All Chapters of Secretly The Billionaire Boss: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
592 Chapters
Chapter 171: King of shopping
It actually felt like Liam zoomed out of the world. He had always noted Grey's way of dressing. Though he was a handsome man, Liam had never expected him to be capable of spending $ 30 million at a go. Asides, he had never seen him in a high gathering. So, he concluded that he had nothing. Also, Avery told him how poor he was and the fact that Caramel would never date him.Well, he was the one that took the pictures of Caramel and Grey together. He was the one that sent it to Avery and confirmed what was disturbing him."No way!" He yelled. "There's no way he would pay for a $30 million dress. It's just not possible," he argued and moved closer to the salesperson. He took the receipt from the salesperson and stared down at the figure.It was really right. The salesperson didn't lie. Grey had really paid for the dress. He paid $30 million for a dress, something Liam wouldn't do.Caramel was still shocked. She couldn't even move from where she stood. She held a high expectation from G
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Chapter 172: A man afterall
After they got some clothing, Grey drove straight to Beatrice's house.It was getting very late now and Grey was happy about it. They might not need to take a drive. Grey most especially just wanted to get some beer and drink.Grey's phone rang suddenly but he didn't want to pick it up as it was Richard calling. He didn't want to talk in front of Caramel.Caramel was still a bit shocked but she wouldn't talk about it. Actually, Grey loved it that way. He didn't even know what to say to her if she asked."So, here's my mom's apartment."Caramel gazed around. " It's really beautiful. Does she stay here alone? I mean since you stay at Robinson's place."Grey nodded briefly as he got out. " She stays alone. She doesn't really like staying with people anyways. She is very quiet and mindful," he explained as he led her inside the living room.Caramel marveled at the room and its design, as well as the high quality of furniture around. There was no way she would see and wouldn't recognize su
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Chapter 173: Finding Pablo
Grey cleared his throat meaningfully. "You gave me a scare."Caramel laughed. "So, you do get scared? You always look so bold."Grey smiled and turned around to continue cooking."Do you want me to join you?""Can you cook?" Grey asked, ignoring her questions.Caramel laughed. " I don't! I mean I can bake some cakes but that aside, I could burn the whole house."Grey laughed again. " Then don't bother. I will pass."Caramel watched Grey for a moment. "Thanks for the dresses by the way. But why will your mother give you such a huge amount but you spent it on a girl?" She was shocked. Actually, with the look of things it showed that Beatrice was rich but yet, Caramel found it weird that Grey would spend more than $30 million on a girl.Grey smiled softly. "Not just a girl. You are not a girl to me. Have you forgotten you are my friend?"Caramel blushed slightly and stared for a long time. " When did we become friends?" Grey thought for a moment. "I sincerely can't remember. "Caramel l
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Chapter 174: Lies
Grey saw as his expression changed from the lively one to a darker one. He didn't know what had happened or perhaps he did something wrong.Just as he opened his mouth to also, Alex returned."Yes, so he's coming with it," Alex announced excitedly.Caramel got up suddenly. " I think I will be leaving now."Grey gathered his brows. "Wait, what? We just got here."Caramel shrugged slightly. "I just remembered what I was supposed to do that I haven't done. So, let's call it a night."Alex's face fell. " Seriously? I ordered something for you already."Caramel smiled faintly. " Let's hang out some other day. Oh, I'm coming over to your place tomorrow. Let's talk by then. I'm kind of tired already," she explained, even though that wasn't what happened to her. Well, it wasn't entirely a lie anyways. Caramel really felt tired after the question that Grey asked her.Her expectations just failed her. If Grey wouldn't even look towards her and instead seek refuge at the Escorts. Then, what was
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Chapter 175: Finally
Grey got home very late and he slept at the maid quarter. He doesn't want any confrontation. Even when they were married, Avery was always treating him like trash.So, he wondered how she would behave after the fact that the divorce would actually be happening."So, have you decided? Avery told me you have," Lucy said suddenly.Grey looked up and slowly nodded. " I have. We've agreed to divorce.""Alright," Lucy nodded briefly. " I consent to it then.""Wow! That's the best news ever!" Emma announced happily.Smith smiled. " Very nice." Smith couldn't find where Grey did his open sale and neither his men found out. It was that evening that news reached him of where the open sale took place. Though, he was happy that the plan concerning Avery had worked. He would have to see Chris so that they could discuss all other things.Grey felt a tightness in his stomach at the words." Can I pack my clothes slowly?" Grey inquired, amidst the celebration. He wouldn't have been present anyways i
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Chapter 176: Probability
Smith slowly released a sigh. He had promised Chris not to say anything and he didn't want to betray him. Though he was certain that Avery wouldn't marry Chris as she had decided, it was still wrong that Smith would be the one to let the cat out of the bag."Smith, why aren't you saying anything?" Avery asked suddenly, jerking Smith out of his thoughts."But don't you think you might change your mind about Chris?" He asked instead, ignoring her question."Just answer me, Smith. I know you are very wicked but isn't it the right time to tell me everything? What did you do? What did you plan?" Avery raised her voice slightly." Well, I can't tell you anything. Just see Chris about it. He's in the best position to explain things better," and he walked out before she would say something else.Avery blinked once. What did Smith mean by that? Does it mean that Chris knew something? Could it be that the two plotted something behind her?.Grey pulled out into the street. It was actually the
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Chapter 177: Could it be?
Grey shook his head briefly as Alex emerged. Alex sighted them from afar. There was a smile on his face as he moved closer.There was no way Alex would be Pablo. Pablo was supposed to be tough. But what if, just what if he was undercover like he was?No one would believe he was Hercules as well unless he proved it. Some things could be the real ones but there might not be enough evidence to prove it.What if Alex was hiding?He did tell him that he had never missed going to the club. And he seemed to know something about Pablo according to what Caramel had said."You made it eventually," Alex whooped in delight. "I actually thought you were going to skip today as usual."Grey smiled. "I told you I wouldn't. I need to get back on track, like the likes of you."Alex chuckled. " You have a long way to go, Grey but I will try my best to assist you."Grey laughed." I don't need your assistance, I'm very perfect like this," Caramel uttered, diverting the man's attention to her.Alex pulle
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Chapter 178: Plan failed
"Sit," the man ordered in a thick voice. Grey moved to a nearby sofa and sat on it, his gaze still on the tattoo. He actually tried to compare his voice with Alex's and saw a huge difference. Perhaps Alex was just close to Pablo as Caramel had suggested. "You wanted to see me?" He hesitated and turned around, revealing a big lion mask on his face. His head was also covered. It was like he didn't want anyone to trace him at all. Now that Grey was thinking about it, he couldn't stop comparing it with Alex. If Pablo was really someone he didn't know, he wouldn't cover all the things that could actually expose who he really was. "Yes, I want to be someone near to you," Grey lied. Pablo regarded him for a moment. " I'm going to show you what I look like," he announced. As much as Grey wanted it, he couldn't stop feeling weird that Pablo actually wanted to do it. "Why? I mean I can work for you without knowing what you look like," that was another lie anyways. Grey desperately want
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Chapter 179: Perfect plan
Grey hurried inside. Alfred and Gregory stood as he walked inside."Are you ok, Hercules?""Gregory has spies within," he announced. "Damn! They shattered my plan!" He grieved.Alfred raised a brow. " Is there something you aren't telling us?"Grey nodded severally, as he watched the men. "I was supposed to meet Pablo today and he was just about to show me who he really was," he explained.Gregory got anxious. " So, what happened?"Grey let out a sigh and sat. " Failed. It was my fault! I should have told you. If I had, you would have pulled a stop to your plan. I would have been able to see him. My plan has completely been thwarted!" He complained with a feeling of sadness.The two men watched him for a while before they all sat."I don't think it's the right time to blame yourself. We need to find solutions," Alfred initiated." Yes," Gregory chimed in. " Hercules doesn't blame himself. In fact, he's not supposed to reminisce on a matter for so long. We need to think of something. W
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Chapter 180: The first
Grey woke up ten minutes before 7 the next day. He got home late the night before and kind of missed Avery's complaint about it. Grey made oatmeal as he didn't even want to cook. He had initially called Richard to meet him at home. They were going to Alex's gym to work out. Grey had decided to work more on his physique structure as well as trying to learn how to handle a gun. Horn sounded from outside and Grey knew that it was Richard. Just as Grey walked out of the kitchen, he ran into Beatrice. "Grey! Why did you wake up so early? You came late yesterday!" Beatrice scolded. Grey smiled. " I'm fine. I need thirty minutes workout. I will complete it by afternoon." Beatrice shook her head briefly. "What should I make for you?" Grey thought for a moment, " Anything is alright," he pecked her and walked out of the house. Richard was already waiting by the door. "Good morning boss." "Morning Richard," Grey replied and moved to the passenger's side but Richard hurried closer and
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