All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
425 Chapters
Chapter 171: “They'll Be Angry”
Ares’ appearance changed slightly from before. Apart from his increasingly handsome face, Ares’s aura was much stronger than before."Roar..." came the deafening screams of the two dragons. The two dragons still wanted to fight and immediately flew in two different directions.“The Poison Heart Sect and the Black Tortoise Sect, they will disappear from this continent,” Ares thought as he knew where Long and Feng had gone.The Ling Empire's army had wholly controlled the situation in the Ling Imperial Palace, and now the Ling Empire's military was gathering war victims from the Ling Empire's side for proper burial."Huh... I wouldn't have fallen this much if I hadn't come late." Ares sighed inwardly, disappointed himself for not being able to come on time, even though he had to see his injured wives after fighting to protect the Palace. Ling Empire.“Wshh...” Hera appeared beside Ares with a much better appearance than when she was fighting."Don't feel too guilty, and rest assured that
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Chapter 172: “Five Bullying Youth”
One day has passed. Ares saw his wives preparing to attend a banquet in the hall of the Ling Imperial Palace.Emperor Mou Ling personally invited Ares and his wives to come for a grand banquet in his Palace hall. At this banquet, Emperor Mou Ling gathered all the influential people in his Empire, including the city lords in Ling Empire.Ares and his nine wives came when all the guests had arrived. Emperor Mou Ling immediately welcomed Ares’ arrival and directed Ares and his nine wives to a particular place he had deliberately prepared for them.After Ares and his nine wives sat down, many young masters from big cities stole glances at Ares’ wives, even some young masters who openly stared at the beautiful bodies of Ares’ wives.They were highly envious of Ares, who possessed nine beauties that were hard to match. Several young masters began to devise plans, and it was clear they intended to take one of Ares’ wives into their possession. But unfortunately, the young masters of the big c
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Chapter 173: “Is Everything Okay?”
Seeing that no one wanted to accompany him, Ares just let out a long sigh, and he finally decided to go for a walk alone, but just a few steps out of the room, Sally came and immediately hugged his arm with a smile.Ares smiled back at Sally, and they finally walked together, leaving the residence they had lived in during their stay in the Ling Empire."Oh yeah, why do you suddenly want to accompany me? Isn't it better to lie down in the room?" Ares said to Sally, who was still hugging her arm."I always want to be close to my husband; we will be far away one day. I miss you. I always want to go with you wherever you go," said Sally."I can take you wherever I go, but considering you're pregnant, I can't take you to a dangerous place," said Ares.Ares moved his hand that was not in Sally's embrace, and in no time, a portal appeared that would take them straight to the centre of Nianling City, the capital of the Ling Empire.The portal Ares created took them to a deserted place, so thei
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Chapter 174: “Invitation”
Emperor Mou Ling and Empress Xia Alterio came to the residence where Ares and his wives were. The eight guards in charge of guarding the place that Ares occupied immediately saluted upon seeing the arrival of their esteemed Emperor and Empress.“Greetings Emperor, greetings Empress,” said the eight guards paying their respectsEmperor Mou Ling and Empress Xia Alterio nodded their heads smiling."Are my nephew and all his wives inside?" asked Emperor Mou Ling."Master Ares and all of his wives just returned; they may be currently cleaning up," said one of the guard soldiers in response to Emperor Mou Ling's question.Emperor Mou Ling nodded then he and his Empress approached the residence door that Ares and all his wives occupied.Hearing a slight commotion in the room, Emperor Mou Ling could tell that Ares and his wives had finished cleaning up and were gathering to enjoy some relaxing time."Uncle and Aunt, come in; it's not good to hear from behind the door," Ares’ voice came from th
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Chapter 175: “Death Penalty”
Ares didn't like the few men who kept their eyes on his two wives, and just by waving his hand, Ares created a protective wall that prevented outsiders from seeing where he and his two wives were.The men with special eye techniques tried to break through the protective wall Ares made, but no matter how hard they tried, they could never break through the wall Ares created.All the men were furious when they could no longer see the beauty of the two women who had stolen their attention. Some men tried to attack to break the protective wall that blocked their eyes.BOOM...Instead of being crushed, all the men who attacked Ares’ artificial wall were blown away and suffered minor internal injuries. With strength at the mid-Inferior God level, they would only seek death if forced to destroy Ares’ artificial wall, which was a protective wall at the early God General level."Are they too tired of living to attack my protective wall?" said Ares when he saw the stupidity of some of the men who
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Chapter 176: “Only Death”
“Master, it seems that the person you are looking for is also in this Empire, but I cannot find his whereabouts. An aura disguises that person's existence, and I didn't get permission to penetrate that aura."Ares just nodded his head, and again he continued to clean himself. After cleaning himself and wearing luxurious clothes, Ares immediately walked out of his room.Outside the room, there were already Ashur and Alice waiting for him, and not long after Ares left the room, Shania and Yue followed out of the room, looking so elegant and charming. The veil they use adds to their elegance."Was there something strange when I was in the room?" Ares asked Ashur, who had been in charge of guarding his room."There's nothing unusual, but since then, several men have been pacing not far from the master's room. They seem to be waiting for something to come out of the master's room," said Ashur with a slight bow."Just a bunch of weak men hiding behind the strength that lies behind them," sai
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Chapter 177: “Weird Traditions”
The Crown Prince, from a distance, smiled widely when he saw Ares voraciously eating the food served on his table. But Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya suddenly tightened his grip on his hand when he saw Ares put away all the food and drink that he had fed the deadly poison powder."Damn it, from the start, it seemed that he knew that the food and drink were poisoned, and he deliberately showed his big appetite to please me, but in the end, he threw away all the poisoned food and drink," Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya thought to himself.“Mate, it seems that Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya and several young masters are eyeing your two wives,” Feng said to Ares."Yeah, take it easy; no matter what plan they use, they won't even be able to touch the hem of the clothes my two wives are wearing," said Ares.Sitting in his leisurely place, Ares sent a message to the older man hiding in Emperor Lukman Wijaya's shadow. "Old geezer, looks like I'm going to gouge out Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya's eyeba
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Chapter 178: “Just a Spoiled Little Boy”
The two young masters challenging Ares were blown away and suddenly fell unconscious at the edge of the battle arena in the middle of the Wijaya Imperial palace hall."You dared to hurt my two sons," said the middle-aged man, who sped up and saw the state of his two sons.“Master, that person is Wahyu, the man you have been looking for, and he is the key to destroying the protective wall that separates all the continents of this world.”"No need to search, but naturally, he came to me. Do I need to kill him and absorb all his memories?"“Master can kill him then absorb all his memories. If necessary, you can absorb his strength to increase your strength; at least you will go up one level if you absorb the strength at the half-step level to the initial God General level."Ares nodded and looked at Wahyu, who was mourning the death of his two children.“You dare to kill my two sons,” shouted Wahyu angrily towards Ares."You don't need to shout like that. Before the match even started, th
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Chapter 179: “Only Death You Will Get”
Wahyu frowned, feeling a slightly stronger aura from him."This brat looks like he has an artefact that can give off an aura on the same level as mine," Wahyu thought, greedy for something that didn't exist in reality.Wahyu smirked and again attacked Ares, but this time he used some techniques which further strengthened his attack.BOOM... BOOM...A loud banging sound occurred as some of the techniques that Wahyu released hit Ares and created a puff of smoke where Ares was.“Hahaha… Just using an artefact to protect against my aura, but your strength is still far below mine,” said Wahyu, who was so arrogant that he assumed Ares had died after being hit by his attack that could seriously injure an expert at the peak of Heaven God level.Wahyu glanced at Ares’ two wives. “Your women will be mine. I will enjoy their bodies before they –” Before Wahyu could finish his words, he suddenly felt an aura that made his entire body shiver and tremble."Want to take my woman? Only death will you
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Chapter 180: “Disgusting Death”
Everyone from the Ling Empire had returned to the Ling Imperial palace, including Ares’ two wives. However, one person was secretly still in the Ling Empire and only sent his two shadow bodies as his wife's guards.When everyone returned, Ares was still in the Wijaya Imperial Palace, taking on the form of a maid whose beauty was that of a goddess; even since her appearance when reporting on the departure of Emperor Ling and his people, she attracted many young masters to her.Emperor Lukman Wijaya was secretly interested in the beauty of the maid still prostrating in front of him. Not wanting to be overtaken by others, Emperor Lukman Wijaya asked the servant to get up and stand beside his throne to be a personal servant who only served him.Many young masters were furious at Emperor Lukman Wijaya's actions, including Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya."Damn, dad, just you wait; the maid will be mine!" cried Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya inwardly.The matchmaking event continued, and most of
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