All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
461 Chapters
Chapter 171 - Trish...!
"Your Majesty…?" Kaven, Levin, and Adriel were surprised because they did not know the mental disorder that the king was suffering from. Soon, Rion, who was being taken over by Lucifer stopped his laughter. His jaws tightened as he glared at Aiden sharply, along with a chilling sensation that spread around him. Aiden didn't laugh or grin like before. He put on a flat face while observing Rion carefully. "Ugh." Kaven held his chest because it suddenly throbbed painfully. The same thing was felt by others. The sounds of piercing cracks could be heard from the walls, pillars, and objects around them. Lucifer released up to eighty percent of Rion's mana. The pressure was massive and powerful. "Agh." Levin gritted his teeth as he felt his internal organs being pressed. His head felt like it was about to explode, and his joints were incredibly hurt as if they were about to come
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Chapter 172 - Rion And Trish Are Injured
“Y-Your Majesty… a-are you alright….?” On the threshold of his consciousness, Trish still wanted to make sure the king was fine. “Hold on, Trish!” Rion laid Trish’s body slowly. Roul, Adriel, Kaven, and Levin approached them hurriedly. Adriel reacted quickly to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, Rion, who saw Aiden trying to run away, stood up and threw his sword at Aiden. It pierced the man’s back. A subtle cracking sound was heard from inside Aiden’s body. Five seconds later, it shattered into pieces. The surrounding darkness gradually disappeared, replaced by a bright blue sky with fluffy clouds. “COUGH!” Rion coughed up blood. He was about to fall, but Roul immediately supported his body. The man helped his king to sit beside Trish. Adriel tried his best to stop Trish’s bleeding, but the bleeding didn’
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Chapter 173 - King Elbert's Regret
Knights in black uniforms were seen in the capital of Naturi. They spread to various sides of the capital to find and escort Panthera’s citizens, who wanted to go back to their home in Panthera. All the citizens who saw them were very grateful. After being haunted with anxiety and tension for quite a long time, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The people living in the center of the capital were also relieved when the darkness above them disappeared. The sky had returned to normal, although the confusion still lingered in their heads. The knights on the border also felt confused after they were free from the influence of Aiden’s magic. The palace of Naturi was also in chaos because the knights’ heads were scattered everywhere. They were terrified to see the corpses of their friends. Roul and Adriel visited the palace to find out about the women and children who were sold
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Chapter 174 - Flowers For Odette
“What are you guys doing? And why aren’t you sleeping?” Rion asked, looking at the little girl in his embrace, then he turned his head to the other children. “We are making flowers,” the black-haired girl replied. He showed Rion the white rose petals made of cloth.  "Wow, so beautiful. Did you make this?” Rion asked, and the child nodded excitedly.  “We’re doing crafts and teaching them some skills,” Angela explained after Rion and Trish walked closer to her and the other caretakers.  “It’s good,” Rion smiled, then he sat down in front of the tools and materials the children used to make crafts. “Can I join you?” “Sure, Your Majesty.” Angela smiled. The children’s laughter filled the silence of the night. Rion really enjoyed his time with the c
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Chapter 175 - I Have High Quality Sperm
“You didn’t take the pill?” Rion asked.Odette shook her head. Why took contraceptive pills when her husband was not around?“I’ll take it after this," she said.“You changed the instruction. Doctor Cecilia said you have to take the pill before, not after.” Rion was busy unbuttoning his shirt.“Before or after, it’s the same.”“How do you know?”“Because I’m smart.” Odette smiled as she glanced at Rion’s muscular chest and ripped stomach.One of her favorite sights was the six-pack abs of handsome men. Every time her mother watched classic dramas, Odette was happy to accompany her mother. She did that so she could see the male actors who wore clothes with their chests wide open wide, revealing their incredibly beautiful muscles. It always made Odette’s blue eyes sparkle.While Rion was away, she enjoyed herself by regularly watching the knights train in the morning and noon. Of course, Rion didn’t know that. After all, it was a secret.She kept smiling as Rion started to embrace her f
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Chapter 176 - Who Is The Most Handsome Man In The World?
Trish accepted the reason given by Anwen. “This is indeed difficult, but Aiden must be held accountable for his actions.”Anwen lifted her head and looked at Trish, who was smiling at her. She was a bit startled when Trish touched her cheek.“A depressed expression doesn’t suit this face. It only fits with a cheerful expression,” he said, making Anwen’s face blush.“So you weren’t mad at me because I made a mistake, Princess?” Trish lowered her hand and Anwen shook her head.Trish smiled brilliantly. He reached into his shirt pocket, then took out the purple bracelet he made at the orphanage and gave it to Anwen.“What is this?”“A dragon. Of course, it’s a bracelet.”“Is it for me?”“Yes.”“But I don’t like wearing accessories.”“Then I will just throw it away.”“Oh, no!” Anwen immediately held Trish’s hand, who was about to throw the bracelet into the pool. “I didn’t say I didn’t want it.”Trish laughed lightly, then put the bracelet on the girl’s wrist. It made Anwen’s heart flutte
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Chapter 177 - Aerith D. Scarlet
Jack was silent. He was quite surprised to see Odette’s angry face. So far, no woman could get angry with him because he was handsome. However, not long after that, Jack smiled. He thought Odette was very obsessed and possessive of him, so the girl didn’t want him to give the flowers to other women.“Why are you smiling? Anything funny?” Odette snapped.“You… you’re so obsessed with me that you don’t want me to give flowers or meet other women, aren't you?”***At a cafe near the health center, Doctor Alex and Doctor Jonathan were talking about Odette’s plan to make infusions and develop anesthetics.Doctor Jonathan was surprised because he didn’t think that Odette, their queen, was such a genius. Doctor Alex showed a simple infusion sketch made by Odette. He explained the working system to Doctor Jonathan based on what Odette had explained to him.“If we successfully make this device and produce it on a wide scale, then we will not have too much trouble treating patients who lose con
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Chapter 178 - Aerith And Duchess Scarlet
Aerith tried to climb up many times, but she repeatedly slipped because the thick snow that covered the downhill always fell on her when she stepped on it or held it.“HELP! MOTHER! FATHER!” She had shouted for help countless times, but no one came. Aerith started to tremble because of the cold as the gusts of wind grew stronger from time to time.She tried to climb up from the downhill, but she fell again. Aerith started crying.Some people had passed, but no one came to save her. Aerith had given up on trying to climb up and decided to snuggle under a tree.Her face was pale, and her lips had turned blue. Aerith hugged her knees tighter as the temperature dropped drastically. The wind was also getting stronger, making the snow fall even more heavily.“M-mom… D-dad… please,” she mumbled in a trembling voice. Her entire bones shook and her skin began to go numb.While crying, she kept on mumbling, calling for her father and mother until she was stunned when she saw a pair of boots in
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Chapter 179 - Vacation To Pradis Beach
***Rion was surprised to hear the reports from Adriel and Roul about the fate of children and women who were sold to Naturi. How could Aiden use them as food for a monster? How heartless.Trish, Roul, and the other four looked at each other as the aura in the room grew cold and heavy due to the power of an angry Rion.“Damn it! Even after his death, he still makes me want to kill him,” Rion whispered fiercely while clenching his fists.“Have you got rid of the monster yet?” He turned to look at the green-haired man standing in front of him.“Yes, Your Majesty,” Rax replied politely.“Good job, Rax,” Adriel said. He stroked Rax’s hair, making the green-haired man blush.The sight made Levin put on a weird look, but it soon disappeared when Rion asked about the return of the Panthera citizens. The man replied that everything went smoothly.“The citizens have arrived in the capital since yesterday. Lord Hatter and his troops escorted the citizens properly,” Levin explained.Rion nodded.
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Chapter 180 - Picnic
In the morning, Rion enjoyed his time with Odette on the beach. He put a floppy hat on the girl’s head, preventing the sun from touching her skin directly. Rion made Odette never stop smiling because of the sweet things he did.“Are you ready?”“Yes! I’m ready.”Rion smiled broadly. He lifted the basket filled with food he had made himself for their lunch.Even though the distance from the beach to the inn was only about five hundred meters, he decided to bring lunch because he was planning to have a picnic on the beach. Besides that, it was quite inconvenient to have to go back to the inn just to eat and return to the beach afterward.After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the beach.“SISTERRR!” In the distance, Anwen waved her hand. The girl and Trish had already left.Odette waved back at Anwen. She wanted to run over to her, but Rion stopped her.“What is it?”“Don’t bother them.”“Huh?” Odette looked at Rion in confusion for a moment. “Anwen and Trish, you want to match the
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