All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
425 Chapters
Chapter 151: “Foolish Action”
BOOM...BOOM...The Patriarch of God Lantern Sect turned his gaze towards the explosion under his feet. The higher-ups of the Sect were also looking in the same direction. At the same time, everyone's eyes opened wide with their mouths agape to see enormous flames rising high from the core area of the realm.Thousands of people then turned all their attention to the Patriarch of the God Lantern Sect, emitting a powerful aura within his body."Whoever does this will die!" shouted the Sect Patriarch, and then he prepared to leave the arena.A youth wearing a blue-black outfit suddenly appeared in front of the Patriarch of the God Lantern Sect and made his steps stop. Before long, a remarkable woman appeared and took her place next to the young man."Don't you want to kill the person who destroyed your residence? Then why do you want to leave when the culprit is right in front of your eyes?" asked the figure of a young man whose good looks made the faces of the women blush because they co
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Chapter 152: “The Regret”
With their faces darkened at the sight of a troublemaker disrupting his Sect, the sages began to launch various attacks on Ares. Not only them, but the Great Sage also attacked Ares and the Sect Patriarch.The Sect Patriarch's eight swords flew and locked onto Ares’ movements. Thousands of needles belonging to the Great Sage fled around Ares, leaving him unable to move anywhere. Next came the attacks of dozens of Lantern God Sect sages who used all their strength to kill their opponents.Ares casually took out his sword, then made dozens of shadow bodies and placed them on each side of the arena, holding the same blade as Ares.Soon dozens of white fireballs appeared with crackling electricity all around them, the balls were only the size of a fist, but one could destroy an area of dozens of kilometres. Seeing the technique Ares had used, the Sect Patriarch and his men shuddered in horror as they stared at the white ball of flames with electric currents moving around them. But they di
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Chapter 153: “The Rage”
Thousands of Divine Lantern Sect disciples continued to flock to the battle arena. But instead of helping them, they were slaughtered by four people who had been waiting for their arrival. The four happily continued to kill the incoming enemies, male or female all would have bad luck when near them.Even if they didn't participate in the massacre their group had perpetrated, Ares and Sally were happy to see the sea of blood that now adorned the vast field belonging to God's Lantern Sect. But they felt unsatisfied before seeing the Sect Patriarch, and Great Sage figures suffer the same fate as their disciples. Taking Sally's hand, Ares approached the Patriarch of the Lantern God Sect, looking helpless. But it's not Ares if he kills his opponent directly without torturing him first. What's more, people who have caused problems with their closest people will never get a quick death in their life.Even though he wanted to directly torture and kill the disgusting man in front of him, Ares
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Chapter 154: “New Patriarch”
Ares instantly hit the two of them, floating in the air, and with just one blow, they were both sent flying toward the ground. One sage suddenly fainted after his body hit the ground and made a four-metre-wide crater; another sage was still conscious even though his condition was not good.Ares appeared near the still-conscious sage, and then he said to him, "I'm tired of torturing people, so be grateful that I'll give you a quick death." Ares gripped the Lantern God's Sect sage by the neck, and with just one move, he broke the Sect's sage's neck that was in his grip.“Baam...” Ares threw the body of the Sect sage he had just killed, and then he turned to the other sage, who had come to his senses from his stupor."You're next, cunt!" Ares muttered.While Ares was playing with one of the sages of the God Lantern Sect in another place, Sally only ended the life of the Patriarch of the God Lantern Sect after she skinned the Patriarch of the God Lantern Sect alive. Finally, she slit the
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Chapter 155: “The End”
All night Ares served his wife's wildness in bed, and by morning they ended the fight that made them want to go on and on.Ares’ four shadow bodies appeared when Sally rested with a thick blanket covering her body. Ares divided them into two groups.One group observed the state of the God Lantern Sect, and one group followed the Kusuma Empire. If they found terrible things still happening in the place they were watching, they invited Ares to destroy that place."You guys go! Remember, you only have until tomorrow to complete the task I gave you. Do your job in secret, and get all the problems as clean as possible.""Yes, my lord," said the four shadow bodies created by Ares, leaving through the room's open window.Ares watched the departed shadow body of his creation. "Hopefully, the Kusuma Empire and the Lantern God Sect don't make the same mistake again; I'm so tired of dealing with them."*Warning Explicit Content*[If you guys find it uncomfortable, then skip to the following *sign
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Chapter 156: “Leaving the Lantern God Sect Territory”
Feng looked at Ares and Sally, who had just returned to the inn after a long day of enjoying the atmosphere of the city they were currently living in."Mate, I see you guys are so happy today. If I may ask, where have you been all day?""Feng, today we just take a walk to enjoy the city's beauty, and occasionally we enjoy the interesting shows that are presented in this city," Ares replied relaxedly.Feng glanced at Sally's whereabouts. "Is it just me? I feel Sally looks even more beautiful today.""Feng is observant; we had time to enjoy facial treatments at one of the beauty spots in this city, and then we also enjoyed a refreshing warm bath," said Ares.Feng nodded and smiled, but still, he knew there was something else they had done, and he was sure that was what made their journey long."Then what are we going to do now?" asked Feng, who was bored enough to stay in a city of little interest to him.On the other side of Zhe, Rina and Rena were also tired of being in a city that did
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Chapter 157: “Troubles”
[Location: Dragon Imperial Palace.]The Dragon Empire palace had a touching reunion between Ares' Mother and her sister. Still, the mood of emotion immediately turned into an atmosphere of horror when Ares told his mother the whereabouts of his two brothers."That man always goes away and is irresponsible after planting seeds on the woman he likes..." Allena said, then she looked at Ares."You can't do the same to him!" said Allena glaring at Ares.Ares nodded his head. Besides being afraid to see his mother's expression when talking to her, he nodded because he didn't want to do what his father had done."At least he has to give a clear reason the next time he meets me," Ares thought.On the other hand, Allena pulled Ares’ two older sisters into her arms."You are now my daughters; from now on, call me Mother..." Allena said to her two new daughters.Ares’ two siblings finally felt a mother's love again, and maybe Ares would leave them both to live in the palace with his mother. Towar
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Chapter 158: “Accept the Challenge”
Ares and Emperor Mou Ling entered the assembly hall of the Ling Imperial Palace, and soon Emperor Hamendra Taruma and Crown Prince Yaashvan Taruma arrived.In the assembly hall were also present several great Generals from the two Empires were also present. The generals of the Ling Empire paid their respects upon seeing the arrival of Emperor Mou Ling, whom Ares accompanied. As for the Taruma Imperial Generals, they stared hatefully at Ares, who had dared to harm their Emperor and Imperial Crown Prince.“Your Majesty Mou Ling, who exactly is that young man? Is he the husband of Princess Yue Ling?” Emperor Hamendra Taruma threw a question at Emperor Mou Ling.Emperor Mou Ling looked at Emperor Hamendra Taruma and his son. “He is my nephew; besides, he is indeed the husband of Princess Yue Ling, and currently, Princess Yue is pregnant with his future child.”Emperor Mou Ling answered while looking at Ares, who showed him a warm smile."Do you have proof that Princess Yue Ling is your wif
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Chapter 159: “The End of Yaashvan's History”
Two days passed just like that. On top of the battle arena in the backyard of the Ling Imperial palace stood two people who were about to have a death fight.The two people standing on top of the arena were Ares and the Crown Prince. Ares looked calm and still had time to joke with his wives. In contrast to Ares, Crown Prince Yaashvan Taruma looked nervous and unprepared for a death fight with Ares.“I still give you time to surrender and admit your defeat,” Ares smiled after saying what he wanted to convey to Crown Prince Yaashvan Taruma."Keep bragging, and in the end, you will die in this place," Crown Prince Yaashvan Taruma replied to what Ares had told him.Ares shook his head. "I may be arrogant, but I have been kind enough to give you a chance. But since you refused my offer, I will put you to sleep when this fight is over.""Too arrogant and talkative. I am Crown Prince Yaashvan Taruma and will kill you with both hands," The aura around Crown Prince Yaashvan Taruma changed, and
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Chapter 160: “Go Visit the Taruma Empire”
[Location: Evening in the assembly hall of the Ling Imperial palace.]“Emperor Uncle Mou Ling.”Ares had another meeting with Emperor Mou Ling and the higher-ups of the Ling Empire. Feng and Zhe were also present at the meeting to discuss the threat from the Taruma Empire.Emperor Mou Ling invited Ares and his two accompanying wives to sit in a specially prepared place.“Nephew, you did ask me not to interfere in your matters with the Taruma Empire, but I cannot stand idly by, and I and all of the higher-ups of the Ling Empire have decided to help you.”Emperor Mou Ling showed seriousness in his words, and Ares also saw the higher-ups of the Ling Empire nod their heads shortly after Emperor Mou Ling finished what he needed to say."I'm grateful in advance for the help that Uncle will provide. It's not that I refuse, but I truly believe that I can solve the problem with the Taruma Empire without the help of the Ling Empire, and I hope that it will focus more on increasing its strength."
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