All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
461 Chapters
Chapter 351 - Flashes Of Memories (3)
The night was calm. There was no wind and no stars. The sky looked very empty. Rion opened his bedroom door and saw his wife standing by the window. Realizing someone was coming, Rose turned her head. She had just been crying at the thought of her relationship with Rion, which had worsened recently. When she saw the man coming, she smiled broadly. “Finally, you came, Rion. I know you can’t stay away from me for a long time,” she said as she walked closer, and Rion also slowly stepped closer to the girl. His eyes didn’t blink at all, staring at Rose’s face very closely. Rose, who still didn’t know what had happened, approached Rion without hesitation while still showing her beautiful smile. Her face was flushed like a rose that was blooming beautifully, but that smile immediately disappeared when a hard slap hit her face. It
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Chapter 352 - The Flame
In Lilium Residence, the night continued. The wind was blowing harder, and the snow was falling heavily. Life was very difficult to predict. At first Odette was an orphan girl, then she became a queen because she married a king. Now, she had become an ordinary girl again, working in a clothing store to make a living. Her current status was also unclear. Was she a widow or still Rion’s wife? Her magnificent blue eyes stared fixedly at the flames and recalled the time when the flames came out of her body. Odette wondered how did she emit the flames? She stared at her own palms as she recalled the incident when she set the entire building with some of the criminals inside in flames. A thought flashed in her head. If she could use that power, then her life would be easier. She always found it difficult to start flames here. If she managed to control her pow
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Chapter 355 - Trish And Anwen
"Dario!" “Are you sure you didn’t see wrong?” Anwen glanced around the area. There was only a stretch of white snow that covered the ground and decorated the roofs of buildings and tree branches. No one had come out of their houses yet because it was still very early in the morning. “I’m sure I’m not mistaken." “But, what is Dario here for?” Anwen felt confused, but three seconds later, she realized something. “Huh, Sister Ody. Is he here because of Sister Ody? But why? What’s his purpose? Does he have evil intentions towards Sister Ody?” “I don’t know.” For a moment, they thought hard and wondered about Dario’s real purpose. After not getting any answer, they decided to return and knock on Odette’s door. They came to find Rion who was missing from the palace, or it could be said runni
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Chapter 353 - Odette Asks For Dario's Help
Dario’s eyes almost popped out when he saw Rion lying unconsciously in front of him. “Uncle, why are you just standing like that? Please lift him inside!” Odette said worriedly. “Me?” Dario pointed at himself. Earlier, Odette suddenly dragged him here in a hurry. He thought there was another assassin again, so he was very surprised when he found out that the girl asked for help to lift Rion into the house. “Yes. Who else? Help me, Uncle. I can’t lift him.” “Y-yeah, alright.” Seeing that Odette looked so worried, Dario immediately carried up his damn son-in-law. “Where should I slam him? I mean, place him?” “Get him over there.” Odette directed Dario to enter her room and put Rion on her only bed. “Thanks, Uncle. I’ll change his clothes. His bod
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Chapter 354 - Lucifer Came For Odette
“What are you doing in the middle of the night like this?” Odette asked the same question to strike up a conversation, and Lucifer said he came to see her. Rion had asked Roul to make a seal that kept him from using mana because he had a relapse more and more often. He was worried about hurting people. So, because he couldn’t teleport like he usually did, Lucifer decided to walk from the palace to Lilium Residence. Odette, who saw the seal mark on the man’s palm, understood the situation. She didn’t see any horses outside, neither Trish nor Anwen. It meant Rion or Lucifer had walked here to meet her. No wonder he had fainted because it was very cold outside right now. When Lucifer held her hand while smiling brightly, she concluded that it wasn’t Rion because the man wouldn’t do that. Not when their relationship was on the brink of breaking off. Odette was sl
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Chapter 355 - Trish And Anwen
"Dario!"   “Are you sure you didn’t see wrong?” Anwen glanced around the area. There was only a stretch of white snow that covered the ground and decorated the roofs of buildings and tree branches. No one had come out of their houses yet because it was still very early in the morning.   “I’m sure I’m not mistaken."   “But, what is Dario here for?” Anwen felt confused, but three seconds later, she realized something. “Huh, Sister Ody. Is he here because of Sister Ody? But why? What’s his purpose? Does he have evil intentions towards Sister Ody?”   “I don’t know.”   For a moment, they thought hard and wondered about Dario’s real purpose. After not getting any answer, they decided to return and knock on Odette’s door. They came to find Rion who was missing from the palace, or it could be said running away from the palace.   Two minutes later, Odette opened the d
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Chapter 356 - Dario And Trish
Anwen made Dan stop and then looked down dejectedly. Trish steered his horse closer to the girl’s. “The king will be fine. Don’t worry too much. This has often happened. The king will wake up soon,” he said comfortingly. Anwen was silent. The cold air made her face feel stiff. “Are you worried that the king’s illness will make the palace council strip him of his position and propose you as his successor?” Trish really understood the girl’s way of thinking. Actually, this was not the first time this situation had happened. Two years after Rose’s death, the palace council wanted to strip Rion from his position because he couldn’t lead the kingdom in a state of depression. Then, they proposed Anwen as the queen, but it failed because the girl was still too young at that time, so Cristela held the kingdom's affairs temporarily. 
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Chapter 357 - Lucifer And Dario
“What are you doing here?” Dario asked. His eyebrows dived down sharply, and he glared at the man. “What I do is none of your business.” “Do you realize where you are now?” They glared at each other fiercely. Not wanting to fight on the spot, Dario strode out the window, and Trish rushed after him. Above the vast expanse of snow, where there were only trees without leaves, Trish jumped down along with his fists. However, Dario turned around and dodged the attack, then jumped backward to create some distance. “Could you calm down a bit?” “What is your purpose here? What are your plans for Queen Odette?” Dario fell silent for a moment. Arion D. Panther's damn dog was too smart to be tricked. “I didn’t plan anything.”
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Chapter 358 - MY FATHER IS DEAD!
“Do you want me to kill them both?” Lucifer asked while stroking Odette’s hair gently. He didn’t know the main problem, but seeing the girl cry after hearing the words of the two men earlier, it meant that the two of them had made her woman cry. “Odette.” Dario came over. Odette immediately broke away from Lucifer’s embrace while the man glared at Dario angrily. Trish was still watching from afar. His only job was to make sure the king and queen were safe. “Odette, give me a chance to explain it,” Dario said, wanting to get closer. Lucifer, who saw Odette still crying, glanced at Dario and he immediately stood in front of the girl, blocking Dario from approaching Odette or even touching her. “You take one more step forward, and you will see a devil chopping your head,” Lucifer said while looking at Dario sharply, and Dario was the same
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Chapter 359 - Cristela's Order To Anwen
Under the cold snow, Dario stood with a stiff body. An hour had passed since Odette found out who he really was. ‘When I missed the figure of a father, where were you?’ ‘When my mother and I were starving on the street, where were you?’ Odette’s words kept ringing in his head, and it made his heart ache. ‘What must I do to make you forgive me?’ Dario muttered in his mind. He closed his eyes and cried silently. He had nothing to prove his regret other than those tears. “Celestial, I’m sorry,” he said while looking up at the sky, letting the snowflakes fall to his face. Meanwhile, Odette was already back in Lilium Residence. She was still crying and sobbing softly in Lucifer’s embrace. In his subconscious, Rion, who had been sleeping since yesterday, opened his eyes. He heard
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