All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
425 Chapters
Chapter 181: “Behind”
[Location: Ling Imperial Palace Gardens.]“That is so disgusting,” said Emperor Mou Ling when he heard the news of the deaths of Emperor Lukman Wijaya and Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya."That's what will happen to those who have bad intentions towards my family," said Ares, who came to the garden of the Ling Imperial Palace, where Emperor Mou Ling was enjoying the afternoon atmosphere in his Empire.Hearing what Ares said, Emperor Mou Ling immediately knew that the deaths of Emperor Lukman Wijaya and Crown Prince Ghiffari Wijaya had Ares’ intervention. But Emperor Mou Ling wouldn't ask what he was thinking. The end of two higher-ups of the EmpireIt was good news for his Empire because earlier, he was a little worried about offending the Wijaya Empire by leaving without saying goodbye to their event."Whatever happened, it seemed like it was right for them. Everyone in the Zhongxiao Continent would also know what their bad temper is. Their kindness is only to cover up all the bad things
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Chapter 182: “Killing the Young Master”
While the six people were still discussing, Ares was already in a city under the control of the Valley of Skeleton Sect."You can come in!" said the soldier guarding the city gate after Ares gave him ten gold coins as a fee for entering the city.Ares then entered the city, and after that, he could feel a very disgusting aura covering the entire area of the town he visited; then, not long after walking, he met two youths wearing skull-patterned robes on the back of the robes they were wearing.“Lisa, what just passed was one of the disciples of the Skull Valley Sect?” Ares asked Lisa after he became curious about the identity of the two youths she had just passed.“They are Quasar Maharlika and Darwish Maharlika, the sons of the Patriarch of the Skeleton Valley Sect, or I could say if they are the young masters of the Skull Valley Sect, it means that they are the next generation who will become the higher-ups of the Skull Valley Sect,” replied Lisa.Hearing that, Ares showed his sly sm
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Chapter 183: “Absorbing Powers”
"I'm going back to the Skeleton Valley Sect's territory," said a confused Ares filling his free time when his two wives preferred to laze around in the room.After setting up the teleportation gate, Ares’ figure was no longer visible in the Ling Imperial palace because he was currently in a deserted alley within the territory of the Black Skull city, a large city managed by the Valley of Skeleton Sect.Feeling that his appearance was too flashy, Ares changed his clothes to the tattered garments worn by the city's lower classes. After changing his clothes, Ares walked around the city while listening to the hot news that the residents of the Black Skull city were talking about.Out of all the talk he had heard, everyone talked about the mysterious deaths that the two young masters of the Skeleton Valley Sect had experienced. Other news he heard was news about the Patriarch of the Skull Valley Sect, who had put all his strength into searching for the culprit who killed his son, who was no
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Chapter 184: “Hunting the Sect”
No one else is in their room, so they can do whatever they want, even if they talk about what they shouldn't."I want to get pregnant as soon as possible so that my children will be able to take care of your children," said Alice after laughing."Brother-in-law's wish must be the same as my husband's, and it's not bad. At least our children will be on the right side of the person," said Zhe, who once admired Ares’ figure and wanted to be a part of Ares’ life by becoming his wife.But his meeting with Ashur changed everything, and what Zhe felt was also Alice's and Feng's presence changed her goals.***[Location: The forest around the territory of the Valley of the Skull Sect.]Ares had killed several sages and a dozen groups of Skeleton Valley Sect disciples he was after. The smile on his lips grew as he felt he would soon break through to a higher level.But instantly, Ares was alert and quickly looked for a hiding place when he felt a sizable force moving toward him.As the human fi
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Chapter 185: “Don't Expect”
Ares only showed a smile as he stared at the peak Earth God expert who just directed a sinister smile before him. Ares waved his hand with a smile on his face, and the expert who just showed a wicked smile was blown away and knocked unconscious with his internal organs destroyed."Overpowering!" The five peak Earth God experts felt such horror at Ares that he could kill a peak Earth God expert with just a wave of a hand.The four of them quickly expended all their strength to face Ares, who still looked relaxed sitting in his place. In the next instant, Ares disappeared along with the bodies of the four experts bouncing in various directions.BOOM... CRACK... BOOM... BRAAK...The four bounced and only stopped after hitting the ground and trees. But one stopped shaking after getting caught in the branches of a tree."Even the God of Heaven won't necessarily win over him. Who exactly is that masked man?" said the most vital Earth God expert, who got up first after his body hit the tree t
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Chapter 186: “The Inheritance Heir”
Ares entered the Light Dragon Emperor’s Palace with nothing to hinder his journey. Such a majestic aura could Ares feel the first time he set foot in the Light Dragon Emperor's palace.They made the palace building from gold, and for a moment, it amazed Ares, but his admiration did not last long after he found the figure he was looking for was looking at him with a face that looked quite friendly."At least I've been waiting for you for thousands of years," said Guzman Davendra, the Light Dragon Emperor.Ares wasn't the least bit surprised to see a dragon that could talk, he even had one that could transform into a dragon, but Ares greatly admired Guzman's majestic aura.“Since you have received the inheritance from the Dark Dragon Emperor, it is now my turn to pass down all my power to you,” said Guzman.“Is His Majesty the Great Light Dragon Emperor sure to pass on all of his power to me?” asked Ares, who had enough respect for the majestic figure in front of him."Is anyone who can
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Chapter 187: “Sheep Fighting Plan”
Ares hid the lifeless bodies of the people he had just killed, and then he devised a plan for what he would do. After a long time of planning, Ares was over with the project he was going to do."Lisa, can I buy the subordinates of a cultivator from the system shop?" Ares asked while making six shadow bodies.“Master, you can buy subordinate cultivators in the system. The strongest subordinate level is one level below the master's strength, and for now, the master can only buy ten subordinates,” answered Lisa."Can the power of the subordinates I bought increase?" Ares asked curiously.“Their strength will continue to increase as your strength increases,” Lisa responded.Ares nodded, then, without further ado, he directly bought ten mid-level God General cultivators from the system shop. Ten figures appeared in front of Ares with dashing and handsome looks, but their good looks were still two levels below Ares’."We are ready to carry orders from His Majesty," all of Ares’ new subordina
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Chapter 188: “Attack”
Thanks to the absorbing technique he created, Ares had completely absorbed entirely the aura stored in the death crystal in two days. The energy within Ares’ dantian raged, signalling he was about to break through to a higher level.A powerful aura spread out hundreds of kilometres from where Ares was when he managed to break through to the early God King level, but Ares’ dantian's inner energy was still total and continued to rage.Once again, the powerful energy spread out, this time an area of five hundred kilometres from where Ares could feel the powerful energy from Ares’ body as he broke through to the intermediate God King level.After two breakthroughs, the energy within Ares’ dantian began stabilising, and the enormous power spread out for hundreds of kilometres had been reabsorbed into Ares’ body.Ares didn't need to increase his body foundation because it was already at its peak, or it could say that Ares’ body was a thousand times stronger than a cultivator of the same leve
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Chapter 189: “Source of My Strength”
BOOM... BOOM... BOOM...A massive explosion sounded louder, making the ground trembles as thousands of equally enormous energies clashed and gripped the battlefield. Swords, spears, and bare-handed fists began to fight as a vast clash broke out between the camps.They had swung the sword, the spear had been thrust, and blood had begun to flow, replacing the green of the grass with the red of still-boiling blood. Neither side wants to give in; they will sacrifice a thousand or a million lives for the victory they are fighting for.From his place, Ares could see a balanced war in terms of numbers and strength, but what Ares focused on was not war.Ever since the war broke out, Ares’ gaze had instead focused on the two strong men belonging to both camps.“Two peak God Kings are currently measuring each other's strength. I can't wait to see the battle between them,” Ares muttered while enjoying the success of his plan.Every minute that passed, both sides lost more and more of their member
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Chapter 190: “Hard Time”
Two peak God King level experts became the butt of Ares, who continued to beat up those who were already seriously injured.“Boom… Boom…” A loud explosion could be heard from tens of kilometres away as Ares’ attack hit the two opponents."Bruck... Bruck..." The expert from the Valley of Death's stronghold was blown off against dozens of trees and wreaked havoc on a small forest area where they fought. After he hit the last tree, in that instant, he lost consciousness.“Argh…” The expert from the Skeleton Valley Sect's stronghold groaned in pain as his body bounced off a cliff, and then he received another attack from Ares, who had appeared nearby.“Boom…” Ares’ powerful blow shattered half of the body of the expert from the Skull Valley Sect's stronghold.Seeing the body he had just shattered begin regenerating, absorbent chains started to shoot out from Ares’ palms and bind the experts from the Skeleton Valley Sect's stronghold. Furthermore, Ares absorbed the power of a peak God King
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