All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
461 Chapters
Chapter 331 - Rion And Odette At The Temple
After praying, Rion asked Saintess Angela for help to treat Odette. The queen had already said that she was fine, but Rion still insisted. Finally, Odette complied with her husband’s wish so the man would feel at ease. Besides, she was pretty sure she was fine. As Odette lay on the bed, she was slightly startled as she felt a refreshing cold sensation run through every vein in her head the moment the Saintess Angela’s palm touched her forehead. The green light also flashed from it. It was hard to believe! Her mind really worked hard to get a logical explanation of every incident that happened before her eyes. The more Odette thought about it, the more confused she became, so she just accepted it. “Huh?” Odette was stunned when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest and her heart felt like it was being stabbed by several tiny needles. It hurt, but she could still endure it
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Chapter 332 - I Want A Divorce
The soft light of the golden afternoon sun shimmered over the snow, forming a beautiful sight that was very captivating. Odette hugged Rion’s neck tightly and kissed the man’s cheek lightly. Rion’s smile somehow never faded. After walking around the garden for a while, Rion stopped then lowered Odette from his back. “I’m glad to see you looking cheerful again,” he said. “So do I. I’m happy to see you happy.” “All thanks to you. I can’t even remember the last time I laughed like today.” Rion looked at the sky. “It feels very light. As a child, I didn’t get many chances to play. When I played with the children, I felt like a bird that finally got its freedom after years of being locked up.” He chuckled then looked at Odette. “Thank you, Odette,” he said while h
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Chapter 333 - Interrogating Narine (1)
Rion opened the bedroom door and looked around the room. It was very quiet even though when he left the room this morning, it was very warm, but when he came back, everything looked very gloomy. Trish was very worried because from the garden, Rion didn’t speak at all, so he followed his king all the way there to check his condition. “Your Majesty, what happened?” He had asked that question many times. “Go to Randle and bring Narine here,” Rion said flatly. Trish was silent. He was actually confused by Rion’s order. “Didn’t you hear me?” Rion glanced at Trish sharply. Even his voice sounded very cold. This stunned Trish. Two seconds later, he immediately nodded obediently. “Very well, Your Majesty.” Trish rushed out of the room. Although he didn’t know what the problem
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Chapter 334 - Interrogating Narine (2)
Odette wiped her tears then took a deep breath. “If you want me to feel better, go away from here. You’re only making me sadder.” Anwen was stunned. “W-why? What did I do wrong?” “I SAID GO! GO AWAY!” Odette’s voice was loud. This took Anwen by surprise. “I don’t need you! GO AWAY!” she snapped again. Anwen still refused to leave, but when Odette continued to yell at her while crying in despair, she finally reluctantly complied with the queen’s wishes. She would go back to the palace and see how her brother was. Right now, she thought Rion and Odette were having a big fight because if it was a normal fight, Odette wouldn’t have cried like that. Anwen left the Lilium Residence to go to the palace. She ran fast under the falling snow. The cold air pierced her skin to the bone. Anwen l
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Chapter 335 - Odette & Dario
Three days had passed. Odette was preparing breakfast for herself using the ingredients she bought yesterday. She took a deep breath countless times. No matter how hard she tried to distract herself, she couldn’t forget about Rion. She didn’t know how the man was right now. Was the man eating well and … during these three nights, was he able to sleep? Odette remembered that Rion couldn’t sleep at all when they had a fight. She pressed her lips tightly. Her face gradually reddened and the corners of her eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t contain the sadness as she recalled Rion lying on her lap while telling her to help him to sleep. '... I can’t sleep without you. You are my sleeping pill.' Rion’s words echoed in her mind, and it made her tears fall uncontrollably. When Odette ate her soup while crying, the soup also reminded her of Ri
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Chapter 336 - Odette Is Looking For A Job
However, his hunch said that wasn’t the reason.   “It’s okay, you don’t have to feel bad because I don’t feel bothered at all,” he said when he noticed Odette who was continuously staring at him while her body moved restlessly.   Odette felt threatened.   He was a man with wrinkles on his face, but his body looked very fit and strong. If he had evil intentions, then he would easily do those intentions right away.   What’s more, the surrounding area was still very quiet right now.   Odette just smiled flatly in response to those words.   They were silent for a while and just smiled at each other until Dario finally started to talk again. “Were you fired from your job?” Dario asked Odetted.   “Huh?” Odette looked at him questioningly. Dario, who was pretending to not know anything about Odette, asked again. “Don’t you work as a pala
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Chapter 337 - Fivi Is Asking For A Favor
Getting such a tempting offer, the shop owner didn’t want to miss the opportunity. When else was she going to get someone working in her place and she didn’t even have to spend any money paying that person because someone else would? “Hey, wait!” She ran to Odette and Odette turned around. “Yes, Auntie?” “I changed my mind. You can work in my shop,” the woman said after catching her breath. “But, you said...” “Actually, I’ve been feeling unwell lately, especially when it’s winter. It’s getting more difficult. My daughter won’t be able to handle the shop alone, so if you want, you can work from today, but I can’t give you a high salary.” Actually, Odette felt a little strange because the woman suddenly changed her mind
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Chapter 338 - The News From Doctor Alex
“Ahem.” Odette cleared her throat after a few seconds and made her face look as normal as possible. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you,” she said. Now, her status was unclear. “Why?” Odette was silent. Fivi immediately noticed something was off. “Has something happened between you two? Did you fight with the tadpole.. er, I mean the king?” Fivi asked again when she saw the queen’s face looked really gloomy. Odette’s brows furrowed slightly. She didn’t like the way Fivi called Rion. “Stop calling him a tadpole,” she said, showing her displeasure clearly. Fivi chuckled a little. “Ah, I’m sorry.” She said it without the slightest guilt. She then returned to the original conversation, but Odette’s answer didn&rs
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Chapter 339 - Dario And Odette
In the evening, Odette, who had come home from work, wanted to prepare the food she bought at the market for dinner because she was too lazy to cook. As she was getting ready to eat, someone knocked on the door. Before opening the door, Odette first peeked from the window, and it turned out that the person knocking on her door was her new neighbor. When Dario realized Odette was peeking in the window, he waved his hand at the girl with a wide smile on his face. Odette’s brows furrowed when she saw the vegetables the man was holding were swaying along with the movement of his hands. “Could you come out for a bit?” Dario asked her. Even though she was confused, Odette still opened the door. “Hi, neighbour.” Dario greeted with a broad smile, while Odette looked at him strangely. “Take this.” Dario gave the vegetables he
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Chapter 340 - Father And Daughter
“Did your plan work?” David asked, and Dario nodded while eating the food from Odette. “Well, she’s like a Celestial, has a soft heart for people.” Dario recalled the figure of Odette in his mind. “She’s also a bit like me,” he added. “Of course. After all, she’s your daughter. Princess Odette is very kind and you take advantage of her,” David said casually. “You make me feel like a bad person. Okay, I am bad, but my intentions are good now. I just want to get closer to her so I can protect her more freely. Tomorrow, I plan to go to work at the market, so I have an excuse to take her home and go to work together because we’re heading in the same direction.” David looked at Dario then said, “How long are you going to pretend like this?” When he heard David’s question, Dario’
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