All Chapters of The Alpha Or The Warrior?: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
128 Chapters
Pain Beyond Description
Even though Mathew meant his words when he said he wasn't good enough for Emily, he still feels lost.He had gotten so used to being with her, always excited to see her when he went out of the pack, but now there's just nothing to go back there for.He should be pleased, since he has always thought about leaving the pack for good some day, except he is not. Emily had become the light in his gloomy world, a promise at happiness, helping him to forget that he lives a fake, miserable life. Everything about him is fake, and he hates it.Now he is back to living a life without hope, but there is nothing he can do. He keeps hurting the girl and she has enough problems and trauma in her life without him adding more. If he is hurting her like this when she knows nothing about him, he can't imagine the pain she would go through if she found out exactly who he is.Despite making a clear decision to cut things off with her for good, he still wants to see her. He keeps checking his W******p to se
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Gone For Good
Oblivious to the appearance and disappearance of her ex boyfriend, Emily let's Marcus kiss her. She sits on his lap, legs draped on either side of him, and that hurts Mathew beyond repair.Is this the reason why she overreacted over their small fight? She jumped to break up with him when all he asked was to have her explain how she happened to have flowers and a ring in a bin. She must have done it to get him out of the way so she could create space for Marcus in her life.And then he sealed everything by agreeing to her decision.Well, it is probably for the best. If he wants to please a woman, even in the future, if he gets lucky enough to love another one, he will find out as much as he can about how to please a woman because he is sadly lacking in that department.He has lost her for good.And now he has to leave, never to return again.~Marcus is sitting on a bench with Emily on his lap, making out with her. He kisses Emily's face, ears and neck, intent on making her as turned on
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Marcus's Love
The woman is no other than Gianna, and Emily wonders why she is butt hurt about a man who is not even hers. She is overreacting. Nevertheless, she has killed the romantic mood between her and Marcus.She stands up from his lap and gives him a stern glance."You two have a lot of unresolved issues. Sort them out before you think of persuading any woman to be with you.""Emily..." he tries to call her her back, but she walks away, pulling her skirt down as she does so."Shit," he facepalms himself, then turns to glare at Gianna. "You stay away from my business. I don't owe you explanations and I certainly don't appreciate your lectures...""I will talk because it is not right that you..."She is interrupted swiftly. "Shut it. It is not like you are saintly yourself. Imagine the betrayal if your sister found out what you did."Enraged, Gianna fumes silently, knowing that the idiot has won, again. The truth is, the only thing driving her is jealousy, not morals or anything. She is a person
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Marcus leaves Emily to prepare for the day ahead of them, and she takes her time choosing the best outfit to wear. She needs to do some shopping, and she only remembers this whenever it is time for a change of clothes.She has finished taking a shower when she hears a knock at the door and, sniffing the air, she realizes it is Tara.What does she want now? Emily is running out of time and definitely has none to spare for a chitchat. Nevertheless, she goes to open the door because she knows Tara can tell she is in the room."What is it, Tara?" she goes back to the bed to continue applying lotion, Tara closing the door and following her."Are you going somewhere?" Tara enquires, and Emily looks at her to try and see if she can work out what this is all about from her expression. She is talking in a casual tone but with detective's eyes. Which means she wants to find out something but isn't courageous enough to ask her directly what she wants to find out."The office? I am going to the
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Stranger In The Cabin
To make Emily fall in deep slumber, Marcus has turned to the use of the substance that that has helped him for a long time. With this central nervous system depressant mixed with wolfsbane, he will do whatever he wants with her; make love to her the whole night and then mark her and she won't be able to feel a thing.She will probably be shocked to learn that she has been marked, but by then it would already have happened and her reaction won't really matter. She can rage, hit him or whatever way she will deem fit to punish him, it won't bother him at all, and he will have gotten what he wanted.He will have gotten equal to her in rank, which means he will get the Alpha title back, and be stronger this time because he will have been a true Alpha like her.Hoping she doesn't kill him the next morning, he goes into her room and gives her the hot chocolate, then, after making sure she has taken the first sip, excuses himself.Perfect!Since it takes more than a few minutes for the effects
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He's A Married Man!
"Okay, what is going on now? I demand that you tell me what's going on!"Emily says firmly. Why do some people in this pack enjoy playing games with her? It was Twyla first, and then Gianna, and now this one. At least Twyla repented now, but it seems someone has come to replace her. And Emily is dying to know why they had a picture of the woman out up in the hall."I don't know, I am just as confused as you are, girl. You say Marcus is your fiance? You are the Alpha of this pack? Yes, I can feel it now, dominance has started emanating from you now that you are getting upset. Shit, this is messed up."The woman talks really fast, like she is in a rush to get enough words out."What?" Emily says. It seems the woman has come to understand something, but Emily is still blank."So they found the real Alpha's daughter? I see."Emily tilts her head to the side, amazed. Her sharp eyes are boring into the pretty, delicate woman before her, trying to read her."I am not surprised that he made a
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Tell The Entire Story
Emily takes off the ring and flings it across the room, screaming in frustration.No, this is not her fault. It was not her fault at all and she should stop feeling guilty. Getting involved with a married man? Definitely something new. Marcus has toyed with her, took off his ring the minute his wife left, appearing single.What an asshole. She is going to give him a piece of her mind when she meets him, that jerk. The world's biggest jerk.Picking up Mathew's mop, she cleans the rest of the house, then leaves quickly.Just outside the pack house, she finds the girls, her Beta, Tara and others who she knows only by face.They seem to have been waiting for her, as they start following her immediately they see her.Emily doesn't say anything, raising her eyebrow when they come to block her way."You have found out, haven't you?" Tara asks. "You must hate us, I can even tell from your eyes.""Why would I hate you, Tara?" she says with a sigh. "Excuse me, I will go in the house now.""You
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Story Of The Alpha's Wife 1
"It was a stormy morning on the day she arrived, Becky. That's her name," Tara says as soon as she and Emily are settled on Emily's bed. It sounds like a very interesting story, and this is how Emily understands it, from Tara's words.The Girl Becky had arrived in the pack years ago, drenched from the heavy downpour outside. She seemed to have spent so much time in the rain and got a fever so bad that she collapsed immediately after knocking on the door.By that time, the pack members had been hoping for a miracle where the Alpha's long lost daughter would come back, and that was the reason they mistook Becky for the Alpha's daughter. Becky had appeared mysteriously in the pack, with no recollection of where she'd come from, and the eager pack members chose to believe that she was the long lost Alpha's daughter they'd been waiting for. Becky had Alpha blood so they thought her dominance would manifest when she woke up, and the desperate Alpha, Marcus, had wasted no time in marking a
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Story Of The Alpha's Wife 2
After years in marriage with Alpha Marcus, Becky finally fell pregnant, and the Alpha was truly happy about it, hiring the best doctor to monitor the development of the pup in her womb. The couple had been trying at having a kid for a long time and the Alpha had almost run out of patience. There were rumours that he considered leaving Becky and marry her sister Gianna instead, but the goddess was on Becky's side as she got pregnant before the Alpha's plans could take root and destroy her marriage.Becky had always been a sickly child, and her parents were anxious when they discovered that she was pregnant and some of her childhood illnesses were triggered. They begged that she go home to deliver the child from there, as they knew how best to handle the girl when she got Ill, and Marcus had no choice but to allow them because he couldn't think of anything to do to heal Becky. But immediately her younger sister left, Gianna took the opportunity to seduce and sleep with Marcus any time s
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Sound Advice
"I told you, Emily, I wasn't in my right mind when I tried to marry you. What else do you expect me to do?"Emily narrows her eyes, looking dangerous in his eyes for the first time. He wouldn't admit it but he is scared, as the Alpha in her shows."First of all, I want you to mind your tone. You are talking to your Alpha, Marcus."How strange it sounds to hear her say that. A few weeks ago, he was the Alpha and he had said those words to people countless times.Now a chick appeared out of the blue, and he was told she was found because of that meddlesome Mathew, and everything about him being the Alpha is history. He is still not over that. He will never get over that, and the worst is she is more powerful than he will ever get. He lost his opportunity to steal power from her, trying to be patient as he went about it until his wife came back and he lost all chances and hopes.And now, now he is reduced to fearing her, getting intimidated and forced into submission by her Alpha aura."C
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