All Chapters of Secretly The Billionaire Boss: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
589 Chapters
Chapter 121: What's there?
Lucy stepped inside his room to get ready for work. He wasn't the CEO now but he still felt the need to go to work and sometimes supervise.His eyes went to the stainless steel wristwatch that he placed carelessly by the lampstand. He disregarded it because it was an imitation.When he got home on his birthday, he saw the watch on the table and took it inside. Grey must have intentionally dropped it so he could take it.Well, Lucy wanted to be accommodating for once and decided to accept the gift even though it wasn't worth it.Well, he never expected anything from him seeing that he was just striving in the business world.Just as Lucy turned to leave, he hesitated and decided to take the watch over to his friend's store. His friend was a large wholesaler and retailer in all forms of wristwatches.Since Grey argued that the watch was real. He was going to prove it to him. And if it turned out to be an imitation, Grey would be punished for lying.So, Lucy took the wristwatch and walke
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Chapter 122: Priority
Grey couldn't stop fidgeting. Gregory hadn't gotten back to him and he had started panicking.His phone rang suddenly and he reached for it. It was Don."Hello, any news?" He probed."No, Boss but we are ready to leave. Where should we meet? Should we come over to your place or will you come here?" Don bombarded." I will meet you wherever you are, just send me the address," he hurried out of the office. Tina rushed to him. " Boss, you have an appointment soon," she reminded him.Grey waved it off. " Cancel it!" He placed a call to Gregory immediately as he entered the elevator.Gregory didn't pick up again. He decided to forget about him for that moment and instead rushed out of the company.His phone beeped and the address popped up on the phone.He drove the car out of the company at full speed. He drove towards the address that Don had sent and he soon arrived at his destination.He hurried out and saw Don and Richard in front of the car, already waiting for him. They were in a s
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Chapter 123: Anniversary
Just as Grey opened his mouth to say something, something dropped from above, a smoking device, and soon, everywhere was getting filled with smoke.Grey took the opportunity to rush at the man still pointing the gun at Richard and about to shoot. He hit him by the hand, then squeezed it hard so that the gun would drop from his hand.Soon, the smoke was increasing and it was getting difficult to see anything from afar. Grey knew the side that Lan was on. So, he followed his instinct and found him.Richard was beside him already, straining to see in the smoke.Fire came down suddenly, and Grey heard Don's voice, calling out to him.Instead, he looked at Richard. "Take him. I'm going to look for Naomi," he muttered and went towards the door by the right.He saw Naomi on the bed, looking unconscious as well. She was only in her underwear and he wondered what they had done to her as well.A man came out of the bathroom, clad in only trousers but he was without a gun. Grey pointed the gun a
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Chapter 124: Young Master
Grey nodded briefly and turned away, as he felt a sick feeling overtake him. He didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to give the elders unnecessary reasons to worry.Leo was dead anyways. They just needed to find the spy and make life easier for him."Who? Do you know who it was?" Alfred probed in. Rio had an accident that led to the explosion of the car. They had to bury him with the car. So, there was no way to track anything, not even go for his autopsy.That aside, the elders wouldn't want it. Why? Because even Rio forbade it for Victoria. Doing it for Rio would mean they disrespected him.Grey sighed. "I didn't see his face," he lied. Well, he believed it was the best at that time. It wasn't the best time to get everyone on edge. He would tell them at the right time.Alfred released a sigh. "This is surprising. Why didn't I think to that extent?" He looked over at Grey, noticing the change in his attitude. " Are you ok? Will you come down now?"Grey looked at him and nodd
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Chapter 125: A revenge
Grey stared for a moment, shocked. “Wait, I don't understand this. Do you mean that Hattie killed my mother?”Beatrice nodded once. “I believe so. But she has someone working for her somewhere around us, we just didn't notice. This was the only mistake that we made,” she sobbed quietly.Grey couldn't think it through for a moment. It felt like a heavy load had descended on him. He couldn't believe it. That his mother was indeed poisoned? Someone killed her and she didn't die a natural death?“So, I had to leave that night, with everything about your mother's cream.”Grey observed Beatrice for a moment. “Cream?”Beatrice nodded once. “Your mother has some recipe for it but she wasn't able to create a company for it before she died. She didn't want anyone to steal the recipe. So, she told me to take everything away and keep it safe,” she explained.Greg released a sigh and looked away. There was a lot he didn't know and was already discovering. He wondered however how much he would stil
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Chapter 126: A New production
Grey eventually left the gym after some more exercises. He felt more cool and relaxed now.The first thing on his mind was to speak with Beatrice. He blamed himself for not asking for her number or where he could find her.Well, he drove right back to the graveyard. Hopefully that he would meet her again.There was no one around the graveyard. So, he walked back to the place where they sat previously. He saw Beatrice on the chair, sobbing silently. She must have been devastated or perhaps confused, especially because Grey accused her of murder.Grey walked closer, only stopping a few inches away. "Hi, Beatrice."Beatrice stopped at once and craned her neck towards Grey, a smile appeared on her face and she stood up. "Grey, you came back?" She seemed happy.Grey nodded once. "Can we leave here? I need to have a chat with you."Beatrice nodded quickly and wiped off the tears. " It's ok then."Grey led her to his car. He pulled out of the graveyard, towards nowhere in particular. He fina
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Chapter 127: New resolve
Grey left Beatrice with Alfred in the living room and decided to walk through Alfred's garden. A lot of thoughts were curling in his mind in some sort of crazy confusion. But one thing was clear already.He picked up his phone and dialed Don's line. He picked up after the third ring."Hello, Boss," Don boomed."How are Lan and Naomi doing?""They are fine. The doctor said they would survive but they are asleep currently," he revealed.Grey let out a sigh. " That's good. Let me know whenever Lan wakes up. That aside, make sure he's always guarded. I don't want the men to leave his room," he ordered." Yes, boss. I will do just that."Grey nodded once. "Goodbye for now." "Wait," Don said suddenly before Grey would hang up. "There are some people here that would like to meet you."Grey raised a brow. " Who are they?"Don went silent for a moment. " It would be best if you meet them personally."" No problem. I will be there soon," he finished and hung up. He walked back to the main doo
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Chapter 128: The Start
Grey regarded the man for a moment. Though, he didn't ask the elders if they killed Audrey's men, yet, he thought they were dead. "Why are you here? What do you want?" "I'm Jimmy and I want you to hear me out, " he pleaded softly. Grey let out a sigh. " Alright, go on." Jimmy hesitated for a moment and suddenly went on one knee. "I've offended you, I know but I've come to ask for your forgiveness. Audrey took my son as well, there was nothing I could do but obey each of his orders." Grey observed him for a moment. " It's ok. You can leave your life. I will release your son to you." Jimmy hesitated again. " I need something else from you, Hercules." " What do you want then?" Grey was skeptical. Jimmy regarded him for a moment. " I want to work for you, Hercules. I promise to be trustworthy and would even serve you with my life," he pledged truthfully. " Please, Hercules," Lan added quickly, in a strained voice. Grey swallowed harder, as he gave it a quick thought. He looked dow
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Chapter 129: Recognition
"What the fuck is happening here?" Grey yelled as he moved closer, and stood in front of Beatrice whose head was bowed in shame."Women like this shouldn't be allowed to shop while we are shopping," the lady with David sneered.David regarded Grey for a moment and suddenly laughed. "What the fuck! It's Grey! And_," he trailed off as he looked over at Beatrice again. " Is this woman your mother?"" Yes, do you have any problem with that?" Grey declared, not even thinking for a moment before replying.David laughed again, "I said it! I knew you displayed a fake membership card that day. There was no way you would get a Hercules membership card. You couldn't cater for yourself when you were in school. You had to beg almost every student for money. You were so poor and you still are. Look at how your mother is dressed so poorly?"" I seriously can't be shopping in here with her," the lady beside David said annoyingly."This boutique belongs to everyone. I don't know why some people have t
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Chapter 130: Pride
When Grey drove into the front yard, Beatrice was smiling. She was so happy and somehow, her lips were getting used to it.Grey wondered what Beatrice must have gone through all the years, especially with the loss of her son. Nothing could replace his place in her heart but he would try his best. He owed her for keeping his mother's recipe saved anyways."I should hand over the box to you," Beatrice started.Grey nodded briefly and assisted her with bags of clothes. "We will talk about the new company while at it."Beatrice smiled. "I will make us something.""Yes, change into something nice and make us something nice," Grey teased.Beatrice laughed. " Now you have a sense of humor. You were always so serious then," she commented and took a bag of clothes before she walked inside.Grey hesitated for a moment as the word sank in. He wondered if his mother knew that his father was a mafia Lord. He was so young, maybe that was why he didn't know about it.Instead, he had almost hated his
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