All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
461 Chapters
Chapter 141 - Rion Is Worried
GULP GULP"Master Roul, please help… gulp…" Levin's head floated up and down on the surface of the water. Roul grabbed the purple-haired man's hand while swinging his legs to swim up to the surface. That was when he felt his body being pulled down and whoop!They really got sucked down at high speed.Levin held Roul's hand very tightly as the water around them swirled, making their bodies spin as if trapped in a huge whirlpool. Meanwhile, Roul took out a teleportation crystal from his pocket, planning to teleport to the north tower, but he stopped when he saw something glowing purplish-white down there.'A portal?' He furrowed his brows. What attracted him the most was because the portal was in the shape of a windmill and moved slowly in a circular motion, totally different from normal portals.GULP GULP!Bubbles of water escaped from Levin's mouth as he tried to say 'Why stop? Let's hurry and get out of here!'Roul, who was very curious about the portal below, let himself and Levin b
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Chapter 142 - Lying To Yourself Is A Very Tiring Job
I always try to stay away from you. However, the more I try, the more attracted I am to you.Every time I'm near you, I always remind myself not to expect more.Until in the end I have to lie to myself again by saying that… just looking at you I'm satisfied. . . Rion walked slowly towards Odette who stood while looking at the rain outside. He opened his robes and enveloped her with the robe, then he hugged the girl from behind. "You're sick. The cold is not good for you," he said with concern. Odette could only look up and glanced at him with a weak smile. 
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Chapter 143 - Dario's Karma
In two different places, Roul, Levin, and Garbera were still trying to solve the case the king gave them. Roul and Levin checked the place they first appeared after being teleported by a portal in Lake of Randle.Meanwhile, Garbera who had arrived at Naturi's castle was shocked as she sensed something strange in that place. As a wizard who had sensor abilities, she could detect the presence of magical aura from a distance, even with the slightest intensity.From the borders all the way to the capital city, she had already felt the magical aura spreading from all over the place. When she arrived in front of the palace, the aura she felt was getting stronger. She concluded that the center of the aura was within the palace.'What actually happened here?' That question had been in her head ever since she crossed the bor
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Chapter 144 - Apple Pie
Trish panicked because his king was missing AGAIN! He had checked every place in the palace, but he couldn't find Rion anywhere. Right now, the palace was bustling with people busy preparing for the wedding. It would be a shame if the king popped up amidst them while barking like a dog. It would also be dangerous if the king appeared among them and stabbed people randomly because he was being taken over by Lucifer. "Do you know where His Majesty is?" Trish went to Odette's room and asked the girl, thinking that she might know where the king was because lately when the king disappeared he must be with Odette or not far from her. Odette was quite surprised to hear that Rion was missing. Just like Trish, she was also worried that Rion would appear in the crowd and do something unexpected. "No," replied Odette after a few seconds of silence. "I see. All right, Thank you." After heari
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Chapter 145 - Because I Love You
Rion stared at Odette intensely. Meanwhile Odette stood up from her chair, and stepped closer to the man who was looking at her with mixed feelings. "I'm not mad at you, so you don't have to apologize. I am just..." For a moment she looked doubtful. "I'm just confused," she continued. "Why are you confused?" "I wonder what exactly are we? Doctor and patient, business friends, strangers, or lovers?" Odette asked with a hoarse voice. After losing her child and seeing Rion look disappointed, Odette felt very sad. Her feelings were like that of a wife saddened by the disappointment of her husband. She shouldn't feel that way because there was no such relationship between them. 
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Chapter 146 - Criminals Must Be Punished
Odette wondered how Cristela found out about the deal she made with Rion. "I have many eyes and ears in this palace," said Cristela as if she knew what Odette was thinking. "Sister, do you really want to go home to your era?" Anwen asked Odette in confusion. She demanded an answer. "Sister, what do you mean?" Odette glanced at Anwen, then focused on Cristela. The old woman seemed to really care about Rion, but why did Rion hate her so much? She felt that the problems between Rion and Cristela's relationship were not much different from the problems between Anwen and Rion in the past. After a moment of silence, Cristela spoke again. "He forbid me to intervene, but if I don't intervene, he will just keep quiet and tor
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Chapter 147 - I Love You, Odette
Rion was getting more and more restless from time to time. His eyes moved slowly, but it was hard to open them. He wanted to wake up but couldn't. "You're not a criminal..." The voice that had been ringing for a long time finally became clear. He knew that voice. "You have received your punishment. Rion, please don't torture yourself anymore. You are not a criminal." Tears flowed from the corners of Rion's eyes, sliding freely into the bottomless darkness.  "Odette..." After trying for quite a while, he finally managed to open his eyes and found himself being hugged by Odette while the girl was still repeating the same words. 
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Chapter 148 - Rion Is In A Good Mood
Rion walked down the corridor while still smiling and remembering the scene in the tower an hour ago. Since then, he had felt hundreds of flowers blooming on his chest and butterflies tickling his heart, so he couldn’t stop smiling. After confessing his feelings to Odette, he felt very light. From behind, Trish, who saw his king walking towards a pillar, furrowed her brows. He rushed over to the king when he saw Ronan was about to hit the pillar. “Your Majesty.” He held Rion’s shoulder right before Rion hit the pillar.  Rion was surprised and spontaneously turned his head to look at the person holding his shoulder. “Trish?” 
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Chapter 149 - Anwen's Curiosity
<The night before the wedding> The palace was getting busier and Rion felt uneasy being in the midst of the crowd. He felt like he wanted to run away from the room because he was worried about having a relapse. He also missed Odette and wanted to see her, but he had to stay with the higher-ups because among the people who came were the representatives from neighboring countries, as well as other important people.  Meanwhile, in her room, Odette was taking selfies with Anwen. Yesterday, Anwen picked up all her belongings from the future at the Lilium Estate. “This phone is so amazing, it makes face painting with just one press,” Anwen said enthusiastically.  
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Chapter 150 - What Are You Doing Here?
“Do you know who this woman is, Grandma?” Anwen asked after Cristela had sent her maid out.Cristela smiled at the painting Anwen showed her. The young girl remembered that the name of Odette’s mother was also Celestial. Similar face and name, it seemed impossible if it was just a coincidence. Then, their last names were Bernard. She recalled the figure of Aathreya in her mind.“Grandma, that woman’s face and name are the same as the face and name of Odette’s mother. Is it possible that Odette is...” Anwen hesitated to continue, but Cristela, who understood what she wanted to say, nodded.Anwen’s eyes opened wide with shock, and she was astonished when Cristela revealed the true identity of Odette as the daughter of Celestial and Emperor Dario, and granddaughter of Aathreya.“Grandma, are you… are you serious? Sister Odette is
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