All Chapters of Anything For The Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
133 Chapters
81. Alpha Dex
Heading down the cobbled path with Rose gave me a strange sense of Déjà vu. We had done this only a few months ago. Late at night, the scent of citrus and sweet fuchsia flowers mixed upon the dusky evening air we had strolled, close siblings, able to trust one another. I had declared I would stand up for her, make sure I would do everything I could to prevent her being in an arranged marriage to Austin. Now I was here to find out just how much she had deliberately ruined a young woman’s life. “Much further?” Rose asked, her eyes glued downwards to the cobbles. She wore a long black dress, covered in slashes and chains. After being dolled up like a toy for the Conference she was back in full punk mode. Her short dark hair was a mess of wild curls and her ears covered in new piercings. I was in my leather jacket, unzipped, grey shirt underneath. “Just into the orchard, did you do all those piercings yourself?” “Roxie, we were bored at Foxton,” she shrugged nonchalantly. /Fantastic/
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82. Alpha Dex
Rose was out of the picture, leaving just the three of us. Friends since boyhood yet it felt as though I was meeting Glenn for the first time. This was the guy who had been there when my mother died. He physically picked me up, and with Rhett carried me outside the packhouse into this orchard. I screamed myself hoarse that day, such emotions forbidden by my father in his presence. Now grown men, he stood as surly and miserable as a teenager, hands shoved into his green hoodie front pocket and eyes studying the floor. “Glenn, what do you have to say?” “Nothing. You heard Rose. That’s what happened. I followed the Luna Princesses orders.” “Glenn, you’ve been my best friend for so long…don’t make me do this.” “Do what?” /Here we go/ Alba said, as I took another plunge, let’s destroy another relationship tonight. Sighing I pushed my black hair from my forehead and simply said. “Why did you tell Kate to head to Greenway? Why would you send her to Austin!” This time Rhett lost contro
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83. Kate
Now I have the amulet back I feel safer, Austin is still using me for meetings, but the suspicion has lessened. Over the past couple of weeks I have most of my meals with Seraphine and Mina. I laugh sometimes. I have a routine. I am assembling the fragments of a life here in Greenway. It is all necessary to provide a cover for my true intentions. Every time a meeting ends and I head down to the library to add to the records I open a filing cabinet drawer. There is no apparent logic to the previous scribe’s system. Random years, random topics spill out as I take a couple of minutes each day to try and find whatever it is I need to help Dex. In the two weeks since we returned, I have gone through just one silver filing cabinet, another two dozen to go, plus the meters of bulging wooden shelving, plus the lockboxes. I need to get faster but the howling anguish of Hugo reminds me of the price I will pay for being found rooting through these documents. Just as I finish putting away some
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84. Kate
In the reflection of the mirror I tried to use my free hand to touch the wound, to check if I could just wipe it away. He had nicked my neck with his silver blade, something no shifter can heal. Alpha Austin instead raised his knife, pointing it towards my fingers, that were blocking his view of my injury. Slowly I lifted my hand away, watching his moves in the mirror instead of looking directly at his face. Like a dance, I was his prey trying not to get caught yet he wanted me scared enough to thrill him. His blue eyes were racing with purple, his wolf loving every second. He sniffed, the metallic scent of my blood now in the air. With my hand removed he took away the knife and used the same hand to push my face into his. Forcing his tongue into my mouth for a couple of seconds as I squirmed, he pushed my face away. Roughly licking the blood from my neck like a rabid dog I fought against his touch, trying not to cry at the sensation of his tongue on my skin. In struggling I accide
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85. Roxie
I have ditched Berlarot before but I mean it this time. I can’t keep having my emotions toyed with like that. What happened with Alpha Austin was dangerous. It was me making the decisions and talking the talk but the drive to send me down those stairs and throw myself at a man I’d never met. That wasn’t me. I can be confident and sexual but it was like he turned those aspects of me up to full volume, removing my instinct to not die at the hands of a psychopath. I’ve spent almost every hour since arriving on campus lusting after Alpha Dex and then a switch flicks and suddenly I want Austin? Berlarot is messing with me and it’s pissing me off. I don’t know much more of my life he is tampering with as even Felix seems to be cooling off I can’t decide if the distance between Felix and I is a good or a bad thing as I lay on my bed with sad radio tunes matching my mood. Seeing as I never really wanted him anyway it’s probably good. Then some days he randomly wraps his huge, solid arms
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86. Alpha Dex
The day after the orchard showdown I had to visit my father. He had no idea the ground he thought secure was turning to quicksand around him. He hardly left his office these days anyway. He left the touring and inspections of towns to his Beta’s. They were too lazy to report any real issues, so our decline was picking up pace. He was slowing down, an aging, battle worn shifter, yet he was fighting it every step of the way. “Father, we need to talk,” stepping into his cool white office where he sat imperiously, a crisp white shirt hinting at the jet black web of tattoos underneath. “Dex,” gesturing to the chair. Before I could speak, he started. “Look, I know this Conference was tough for you, seeing…her again, but you did good."I decided to wait it out before adding any opinion of my own. I’m learning slowly, listening is better than charging. “Anyway, after you left the second night, Eduardo and I had a chat. He believes Austin is very serious about attacking Highton. Luna Gwyn
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87. Kate
I don’t know what to do with the map. It has been with me for over twenty four hours and the longer I hold onto it the more it feels like the evidence that is going to get me killed. Something as important as that is there for a reason. The closer Dex gets to proposing to Luna Gwyneth the more likely Austin is to want to have his hands on that document. In the darkness of my room my fingers brush the dry parchment, trying to create a plan. Dex’s praise about my strategy skills rang hollow as my mind felt like fudge. I was frustrated, restless and drowning in these bed covers. I put the piece of paper to one side, neatly hidden away under my mattress for now. Looking up at the moon from my tiny window my body ached for Dex. Under my flimsy cotton top my nipples brushed against the material as I remembered his hands on my body. Stood up at the window, with nothing to see but the stars I let my hand travel down into my pajama shorts. Stood up, one hand against the wall I slowly felt
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88. Alpha Dex
I had to wait until the morning for my formal audience with Luna Gwyneth. She was adamant that a doctor saw me. What I had to ask her would take less than five minutes yet she was insistent. Fussing over me like a mother hen, I was suffocated by boredom. The blonde twins surrounded Glenn and Rhett in a cloud of tea, coffees and cake until the night grew dark and they finally retired for the night. I felt like a prisoner, restrained by infernal politeness by the time the flaccid doctor arrived and took my blood pressure. He was a bumbling older man with glasses and a limp. Probing me with his instruments and muttering under his breath he took forever. It took all of my patience not to snap at him. One good thing came from the delay. Rhett snuck up and informed me that the twins had mentioned rogue attacks. The disputed forest land was being tested. That doesn’t happen by accident. I doubted they were rogues either, probably some of Austin’s weaker warriors that he was happy to lose i
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89. Kate
It is a bright and sunny morning as I sit in yet another meeting. I have sat through dozens now and every moment existing in a room with Austin still makes me tingle with dread. Hugo’s nervous replacement has reported huge improvements in trade with other packs. Clearly, he knew what happened to those who returned without the required discounts. Rustling papers sound like the sizzle the poker made as its bloodied end was placed back into the fire. Austin barely glanced at me these days, leaving me in a peculiar limbo. If he grew completely bored of me, he would probably just kill me. To be too interested in me would leave me the recipient of his disgusting advances again. “What of our latest tracking team Andre?” Austin asked, his bracelets rattling loudly as he pointed down the marble table length. Andre was a huge man, bigger than Alpha Fyrestone. Head Warrior for Greenway even his dull eyes looked to be made from granite, his voice deep with bass . “We sent trackers into the Hi
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90. Roxie
Felix and I are okay. I have been trying with Matt and Cherry but everything I say seems to land the wrong way. A few weeks ago I could crack a joke and have a dozen people laugh at it, but now I get side-eye and reluctant smiles. Maybe I’m trying too hard. Kate always warned me about pushing. She would always swoop in, change the topic, and bring me back into the conversation. Without her I am flailing, making myself look an idiot to get back into their good books. I may have laughed at Cherry and her red lipstick with Sinead, I complained Matt was a poor fighter compared to Felix to whoever would listen. All these things have a way of getting back to the source. I was reaping the karma of my overconfident bragging. Sinead had taken up with some other friends now, since breaking her nose in warrior training. Rose was in some sort of depressive funk and not leaving her room. I had to make this Assessment work, but it was exhausting. With another joke failing we sat on our usual pi
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