All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
461 Chapters
Chapter 321 - Now You Know Everything
Rion told Odette everything he knew without hiding anything anymore so that no one in the future would use the secrets he kept to instigate and ruin their relationship. Odette was shocked to hear all of that. She felt so heartbroken for her mother that she cried again. “Why was my father so mean, Rion? My mother loved him, but he betrayed her. He doesn’t even care about me. Do I really mean nothing to him? I’m his daughter too...” Odette said weakly with tears brimming in her cheeks. Rion also felt sad when he heard Odette’s despair. He stroked his wife’s hair slowly while hugging her tightly just like Odette did to him when he was feeling down. He accompanied Odette until she was completely calm. When it was noon, Rion stayed in his office, while Odette went to see Cristela with Anwen. She wanted to hear more about her mother. Cristela who was still in the infirma
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Chapter 322 - Odette Is Missing Her Mother
“Are your wounds healed?” Odette asked. She was trying to keep Theo from talking about the one million gold coins. However, Theo knew her intentions. “Your husband and I have made a deal, so I assume the debt is paid off,” he said, making Odette a little surprised. “What deal?” “Anyway, it’s paid off, and you don’t have to worry that I’ll chase you. Bye, I have to run an errand,” Theo said, walking away from the place. However, he came back when he realized he did something wrong. Theo then bowed politely in front of Odette. “I’ll excuse myself, Your Highness,” he said respectfully. The man was suddenly very polite. Theo left Odette, and he was stunned to see Rion up ahead, looking him straight in the eyes. His expression suddenly stiffened. 
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Chapter 323 - Remembering Celestial
At the door of her mother’s room, Odette sat nervously. She didn’t want to lose her mother because she only had her mother in her life. “Your mother will be fine.” Hans, who was sitting beside her, touched her shoulder and smiled reassuringly. He then took out a chocolate candy from the pocket of the black vest he was wearing and gave it to Odette. “Take this.” Odette just looked at the boy and the chocolate alternately. Since she still didn’t take the chocolate, Hans pulled her hand and put it in her grip while saying, “Take it and eat this. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine. It will make you feel better.” “Huh?” Odette was stunned. Her eyes blinked confusedly. She didn’t understand Hans’ words. Mike, Mr. Agreste’s confidant, chuckled at what Hans did. Odette then turned to the man.
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Chapter 324 - Odette Wants To Meet Narine
Rion entered the room and found Odette sleeping soundly. Beside her, there was a phone and the painting of Celestial portrait. He then looked at his wife. Her face looked sad, and it seemed she had been crying. Rion stroked her head gently, feeling very sorry. “Rion.” “I didn’t mean to wake you up,” said Rion as Odette opened her eyes. The girl got up, and he sat beside her. “Rion, do you still have the crystal that Aathreya gave me?” Odette asked while looking at Rion with puffy eyes. “Trish put it on Randle Mountain so that Narine could go to the mountain and get back to the palace any time. What’s wrong with the crystal?” “I want to go to Randle Mountain to meet Narine. She is always with Aathreya. I want to ask her many things about my grandfather. Can you help me?” 
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Chapter 325 - Anwen And Trish
Anwen was curious, so she followed where the voice came from. When she finally found the source of the voice, her eyes widened and she instantly froze in her place. Trish and Knight Erina were kissing on the terrace. For a moment, Anwen forgot to breathe and her eyes suddenly heated up. She really wanted to cry now. Anwen backed away slowly and turned around. Then, she immediately ran. Trish who saw it instantly ended his kiss with Erina. “Sorry, Erina, I can’t,” he said, leaving Erina and rushing after Anwen. “Anwen, wait!” Seeing Trish was chasing her, Anwen ran faster. Her eyes were already brimming with tears, and she didn’t want Trish to see her crying. “Anwen wait, I beg you!” Trish managed to grab Anwen’s hand, but the girl slapped his hand away angrily. After that, Anwen ran again, but he chased he
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Chapter 326 - Narine Accidentally Blurts The Truth
After a while, Anwen calmed down and fell asleep. Odette was still awake, waiting for Narine to come back. She sat by the window, watching the snow fall slowly. The entire ground was now covered with snow. Odette tightened her coat as the air got colder. When she first came to the palace, it was summer and now it was already winter. After waiting long, the crystal finally shone brightly. Not long after that, Narine appeared. “Narine!” “Huh?” The fairy was surprised to see Odette who suddenly appeared in front of her. “Y-yes.” “I’ve been waiting for you. I need to talk to you,” said Odette, immediately catching the little fairy. “Let’s talk somewhere else.” “But, I’m hungry!” Odette took the cake that Anwen al
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Chapter 327 - Odette Is Distraught
Odette walked out of the room blankly. All of Narine’s words kept ringing inside her head. ... Aathreya did that so that Dario could feel what he felt before. ... Dario sacrificed your mother for Queen Isabelle, so he sacrificed Rose for you. ... The purpose he brought you back here was because he wanted you to take Rose’s place. Odette held onto the wall as her legs went numb. The memory of Rion’s hatred for the people that caused Rose’s death filled her mind. … I couldn’t forget that incident. Everything is still very clear. It was a nightmare that haunted me for six years. … I killed Rose with my own hands. … I couldn’t forgive myself. … Perhaps my hatred for them is too great because even if I killed them, I wouldn’t be satisfied. 
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Chapter 328 - Anwen And Trish
Rion, who was informed by Nadin that Odette was in the north tower, rushed there right away. When he got there, he met Elis who was watching his wife from afar.“The Queen has been sitting there since this afternoon,” said Elis worriedly. She and Nadin took turns watching the queen in the tower from noon until evening. Rion was surprised to hear that, and he immediately approached Odette. He took off his coat and draped it over Odette’s shoulder then sat beside her.“What is it?” Odette asked confusedly.“What do you mean by what is it?”“You’re here.”“Because you’re also here.”“Did you finish your work?”“I skipped,” said Rion while turning around. Odette smiled, but the smile looked forced, not like her usual sweet smile. “What should I do?” Rion asked, making Odette confused.“What do you mean?”“What should I do to make you smile like you used to?” He reached out and held Odette’s hand, which was cold from being outside for too long. Besides, the wind was very cold because it
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Chapter 329 - The Execution Of Duchess Scarlet
It was early in the morning. People gathered in the plaza to watch Duchess Scarlet receive her punishment.Requiring people to come was part of the tradition. It was done to show people the strictness of Panthera’s laws and to make people think twice before committing a crime.Inside the palace, Michell Scarlet’s parents were kneeling and bowing down before Rion and Odette’s feet, begging for forgiveness for their daughter.They had always lived with pride, walking with their heads high and their chests out. Today they knelt and even bowed down until their foreheads kissed the floor.“We beg your wisdom, Your Majesty. Please forgive Michell. We will pay for whatever it takes to save her life. Please don’t punish her.” Michell’s m
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Chapter 330 - Shopping
Michelle’s body was taken out of the capital to be buried. Since she was no longer a member of the Scarlet family, then she couldn’t be buried in Scarlet Family Cemetery. Aerith was exiled, while Cristela along with Erika and Erina started doing community services to the citizens in the capital. They distributed food and blankets to the homeless and provided other assistance using their personal possessions. The cold air made her cough, but Cristela took her punishment wholeheartedly, hoping it would lessen her sins. As his promise, Rion took Odette out of the palace while riding on Derby’s back. Anwen and Trish followed and watched them from afar. “Rion, stop.” Hearing his wife’s order, Rion immediately stopped his horse. “What’s wrong?” Odette took out her phone,
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