All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
425 Chapters
Chapter 191: “Wedding Party”
[Location: In the Ling Imperial palace.]They finished the wedding preparations. They also prepared the places for parties and dishes for banquets in great detail. Even though no more than a thousand people would only attend it, several important guests from the Empire and Sects on the Zhongxiao Continent were there.Of the great Empires, only the Han Empire was willing to attend the party, while the Lantern God Sect was the only major Sect to participate in the party held in the Ling Empire.Neither the Wijaya Empire nor any other significant Sects could come because they were facing internal troubles brewing in their place. But they still sent gifts to the two brides as a token of friendship with the Ling Empire, and they recognised the most potent power on the entire mainland of the Zhongxiao Continent.Towards noon the Ling Empire's grand guest from the Dragon Empire came and was directly greeted by Emperor Mou Ling and Empress Xia Alterio.Grandpa, Mother, Aunt and Ares’ two siste
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Chapter 192: “Searching for the Remnants”
For seven days, Ares remained in the Ling Imperial Palace. Still, within those seven days, he had sent his five shadow bodies to explore the Zhongxiao Continent while searching for the whereabouts of the remaining three Dragon Emperor inheritances.On the eighth day, Ares decided to explore the Zhongxiao Continent, but before leaving, he would return his nine wives to the Dragon Empire.This time Ares wanted to finish things quickly, so he decided to go alone. He wouldn't go alone because ten of his subordinates would go wherever he went.All of Ares’ wives can understand their husband's decisions. With their stomachs getting more significant, more or less, it would make them burden Ares if they continued to force themselves to follow Ares’ journey.After agreeing, Ares escorted his nine wives to the Dragon Imperial Palace that afternoon."We will always wait for good news from the husband," said his nine wives before Ares left the Dragon Imperial Palace.Arriving at the shoreline, whi
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Chapter 193: “Technique”
In the morning, Ares and Lisa entered the forest area with an aura that felt quite familiar to Ares. The beasts that appeared within the forest were enough to interfere with their journey, but Ares’ ten subordinates quickly exterminated all the beasts that stood in the way of their master's journey."After taking care of the bandits and the people behind the slave sales in the village, it seems the ten of them are getting increasingly protective of my safety," said Ares seeing all his subordinates increasingly guarding him."Master," called Lisa, who sensed the presence of a Dragon Emperor's aura not far from her place."Lisa, just say it if you have something to say!" Ares said.“Master, I sensed the aura of one of the Dragon Emperors not far from this place,” replied Lisa, who was the embodiment of the system that had fused with Ares’ soul.Ares nodded his head."I feel it, too; the aura feels so warm. I think we will find the inheritance of the Fire Dragon Emperor," Ares said."In t
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Chapter 194: “New Problem”
In addition to receiving the inheritance in the form of Techniques, Yadav Ares’ Palace also received additional pure energy directly absorbed into his body. That pure energy nearly filled his Dantian ocean, and now he only needed a little more effort to break through to the God Emperor level.Ares smiled, seeing the development of his strength, then after paying his respects, he immediately exited Yadav's Palace, and his ten subordinates greeted him."Master, just now, one of your shadow bodies came to this place. He couldn't go straight to where the master was because there was an impenetrable barrier."Ares knew the barrier he was referring to, but he didn't expect his own shadow body to be able to break through the barrier Yadav had created."What did he tell you before he left?""Master, your shadow body said if he found the existence of a place with an aura that continued to attract his existence to get closer to that place."The smile on Ares’ face didn't seem to want to disappea
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Chapter 195: “Kill the Young Man”
Ares shook his head at how arrogant a young man was who couldn't see how strong a person he was."I have to admit that the woman next to me may be one of the most beautiful women in the world, but I didn't expect that so many men in this world didn't sell, so they wanted to take someone else's property," said Ares sneering at all the men who had been before. They wanted to pull Lisa over to their bed."Only a weak young man can't protect his woman but speaks as if he is the most righteous. Remember carefully, in this world, the strong are in power, a weak young man like you would rather die, and I can guarantee that woman's future will be better when with me,' replied the haughty young man, turning his body.“From the amount of experience I have, stupid, arrogant people will die faster than weak people,” said Ares while showing his calm demeanour."Tch, too much talk! You guys kill the young man quickly because I want the woman to be mine immediately," said the young man giving orders
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Chapter 196: “Strength Boost”
[Location: In a valley in the middle of the forest.]Dozens of people were looking for the source of the powerful aura they felt without realising the existence of several figures watching their existence.They continued to search, and finally, they found a mysterious cave behind the vines covering the entire mouth of the cave."Master, are we going to let them in?" said one of Ares’ subordinates."Let them in, but I'm sure none of them will be able to enter the cave. The cave is not a random cave; there is an invisible wall that protects what's in the cave," Ares said casually.BOOM...Just as Ares closed his mouth, suddenly there was an explosion sound as five people were thrown and immediately died when they forced their way into the cave."As I thought, that's what they'll get if they force their way into a place they shouldn't be," Ares said while observing the few people who were still trying to enter the cave."It seems that the cave holds the inheritance of the Lightning Dragon
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Chapter 197: “Chaos in Kage Continent”
Ares and Lisa appeared in a vast prairie in the western region of the Kage Continent. Have not had time to enjoy the beauty of the meadow, hundreds of soldiers suddenly came and made a siege on the two of them.Out of the hundreds of soldiers, a man on horseback was advancing toward Ares and Lisa. The man held his spear and aimed it at Ares. Just as the spear in his hand was raised, two shadowy figures appeared and crushed the spear in the horseman's hand."Presumptuous, how dare a lowly human like you point a weapon at my master!" said one of Ares’ two subordinates, who were indeed in charge of guarding his master.The man on horseback looked angry, but he wasn't the type to attack an opponent without knowing who his opponent would be. His intention of coming at Ares and Lisa while wielding a spear was not because he wanted to shoot, it was because his Empire was currently in a state of war, and of course, he would be wary of strangers in his eyes."General!" The other five horsemen a
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Chapter 198: “The New Danger”
On the way, Ares ordered all his subordinates to return to his shadow. Meanwhile, Ares would continue his journey only accompanied by Lisa.When Ares and Lisa had just arrived at the territory of the Azuma Empire, which was now under the Shin Empire's control, they immediately felt angry when they saw the piles of corpses the townspeople left to rot."They are no longer human," said Ares, who swung his hand to kill the five Shin Empire soldiers dragging the women to their gratification."Bruck... Bruck..." Two soldiers fell with their heads rolling, and the other three fell headfirst to the ground before long.The five women they were dragging glared between shock and horror at what they had just seen. But when they saw two figures like God and Goddess approaching, they seemed to see a figure who would save their lives."Calm down; we came to save you guys," said Lisa in a voice that made the five of them feel at ease."They will no longer be able to bother you!" he cried while burning
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Chapter 199: “Atrocities”
Just as Ares was about to say something to the girls, Ares’ facial expression immediately became alert when he sensed the auras of dozens of people approaching him. Ares immediately saw the sky starting to darken, and at that moment, dozens of people appeared from the night sky's darkness."Hahaha... Let alone the inner region, not even one of you will leave this place because this is where your graves are!" said someone from the Shin Empire."A grave for me? Isn't it upside down? You are the ones who will die in this place, and unfortunately, no one will bury your rotten bodies," said Ares, feeling deja vu with the aura of people from the Shin Empire.Dozens of people from the Shin Empire are still laughing at what Ares said; to them, Ares’ words are just nonsense and will never come true.“You comforted me enough, but unfortunately, you have to die, and as for your woman, maybe I will kill her after enjoying her body,” said someone who seemed to be the leader of the Shin Empire army
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Chapter 200: “The God of Death’s Returned”
After leaving the black-masked group and the five women he had saved, Ares and Lisa found a large encampment of the Shin Empire's troops tens of kilometres from where he had left the black-masked group. A large camp consisting of hundreds of tents, at least it could accommodate more than five thousand soldiers.Ares had two of his subordinates investigate how strong his enemy was. While the two were exploring, Ares and Lisa would head straight to the enormous tent to meet the squad leader.Getting rid of first was Ares and Lisa's goal. Without a leader to lead them, large troops will only look like chicks left by their mother. They will panic, and it will be straightforward to exterminate them.After looking through the hundreds of tents, Ares and Lisa finally found one of the largest and most luxurious tents in the middle of the camp. From within the tent, Ares and Lisa felt the aura of the strongest person out of all the people. Within the tent were five people whose strength was equ
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