All Chapters of The Birthright Series: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
393 Chapters
Chapter 141
SIAN AND LESEACH PAIRED UP to work, as Loi and Citaan already worked together. The small pile of crystals in Leseach's sack each needed to be at the bottom of a four-foot hole. Sian eyed the crystals. 'I can see why this takes so long,' she said to Leseach. 'I'm impressed that you get the larger villages done so fast.'The Northerner smiled, a brief lift of those full lips, and nodded deliberately at something behind Sian. Twisting to look, she saw a group of men with shovels and picks in hand.'Once they over-come their initial wariness of me, I usually have lots of helpers.'Leseach stood from where she'd knelt and addressed the hesitant bunch. 'Greetings, have you come to help?'Sian watched in amusement while the men just stared at Leseach for a moment, and then one stepped forward.'Yes, if we can?''Indeed. I will mark where I want the holes dug, only to four feet though.'The men nodded earnestly, and Leseach glanced at Sian. 'You'll be okay till I get back?''Of course.
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Chapter 142
'WHEN WE'RE DONE, WE'LL SHOW you the best swimming hole.'Y'len chatted excitedly to me as I shovelled dirt out, then stood back to let Broen have his turn.'That sounds nice,' I smiled down at her.It really would be nice. The day was a scorcher, and I couldn't look more un-princess like at the moment, sweat pouring off me.'Ashern, you and your sister go fetch some drinks. Tell the others to do the same.'Elder Taine spoke to his son and the two kids dashed off, calling to the others clustered around the adults digging.'A stunning day,' I remarked.Elder Taine agreed, 'It is a good omen for such a solemn task.'There was an awkward silence as the villagers flicked looks at each other. I waited.'Your Highness, we did wonder what it is we're being protected from. We heard some odd rumors from those close to Dooran.'I felt Kassie's warning and hesitated while trying to think of an appropriate answer. Another man spoke up. 'They said that the creatures attacked incredibly
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Chapter 143
I HEARD LOI SCREAM A name. Tumbling through the air again, I twisted and glimpsed Broen racing outside, a pick raised high above his head.'Get inside!' Sian and Kassie screamed at the same time.But it was too late.The instant the creatures sighted him, they spun together en-mass and dived. I heard a sickening, ripping sound before the monsters launched themselves back at me and the others. The glimpse of limbs and a dark head, lying separate, hit hard; I barely got my shield up in time.As I shot off another ring of fire balls, I heard the piercing chime of Sito's energy. The tan dragon burst into view above me and roared at the monsters, the sound vibrating through the air, but it didn't daunt the nasty creatures. They launched at him, ripping into the poor boy and leaving me free falling again.NOW THAT SHE COULD, KASSIE sat up and gathered her energy when she spotted Cat tumbling toward the ground. The air crackled, and there was another loud hum of energy when a silver bu
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Chapter 144
BY THE TIME THEY ARRIVED back at the castle, it was dark. Elena, Yakov, and Lieutenants Ignatius and Patel waited for them with sombre expressions. Cat had barely spoken the entire time. Alek could sense the guilt weighing on her and he knew from experience that there was little he could do about it.He caught her when she slid down from Loushka and said to those gathered. 'We can talk tomorrow.'Elena held a hand up and he stopped. 'Yes, we can after you've dealt with the infestation.'Alek looked at her in surprise. 'You know where they are?''I have a fair idea.' Elena looked at Daron and Sian. 'I need you two to go on Sito and look for me.'Daron nodded while Sian asked, 'Now?''Yes. You can rest when you get back. The others will deal with the horde.'Sian and Daron exchanged a look, walking to Sito with Elena.Alek nodded again to Yakov and the Lieutenants. 'Tomorrow then.'All except Ignatius, nodded. Iggy had his eyes locked on Cat. Alek felt a twinge of annoyance and
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Chapter 145
I SLEPT LIKE THE DEAD, only waking when I sensed Sito's energy. It took some effort to open my eyes and I groaned while slipping out of bed. I know we weren't gentle, I thought, but wow, do I feel like I've been beaten with a blunt object.Padding across to the window, I peeked out over the courtyard and could just glimpse Sito's wings. I could sense Sian's energy and she seemed excited.They must have found the hoard.I stifled a yawn and went back to bed; all the more reason to get more sleep, a big day ahead. Alek smiled in his sleep when I climbed in and my heart squeezed tight at the expression. I leaned over to softly kiss his cheek and settled down shutting my eyes.Nnelg blinked in, rousing us far too soon and I stumbled off to get dressed. While changing, I heard a sound and turned to see Alek standing there, his eyes fixed on my back. I went to look in the mirror but he caught my shoulder, tracing his fingers down my spine.'Ouch!''A LITTLE BRUISED, PRINCESS?' ALEK k
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Chapter 146
ALEK REACHED FOR THE DAGGER sheathed to his calf then gingerly began to slice into the bottom of the sack, trying to touch it as little as possible. It was tougher than it looked, and he had to saw at it. Then the weight of the body inside ripped through and dropped to the ground with a loud splat. An awful stench wafted up, and he heard someone gagging.Bet that's Sabyn, he thought. He really can't handle smells. Alek turned to look at the girls. The three of them stared in horror at the mess that was once someone.YOU COULD BARELY IDENTIFY IT, even as a species. The limbs were black and softened, like the bones within had liquefied. I felt bile rise and hastily turned away, retching. After I stood, wiping my mouth, I realized that sacks like this one hung from as many trees as I could see. Hundreds of lives, young and old, had been taken by the revolting creatures; now left to rot, hanging like grotesque ornaments in this grim forest.I looked at Loi and whispered, 'Does the for
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Chapter 147
WE HIT KERAK'S SADDLE HARD, and both of us yelped. Bruised hips all round, I thought, wincing. Thick smoke swirled around us, and the stench of burnt flesh made me gag. Rumal had a firm grip on the leather strap that held Kassie and I together, keeping us from going anywhere for the moment. Kerak dropped to the spot that Loi had shielded, the only un-burnt ground for miles.'Hurry, Cat!' Alek yelled from Loushka's back as I struggled with the knot on the strap. 'Loi needs me!''Coming, coming,' I muttered and then with Rumal's help, got the right end, and with a firm yank I tumbled off Kerak. 'OUCH.'Ugh, I always forgot how tall they were. Why not add some more bruises to the mix, my rational voice thought snidely. I scrambled to my feet and ran for Loushka, using my energy to aid the spring to her saddle. As soon as my ass hit the leather seat, we were off. I ended up flattened against the saddle.'Alright, Cat?' Loushka could sense my fumbling and sounded amused.'Meh, I'll do.
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Chapter 148
'THE PLAN IS EAT BREAKFAST, then join the Lieutenants, Ellie, Yakov, and the others at the Council Chambers. Ellie is going to make the official announcement, and with her siblings assistance, call on our past allies for support.'Cat stared at him with the fork paused halfway to her mouth. 'Allies? What for?''Some to provide protection for the castle and Elion itself. Others to join us in the march.' Alek flashed her a smile and began to eat, not paying attention to the food. This meeting was the first step officially forward, and he was anxious to get on with the plans.'How many are marching South with us?'Cat put the fork down, her food untouched. He pointed at the plate. 'Eat first and then I'll explain. Oh, and Ellie wants you to wear that over your training clothes.' He indicated the garment. 'It'll look appropriate when we greet the allies.'MEET WITH THE ALLIES? AND Elena's siblings? My stomach twisted with nerves at the thought of this meeting. The Lieutenants had ne
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Chapter 149
AFTER THE MEETING WE WALKED to the training rooms. I felt drained, overwhelmed at the importance of everything that until now, hadn't seemed quite so real. Rashid asked us all to step into the Lieutenants' office, and Ignatius pulled a seat out at the table for me. I felt Alek's annoyance and winked at him when we sat, hoping to lighten the mood.The air seemed tense. Yakov paced behind Elena's seat as I shrugged out of the robe and laid it on the table. Confused, I asked, 'Is something wrong? I thought it went well, they all agreed.'Everyone looked to Elena, who regarded me with an almost cold expression, eyes flat. 'It went well. We didn't expect all the allies to uphold the treaty, but they did.' She paused then stared higher, over our heads as she said, 'We brought you in here to discuss-'PATEL CLEARED HIS THROAT WHEN she paused again and stood. 'There is the possibility of one of you girls, or Alek for that matter, being captured by Jenviet. We are marching into her domain,
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Chapter 150
THE HOUR WENT FAST, AWFULLY fast. Time seemed to fly while I ached to slow it down. Before I knew it, the rest of the day had gone and I sat in an armchair, looking out over the courtyard.Alek lay sleeping in the bed, but Audi kept me company. The night was still and only the guards on duty moved outside, quietly going about their rounds. As much as I knew my body needed it, sleep refused to come. Everything that had happened today kept ticking over in my head.By the time we'd finished training, Elena had reached more allies. Joining us, in a week's time, was the elvan warrior ranks from Hotoreth, and the Draoths of Nalauth. The Lieutenants and men were impressed as both realms were known for their elite forces. Feeling my legs stiffen with the cold creeping in, I stood, intending to try and get some sleep, then stopped at the hum in the air. Loi's awake, I realized. Grabbing my cloak, I slipped out of the room.THE TINY CREAK OF A door made Loi spin, tense and ready. Cat stood
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