All Chapters of Secretly The Billionaire Boss: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
591 Chapters
Chapter 151: Plans
"If you are not ready to do that, I will leave then," Grey announced suddenly.Chloe let out a sigh and suddenly went to her knees. "Grandfather."Grey smiled. "Good," he looked at Kanye. "Don't do anything. Keep everything you discussed a secret."Kanye nodded briefly. " Alright boss," and he walked away, not after eyeing Chloe.Grey turned to regard Chloe for another moment. "Don't tell Avery all this or I will come back for you," he threatened in a deep voice.Chloe nodded slightly. " I won't," she stood up slowly and watched Grey walk inside one of the rooms with the rest of the men.Shock kept Chloe motionless for a few minutes. She had not expected that Grey was someone important and rich. Well, ur was the only reason that these people were calling her a master.To even know he knew someone like Aphrodite amazed her. Aphrodite was a popular and classy lady. You might have her membership card and you still wouldn't have seen her. And the question was, who Grey really was and why
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Chapter 152: Decision
Grey looked at Charles and slowly released a sigh. "I can't tell you who it was," he turned to look at Alfred while Charles released the breath he didn't know he was holding.Though, he wondered why Grey didn't tell the truth. Grey doesn't like the fact that he had to keep it a secret but he knew what the repercussions would be if he told the truth. The elders would split.That aside, he still needed to find out more about it before he tendered it.If Charles collaborated with his father to kill his father, or if he knew he was going to do it but did nothing to stop it, that was something else. "Why? Why can't you say it?" Jayden inquired.Grey looked at Jayden. " I have my reasons. I just want you to trust me, till whenever I'm ready to tell you about him," he declared.Gregory groaned. " He's right anyways. We have to trust Hercules. He would let us know when it's the right time." He affirmed."It could be Giovanni," Luciano suggested.Grey shrugged slightly. "Let's pend the matte
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Chapter 153: Faked
Who knows what Chris said to Avery but it got her laughing again and the action took the wrong side on Grey. The fact that it was Chris that was with Avery makes his blood boil.Grey moved closer without a second thought. "What is happening here?" He boomed as he stood beside Avery, startling the two for a moment.Avery looked at him, with eyes that showed she didn't expect to see him there. "Grey, what are you doing here?""I should be the one asking that question. Why are you here?" He turned to look at Chris, pointing an accusing finger at him. " Did you lure her to come here?"Chris smirked. " Seriously? Is Avery a twelve years old girl that she can't decide where to be and who to be with?"Grey eyes hardened on him." And I hope you don't forget that she's married. You should stop crushing on her."Avery felt embarrassed at this. " Grey, stop! Since when do we monitor ourselves? Don't tell me you followed me here?"Grey regarded her for a moment. " Yes, I did. Now, let's go."" No
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Chapter 154: Instigator
Grey waited for some hours before Avery finally walked inside. He actually thought she wasn't going to come home that night.Avery ignored him and entered the bedroom.Grey sighed and followed after her. "Avery," he called softly.Avery turned to look at him. "What do you want?""Are you alright?" He asked, concerned. "I've been waiting for you," he complained.Avery smirked. " So, you won't ask how Chris is doing?"Grey smiled. " I don't need to ask, I know he's very fine. All I want to know is if you are alright."If it was some days, Avery would have loved his explanation but on a day like that, she felt angry at everything."You are seriously out of your mind! Wait, did you think you've done something that deserves an award from me? What kind of person are you? You don't have money but you have pride. Isn't that so?" Avery inquired in harsh tones." I don't have pride? Well, I don't," Grey corrected softly. "But why will you think I do?" " You don't?" Avery raised skeptical brows
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Chapter 155: Fast moves
Grey smiled softly and stretched out Linda's phone. Linda took the phone with shaking hands. She was very scared. Meanwhile, Grey's fist clenched involuntarily beside him. Three guys rushed forward quickly. Grey punched the first one on the face and dodged the attack of the second one before he gave the last one an uppercut. Then, he moved swiftly to the one that had escaped the first beating, pulled him closer, and hit him harder in his stomach.It was so fast that none of them saw it coming.The workers exclaimed softly behind him, each praising him silently. No one knew that the boss was good at martial arts.The leading man looked shocked as he watched the men groaning on the floor. Truly, the person that sent him didn't warn him and he was slightly disappointed but he couldn't just leave. He wanted to make him pay.And he couldn't enter the production room. He was going to see the end of Grey."What are you waiting for? Get him!" He yelled and the men rushed forward. They encir
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Chapter 156: A new production
Grey was in the office when Maria arrived. The police left after taking his statement as well.Though, he was sure that the men would refuse to confess who had sent them. They didn't need to do it anyways. Grey doesn't need it.A soft knock jerked Grey out of his thoughts. He looked up. "Yes, come in."Linda and Maria stepped inside. While Linda stood behind to close the door, Maria walked closer."Good morning boss. I came as fast as I could. I had to tell them that it was Her_," she rumbled on but was stopped when Grey gave her a hard look. She shifted slightly."Maria, I would like to keep everything confidential. If I want two people to know about it, then I would have invited them or told you about them. Things must be as it is, alright?" He demanded in a thick voice.Maria nodded briefly. She actually thought that Linda knew he was Hercules but it turned out that Grey had deceived a lot of people. And well, she doesn't want to upset him."Yes sir, I will keep that in mind," she
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Chapter 157: Meeting the enemy
Chris told Avery that he wouldn't press charges. Actually, it was all a plan to get Grey. Smith and Chris had discussed it thoroughly and had come up with several plans to make Grey fail and to make Avery actually continue to request for a divorce. If she would, Smith would support her this time. So, there was no way Lucy wouldn't agree to it.So, he planned to provoke Grey and make him attack him, which he did. He faked it with the doctor to bring out fake issues concerning his health.And somehow, the plan was working as Avery was starting to see Grey as the bad guy. And the other plan about disrupting Grey's production was actually brought up by Grey.Chris' phone rang suddenly, jerking him out of his thoughts. Avery just left his place to see how he was doing and he pretended to be sick. He had the doctor's report to show for it.That aside, he had to lie to Avery that Grey had injured him earlier that day and even threatened to deal with him if he didn't stop seeing Avery. And
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Chapter 158: Confrontation
Jimmy nodded briefly. "Yes, she is."Grey smiled softly. Though, he was seeing Hattie's backside and didn't know what she looked like. But at least, he didn't come to the auction house in vain. Grey raised his tag. "6.7 million dollars," he announced suddenly.Everyone craned their neck backward to look at Grey. It was like they didn't expect anyone to say anything. It looked like people were intentionally keeping shut.Though, Hattie didn't turn back, including a guy in a black shirt that sat beside her."6.7million dollars for Mr. fennel.""7 million dollars!" Hattie announced quickly.Grey smiled again. Actually, it reminded him of the first day he met Aphrodite. They had to bid and he won her. Though, this time was going to be very difficult."7 million dollars for Miss Hattie," The auctioneer revealed."7.1 million dollars," Grey raised immediately.Some guys got up from somewhere and walked out of the room. Somehow, the room was suddenly getting scanty."7.1 million dollars for
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Chapter 159: Too far
The great news about the auction was that Hattie and Giovanni didn't even know who he was, which meant that the spy hadn't seen anything.Though, he was concerned about finding out who Pablo was. He needed to do it quickly before the spy found out about his identity. Grey made a mental list of people that knew about his identity to see if there was a spy among them.It turned out that Charles wasn't working against him, though he desperately wanted to see if he was really working with his father. Maybe he planned to take over his estate because he didn't say anything.Anyways, Don and Richard were loyal, including Maria. That aside, it turned out that Audrey's previous men were also loyal.So, the spy was still far from reach."I'm sorry father," Emma whispered. "I thought I could test him and see what he would do. Actually, the lady told me that he fell for it. She didn't tell me that she had initially explained to him which meant he would have fallen into the trap if Nora had not e
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Chapter 160: Humiliated
"What should we do, Boss? I think you need to speak with Aphrodite." She repeated anxiously.Grey thought for a moment, unable to wrap his head around what to do.He knew that David would try to do something but he didn't expect he would delete the pictures which were so bad for him."Boss," Maria called again, softly."Tell Aphrodite that we are taking a short break and I would get back to her soon. Meanwhile, gather all the executives that are present in the next room. You will be having a meeting with me as the Hercules."Maria's eyes went wide with shock. " Are you revealing yourself?"Grey shook his head slightly. "We have phones, don't we?" Maria nodded quickly, baffled somehow but she knew that Grey had plans."Do what I ask you to. Get the executive in the room and call me on my Hercules lune. Leave the rest to me," he ordered.Maria nodded briefly. " I will do that now," she assured before she walked out of the room.Grey thought for a moment. Would it be considered wickedne
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