All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 361 - Chapter 370
461 Chapters
Chapter 360 - Anwen's Feeling
After meeting with Anwen, Cristela asked Erina to call Trish to meet her right away. She wanted to make sure everything went according to the plan.Not long after, Trish entered the room.“I am facing Her Majesty the Queen.”“Hm. How is Rion?”“Lucifer is still taking over His Majesty the King’s consciousness.”“Anwen told me that Dario disguised himself as a man named Jack and lived near Odette’s residence. Is that true?”“Yes, Your Majesty. Now Her Highness the Queen already knew who Jack really was.”Cristela was quite surprised when she heard this, but her face remained calm. “So that’s it,” she said flatly. “She must have been devastated,” she added.“Yes, you’re right, Your Majesty.”“Dario infiltrated this kingdom so easily. When you knew it was Dario, why didn’t you arrest him?&rdquo
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Chapter 361 - Just A Friend?
"D-do you agree if I get married?" Trish’s answer would let her know how the man felt about her. If Trish agreed to Anwen’s marriage, it meant that he really didn’t have feelings for her.Waiting for Trish to answer her question made Anwen very nervous.“Wh-why are you looking at me like that?” she asked as Trish stared at her intently without saying anything.At this moment, Cristela’s words were playing over and over in Trish’s mind like a broken record. Anwen loved him. He then remembered the painting of himself in the girl’s room, then remembered Arlo’s words that called him insensitive.Until this second, he still couldn’t believe the fact that the girl in front of him had that kind of feeling towards him.“Trishy!”“Huh?” Trish was stunned.“What’s wrong? Are you all right?”“Y-yes.” Trish smiled gently and th
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Chapter 362 - Dinner With Lucifer
Since the food couldn’t be eaten, and it looked like Odette would be dead if she forced herself to eat it, she decided to cook a new dish for both of them.When she came into the kitchen fifteen minutes ago, she was shocked to see the mess Lucifer had made. The kitchen looked as if it had just been hit by a hurricane.How could she not realize when Lucifer made all this mess? The man nearly destroyed the entire kitchen.He broke the legs of the table and chairs and used them as firewood to light the stove, even though the firewood and charcoal were available at the back of the building.It was such a pity that Lucifer didn’t ask her first. Odette was annoyed, but she appreciated the man’s good intentions of not wanting to bother her.She watched Lucifer who was tidying up all the mess. The man was completely the opposite of Rion who was fastidious about cleanliness and tidiness.After the new food was ready, she invited Luc
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Chapter 363 - Leana Attacks Lucifer
“Uhk.” Lucifer grimaced as one of the men’s swords slashed at him. He turned around and knocked the man down, but another man lunged at him and kicked him in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground with his back hitting the floor first. Before he could stand up, a kick hit his head, causing him to fall backwards again.When the opportunity arose, they immediately beat him. He was still able to fight back, but he stopped after a while.At this moment, he was very annoyed that he couldn’t use his mana.“STOP! DON’T HIT HIM!” Odette screamed from inside the room. She really panicked to see Lucifer being beaten.Lucifer didn’t give up. He still had the strength to break free from the two men holding him. He was about to punch them, but an arrow stuck to his arm.He was caught again and beaten until his face battered.“That’s enough. We can’t let him die,” ordered the na
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Chapter 364 - Do You Want Revenge?
Odette fell silent.“Do you want revenge on him?”“He is Rose’s father. He loved his daughter very much, and Rose also loved him very much. Do you still want to take revenge on Dario for me?”She stared deep into Lucifer’s eyes. The man was the same as Rion who really loved Rose, so she didn’t want to get her hopes up.“You better rest now,” Odette said flatly and stepped away to enter her bedroom, but Lucifer stretched out one of his arms, blocking her way.“I asked you, do you want revenge or not?” Lucifer repeated his question. “If you want, I will do it for you.”Lucifer’s words surprised Odette. “You want to do it?”“You think I can’t do it for you?” His words sounded very convincing. Odette could barely blink as she stared at him. This alter of Rion sometimes confused her.“I will prove it.” Lucife
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Chapter 365 - Trish's Feelings For Anwen
Trish stood by the window, watching the quietness outside. Snow was falling slowly and covered the trees.Odette, who came out of the room and saw the man still not sleeping, approached him.Trish immediately turned his head when he noticed someone’s presence.“Trish, you haven’t slept?”“I’m not sleepy.”“Your back must be sore from sleeping on the hard couch. I’ll get you another pillow.” Since there was only one room in the house, Trish had to sleep on the couch in the living room.Odette really hated letting Trish sleep like that in his current condition, but what could she do? If Lucifer didn’t hate Trish to the point of wanting his death, she would tell Trish to sleep in the bedroom with Lucifer while she slept on the couch. However, she believed that Trish wouldn’t let her do something like that.Trish smiled gently. “Thank you, but that’s not n
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Chapter 366 - Rumours About The King
Odette looked at Trish intently, doubting her own ears.“You said... you’re sure because your heart doesn’t beat fast when you are around her?”Trish didn’t say anything, and Odette laughed it off. This made Trish look at the queen questioningly.“That’s ridiculous,” said Odette. “How could you use that to conclude whether you like her or not?”“The king said that to me.”“Huh?” Odette was stunned again. “Rion?”Trish, who was innocent, believed Rion’s answer."Your Majesty, how do we know we are in love with someone?"“Your heart beats faster when you’re around her.”Rion’s answer wasn’t wrong, but it couldn’t be used as a parameter.“So you’re pretty sure you don’t love her because your heart doesn’t beat faster when you’re around her?” Odet
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Chapter 367 - Doctor Alex And The Royal Council
Doctor Alex And The Royal CouncilStill in the meeting room, the four royal councils were waiting for Doctor Alex’s answer.“Doctor Alex, just tell me the truth without hiding anything. If the king hasn’t gone mad, how would you explain his behaviour recently? I heard that a while ago he almost killed a nurse and tried to kill Princess Anwen. He also had frequent fights with Knight Trish and he even suddenly attacked the people in the palace.”“I also heard that recently Queen Cristela cut the tongues of two palace staff who were talking about the king acting like a dog and crying like a child. If he hasn’t gone mad, then what is it? Is he possessed by an evil spirit? Or is he like that because Queen Rose’s curse came back again after 6 years?” Pavel Adhelard asked many questions in a sarcastic tone.Doctor Alex knew Pavel Adhelard’s intention. The man just wanted to bring Rion down.“What
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Chapter 368 - News Of The Mad King
Doctor Alex explained that Rion would relapse more often when the man was in a state of stress and depression. Rion’s first personality was Bee, a personality that made him act like a child, but it rarely appeared.It was only after the incident 6 years ago that the other personalities started showing up frequently.For about 2 hours, Doctor Alex gave an explanation about the condition of the king along with the characteristic of all of his personalities.The four royal council members took some time to process it completely. At first, it was difficult to understand the explanation, but slowly they began to understand it.“If the king is like that, then he can’t lead the kingdom. What if he makes the wrong decision when he has a relapse?” Pavel Adhelard gave his opinion.“So far the king has led our kingdom in his complicated conditions, but everything is fine,” Myles Camilo said then looked at Adam Carolus. &ldq
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Chapter 369 - Odette Is Teasing Lucifer **
On a cold night like this, hugging each other was the most enjoyable thing Lucifer wanted to do, but not right now when he was in this risky situation.At this moment, Lucifer was feeling hot because Odette kept hugging him while squirming softly, making him want to do something naughty. However, he didn’t dare because he was afraid the girl would be mad at him.He lifted Odette’s arm that was wrapping around his waist as well as the girl’s leg that pressed on his penis.Hercules who missed its mate immediately got hard even though it was only nudged a little. The weather was cold. It should have hibernated, but the opposite was happening. The colder it got, the more eager Hercules was to go into action, and because of that, Lucifer often took cold showers in the middle of the night.Lucifer shifted his body slightly to create some distance, but Odette, whose body was looking for warmth, also moved and hugged him again from behind. The g
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