All Chapters of Anything For The Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
133 Chapters
61. Kate
I was sound asleep, a dreamless black space thanks to my relentless meeting schedule. Being so heavily draped in fabrics, sat perfectly poised, smothered in jewellery left my body aching. Which is why, when my door creaked in the middle of the night I didn't stir. It took being roughly shaken for my eyes to flicker open. Staring at me, a blazing fire torch painfully close to my face was a familiar pair of mossy green eyes. "What, what are you doing in my room! Get back!" I squealed, pulling the sheets up across my chest. Hauling myself against the wall, I needed distance, urgently. Beta Zaw's face was unchanged, though the rare twinkle in his iris showed he enjoyed my fear. "Put on your robe. I will be waiting outside," pausing for a few more seconds. I wore a tiny silk vest and pyjama shorts. I could not hide the repulsion on my face, imagining how long he might have been watching me. "It's the middle of the night!" I whispered furiously. "Alpha Austin demands it. Now," he repl
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62. Kate
The Conference is tomorrow. I should be excited as Dex will almost certainly be there but I feel sick. Every meeting I’ve attended only highlighted the cavernous gap of Hugo’s presence. At night I heard his screams. Even the wind blowing against my small window sounded like his shrill squeals. Meat made me nauseous and Mina asked me endless questions that I could not answer. All the makeup and jewellery in the world couldn’t disguise the fear and trauma on my face. As I sat numbly scribbling minutes of the meeting, I forced myself to look up at Austin. Each time my eyes met his I remembered the feel of his firm hand around my throat, the relentless thudding of his hand and length hitting my lower back. Mina came to find me in the library where I held a book, unable to take in the words. “Come with me,” she whispered as I stood up and followed. She took me into the gardens where a small tea service was waiting. Ornate porcelain cups and dainty sandwiches gleamed in the sunshine. It
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63. Alpha Dex
It’s a hell of a drive to Luna Madeline’s, even though our packs border it’s a nightmare. The only way out of Fyrestone is east, so we must double back on ourselves either north through Eduardo’s Cliffrill or south with Alpha Frank. The idea of sitting stationary in a car drives me to distraction. “I’ll see you there Father,” I shouted into his dressing room. “What?” he boomed, “why aren’t you waiting for the convoy?” “I'm planning to talk to Luna Madeline before the rest arrive, I’m taking the Ducati.” The door flung open, my Father huffing before me in the hallway with his shirt buttons half-fastened exposing his gigantic chest. White slivers of scars cut through the jet black ropes and binding motifs that littered his pecs and shoulders. “What the fuck you wanting to talk to that old witch about without me?” “I think we’re building rapport. Different to what you two have,” I said steadily. My Alpha style is not going to be the same as his, I won’t bully my way with sheer phys
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64. Kate
Transferring into Austin’s car, his blue eyes watch my every move. His face is set sternly, fiddling with his jewellery. Examining myself for flaws I force myself to look at him. “You’ll do,” was all he muttered. Examining his own gilded watch, after a few minutes he casually added. “You remember what happened to Hugo don’t you?” “Yes Alpha,” my hands clenched tightly in my lap. Like I could ever forget Hugo. “To ensure you don’t get the same punishment when we return you need to follow my rules.” He leaned forward and brushed a braid of hair from my shoulder. It was the slightest touch, but it felt like the most intimate invasion. His contact was unwanted, cold, and left me feeling dirty. No other pack leader would do that. I asked myself for the thousandth time, why had Beta Glenn sent me here? “The rules are, if you so much as say one single word to Alpha Dex you’re dead. If you give him a sad, pitiful look as though you’re not enjoying life in Greenway, you’re dead.” The f
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65. Kate
Alpha Austin’s triumph was obvious. The way he carried himself taller, spoke louder to the people around him. Knowing seeing me had forced Dex upstairs was the victory he had been craving. As a servant passed with refreshments he whispered. “Eat and drink, you look faint. This is going to be a long day. Now.” Silently I took juice and sandwiches from the servant. I couldn’t go anywhere in the room without feeling dozens of pairs of eyes watching me. /The worst is over now, the first meeting was always going to be the worst/ Raya tried to comfort me as the small sandwich stuck in my throat. The air was thick with perfume, masking everyone’s real scents. Everywhere I looked little conversations and nuggets of discussion were underway. It almost seemed as though the real negotiations were happening right now, not around the formal table. “Eduardo!” Austin cried, slapping his hand into the older tanned gentleman’s palm. He was cooler, more considered in his reply. “Austin, good to see
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66. Alpha Dex
I’ve half a mind to grab the Ducati and just rev it the hell out of here. What the fuck is going on! She’s there trussed up like a fucking peacock, Austin showing her off like a prize at a fair, it’s unbearable. I smelt fresh grass the instant I walked into the large wooden foyer but I didn’t recognise her instantly. The huge tacky gold crown, the heavy make-up. Even her hair didn’t look the same with all that gold and jewels. But as the realisation slowly crept in I felt my world tremble beneath my feet, my heart, already playing silly games with me lurched in pain. She is exiled. Kate has nothing to do with Fyrestone now. To storm up to her and ask her what the hell was going on would break every rule. I have never wanted to rip Austin’s throat out as much in my life. “What the fuck is she doing here,” my father had grumbled, appearing beside me. “Did you know she had gone to Greenway?” “No, did you?” “No,” he said bitterly, “we have Beta’s who are supposed to get us that kind
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67. Kate
My nerves were jangling all over again until I walked in the room and realised my chair was nowhere near Dex’s eyeline. I wondered if Luna Madeline had done it on purpose or if Austin had made an oversight. Either way he was seething. Clicking his fingers the whole room could see his clear disdain for me. Ordering me about, checking my writing and complaining my calligraphy wasn’t precise enough. Dex hardly said anything, not that I dare look at his face. Every so often I caught a draft of that perfect bonfire scent and felt somehow elevated. “Perhaps Alpha Austin you would prefer to use the official scribes minutes?” Luna Madeline asked across the black wooden meeting table with a flicker of amusement on her face. Austin ran a hand across his chin. “Not at all Luna Madeline, apologies for interrupting.” The table all turned and spun as Luna Gwyneth let out a giggle. “Dex,” she whispered, apparently he must have said something highly amusing. Luna Madeline’s face remained unimpress
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68. Kate
I looked around and saw no sign of him. It was his scent, but there was nothing to see but ahead but a black carpet of trees. “Hello,” my timid voice disappearing into the darkness. It was the middle of the night, I doubted anyone else was freshly traumatised and fighting sleep apart from me. A sudden creak of wood above my head made me look up. Unmistakable jet black hair and eyes looked back at me. Dex was staring from the balcony above. His hands clenched as his broad, bare arms rested on the wooden rail. My heart leapt with joy despite his face looking pained. Alongside his shadowed brow I caught a glimmer of angry red in his iris. It didn't appear his heart had leapt the same as mine. “Dex!” I whispered in panic, quickly spinning round and shutting the balcony doors. Zaw, Austin and Etherly’s rooms were on the other side of our shared floor. As much as my heart raced to see him, even this tiny amount of interaction would guarantee my swift death. “More secrets Kate?” his low
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69. Kate
Waiting for his response, there wasn’t another sound out in the darkness, except the thud of his heartbeat under my palm. His tone of voice switched to that of an Alpha, questioning and imperious. "Roxie is bonded with a demon?" /He’s taking us seriously/ Raya urged, /trust him./ “That’s why I asked Alpha Fyrestone for the private meeting. The morning I left you in bed, I found Roxie talking to a demon outside the compound. It was like a ball of black oil, but with a hazy shimmer. It’s voice made the ground shake. It had no face…and yes I know its crazy” I tried to talk in facts but I could tell he was struggling. “Kate…I’ve never heard of a demon like that,” his voice softened, like talking to an invalid. /Make him see the truth, no half measures, no dancing around the topic/ Raya whined, my thoughts erratic and unruly. I took a deep breath and said, “you’re going to think I’m blaming Roxie because I’m jealous or bitter. But I heard her. Talking to a demon called Berlarot, o
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70. Alpha Dex
I have been such a fucking idiot. The instant she began talking, everything melted away. She could have stolen every fucking jewel in the packhouse and I’d have still kissed those tears away. Everything she told me, it made sense coming from her. She’s exiled, she has nothing to lose by lying to me and it all stacks up. Glenn and Rose though, heads are going to roll when I'm done with them. Those thoughts are for later though, for right now I have the most perfect, naked, honey-haired wonder on top of my body. She is lying on me, our skin still soaked by the fog. Rain softly falls and my heart sinks at the idea this might soon be over. “We don’t have long,” she said sadly, as I sat up against her wall and she snuggled in next to me. “Do you have a plan, Dex?” “Apart from wondering if I can make you come again before dawn, no I don’t,” loving the fact I can make her laugh even in this shitshow of a situation. She linked her fingers with mine and snuggled in to my body. I watched h
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