All Chapters of Anything For The Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
133 Chapters
101. Alpha Dex
It feels like a completely fresh start. It sounds cheesy but this is my chance to get everything right. Waking up with Kate in my bed for example, just as it should have been months ago. It isn’t one of those awful dreams where I imagine her there, only to touch her bare shoulder and wake up with a thump. She’s here, perfectly messy, rumpled, maybe even snoring a little bit.I nuzzle my nose into the back of her and plant soft kisses along the nape of her neck, down her spine. Mate. Alba is still reeling, though the pieces are all connected and the bond already secured. My mark tingles, healed but now a sensitive spot of skin, in between two twisting tattooed ropes. Under my fingers the small raised edges where her mouth took my flesh hums with sensation. I wonder what Kate feels like as I slowly guide my fingers up and over her shoulder towards her collarbone. With the brightness of morning filtering in I can see the room is a mess. Her blue dress is scattered on the floor, trous
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102. Alpha Dex
The dining room quietened as we walked in, clearly we were a hot topic of conversation. Drama for generations.“Good morning everyone, apologies for keeping you waiting but as you might be able to tell…I found my mate,” and kissed Kate’s hand. A happy murmur went up in the room. Luna Madeline was the first to offer her congratulations, getting up from her chair, walking stiffly in her black ruffled dress to squeeze Kate’s hand and whisper something in her ear. She blushed and kept hold of Luna Madeline’s hand. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered “your girl did amazing with that map. So brave..”I nodded, proud that she had found the courage to take such a risk. Over mindlink last night as she slept in my arms I was briefed about how she had given it to Alpha Frank. Knowing that even if I had rejected her, or Austin harmed her the information would still be out there and have stopped my murder, if not the wedding. I owe her so much.Alpha Frank followed next, slapping my sho
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103. Roxie
In the end it was an easy decision to jump in that sports car. I felt like crap, my stomach was still killing and the idea of heading to lectures and seeing Felix, Matt, Cherry and all those others who must despise me was too much.Why not start again. There is no reason to think the world starts and ends with Fyrestone. I don’t have to like Austin, I’m not leaving Fyrestone for love. I’m leaving my dumpster fire of a life and starting again.I almost bottled it this morning. Watching the sun come up on the top of the accommodation block, it was beautiful, calm and fresh. I had my arms wrapped around my legs, only the sound of birdsong. The black rock that contains Berlarot was next to me, quivering with energy. Maybe if I had never got involved with the demon, if I was just a girl who had made up some shit and got caught out I could endure this storm. This anchor around my neck, Berlarot, his weight and guilt is pulling me downhill with him. The water will rush over my face and drow
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104. Kate
I know it must have hurt Dex but I spent most of my first full day as his mate thinking about Roxie. I should have been basking in the glow of his adoration, how sweetly he treated me. Yet only I knew what kind of twisted world she was heading into. Roxie is the same as me, she’s only known Fyrestone life, the fairly gentle leadership and sane Alpha that leads it. She’s got such a sassy mouth and so much attitude, I’m terrified she’s going to end up being Humbled. That is my greatest fear. It means I babble my way through my first formal meeting with Alpha Fyrestone. In his huge white office, the cool breeze seeping through the shutters, wafting piles of paper together with Dex I try to explain everything. The men are thinking of war straight away. They don’t realise that as long as Roxie is the summoner we can persuade her to stop. The danger is in Austin thinking he has to kill Roxie to take power for himself if we go charging in full pelt with a war and attacks. “You think we s
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105. Kate
With Raya pushing me furiously I somehow found the strength to speak. “Please can you hold me, I don’t want you to look at me when I tell you,” and although his jaw clenched in worry he let me nuzzle into his chest. Inhaling that deep bonfire scent I told him everything. How he had the silver knife to my throat, how my fear had turned him on so much he wrapped my hand around his cock to jerk him off. Like a teenager with a wet dream it was still in his trousers, but still I felt disgusted with myself. In halting, forced sentences I described as much as I could. “He…finally lost it when his knife shot up too high and actually cut me. Then he licked up my chest where the blood trickled and…Dex I’m so sorry.” His huge arms were already around my body. This was the kind of comforting softness he’d given me so tenderly when he plucked me out of the rain. I hadn’t wanted to be that girl again. I didn’t cry as I told him but everything came in gulps and stumbles. Having to admit just how s
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106. Kate
I spent a few hours with Rose, leaving her red velvet room feeling like we were on the way to forming some kind of relationship. She had made some poor choices but I knew how consuming those dreams could be. Rhett had no idea, so I made it my mission to tell him. Part of me also wanted to find Dex, knowing his plan was to plan some sort of espionage campaign with him. Except I found Rhett alone. He stood alone watching the fighter training from above. Tutting and folding his arms he was clearly unimpressed with his options. “Hey,” he said before I even got within a metre of him. I stood beside him and watched the training. Grappling, rolling and wrestling. Rhett tutted, “does Coah Grantley really think you’re going to have an opportunity to use wrestling grips against an enemy? We’re wolves for fucks sake. Where’s the shifter training!” “I think we only did it three or four times,” I said sheepishly, “I wouldn’t say it had a heavy focus.” “I’ll be changing that straight away,” he
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107. Roxie
Etherly can get stuffed, I’m staying in bed. All the suggesting and hinting in the world isn’t making me leave this silken pit. I’m in agony. Coupled with what feels like the worst period pain I’ve ever had, I’m also getting beaten up by the Fyrestone packs rejection. It didn’t happen until late last night. I’d spent the whole day expecting it to hit. When it did come, in the middle of the night, waking me up as I bent double under the silken sheets it felt like an insult. As if Alpha Fyrestone had woken up for a piss in the night and finally remembered to excommunicate me. Bastard. It meant I was in long silken silver pyjamas when the double doors to my suite flew open. Etherly had grassed me up the little bitch. Alpha Austin stormed into the room closely followed by Zaw. His mossy eyes glared at me, his grey henchman suit as perfectly bland as his personality. “What the fuck is this Roxie?” Austin snapped looking down at my sweating face. “Alpha I’m not messing around, the pac
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108. Kate
“I can tell you're hoping it’s going to be foggy again,” Dex smirked at me as we bounced along in the car together. "Excuse me, I am here on important business," I replied huffily though when he trailed his finger along my hand a shiver of desire ran through me. "Fog would be amazing though," I said almost in a daze as he chuckled to himself. Rhett was driving, considerably less chirpy than normal seeing as we had to drag him away from Rose for this journey. I just smiled and looked out of the window, my fingers curling around his as we sat apart in the large grey car. We were heading back to Luna Madeline. In an effort to avoid war Dex had agreed to see if the mistress of Dark Arts had any advice for taking Roxie’s demon away without killing her. I know he is doing this trip purely for me, to satisfy my desperate wish to keep my best friend alive. Every day she is in Greenway I worry what horrors Austin will inflict on her. Dex and Alpha Fyrestone seem on tenterhooks, waiting
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109. Alpha Dex
“Dex!” Her shrill, panicked voice ripped through my conversation with Madeline and Frank. I was out of my chair and fighting my way through the fucking mindless warren of little corridors and pantries to get to the outside. “Here!” the deep voice of Olaf cried. My fear was that she had been kidnapped. That somehow Austin had discovered her and sent his psychopathic Beta to take her. Instead I stumble outside onto the wooden decking to see Kate smiling. “What’s going on?” Standing behind Kate, his face largely obscured by the shadows was a man. Olaf lifted a lantern high and his face was revealed. Platinum blonde hair, a new scruffy beard and piercing blue eyes. Glenn. By this time Alpha Frank and Luna Madeline scuffled their way out onto the porch, obviously not in as great a hurry as me to find the cause of my mate’s cry. Rhett stood next to me as we both went forward together. “Glenn!” I cried, as he raised a hand as if warning us to keep our distance. “What’s going on?” I h
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110. Kate
The thunder. Every time it rumbled over the packhouse it sent a wave of heat through my body. I could barely focus on Glenn. He is so angry, so bitter at how his mate has been treated. I know I would feel the same, to know someone had harmed even a hair on Dex’s head would mortify me. I don’t think the men quite realised how many scars she is covered in. Presumably if she has them all over the visible bits of her body, they’re going to be in the other areas too. The poor girl. Tomorrow we will do everything possible to help her. Climbing the dark wooden stairs with Dex another deep rumble sounds. The storm is getting closer. I cannot help grabbing his hand. There is electricity in his grasp and I feel my eyes flashing already. The instant he opens the door to our suite I jump at him. My lips on his before the door even shuts. His hands are unzipping the dark ruby red of my dress, unveiling my porcelain skin to him. Wordlessly, our actions perfectly synchronised in the darkness.
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