All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
461 Chapters
Chapter 151 - The Wedding Day
<The wedding day>The knights closely watched the maids and servants, who were busy preparing the dishes. After the incident that happened to Odette, Cristela ordered the palace staff to ensure all food and drinks were safe.Everyone in charge of supervising, making, and delivering the food and drinks had given their complete identity to the head of the event committee. The guests were also closely monitored. Before entering the palace, they first undergo an inspection.“Trishy!” Anwen’s voice stopped Trish.The man looked handsome in a three-piece suit: black trouser suit, white shirt, and black vest. He turned his head and was a bit surprised to find the barbarian girl who used to look like a boy suddenly dressed like a regular princess.The young girl, Anwen, wore a white voluminous dress that showed off her slender waist, her short grey ha
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Chapter 152 - The Wedding Night
After uttering the wedding vows, the guests congratulated the bride and groom while the music was played louder, and the event continued with a dance party.Rion brought Odette to the center of the dance floor. Instead of talking, they were mostly silent, smiling and looking at each other. They were so happy that they didn’t know what to say. While moving his body following the music, Rion recalled the series of meetings he had with Odette.The corners of his lips curved up to a sweet smile as he remembered what he did to Odette at the riverbank. It was when they first met. And then he also remembered how she insisted on helping him, giving him a hand, a hug, and finally when she was treating his wound.“Thank you,” he said sincerely.“What for?” Odette raised her brows.“For this happiness.” Rion smiled, swirling Odette&rsqu
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Chapter 153 - Which Style Do You Want As A First Try?
Odette’s eyes get even wider. When she opened the book, she could see the vulgar sketches of a man and a woman indulge in carnal desire. That almost made her heart stop.She didn’t know whether to praise or criticize the one who made this book. The step-by-step of love-making was drawn in detail, and it was also well explained.The book looked insane, but Odette was more insane for wanting to read the book and devoured each sketch with her eyes. It seemed she was no longer a psychiatrist, but a mental patient.The room was so quiet that Odette could hear the loud thuds of her heartbeat. She read and studied every page of the book with great appreciation.Odette was so immersed that she didn’t realize Rion stood behind her until a pair of muscular arms wrapped around her waist, along with the cold sensation of someone’s skin touching her back. She was quite startled.Her nervousness came at once. Odette turned her head and looked up at Rion. The man gave her a sweet smile. His face was
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Chapter 154 - Hercules D. Panther **
Rion slid his hot tongue inside Odette's mouth. Their tongues intertwined, devouring all the sweetness in each other's saliva. His hand on Odette's hip trailed off and slid into her bra, playing with her plump breast. It felt so warm and soft. When he was going up a little, Riom found an adorable little pea. He pinched it gently until the bud got hard like a pea. When Rion touched her breasts, Odette's eyes slightly shook. She just realized that she only wore a bra and panties. Because of that vulgar book, she forgot to wear her nightgown. However, after she thought about it, why would she wear it if it would eventually be taken off? Unintentionally, she had reduced Rion's work. She was indeed a great wife. Three seconds after Rion's hand went under her bra, Odette was startled again when the man's other hand slipped inside her panties and stroked her plump and smooth buttocks. It made her immediately break their kiss. "Rion, you?" She looked at Rion with her brows knitted, then
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Chapter 155 - Miss Crab **
Seeing that, Rion was quite relieved. He kept pushing his penis in until it went all the way in. The lubricant from Odette's wet pussy helped a lot. So, although he was annoyed with Lucifer stealing the start from him, Rion should probably be grateful because thanks to Lucifer, there's no need to see Odette's face of pain when her virginity was taken. Rion started pounding repeatedly pulling out and pushing his shaft into his wife's pleasure hole. Odette's moans and the soft creaking sound of the bed caused by his movements filled the air in the bedroom. "Uh... ummh..." Odette closed her eyes and took in every pleasure Rion gave her. The pleasure spread from her lower abdomen to her entire body. Beyond her brain's control, her body twitched as the pleasure reached its peak. She had an orgasm for the second time. Her body got a burst of pleasure that made her blood flow faster as she breathed heavily. She saw Rion take out Hercules. They had th
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Chapter 156 - Both Are Perverts **
“Uhh.” Even though he had cum, Rion and Hercules D. Panther were not satisfied yet. Odette’s body was like an intoxicating wine that made him and Hercules want to taste it again and again.Rion rose from his position with ragged breaths. He climbed onto Odette’s body and penetrated her again, thrusting his manhood all the way in. Hercules had been throbbing hard. Rion couldn’t hold himself again. Rion wanted to be clamped by the warmth of Miss Crabby's silky walls.“Ah, uh… umhh… Rion….” Odette called to him softly. She felt Hercules coming in and out of her pussy profusely. It was hot, tingly, wet, and itchy, mingling together. The pleasure kept growing to the point she felt like she was about to burst.“AHHH!” And Odette exploded. The pleasure ran throughout her body, making her shiver with excitement.For hours, the bed in the room kept squeaking. The desire that Rion had been h
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Chapter 157 - I Love You, Odette D. Panther **
Rion stood up and took her in his arms. He carried Odette into the bathtub, which was not filled with water. He planned to have breakfast with Hercules there.He sat cross-legged while the girl was on his lap, then Rion took off his towel and put it over their heads, forming a makeshift mosquito net.The breakfast ritual with Hercules D. Panther began.Odette didn’t hesitate to spread her legs that were clamping around Rion’s waist, so Hercules could enter easily. Once again, she felt very cheap.The moans of two people indulging in their primitive desire could be heard between the walls of the bathtub.From a sitting position to a lying down position, they did it in various styles. Rion laid his back and let Odette sit on top of him.The floor of the tub was too hard and cold. He couldn’t let his beloved swan’s body rub against the hard floor. So, he preferred to let Odette take the lead.From their current po
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Chapter 158 - Garbera Returns To Panthera
*** In Naturi palace, a fight was taking place in one of the palace corridors. Garbera's disguise was exposed when she accidentally crossed paths with Aiden and made eye contact with the man. Aiden's laughter echoed throughout the corridor walls as Garbera continued to attack him, but all her attacks failed. Garbera used her mana to increase her speed and attack power, but no matter how fast she moved, she could never hit Aiden. She combined punches and kicks and the result was still the same. Aiden's body was like cotton. The man dodged all her attacks with agile movements. "Is this the power of the elite Panthera knight?" Aiden moved while digging for information by looking into the woman's eyes.  Garbera didn't respond. Just like Aiden, she also collected piece by piece of information. Since fighting Aiden a few minutes ago, she had been gathering information about t
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Chapter 159 - Rion Wants To Unseal His Mana
In the middle of an expanse of land covered by grass of colorful wildflowers, a miracle happened. A majestic silver building appeared, standing mighty on the water. The building emitted a white light that looked even brighter at night. When the gate made of glass opened, Odette, who had been fascinated by the building that seemed to float on the water, gasped.  “Let’s go.” Rion held Odette’s hand down the three glass stairs. They walked towards the building by passing the courtyard made of glass. When Odette looked down, she could clearly see the clear blue water flowing under her feet. She even saw some beautiful fish swimming past her feet. Had she not gone with Rion, perhaps she would have been confused about how to get into the building because she thought that before her was the sea, and there was no glass on it.  Odette turned to look
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Chapter 160 - Hypnotherapy
The sound of flowing water was so soothing. Odette still gripped Rion’s wrist tightly as she walked along the edge of the pond made of glass.  She stopped when they reached the secluded side of the building. The place felt very quiet, yet calming, nothing could be heard other than the sound of water flowing because of the movement of the fish below.  Trish watched them from a distance, but he was distracted by the sound of footsteps coming from behind. It was Levin. “Are you jealous, Trish?” Levin asked, much to Trish’s surprise. “What do you mean?” he furrowed his brows and asked back. Levin smiled sweetly like a girl. “Don’t you and the king have a special relationship all this time? Now the king has a wife, so you must be heartbroken,” he said shamelessly. Trish’s expression changed whil
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