All Chapters of Secretly The Billionaire Boss: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
589 Chapters
Chapter 131: Pushed
Grey got home earlier that day, as he didn't bother returning to work.After he left Beatrice's place, he placed a call to Gregory and asked him about a nice car for Beatrice and he promised to get it delivered to her that evening."It wasn't funny, but I laughed," Chloe laughed.Grey heard Chloe's voice as he stepped inside, only to realize that Chloe and Avery were inside the house already. And they were chatting."And he finally rose in," Chloe said dramatically when she saw Grey, there was a smirk on her face.Avery looked up, with surprising features. She must be shocked that Grey came home earlier."Hi," Grey whispered and walked inside.He knew as he walked in, that Chloe was saying nasty things about him but he didn't care. He was more than tired and he needed to sleep.His phone rang suddenly, the number unknown but Grey picked it up anyways."Hello boss, this is Jimmy," the voice revealed."Oh, yes. Do you have anything for me?"" Yes, Boss. I've gotten what you asked of me.
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Chapter 132: Revenge in hidden
Grey suppressed a laugh. *Alright, thank you, Jane. I will do something about it." " Make it snappy, Boss. The likes of Grey shouldn't be allowed to ruin your reputation," she suggested. Grey smiled softly. " Alright." And he hung up. He hesitated for a moment and his smile widened. What would Jane do if she discovered that Grey was actually the Hercules she spoke to? Anyways, he knew what to do. And he couldn't wait to behold her face when she discovered it. Grey was ready to take everything to a next level. He would give everyone back what they had given him. And well, an act of revenge in cover was the best because no one would know what had hit them until it had happened. It was just exactly what had happened with Seth. Grey pulled up in front of the hospital. When he walked inside the room, he saw Belle speaking with Naomi and relief overwhelmed him. He was glad that he didn't lose Naomi as well. "Boss," Lan called softly, a smile playing on his face. Belle turned around
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Chapter 133: Hit differently
A soft knock sounded on the door suddenly. Grey turned to look at who it was. It was Richard and so, Grey signaled for him to enter the car.He turned toward Jimmy again. “What about the other thing I asked for?”Jimmy pulled out a piece of paper. “Here,” he stretched it out to him.Grey took it and placed it in the safe. “I will check it later. Work starts tomorrow,” he revealed.Jimmy nodded briefly. “I will be on my best behavior, “ he assured.Grey smiled. “I will see you later then. Did you add the numbers of these guys? They would need to come to the office with their credentials,” he explained.Jimmy nodded once. “I understand and I placed them together,” he assured.Grey smiled. “Tomorrow morning then,” he finished and gathered the files together. “Richard should come to the passenger seat,” he offered.Jimmy bowed slightly. “Goodbye boss,” he got down and walked away.Richard swallowed harder before he got down and walked to the passenger side. He knew what Grey was going to
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Chapter 134: A New company
"Alright, no problem. I will see you after work," Grey assured."Thank you so much, Grey," she appreciated and hung up.Grey let out a sigh and drove to KK corporation. Linda was already waiting for him."Good morning, I came as earlier as I could. Is there something you want me to do for you?"Grey nodded once as he started inside the lobby while Linda followed."We are starting this business immediately," he stopped to give her a short scrutiny. " We need to employ new staffs and we need a change of name."Linda was happy at the news. Atleast, it means she would resume work soon."So, what will this company be about?""A cream company and I will make you as the project manager. The creative manager would resume soon. She's on with the ingredients for the creams. You know what your job will entail already."Linda nodded once. " I will prepare everything for you. Will you like to conduct the interview?"Grey thought for a moment before he slowly shook his head. "No,you can do that. I
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Chapter 135: Lies
Avery stared at the bag of money for a moment, with brows drawn together.A soft knock sounded on the door and Avery rushed forward. She opened the door and let Chloe inside."Thanks for coming," she made sure that the door was locked so that no one would be able to enter.Chloe regarded her for a moment. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"Avery sighed and moved to sit. "I told you about Thomas? Thomas wanted to date me but I disagreed. Then, he pulled back. He used to be one of our wealthy investors," she explained.Chloe gathered her brows. " And why did you reject him? I mean, isn't he better than Grey? At least, he's rich. Grey has nothing. I wouldn't leave someone like Thomas for Grey," she declared.Avery thought for a moment. " That's because you don't know who Thomas really is. He's the most selfish man I have ever known. I can't fall for someone like him. There's absolutely no way things would work well for us both," she revealed.Chloe hissed. " Grey has a bad attitude bu
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Chapter 136: Break down
"Should I let them do their work? Or am I supposed to call them?" Grey inquired as they settled down. He brought Aphrodite to a nearby restaurant.They were in a VIP suite, so they had the chance to discuss anything without getting spied on.Aphrodite took from the Cajun Shrimp and Chicken pasta in front of her and chewed silently. "I think we should let them do their work. Even if you would be calling, then I think the elders should be aware. They should decide if you should go for it or not, "she advised.Grey regarded her for a moment. " Isn't this my inheritance? Why do I have to involve the elders?"Aphrodite looked up. " Because it doesn't only have to do with the shoe companies. There are other mafia bosses involved in it. You do know that Italy is the home of the mafia. And I guess your father hailed from there, " she hinted." How many shareholders?"" I think three. However, Hercules has spread beyond. So, if you are really in partnership with these people, you would easily
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Chapter 137: Preparation
Grey left the restaurant early as Beatrice called him that she was on her way to SU world.Aphrodite seemed tired anyways so she used the opportunity to retire to bed earlier.The telephone rang suddenly and Grey picked it up. "Hello, boss. There's someone here to see you," Tina announced. "She said she's Miss Beatrice," she added quickly."Alright, tell her to come in," Grey responded and the phone went off.The door opened a few minutes later and Beatrice walked inside. "Grey," she called happily.Grey stood and met her halfway. "I hope you aren't so exhausted?"Beatrice smiled. "A little but I need to give you feedback before I go home to rest."Grey regarded her for a moment and noted the happy expression. "You looked happy. Is everything alright?"Beatrice nodded briefly. " I got all the wildflowers. Fortunately for me, I also got the ingredients. Though, not all. We have to book some but since I don't have any money on me, I was unable to do it," she revealed.Grey hit his fore
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Chapter 138: Boss
Nora sent the address of where they were supposed to meet that night.Actually, Grey felt somehow about it. He couldn't place it but it felt strange that Nora would call him out.Well, if she was really sober and wanted to beg Grey to give her a job, then she would have done it during the day.For the fact that Nora specifically selected a venue and the time, Grey knew that she was trying to get back at Grey.She must have thought of a way to get back to Grey. Grey didn't know how or how far she had gone but he was sure that something was off somewhere."Is something wrong?" Linda's question jotted him out of his thoughts.He looked at her and shook his head slowly. "Everything is fine. I will leave now and check up on you guys later," he informed her.Just as he turned to walk deeper into the company, Beatrice walked out with Emily."I will need help with the ingredients," She announced."Oh, I will call some of these men. They will help out, that is if you are not in a hurry," Linda
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Chapter 139: Joker card day
Emma waited anxiously for the pictures to load before she hurried back to the dining room. She had the hard copy as well. She told Nora to send both the soft and hard copies to her.Benjamin looked up at her. "Emma, aren't you eating?"Emma snorted and sat eventually. "I had to retrieve something urgently. You won't believe what it's all about. "" What are you on about this time, Emma? "Lucy inquired."Before I proceed, I would like to ask you a question. Can I proceed?"Lucy regarded her for a moment. " Yes, sure you can go on."Grey looked up at this point. He knew what she was going to talk about anyways and he was patiently waiting for it."What would you do if your daughter's husband cheats on your daughter? I mean generally, perhaps from relatives and others. Would you agree for them to break up?" She sounded so excited." Sounds like she's talking about Grey!" Smith joked.Avery sent him a dirty glare. " Don't start."Smith laughed and continued to eat."You should tell us wha
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Chapter 140: Payback time
All gazes automatically turned towards Emma, except for Grey who continued to eat."Emma?" Benjamin called softly, unable to believe what he had heard."Mom, did you sincerely tell Nora to seduce Grey?" Avery was just too shocked. She knew that her mother was desperate but she didn't at all believe she would go to such length.Emma swallowed harder and seeing Lucy's expression, she got up and left in a hurry. She didn't even know how she was supposed to explain.Lucy looked over to Grey. "So, you've never cheated?""No," Grey admitted with a smile. Lucy shook his head. Somehow, he was starting to see Grey in another light. Well, after the truth he discovered at the ring store, he couldn't help but admire him a little.Avery was caught between her mother's nonchalant attitude and her grandfather's weird behavior. However, she felt relieved that Grey didn't cheat on her. Lucy was acting so kind to Grey which was very strange. Even Smith noticed but he concluded at the fact that Lucy m
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