All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
425 Chapters
Chapter 261: “Something Special”
Only certain people knew of the historical records that listed the existence of the Legendary Demon Race. Even if he were the Lord of the Lords of the Heavenly World, it would not necessarily mean that he knew about the existence of a Race that was said to be only slightly weaker than the Immortal Race.The only place that had much information on the whereabouts of the Legendary Demon Race was the Heavenly Palace, so it was no wonder that neither Zeynep nor Zahira knew about the information about the Race that had been deemed wholly wiped out.In the history books, trillions of years in the past, the Legendary Demon Race were friends of the Immortal Race, but the two Races continued to compete fairly over who was the strongest among them.But because of the civil war, the power struggle took place in the Legendary Demon Race Empire. The battle continued for millions of years and dragged the Legendary Demon Race into the worst times before; finally, they were all declared extinct one mi
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Chapter 262: “War Triggers”
The four women deliberately put up quite a lot of food because they wanted a small party to celebrate their meeting. But it seemed they had gone too far when the four looked at the food pile in front of them.Ares only frowned when he saw the expressions of the four women in front of him while the four of them saw the various types of food served on the table.“After eating, I want to talk privately with you, little brother. There is something important, and I just wanted to discuss it with you,” Zahira said before breakfast, and the small party began.Ares just nodded her head. He didn't know what Zahira would say to him, but when he saw the expression on Zahira's face that looked quite serious, he had confidence that what Zahira wanted to talk to him about was something important.Of course, it was necessary, but it was only important to Zahira, not to Ares. After breakfast, Zahira took Ares to a particular room in his residence.“Now, big sister Zahira, you can start saying what you
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Chapter 263: “Ruler of a Thousand Worlds”
In residence in the inner region of the Alarie Imperial Palace, a man in a black robe with a golden dragon skull print on the back of his robes was staring furiously at the two black-robed figures kneeling before him.That man was Barnard, one of the Ancient Demon Race Generals who disguised his identity, and he was now serving as the highest general in the Alarie Empire. But today, Barnard looked different; his familiar face filled with pleasure and veins of anger."It's not that these two women are just ordinary soldiers; how could your eight subordinates disappear while picking them up? Can't you explain how those eight people disappeared, and the two of you couldn't find them? You two can be said to be the second strongest person. On this continent after me, but you can't even take two women with you, and again we'll have to lose eight of our men," shouted Barnard, making the bodies of the two black-robed figures kneel before him."You two bring more people and drag the two women i
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Chapter 264: “Strength Boost”
A commotion occurred in the Alarie Imperial Palace when General Barnard, the leading general of the Alarie Empire, was found dead in his residence in a deplorable state. Apart from General Achille's death, the Alarie Imperial Palace was even more excited because, at the same time, thousands of soldiers under the general's leadership were also found in the same condition as their leader.While thousands of soldiers in the Alarie Imperial Palace were busy preparing for the funeral ceremony for General Achille and all of his soldiers in the halls of the Alarie Imperial Palace, there was tension between the Emperor and the top brass of the Alarie Empire.But the tension was not because they were arguing or in a dispute. They were shocked for a while, but what caused the pressure in the halls of the Alarie Imperial Palace was not that. The tension occurred because everyone did not know who the perpetrators were who had eliminated General Barnard and his troops.Suspecting each other in sile
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Chapter 265: “Back to the Underworld”
Ares was surprised when he opened his eyes and felt his new immense power. Ares never thought that he could have such ability as he now.Ares had felt much difference in strength from the first time he transmigrated. He felt his power was already extraordinary while still in the army. But now that he could destroy the world, he thought he was weak.Ares now knew there was a higher World, and there was even a Great Nirvana Realm that thought the power of Immortal Gods was just a joke. In addition to the Great Nirvana Realm, there was also the Witch Realm, a realm ruled by magicians, and the peak power of that realm was only one level below the peak power of the Great Nirvana Realm.After getting used to it, Ares stepped out of the room, and with a slight movement of his hand, he shattered the barrier that surrounded him."Everything is done, now is the time for us to give a little punishment to the Alarie Empire, which has been too greedy," he said when he saw the whereabouts of his two
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Chapter 266: “Mother Allena”
After the four women had passed through his artificial teleportation gate, he was the last one to enter the gate, and within seconds he had appeared before nine potbellied women who took turns giving him warm hugs.It still took another half year for all nine of his wives to give birth, so it was only natural that he could still see the bulging bellies of his nine wives. But Ares felt a little strange when he didn't feel the presence of his two siblings."Your father has picked them up because he wants to train his two daughters directly," said Allena, the mother of Ares, who always knew what was on her son's mind.“That old man, he always does what I never thought of!” Ares said while hugging his mother's body which now looks smaller as she grows taller."It seems that you have met him, and again I smell the scent of that man's blood from the bodies of the two beautiful women who came with your two wives," said Allena letting go of her embrace; then she saw Zeynep and Zahira who was p
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Chapter 267: “Massacre”
The ten white-robed figures laughed at Ares, which had been a barrier for them to barge into the Dragon Imperial Palace.“I commend your bravery enough, but you are a fool for daring to step out of the shield that protects you! Since you and the idiot behind you have come to us, we will gladly introduce you to the God of Death.”The ten white-robed figures had a moment of fear when they looked directly into Ares’ eyes, but after seeing that Ares and his people's strength was only at the God King level, they again showed their arrogant nature.“I should be the one saying those words to you! And speaking of the God of Death, just now, the figure of the God of Death passed by, and he said he wanted your lives!” Ares was suddenly behind the ten white-robed figures without anyone seeing their movements. And after that, Ares turned one by one the figures in white robes into a mist of blood as Ares struck them with a highly soft yet deadly blow. Out of ten, only one white-robed figure could
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Chapter 268: “Death of the Five Emperors”
[Location: Dragon Imperial Palace Hall.]Everyone had gathered in the Dragon Empire palace hall, including the other Empires' guests. They were enjoying all the food and drinks deliberately provided for them.As soon as they heard about the destruction of the Heavenly Empire, the Emperors in Newton’s Continent and Zhongxiao Continent went to the Dragon Empire, so now a party was suddenly held in the Imperial Dragon Palace.Everyone who was partying for a moment paid their respects when they simultaneously saw Ares and his team of wives arrive at the Imperial Palace Hall."Enjoy what's there, and get on with your party!" Ares said with a friendly smile on his face.“His Majesty the World Emperor is indeed very kind, then we will continue the party,” said Emperor Mou Ling, who came to the Dragon Empire with Empress Xia Alterio."What a great new calling," said Ares. He did not refuse to be called the Emperor of the World because there was nothing strange about that title.The party resum
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Chapter 269: “New Problem in Immortal World”
One week passed, and news of the deaths of the five new Emperors who were part of the Zhongxiao Continent had spread. The five Empires that had lost the Emperor's figure did not retaliate after the Dragon Empire's envoy had wiped out half of their territory in one night.The current Five Empires already had the figure of a new Emperor, and they would no longer dare to come into contact with the great power of the Dragon Empire."Learning from our previous leader's mistakes, we will try to mend relations with the Dragon Empire, and hopefully, none of us will ever come into contact with the Dragon Empire's power," said one of the Emperors of the five Emperors whom the inhabitants of their Empire had just elected."If I hadn't seen it myself, I probably wouldn't have believed it. But I saw first-hand how a single envoy from the Dragon Empire could wipe out half of my Empire's territory," said another Emperor."Then what about the Ling Empire? Should we also apologise to them? After all, t
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Chapter 270: “Spending Time with Women”
"You dare to kill my soldiers?" rebuked a tall, large man with a spear tightly gripped in his right hand.The man smiled, seeing Ares, who had just killed ten of his soldiers. "Good, I haven't fought in a long time, and you are worthy enough to be my opponent."The man gave off an aura of power, and then, with a very fast movement, he directly charged toward Ares. However, a kick hit his body firmly before he reached where Ares was standing.“BOOM...” A voice resounded as the man's body bounced off and hit the outside"You're still too weak to be my husband's opponent; you can't even withstand my physical strength!" said Keisha, who had just kicked at the man trying to attack her husband."Ptooey..." The man spat out his saliva mixed with blood while trying to get back up."Cunt, how dare you attack me when I didn't notice your presence! You'd better stay where you are and let me kill that man before I enjoy your body warmth," said the man with an annoyed face looking at Ares and Keish
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