All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
425 Chapters
Chapter 271: “Happiness”
As evening turned into night, Ares and the three women who had gone with him arrived at the White Marigold Sect with the luggage they had not kept in their storage ring.Several Sect disciples who were on guard greeted them, and simultaneously they paid their respects to the figures of their Sect Patriarch and Grand Sage.Passing the guard disciples, they headed straight for the largest residence in the White Marigold Sect. When they arrived, there were already nine women with bulging bellies waiting for them, and before long, an older woman and man joined them.“Brothers and sisters, we have provided much food for you,” Yelda said as she showed much food to her nine sisters."Mother-in-law and grandfather-in-law, we also gave you lots of food." Now it was Keisha's turn to point out the many foods she had brought.Everyone's face looks happy to see the amount of food in front of them, and just in time for dinner, they are full of happiness, enjoying the dinner with various types of foo
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Chapter 272: “Failed Plan”
The days passed quickly, and it didn't feel like the day had arrived when Ares and Keisha had to accompany Yelda to visit the Alarie Empire.News of the destruction of half the Alarie Imperial Palace territory by a mysterious attack had spread. Many people feel that the Alarie Empire's strength is weakening after the news of the destruction of half of the region in the Alarie Imperial Palace was circulated.The weakening power of the Alarie Empire had become the main topic of conversation almost everywhere in the mainland of the Southern Continent, especially in the area adjacent to the Alarie Imperial Palace.And also, since the news of the weakening of the Alarie Empire's strength, many powerful Kingdoms wanted to break free from the clutches of the Alarie Empire. If they used to be afraid, now they have even more courage to break free from the clutches of the Alarie Empire.Ares was saying goodbye to his Mother, Grandfather, and his nine wives in the White Marigold Sect hall. Before
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Chapter 273: “Shocking Power”
Emperor Abel Alarie looked at the youth who was still kneeling before him. From how he looked at the young man in front of him, it seemed that he no longer expected the existence of the young man who was still motionless before him.The guests were still staring at the young man kneeling before Emperor Abel Alarie. When everyone saw the young man's movement, they were shocked by a sword stuck in the back of the white-robed youth.The young man's body fell to the side, and he soon lost his life. Shortly after the white-robed youth died, two black-robed figures appeared, staring intently at the guests. Their gazes were very intimidating, and soon their eyes stopped when they met Ares’."I sense bad intentions from you, and your aura is also very disgusting. Tell me, who are you really?" one of the black-robed figures asked Ares.Ares just silently ignored the unimportant questions that were directed at him. Besides being unimportant, he also felt it needed to be more beneficial to answer
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Chapter 274: “The Immortal World’s New Ruler”
The thousand Ares warriors shot forward to attack the thousands of Heavenly God-level cultivators belonging to the Alarie Empire. Meanwhile, Ares’ four subordinates, who had yet to show their true strength, began to attack the hundred True God-level cultivators closely guarding Emperor Abel Alarie's existence.When the two powers clashed, many guests were further away from the battlefield because they could not withstand the aura of energy around the battlefield. We could say that currently, only Ares and his two wives looked calm when they saw the great battle before their eyes.Emperor Abel Alarie looked terrified to see his people being massacred by Ares’ soldiers and subordinates. Emperor Abel Alarie's face paled even more as he saw the more than fifty True God-level cultivators lying stiff and covered in blood on the ground."This, how come it became like this? Who exactly is that young man, and how can he have so many strong people by his side?" Over and over again, Emperor Abel
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Chapter 275: “Leaving the Alarie Imperial Palace”
"Are you sure you've found it?" asked the middle-aged woman who was still in long-distance communication with her subordinates in the Alarie Empire."That young man is the right person to replace His Majesty the Emperor. But unfortunately, the young man already has two women by his side, and maybe the two women have officially become his wife," said the female subordinate.The middle-aged woman only smiled at what her subordinates said. She said, "As for the two women who are related to that young man, I can easily get rid of them, and who else in this world can survive my daughter's persona? You now must ascertain the youth's worthiness.""Yes, Your Majesty, shortly I will give you good news," replied the middle-aged female subordinate; then, she tried to end the long-distance communication.Before the communication ended, the middle-aged woman spoke again to her subordinates. "Once you've confirmed the young man's eligibility, you can take him directly to the Palace. If the two women
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Chapter 276: “Fighting the Central Continent Ruler's Emissary”
Ares and his two wives left the inn after enjoying their dinner. Meanwhile, soldiers of the Alarie Empire came to look for the killer of the Imperial Security Council, but when they arrived, their target had left the inn.No one at the inn knew where the three people the Imperial soldiers were seeking had gone; even if they knew, they would remain silent and would not say what they had learned."That man deserved to die, and don't expect you to catch the killer!" muttered the innkeeper as the Imperial soldiers left their inn."Hopefully, those soldiers don't find their whereabouts!" said one of the maids who was given two gold coins before Ares and his two wives left the inn.The innkeeper nodded when he heard what one of the maids working at his inn said. "Thanks to them, we have become free from the people who have always been blackmailing us. For now, we can only hope that these three people don't run into the Imperial soldiers who are searching for them."Meanwhile, outside the Cit
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Chapter 277: “The Calm”
After spending the night in the forest's silence, Ares and his two wives were already on the Alarie Imperial palace grounds.The state of the Alarie Imperial Palace had returned to normal. Even if the Emperor's seat was vacant, the higher-ups of the Empire could resolve the problems quickly.All of the Imperial soldiers were also working hard to help the higher-ups of the Empire work. In a short time, the soldiers had finished their work, and currently, the soldiers of the Alarie Empire were enjoying their rest.For the palace's security, thousands of security soldiers remained on guard even though they were sleepy."Their work was quite fast in dealing with the chaos that occurred yesterday," said Ares, floating behind the clouds above the Alarie Imperial palace."My love, what are we going to do with this Empire?" asked Yelda."We won't do anything as long as they don't cause trouble with us," Ares replied in response to Yelda's question."Can we return to the White Marigold Sect now
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Chapter 278: “The Queen's Promise”
“Mother and Grandpa have just broken through to the peak God Sovereign level, refining their cultivation foundations. Even though they are still at the Sovereign God level, Mother and Grandfather's strength is already able to match that of a peak True God level cultivator, thanks to their existence. The dantian that my husband made for them," said Luna, who now also has a dantian in her body."I didn't expect that your strength had increased to this extent. Is there anything you currently need to increase the strength you have?" Ares asked while looking alternately at the faces of his wives."Instead of discussing the matter of increasing strength, we should prepare the needs of our future sons and daughters," said Sally"In that case, I have prepared it for our sons and daughters long ago," Ares replied.Ares took out a pile of needs for his prospective sons and daughters and several small beds he intended for his future sons and daughters.The eyes of all of Ares’ wives opened perfec
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Chapter 279: “The Arrival”
The man who was the direct emissary of the Queen of the Central Continent previously believed that the young man he met would agree to go with him after hearing the threat from his Queen. But he was wrong; instead of being afraid of the young man, he threatened to challenge the power of his Queen openly.But that man came to the White Marigold Sect not without preparation. He had come to the White Marigold Sect with people not much weaker than him. Right now, those people were spreading out in several places, aiming for the whereabouts of those closest to Ares.The man smiled as he heard the information from one of his people who had coincidentally discovered the whereabouts of Mother and Grandpa Ares. But his smile soon faded as he could no longer feel the presence of his people.Taking advantage of his enemy's carelessness, Ares disappeared from his spot, appeared near the man, and immediately grabbed his neck. "You better get out of here! Take the deaths of your people as a warning
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Chapter 280: “Border Wars”
An explosive sound could be heard, along with the ground shaking. The tens of thousands of soldiers whom Ares had directly trained for several months were currently defending the frontier fortress from the attacks of the hundreds of thousands of frontline soldiers belonging to the Sky God Empire.Despite being outnumbered, the soldiers guarding the Yilmaz Kingdom's border forts were not inferior in strength and spirit. Despite being seriously injured, none escaped from where they had to defend themselves. Thousands of them had died, but they had managed to make the enemy lose tens of thousands of soldiers.Because of an order, the Heavenly God Empire's soldiers, who were at the forefront, continued to attack even though they were already engulfed in fear of the enemy soldiers’ strength, which was far more potent than their own.Neither of them dared to move back because once they retreated, they would be branded a traitor and sentenced to death on the spot. Even if they had to step for
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