All Chapters of The Queens: Scarred Queen: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
73 Chapters
Chapter 11
"Fuck that woman," Reyes growled, downing a generous drink straight from the bottle before slamming it on the table.Casey Hernandez was dangerous. She was testing his calm. She was driving him to drink.He strode to the window and glared into the night. His meeting with her had not gone as he'd planned. Instead of clarifying things, he'd found himself more confused, more entangled. She was an infuriating mixture of world-weary siren and stunted half-child that never grew up. When she'd flat out told him that her husband hadn't touched her in over a year, he'd damn near torn her clothes off and fucked her right there in the booth, despite the few hundred witnesses swarming around them and her bodyguard a few feet away.Then she'd given him the one gift he couldn't refuse, the one thing that was guaranteed to save her life in all this. She'd promised him loyalty. Well, not him. But as good as. She'd given her loyalty to Ignacio Hernandez, a disgusting pig of a man. One of the poorest
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Chapter 12
Casey woke to the beautiful aroma of subtle, flowery perfume. A smile curved her lips and she sighed, stretching under her blankets, enjoying the smoothness of her sheets against bare legs and arms. She usually wore light cotton sleep shorts and a tank top to bed. Not very sexy, but it didn't matter since she slept alone. She enjoyed the comfort and she liked the feel of her fluffy quilt wrapped around her body.Today was one of those mornings where she preferred to wake up slowly and allow the day to creep in with soothing sluggishness. She wiggled her face against the blanket, enjoying the softness against her cheek. The lovely sweet smell wafted around her, tantalizing her and drifting softly next to her face. Her lashes fluttered open and she forced herself to focus on the thing that had touched her.It was a petal. Like from a flower. She untangled her arms from the blanket and pushed herself up on an elbow, reaching for it. She picked up the silky rose petal and rubbed it betwe
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Chapter 13
Casey stared at her reflection with a mixture of resigned despair and anger. No amount of makeup could disguise the mark high on her cheek or the swollen bite mark on her lip that were clearly visible through her careful efforts. Absently she wondered if it was part of Ignacio's plan. To present his wife, damaged goods, to another man who clearly wanted her. Only she wasn't sure what the other man ultimately wanted with her. A quick fuck? A way to mess with his business rival? Ignacio had sent an entire outfit for her to wear, including a dress, heels and jewelry. As the day had progressed and she'd prepared for her meeting with Reyes she began to feel more and more like a pawn in some deadly game. She wore a beautiful white dress that clung lovingly to every curve. It was curved along her legs to give the illusion of length along one thigh, but if she moved wrong it would also give a tantalizing glimpse high on her other thigh. It was sleeveless with a neckline that plunged halfway
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Chapter 14
"What?" Reyes demanded, his too sharp brain catching on to her words. "What would you do to leave him? Apparently, you won't accept offers from other, more powerful men. Tell me, nena, what exactly will you do to escape a lifetime with Ignacio Hernandez?"She tried to turn away from him, dismiss his words in the hope that he would drop it, but he grabbed her arm and swung her around. She moved quickly on her heels, reaching out to catch herself so she wouldn't fall. He steadied her and she looked up at him, full in the face, the light falling across her. His eyes roved over her, lingering on her swollen lip and bruised cheek. "Shit," she gasped turning her head, but it was too late. She could feel the instant stillness in his body as he absorbed the meaning behind her battered face. She felt the incoming storm as emotion swelled and seethed within him."Who hit you?" Reyes demanded, his voice lashing her.Casey shivered but lifted her chin defiantly. "Who do you think?""Don't gi
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Chapter 15
"I want to speak with Ignacio right now!" Casey argued with Diego as she'd been arguing with him for the past few days without results. Ignacio refused to see her.Diego's dark, sadistic eyes swept over her body, taking in every inch with a look that suggested she shouldn't have bothered with the terry cloth robe over top of her bikini because he was picturing her without it. Probably without the bathing suit too. She crossed her arms over her breasts and gave him the coldest glare she could come up with."You need a reminder what happens when you get demanding of the boss's time, little girl," Diego sneered, his eyes lingering on the top swell of her breasts. "You probably like being smacked around like that though, don't you? Bitches like you'll take whatever attention you can get."Casey flared her nostrils as she tried to bring her temper under control while Diego postured in front of her and did his best to make her feel small and insignificant. He came within a hairsbreadth
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Chapter 16
"He has a sense of humour," Casey murmured with amusement, eyeing the array of gifts Reyes had sent her.Each one had significance and, if she were being honest, chipped away a little more at the armour around her heart. She hadn't seen him again since their erotic and stormy encounter in his penthouse suite almost a week ago. But each time a new gift arrived, it was a reminder that he hadn't forgotten her. Nor had he forgotten the things that she'd said to him in each of their conversations.None of the gifts were overly expensive, which told her that he'd listened when she told him that the luxuries surrounding her meant little to her. Her fingers drifted over a framed picture of herself. She had no idea when it was taken because it was a close up of her face. In the photo she was leaning forward, her hair covering most of her face, except for a carefree smile curving her lips as she stared off at nothing in particular. The expression on her face surprised her since she so rarely s
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Chapter 17
Casey tried to check out. She honestly did. She hated these women almost as much as she despised the men guarding her gilded cage. These were the birds that happily flew back into their cages and ate from the hands that fed them. But for some reason she couldn't zone out the way she usually did during these godawful lunches, possibly because she'd started flushing some of her daily pills instead of blindly swallowing them.She felt the burning hatred welling up inside her as they talked about the most useless things she could conceive of. She only dined with them because Elvira Montana was among the set. Beautiful, blond and coolly distant, Elvira barely took part in the conversation either. But Ignacio insisted that the two women meet and get to know each other. Probably because Elvira was an older version of what Casey was to become. A coked-out mob wife whose husband had bought her way into this elite company of women. And her husband could maybe get Ignacio some deals on oversea
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Chapter 18
"Where are they…?" Casey mumbled, rummaging through the drawer in her washroom. She could barely see through the terrible throbbing behind her eye socket. She'd crawled from her bed to the toilet several minutes earlier where she'd emptied her stomach. Now that the horrific nausea had passed she was searching for the migraine pills Ignacio's doctor had given her. Sometimes they worked and sometimes they didn't.Her hand closed over the box and she pulled it out with a relieved sigh. She collapsed sideways onto the bath mat and lay still for a few seconds, one hand clutching the small white box and the other pressed tight against the side of her head. Tears streamed unchecked down her cheeks. She bit back sobs of pain, knowing they would only echo in the small space around her and make the throbbing in her skull that much worse.She cringed when something thumped against the washroom window and a loud howling sound heralded an end-of-summer Florida storm. She hadn't realized one was c
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Chapter 19
Casey wasn't sure exactly what woke her up, but she was suddenly awake and in the middle of Armageddon. Her head was throbbing so viciously her first thought was that someone had embedded an axe in her skull while she was sleeping, which was both unrealistic and not a very nice thing for her imaginary attacker to do. Then she registered the dull sound of bullets and men shouting, though the sounds were coming from a distance. Next, it occurred to her that she was in someone's arms and that the someone holding her was running at top speed through the downstairs corridor of her home.Casey forced her eyes open, but piercing light penetrated her sensitive vision throwing a shard of imaginary glass straight through her already splitting brain. She let out a strangled scream and automatically clutched at whomever was carrying her and buried her face in his broad chest. His arms tightened around her as he ran. She heard his harsh breathing thundering above her head and felt his heart thump
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Chapter 20
"Well this is touching," a voice drawled out of the darkness.Alonzo jerked back from Casey bringing his gun arm up, exactly as the voice had been hoping. The moment his head was clear of hers and his gun away from her head a shot rang out. Casey screamed as blood sprayed across her chest and face, soaking her in in its sticky wetness. The noise of the gun echoed through her head and she nearly passed out from the agony it caused. She flung an arm across her face and moaned. Dead weight fell across her legs and she couldn't restrain another hoarse cry from escaping her lips."Alonzo?" she whispered tentatively, moving her arm away from her face and searching for movement in the shadowy lump across her legs."He's dead," Diego's cold voice reached out of the darkness, and she flinched as he drew nearer to her. Terror welled up, as a boot came out of the shadows and shoved Alonzo off of her. "Or didn't you feel his brain splatter all over you?""Oh god, oh my god!" Casey muttered, pa
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