All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
393 Chapters
Chapter 151
WHILE I DRESSED IN THE wardrobe, a flash of citrine energy snapped through the walls.'Whoa!' Alek yelped in surprise from the other room. 'Did you see that?'Staggering out of the dressing room as I wrestled my way into a top, I found him standing there with a bemused expression.'Yeah, I did. Looks like Kassie and Rumal had some fun.'Alek shook his head and laughed. 'I know they told us that's what happens, but it's the first time I've seen it.''Me too, I guess we've slept through the others.' It was a strange sensation. Not like the normal energy we linked with. It just emitted a strong sense of joy. I yawned, already feeling the lack of sleep.'How late were you up?' Alek's eyes narrowed suspiciously at me.I wrinkled my nose at him and gave a non-committal shrug. 'Late-ish.'He'd been asleep when I got back and hadn't woken until I finished in the shower. Feeling a chill in the air I went to get a wrap cardigan from the wardrobe then squeaked in surprise when I found him
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Chapter 152
THE CHAIN-MAIL HAD BEEN turned into a high-necked tunic with full-length sleeves that finished with a loop that fitted snug around my middle fingers, and for my legs fitted pants. I had a minor concern though. 'Ormbel, how exactly do I get these off?'Focused on holding pieces of the crimson leather against my upper arm, Ormbel looked at me, his hazel eyes wide and vacant. Then he processed my question.'There's a seam down the back. The mail is charmed to open when you tug on it from the right angle, so it won't open in battle. I'll show you once I'm done.'He wasn't a bad looking guy, with a slim build and shoulder length brown hair, but the sense of self-importance that he exuded wasn't so attractive. I watched as he held a piece of leather around my upper arm, and then melded it into the mail.'Wow, cool! What'll that do?' It looked just like plated armour and the edges of the leather smoothed into the mail. My elbows stayed as bare mail so I had more than sufficient movement a
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Chapter 153
THE PRINCESS GRIPPED THE PILLAR, a gasp escaping her lips when Larvaste swung the axe at Alek, who threw himself out of the arc and countered the strike. They connected with a loud clang, but Ignatius barely noticed; his whole being focused on how close Catherine willingly stood. The armour hugged her curves, and the brilliant red of her hair contrasted sharply with the grey mail as it lay in a plait over her shoulder. Those striking green eyes were wide as she watched the Prince battle, and that plump bottom lip quivered when she sucked a breath in at another loud clash.His arm was close enough to innocuously brush past her breast. When that thought penetrated his desire ridden brain, he snapped out of it and stepped to the side, putting an appropriate amount of space between them.She didn't appear to have noticed his momentary lapse in judgment and a surreptitious glance revealed no one else had either. Breathing a sigh of relief, he refocused on the men sparring.I HELD THE P
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Chapter 154
THE MEETING CONTINUED LATE INTO the evening. When Elena and Yakov bade the group goodnight, she led the way to her quarters. Yakov took a seat at the low table. 'What do we still have to plan and do?'A sharp twinge of pain made Elena close her eyes for a moment and rub a thumb firmly over her temple to dispel the headache. Opening her eyes, she found Yakov regarding her with a tender expression and he stood, embracing her. 'Not long, Ellie, then this craziness will be over. For good.'She allowed him to guide her to a seat and watched as he made a fresh pot of tea. The fragrant leaf swirled in the cup of steaming water, and the first crisp, sweet taste had the tension in her back and neck melting away.'Thank you,' she smiled gratefully at him. 'Now, left to organize is any capable, gifted metal workers. We need them here tomorrow to finish the armour for the Cavalry and Guard. Oh, and Rashid will likely want members of the Guard fetched from various areas.'Yakov began noting the
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Chapter 155
WITH THE CAVALRY LEAVING AT the end of the week they threw us into five days of intensive training with them. An Aswaran centaur had been assigned to each of us. I stood, staring at Belsesus with a dubious expression. He flashed an overly sincere smile. 'Really, Princess, I don't understand the problem.'I chewed on my lip for a second while regarding his offered arm.'Weirdest piggy back ride ever,' I muttered, then clasped his arm and leaped up. Hmmm; an important thought suddenly occurred to me. 'Uhh, Belsesus? How am I meant to hang on?''With your thighs, of course, Princess.'Without seeing his face, I couldn't tell if there was innuendo in that line or not. My face burned as I squeezed with my legs.'Atta girl!'That definitely had innuendo, and when he reached back to slap my leg it took all my self-control not to break his arm. The cretin enjoyed this far too much.'Shuddup.''Yes, Your Highness.'GREDEL WATCHED THE GIRLS ATTEMPTS in amusement while he stood beneath
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Chapter 156
AFTER KASSIE'S CLEVER DEMONSTRATION OF how not to fall on your ass, my technique improved dramatically. That's not to say the sudden dismounts stopped, but the eating dirt part did. Now with a tiny burst of energy, I executed somersaults with ease and landed feet first each time. After another round of my happy dance at a successful landing, Belsesus burst my bubble. 'Won't that alert Jenviet?'I paused mid-dance. 'What?'That sparked an intense conversation. Sian and Chaieth rode off to check with Elena. While we waited Belsesus took long easy runs, back and forth, challenging my slowly improving balance. It took fierce concentration as I focused on his muscles beneath my thighs, mind tense for the slightest change. The sound of approaching hooves broke my focus.Chaieth and Sian had returned and Leseach sat behind her, dressed in chain-mail.'We have a solution,' Sian declared when she slipped off Chaieth's back, Leseach following suit. 'Elena gave us a lorus crystal, it'll chime
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Chapter 157
I HELD MY HANDS AT waist height, fingers outstretched and ready as Larvaste drew close. Looking like a circus performer with the angle she leaned at, Loi feigned a throw. Laughing, she then urged Larvaste away.'Wha-?' My question broke off in a yelp of surprise as someone grabbed me from behind. Recognizing the arms that wrapped solidly around me, I leaned back with a smile, looking up into Alek's face. 'Hello blue eyes.'Those eyes creased in affection and he ducked to kiss my forehead. 'Hello beautiful.'I twisted around properly so I could hug him. 'Done with errands?''Yes, want some lunch?'I wouldn't have been surprised if Loushka could have heard my stomach growl from where she stood, when he said that.'Good idea.'Alek called out to the others, and everyone gathered their weapons and made their way to the castle. In the courtyard, he caught me as I slid down from Loushka and I laughed. 'You know, I can do it myself now.''So? Sometimes I like to catch you.' With a win
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Chapter 158
KASSIE YAWNED. IT HAD BEEN a long week and as exciting as the march had been, she needed more sleep.'Bed?' Rumal murmured to her.'Mmm, yes.''Food first?'That took a moment of consideration. Then Kassie shook her head. 'No. Bed.'Rumal chuckled, and they said their goodbyes before making their way down the turret and back to their quarters. The sheets were still warm when they climbed in. Kassie sighed in pleasure, snuggling close to Rumal. He wrapped his arms around her so that her face was pressed to his chest. She pulled an arm up, chin on hand, while inhaling his scent. 'Mmmmm.'The rumble of laughter he gave vibrated beneath her.'I thought you were sleepy?' The rich tones of his voice caused a delicious shiver down her spine.'Still am.' She twisted her head so to wink at him. 'Just enjoying the moment.'He was such a handsome man. Strong cheekbones emphasized the slant of those molten gold eyes and contrasted beautifully with his dark mocha skin. Those eyes, though,
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Chapter 159
'THAT WAS A NICE THOUGHT,' Alek commented while we walked to a favourite spot in the garden.I wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned against him as we walked. 'He made it clear, when explaining stuff to me that not everyone would make it back. I'd hate for his family to miss out on saying goodbye.'Alek looked at me disbelievingly. I shrugged, feeling a bit defensive.'Well it's true, isn't it?' At least Ignatius had been upfront about it.'It's likely,' he conceded. 'And I didn't think he was very close to his wife, that's all.''He seemed very fond of her when I asked.'We reached the spot and settled on the grass beneath a tree.'I'm only going on what I've heard.' Alek flashed a cheeky grin. 'We all know gossip isn't to be trusted.'I laughed and climbed onto his lap, distracting him from lunch in the best possible way.THE REMAINING WEEKS FLEW BY as we trained ourselves to exhaustion each evening. Even the griffons and Sito were hard at it, and it was a new experie
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Chapter 160
AUDREY WAITED ON THE OTHER side of the door with Nnelg.'Your Highness.' The dragon bowed, the blue of his scales shimmered in the afternoon light streaming through a window. I stopped and looked at Nnelg, then knelt so I sat at his level. The dragon's dark eyes widened. 'Majesty?''Nnelg.' I swallowed hard, forcing back the bile that threatened. 'You know we're going away for a bit. I need you to watch Lucky and Audi, okay?'He nodded earnestly, his long tail swishing around him. 'Of course, Your Highness.'I smiled stiffly. 'Good. Now. In the possibility that we're unable to return, for-sometime, would you look after them? I'm going to ask Ada as well, but I know how well you do this.Nnelg nodded again. 'Yes, absolutely.''Good.' I stood. 'Now, let's go see Ada.'We ran down the closest turret, all the way to the bottom floor. I paused at the bottom to give Audi a hug and ruffled the fur around her ears.'How are you doing little miss?' I crooned.The dog automatically turn
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