called to Sabyn. 'So, where to?'He jerked his head in the direction. 'This way. It'll be a hard ride for a good hour.'She gave a whoop of excitement when they charged off. The track quickly changed from an easy path to a winding, narrow track, with some decent drops. Their speed slowed as they navigated the trailthe most challenging ride she'd been on in a while, and she rose in the stirrups as her horse readied to jump a log. Jumping had been a particular challenge to learn on Earth and Loi felt a thrill of delight when she aced the landing. Being able to ride in rough terrain, instead of the easy trekking paths on Earth, was something she'd rarely had the opportunity to do.Encouraging her horse after Sabyn's, her long heavy braid flopped over a shoulder as she leaned forward. She flicked it back, while admiring Sabyn. He rode as well as she did. She bit her lower lip while her eyes traced the muscles of his back, visi
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Chapter 136
THE FRESH BERRIES NEARLY TASTED better than the truffles. Loi savoured their crisp, sweet tartness; the perfect end to a meal. She sighed in pleasure after grabbing another handful and settled back against Sabyn. The sun had moved in the time they'd been there. The rays shone fully down on the picnic, making her feel as sleepy as a sated cat while they relaxed there, almost dozing.'Loi.''Mmmm?''Will you marry me?'Her eyes snapped open and she spun out of his lap with a gasp, staring in shock. Sabyn cocked his head, regarding her in amusement, then drew a ring case out from beneath his leg and offered it to her.Frozen to the spot she stared at the case, emotions running rampant through her; delight, fear, excitement, and doubt. With her eyes squeezed closed she squeaked out. 'Why?'He sounded astonished. 'What?'Her breaths came short and fast. 'Why, why me? You could have anyone, why me?'NOW OPEN, THE FEAR HE saw in her eyes had him flummoxed. 'What do you mean why you?
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Chapter 137
ALEK EXCUSED HIMSELF, AND LEFT Cat in his father's study, reading. Our father, he reminded himself; what a strange idea. The first stop was the kitchen. Hiranes listened as Alek explained, a delighted smile spreading on his aged face. 'Yes, yes, I can do that.'Alek grinned, 'Excellent. But don't forgetsecret.'Hiranes nodded then turned and clapped his hands, calling for the kitchen staff. Alek left to find Vesbel, the castle's event organizer.Vesbel was in her room at the other end of the ground floor, next to Ada's quarters. When Alek opened the door, he discovered her four jybois in the midst of joyfully dismantling an object.'Would you get them out of here?' called Vesbel as she wrestled with something. 'I need that in one piece.'A sharp whistle made their heads snap up and eight sets of large, round, black eyes stared at him. Grabbing an ornament off a shelf, he tossed it out the door. The ornament sparkled in the light while it rolled through the doorway. The four jybois
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Chapter 138
'SIAN?'The deep voice stole into her dreams and she sighed in her sleep, rolling over to block it out.'Sian? Friend?'The voice got more persistent and waking up, Sian rolled over, peering sleepily around the room. Daron snored softly beside her, but there wasn't anyone else. Then a dark shape moved outside the window, and she froze. 'Sito?''Friend?'Her heart thudded loudly in her ears and she shook her head, inwardly laughing at her reaction; understandable though, at this level in the castle, nothing should be able to block the windowexcept a certain hungry, stafandral dragon.'Are you coming today? You said you would.''Yes, I'm coming, Sito. Just let me get dressed and grab a bite to eat.''There'll be lots. I won't eat it all. You can have some.'Sian smothered a giggle at the dragon's earnest tone. 'That's okay, Sito, it's not really my thing. But I'm sure you can bring the leftovers home for Nnelg and the griffons.'With a yawn, she climbed out of bed and headed fo
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Chapter 139
THAT AWFUL SMELL SEEMED TO permeate everywhere in the castle, but most people saw the funny side. Loi, Kassie, and I helped Sian to clean the mess up, and teased her mercilessly the whole time. Our brave male creatures, however, made themselves scarce, unable to face the stench without retching. The griffon pups stuffed themselves silly, and most ended up being sick. Loushka, Phroma, and Tomiar herded the now miserable pups outside so Sian could shower them off. Then Loi, Kassie, and I dried them with fluffy towels.Nesha and Kerak helped Sito move the remains of the fish to a field a decent distance away. It delighted the farmer, and we found out that the bones of a numie fish were a much sought-after fertilizer. The older griffons joined Sito in the field for a meal once the courtyard was clean and the pups were asleep.THE NEXT DAY WAS ENERGY training. In the Merrej desert, within Elena's protective circle, Kassie closed her eyes while focusing on Sito. The dragon looked unconce
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Chapter 140
ALEK GAVE ME A TIGHT hug before Kassie lifted us onto Sito's back. The harness was quite different to a Griffon's harness, the seats and leg holds were deep so you really sat 'in' them, and we each had waist straps. It felt rather like getting strapped in for a ride at an amusement park. The men stood back and waved as Sito slowly moved to an open area of the courtyard.'Good luck, Cat. And have fun.''Thanks, Loushka, I'll tell you all about it tonight. Look after Alek.'I felt her amusement when she replied. 'Always, Cat. You take care.'Sito extended his wings and with two strong flaps, had us in the air. I heard Citaan's sharp breath. She sat behind me with Loi behind her and then Leseach. Kassie sat in front of me and Sian at the very front.'Nervous?' I called back to Citaan.'A littleand missing Rirae.''At least it's just for the day.' Normally the shield took two or three days to create, but with the five of us, and most of the villagers, Leseach was confident that with
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