All Chapters of Loving The Mad King: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
461 Chapters
Chapter 311- Return To The Royal Palace
All of them finally went back and arrived at the palace in the morning. Last night’s incident really made everyone confused and kept wondering what really happened to the king. Now, Odette and Rion were already in their room. Doctor Alex checked the condition of the two and then gave some medicine. “Thank you,” Odette said to Doctor Alex. “Please take good care of yourself. If there’s anything, tell the maid to call me," said the doctor. Odette nodded and thanked him once again. Doctor Alex and the nurse came out of the room. Odette then walked over to Rion who was lying on the bed. The man could barely move. Lucifer was really too much. Odette got into bed and cleaned the wounds on Rion’s body. After that, she applied the ointment and sprinkled the powder medicine that Doctor Alex had given.&nb
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Chapter 312 - Trish's Dream
Trish tilted his body and covered his head with a pillow, trying to sleep. However, he was so restless that it was hard to drift into his dreamland. Anwen’s flushed face as he came closer to the girl crossed his mind again, and it bothered him even more. Trish sat down and contemplated. Anwen’s awkwardness whenever he came closer to her made him feel that the girl really liked him. He approached her because of a whim, but if Anwen really liked him, then it seemed that he had played with the girl’s feelings without realizing it. He didn’t love Anwen. To him, Anwen was just a little girl. Rather than a partner, she was more suited to being a sister. Trish laid down again and closed his eyes to sleep. After a few minutes, he finally fell asleep. His consciousness then drifted into a dream. In his dream, he saw himself as a child walking alone under the evenin
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Chapter 313 - Anwen And Trish
Trish asked the maid about Anwen’s whereabouts, and the woman told him that Anwen was in Doctor Alex’s room. When Trish got there, he ran into Anwen who had just come out of Doctor Alex’s room. The girl looked surprised to see him there. For a moment, Trish studied Anwen from head to toe. “Are you okay?” he asked. Anwen looked at him in confusion because they had only met two hours ago and Trish had asked how she was before. “Yes. What’s wrong? Why did you suddenly ask about my condition over and over?” “Nothing particularly. Is it wrong for me to ask? If you’re fine, then that’s good!” Trish said curtly. “Why do you look annoyed?” “Who’s annoyed? I’m fine!” Trish turned around and left Anwen with an annoyed fee
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Chapter 314 - How Much Money Rion Makes As The King?
Odette looked at the two men who were still silent in their place. They didn’t even utter a single word, making Odette suspicious. “Did I really bother you?” “No,” Rion and Trish replied at the same time. “Then, why are you silent?” “Nothing.” Rion and Trish answered in unison again. “You look like someone who wants to cheat, but you can’t because I’m here.” “That’s absurd,” said Rion. Odette stood up from her seat and walked over to the two men. “Rion, I have something I want to say,” she said with a serious face, making Rion and Trish also put on a serious face. “What is it?” Rion asked. “I’m going out.” Trish chimed in because he thought the two of them needed some space to talk. 
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Chapter 315 - The Trial (1)
“Father, Father, please help us. Do something so the king free us. Father, I beg you,” Aerith pleaded hopefully. Duke Scarlet looked at her blankly. He didn’t say anything. A few seconds later, he turned to look at Duchess Scarlet, the woman he had been married to for twenty-eight years. “I have warned you many times that you should control your greed,” he said in a flat tone. “Stop lecturing me and make yourself useful. Think and do something to get Aerith and me out of here!” Duchess Scarlet spoke in a commanding tone. Her arrogance had not disappeared at all.Duke Sc arlet’s expression became cynical. “Why should I do something so troublesome like that when you are nothing to me anymore?” he asked, making Duchess Scarlet shocked. She looked at him fiercely. “What do you mean?” &
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Chapter 316 - The Trial (2)
Duchess Scarlet glared intently at the palace councils. She clenched her fists tightly. Aerith persuaded her mother to calm down. She was worried that if the palace councils were offended, her mother’s punishment would be increased. The palace council took out a medicine bottle containing the poison used to poison Rose. He then asked Knights Erika and Erina to explain the evidence. “It is a fetal protection medicine that has been mixed with the poison. Duchess Scarlet ordered Doctor Cecilia to give the medicine to Queen Rose.” “Lies. Why would I want to poison Rose? You two conspired with that old woman to slander me.” “Nurse Yume and Maid Karen are the witnesses,” Erina added. The two witnesses confirmed Erina’s statement. Nurse Yume had seen Doctor Cecilia mix the queen’s medicine with poison while Maid Karen said that she h
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Chapter 317 - The Trial (3)
“I already explained about it to the palace knights. I met with Doctor Cecilia only to discuss the matter of buying and selling land,” Duchess Scarlet defended herself. However, her uncle who bought the land from Cecilia’s parents had already sent someone to inform the king that the matter had been resolved long ago.“How ungrateful.” Duchess Scarlet’s parents cursed in annoyance. They were very upset that the whole family seemed to have conspired together to bring them down.The emissary handed over the evidence to the palace council and further weighed down the indictments against Duchess Scarlet.Next, a doctor who had been confirmed to be neutral was called. He stated that the poison used to kill Doctor Cecilia was the same as the poison mixed into the fetal protection medicine.“You can sit down again,” Rion said, and the doctor nodded obediently.Duchess Scarlet was already very agitated. “I Swear I DON’T KILL CECILIA. I ADMIT ALL THE CRIMES ACCUSED AGAINST ME EXCEPT THIS MURDER
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Chapter 318 - Odette's Shock
“I will speak to the royal council regarding your request to release Cristela from prison,” Rion said. Before he could leave his place, Odette held his hand and asked about his condition. Rion knew what his wife was worried about right now, so he nodded slowly. “I’m disappointed, but it’s fine. I have to keep my promise. Cristela will be free,” said Rion with a faint smile on his face. Odette stared at him silently. She felt uncomfortable, as if something stuck in her throat. Odette had forced Rion to free Cristela. She took a deep breath then approached Doctor Alex. “Where’s Anwen?” Odette asked when she didn’t see Anwen. Doctor Alex said that Anwen had left first. “I don’t know what happened to her, but she’s been looking annoyed ever since coming to the courtroom. I think she&rsq
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Chapter 319 - Odette's Suffering
Odette closed the door as soon as she entered her room. One by one, the sufferings and hardships she had with her mother flashed in her mind, replaying again like a broken record. ‘Her mother’s name is Celestial, and she doesn't know who her father is. The mother must be confused about who the father of her child is because too many men have done that with her.’ ‘Mom, who’s my father? What’s his name? Even though he’s dead, he must have a name, right?’ ‘Mom already told you not to talk about him anymore! Stop asking. You're giving me a headache!" Odette’s tears kept trickling down on her pale cheeks. All this time, she always wondered why her mother never wanted to talk about her father. Now, she knew. It was because her father had made her mother suffer so much by his betrayal and a very evil trickery. Odette sobbed whi
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Chapter 320 - I'm Sorry
Odette woke up out of breath. She kept calling her mother while crying. Rion, who sat beside her, was also surprised. “Mother!" “Odette.” “Let go of me! I want to go home. I want to be with my mother!” Odette got out of bed and ran towards the door, but Rion caught her. “Odette, where are you going?” he asked her. “LET GO OF ME! I WANT TO GO HOME! MY MOTHER IS CRYING!” Odette struggled to break free from Rion’s embrace. “No, Odette. You can’t go home.” “But, my mother is crying! Let me go! I want to go home! My mother is crying! I WANT TO GO HOME!” Odette was crying hysterically, scaring Rion because the girl kept saying she wanted to go home. “Calm down, Odette. You were just having a bad dream.”
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