All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
425 Chapters
Chapter 291: “The Red Cloak Man’s Appearance”
After a break, Khenpo Wijaya's group resumed their journey. Nothing was enjoyable along the way other than the admiration of Khenpo Wijaya and his entourage when they saw how advanced the big cities they had just passed were.It didn't take long after passing through Green Field, and they finally arrived in front of the gates of Feather Goose City. After passing through the gates of Goose Feather City, they would continue their journey to the Yilmaz Royal Palace on foot."Flying over Goose Feather City is indeed not prohibited, but it would be nice, sir and madam, to continue the journey on foot while enjoying the beauty of Goose Feather City," said the chief soldier, who then left after Khenpo Wijaya's entourage passed the gates of Goose Feather City.When Khenpo Wijaya's entourage, for the first time, saw the sight of Goose Feather City behind the sturdy fortress that protected it, they were all taken aback by the beauty and splendour of Goose Feather City, which was incomparable to
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Chapter 292: “The Beginning of Chaos”
Because his two guests had taken their proper seats, Ares ordered several soldiers to take the soldiers of the Sky God Empire to the edge of the assembly hall for treatment. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, can you say what your purpose in coming to my Kingdom is."Khenpo Wijaya stood up and briefly lowered his head, and after that, he started to answer Ares’ question. "Our purpose in coming to see Her Majesty is to apologise for what our Queen has done to Her Majesty's Kingdom. We have also prepared some valuable items to compensate for all the losses caused by our Queen's behaviour."Khenpo Wijaya took out five large chests from his storage ring."Ah... Why do you even bother thinking about compensation for me? Sorry, I can't accept your gift, and again I have forgotten what your Queen has done to my Kingdom," Ares replied; then he asked Khenpo Wijaya to keep back what was previously stored in his storage ring.Khenpo Wijaya reluctantly complied with Ares’ wish. After keeping all the trea
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Chapter 293: “The Chaos Started”
[Location: Yilmaz Royal Palace.]Khenpo Wijaya and his entourage had decided to spend the night at the residence within the Yilmaz Royal Palace area. The twelve soldiers who joined Khenpo Wijaya's entourage were currently guarding Khenpo Wijaya and Leiviska Wijaya to the home.Tonight Leiviska Wijaya was enjoying the evening atmosphere of the Yilmaz Kingdom with Ares’ wives and sons and daughters. As for Khenpo Wijaya, he was enjoying a relaxing time with Ares while discussing some light things related to the cooperation they were about to do.While sipping tea to accompany the cold night, Ares said something to Khenpo Wijaya. "Where has the ruler of the Immortal World gone? This world is getting more and more chaotic every day. Without a ruler figure, a war for power can occur at any time, and of course, this war will harm the weak. Weak people will live amid a great war if the ruler of this world is not soon to be found.”What Ares said was a reality that he had experienced. With a w
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Chapter 294: “War”
Ting... Ting...The sound of metal clashing against each other resounded throughout the Sky God Imperial Capital. Millions of soldiers from various kingdoms surrounded the Heavenly God Imperial Capital fortress. Those millions of soldiers kept pushing their way into the Imperial Capital, which only less than two million soldiers guarded."There are too many of them, and it seems that only a miracle could save this Empire from falling. Even if Grandpa were in this place, it wouldn't change what would soon befall this Empire."Jaquan Wijaya, who had not been officially appointed Emperor, had to think of the best way to defend the Heavenly God Empire from the combined attacks of several powerful Kingdoms previously part of the Heavenly God Empire.By exerting all his Empire's strength, Jaquan Wijaya would desperately defend the Empire that his ancestors had painstakingly established. Starting from a small village in the middle of the wilderness, after hundreds of thousands of years have p
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Chapter 295: “The War Continued”
Jaquan Wijaya nodded in understanding, but he couldn't calm down yet with the existence of the Yilmaz Kingdom's King in his Empire. "Grandpa, then where is my sister? Since your arrival, I haven't seen her figure, and I can't feel her aura of existence in the Imperial Palace! Grandpa, has something happened to my sister?"Jaquan Wijaya's face showed a look of concern. Khenpo Wijaya smiled and then answered what Jaquan Wijaya asked, “Leiviska decided to stay in the Yilmaz Kingdom because she wanted to become a disciple of the White Marigold Sect. At first, I was tough on letting her stay in this remote territory of the Empire. Still, after hearing from you, I reluctantly let her stay in the Yilmaz Kingdom, and again there is the safest place for her right now."***Ares saw that the war was almost over once the soldiers led by his subordinates intervened to help the Imperial soldiers. "Now is the time to capture and secure their Kings."With fast movements, Ares moved towards the camp t
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Chapter 296: “The End of Chaos”
Many of the higher-ups of the Empire couldn't believe it when they heard their Prince apologise to someone lower than him. The thing that the Sky God Empire currently had made them an Empire so weak that their Prince had to apologise to someone whose identity was unknown.“My lord Prince, you are currently the sole successor of the Emperor of the Heavenly God Empire, so I hope that my lord the Prince does not apologise to such a lowly person!” said an Imperial official with a disdainful look aimed at Ares."What did you say? Did you dare to look down on a person who even I respect the most? I was even willing to bow down to him to apologise for all your mistakes, and you so easily said what you shouldn't say," shouted Jaquan Wijaya with sharp eyes staring at one of the higher-ups of the Empire.Initially looking down on Ares, the imperial officials suddenly fell silent when they heard Jaquan Wijaya's shout."Damn it, how can that weak Prince prefer to defend a foreigner than defend his
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Chapter 297: “Traitors”
Days have passed, and the state of the Heavenly God Imperial Capital has completely recovered. However, some ruins are still visible at the gates of the Capital, which the Imperial soldiers are currently cleaning up.Ares, accompanied by Lisa, was enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the morning in the Imperial Capital. In the next few days, Ares decided to stay in the Imperial Capital, awaiting the arrival of the figure called master by the six Kings, who were currently in the care of several of his soldiers.Seeing the bustling atmosphere of the Sky God Imperial Capital, even though it was in chaos, Ares wanted to make his Kingdom more crowded than the Sky God Imperial Capital. He already has many plans for his Kingdom, and in the next few years, he will strive to realise everything he has planned."First, I will take care of the figure they call master, and after that, I will start the plan I have drawn up with Khenpo Wijaya's grandfather. After the cooperation with the Sky God Empir
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Chapter 298: “The Arrival Figure”
“BUCK” All the higher-ups of the Sky God Empire blocking Ares’ journey fell, spewing fresh blood from their mouths as soon as they felt the pressure from Ares’ powerful aura.“Damn, how strong is that person? The pressure of his powerful aura alone can injure me quite badly,” muttered one of the higher-ups of the Empire who was trying to recover after Ares entered the Imperial hall.The injured Imperial higher-ups were recovering their wounds at the entrance of the Imperial hall. They saw that some of them had difficulty healing their injuries which were quite severe."Now we are all injured just by the pressure of his powerful aura. This proves that that person is powerful, and the possibility that he could easily kill us all," said one of the higher-ups of the Empire who had managed to heal all of his internal injuries.The higher-ups of the Empire, who had previously hindered Ares’ journey, instantly felt the fear of death that would come their way. By now, they all realised that th
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Chapter 299: “Fighting”
An enormous surge of energy gushed out from the red-robed man's body; even though he was far away, Ares could still feel the immense power emanating from the figure's body.Everyone in the Imperial hall also felt an energy that could frighten them, and they all chose to stay away from the figure of the man in the red robe. But Jaquan Wijaya and Khenpo Wijaya still stood where they were even though they knew things were unfavourable for both.The red-robed man waved his hand lightly, and with a wave of his hand, a slash appeared that split the wind and then shot swiftly towards Ares. However, the incision vanished as a masked figure appeared and swung his sword, slashing at an attack aimed at its master.Four other masked figures immediately appeared and instantly took positions in every corner of the Imperial hall.The figure of the red-robed man who saw he stopped his attack so quickly; slightly showed his surprise. He didn't expect that there was still enough power capable of repelli
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Chapter 300: “Shape Shifter”
Beom-Soo immediately jumped in another direction away from Ares’ whereabouts, then he said. "Don't say you want to kill me if you can't hurt me! Even if you're stronger than me, it doesn't mean you can easily hurt or kill me. I still have many ways to break that arrogance of yours."Beom-Soo saw the existence of many people who were still loyal to his subordinates. Seeing their presence, Beom-Soo's smile grew on his face that had despaired. Not only did he smile, but he also saw a glimmer of hope to increase his strength rapidly. With the increase in his power, he was confident he could defeat the young man close to him.Ares sensed something was wrong when he saw the smile gracing Beom-Soo's face. But he was very curious, what would Beom-Soo do to defeat him?"Do you think I've already shown you everything I have? If you feel like that, it's a big mistake because I haven't shown you anything. And just so you know, I'm more complex than you think!" Ares said with a bright smile on his
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