All Chapters of Secretly The Billionaire Boss: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
591 Chapters
Chapter 141: Second Joker card
"Sir, I sincerely don't know what you are talking about. I'm certain I wasn't who you were talking about," her lips quivered as she explained." I'm sure I'm dead serious," he finished up and walked away.Violet was lost. She didn't even know if she was supposed to believe him. But she couldn't stop the fact that he just related to Hercules.What if she really got sacked?Grey walked towards the elevator, his gaze searching around for the other guy that tricked him the other day. Grey was going to sack the two of them.But he didn't see him. So, he entered the elevator and went to the ninth floor.He knocked slightly on Jane's door.There was a long moment of silence and shuffling. "Yes, come in," the voice offered.Grey opened the door and walked in. "Morning Jane."Jane looked up, somehow shocked for a few seconds but she soon got over it."What are you doing here?" A known expression spread across her face suddenly. "oh, are you here to beg for your job? You must have been fired an
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Chapter 142: Amused
Jane blinked once, then twice, unable to believe what Maria had said. "What did you just say?" Jane inquired."You heard me, Jane. I just said I have been promoted as the secretary," Maria repeated." Yes and you have been demoted to take Maria's position at SU world," Grey completed for Maria." What!" Jane gurgled. "No, you are lying! This can't be! It's very impossible!" She yelled and took her phone, perhaps to call someone.The door opened suddenly and the security walked in."Take them out! Now!" Jane yelled, uncontrollably. Her heart was skipping every beat. She didn't want to accept it. It was just impossible anyways. She spoke with Hercules that morning and he didn't even hint at her. In fact, they spoke smoothly.It could be a prank. Jane was sure that the information was incorrect.Maria huffed and dipped into her purse for her identity card. She got it delivered to her that morning. She didn't know what was happening at first when she saw the message that she had been pro
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Chapter 143: The secretly rich boss
"B_but boss," Jane stammered, unsure of what she was going to say. "Why?" She said eventually."Jane, I told you the last time to be careful with Grey. Grey was sent into SU world by me. And I discovered that the allegation you levied against him was fabricated. For someone that could make up such lies,I wonder what you have done or would still do at the detriment of my company."" No boss, please," Jane stuttered." No?" He raised a brow and waited. He smirked. “Are you saying I'm lying?”"I mean, I'm really sorry. I was just concerned. I didn't mean anything. I only wanted you to be sure of who you trust.”" Yes, I took that into consideration and decided to remove the untrustworthy people around me, like you, Jane," he revealed." What? Me?" Jane stuttered. " I have always been faithful to Protos Pubblicita ever since I started to work here." She expressed in a sad filled voice." I'm watching you, Jane. I've always been watching you and you have been acting against me," he reveale
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Chapter 144: Unbelievable
Maria didn't even want to believe it. Or maybe she was wrong but the facts were staring right at her.If Grey was really Hercules, it was the only way to explain the sudden promotion that she got.But she didn't want to accept it until she had the fact staring right at her in the face. Or she had Grey accept the claim.Jane was saying something but Maria wasn't listening. She opened the door immediately and got out. She hurried back to the company.She got the direction of Grey's office from Carol. The company was a spacious one and one could get lost in it.Eventually, Maria arrived in front of Grey's office. She let out a deep sigh and tried to stabilize her breathing.No way, she was feeling very excited. What if she was right? She didn't even want to imagine what that would mean for her.She knocked on the door slightly. "Mr. Grey, it's Maria.""Yes, come in," came the deep voice.Maria took another breath. The question that was going to reveal Grey's identity was simple. She was
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Chapter 145: Revenge box
Smith was going through some files at LX corporation when a soft knock sounded on his door. "Yes, come in," he didn't look up as he invited whoesver was on the other side of the door. The door opened and Smith's assistant walked inside. "We've received a message from Protos Pubblicita about a change of staff," she revealed. Smith looked up eventually. " A change of staff? Who can that be?" "Jane, sir. She has been dismissed from her position." Smith's eyes went wide with shock. " Just like that?" Well, changing and dismissing was the easiest thing in business. " Yes sir but the new secretary wants us to meet by tomorrow. Hopefully, another shoot would come up in three days later, depending on how fast the new secretary is," she informed. Smith nodded once as he thought about it. Jane was uncontrollable for him and he wondered if the new secretary would be the same. Well, he was determined to try his luck with her. The new secretary might cooperate with him and that would mea
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Chapter 146: The same live-in son-in-law?
The meeting ended well and both parties were already familiar with each other. Avery was specifically happy about it as Jane was arrogant and she didn't like her but Maria seemed very much better. Just as the team stepped out, Smith stayed back. Instead, he moved closer to Maria. "May I have a chat with you, ma'am?" Thanks to Maria, he was finally able to attend the meeting. Perhaps Jane just hated him and it wasn't even Hercules's order. What she didn't know was that Grey forgot to give Maria the order. Maria nodded briefly. "That's very fine." Avery looked back at Smith and wondered what he was up to. Though, she knew it always wasn't something good. She would have waited but she needed to visit Emma at her private house. Her mother didn't come home the night before and she wasn't picking up her calls. She understood the fact that she wanted to make her divorce Grey. Though, she agreed with her grandfather about the fact that she went too far but Avery was starting to be worr
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Chapter 147: Dismissed or not?
The breakfast was weird that morning. No one was talking. Everyone ate in silence.Smith couldn't stop staring at Grey. He got to KK corporation the day earlier and discovered that Grey had done some adjustments. He was really going to make use of the company.The funniest thing was that he was getting into the same business-like as them.Smith couldn't believe it at first until he saw the evidence staring right in his face. Grey was even going to start production soon. When Smith questioned Linda about the name of the creams, she refused to say it. It seemed like she had changed her loyalty. Well, typical of her.Avery however was thinking about the lies that her mother had cooked up earlier because of Grey and the fact that she was reluctant to come home, and was still trying to make Avery see sense in what she did.However, Avery didn't know if she wanted it or not."Avery, where's your mother?" Lucy was just so tired of the silence and the fact that Emma had refused to come home.
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Chapter 148: A plan to harm
Chris had to see Smith immediately. He knew he had to curb Grey quickly. He had to do all he could to make sure he was useless in the fight against him.But he was very confused, he didn't know how Grey was getting such a promotion and was quickly accelerating. He needed to ask Smith about everything.There was no way he would be able to deal with Grey unless he knew more about him.So, he drove right to LX corporation. He knew that Smith had taken over the company. He arrived at the company in no time and entered the lobby.Just before he would speak with the receptionist, Smith emerged from within as if he knew that Chris was coming."Oh, Chris. What are you doing here?" "I'm here to speak with you. Can we have some moments to ourselves?"Smith regarded him for a moment before he nodded towards the direction of his office. "Let's go then," he turned to look at the receptionist. " Get me the copy of the file I requested earlier. I what it faster."" Alright, sir."" Let's go," Smith
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Chapter 149: The Grandmother
Giovanni has been asking Jane for some information about Grey but she has been reluctant to share.Actually, Jane met Giovanni at a birthday party and since then, the two have been a bit closer to each other.Jane didn't know if Giovanni liked her genuinely but she wasn't ready to place business and personal matters at the same level. So, she had never given out anything concerning Gio.But that was exactly what she was going to do. It was going to be a payback at Hercules that lost a loyal worker."So, Jane. It's rare actually that you would want to see me like this," Giovanni smiled softly. Even at sixty, he was still a good-looking man. Sometimes, Jane would wonder how handsome he must have looked when he was very young."Actually, I wanted to tell you something. It's a positive response to what you've been asking for me," she revealed.Giovanni gave her confused brows. " Seriously? What can that be?"Jane closed her eyes for another moment as she berated herself. Was she supposed
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Chapter 150: Grandfather
Grey let out a low rumble of laughter as he watched Kanye."Seriously?" There was a twist on his lips as he watched Kanye."What? You won't do it?" Kanye was enraged the more." Well, the guy is stubborn," Chloe remarked." I'm going to count 1-3 for you to do what the pretty lady just asked or you will regret every time that you have spent on this Earth," he threatened in a thick voice.Grey ignored him, not really interested in his threats or what he could actually do. He wouldn't be there anyways if the elders didn't insist on meeting that night. Grey was very tired. Well, he had always been tired these days. All he wanted to do was go home to sleep."_3!" Kanye finished counting. Grey didn't even know when he started. Anyways, his eyes almost turned red with furry and he raised his hand towards Grey's cheek.Suddenly, his hand was suspended in the air. A hand was suddenly preventing it from going down.Kanye and Grey craned their necks to look at Gregory. There was a dark frown on
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