All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
425 Chapters
Chapter 241: “Fighting”
Even though he faced tens of thousands of Fallen Angel Race warriors, he felt manageable. With this strength, he has the confidence to defeat them all.All the Fallen Angel Race soldiers had drawn their weapons, using their elemental aura to counter the pressure of Ares’ power. Even though they still feel the pressure, at least they can move to attack their enemy.Led by the two remaining co-leaders, they began to advance to surround Ares from various directions and place Ares in the centre of the circle they created.With his haughty face, Oscar looked at Ares, who didn't even move from his spot."Don't even move; you'll die before seeing what killed you!" Oscar said with a sinister smile on his face.With the aura of death starting to seep out of his body, Ares replied to Oscar's words. “Haha… Just a bunch of ants, don't ever expect to beat me. Use all your strength so you don't regret underestimating the enemy's strength.”Immediately the aura of death exploded from Ares’ body and a
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Chapter 242: “Territory”
After clearing the test in the nine-story pagoda, even though it was only up to the eighth floor, Zara, Maryam, Jasmine, and Azalea's cultivation levels had increased to the early stage of the Heavenly God level.Ares and Keisha themselves, in one week's strength, have also increased; at least, they only need a little push to break through to the peak stage of the Heavenly God level.The two of them would have a hard time breaking through to the peak stage of the Heavenly God level while on the Southern Continent. At the very least, they needed a thicker Qi energy to break the dividing wall between the middle stage and the peak stage of the Heavenly God level, and the Qi energy that was thicker than the one in the Southern only existed in the Central Continent.Ares and Keisha were at the same stage and level of strength, but Ares would be much stronger when he used the mana power in his body.Inside Yelda's residence, Ares and his two wives were already prepared. They were going to at
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Chapter 243: “Leader”
Ares gave a thousand gold coins to the guard who greeted the visitors to the restaurant. After paying a thousand gold coins, Ares and his two wives were escorted by the restaurant keeper to the seventh floor, which only had six tables spaced apart.It so happened that Ares and his two wives were the second customers to rent a table on the seventh floor, so the seventh floor was still quiet because there was only one other group at the table far from the spell Ares occupied.Ares sat casually with Keisha and Yelda, flanking his seat; However, he looked relaxed since he entered the room on the seventh floor; he had been secretly observing the six people already in the room on the seventh floor. Ares could silently sense that all six possessed strength at the peak God Emperor level, and there was one person whose cultivation level was already at the early stage God Emperor level.Just as the waiter started delivering Ares’ order that he ordered while walking towards the seventh floor, fro
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Chapter 244: “Become the Heavenly Academy’s Leader”
Austin was even more furious because this time, he had been cornered by the person he wanted to corner, even the six people he wanted to attract to help him; now, the six people looked cynical at him.But Austin didn't want to sit still and admit his mistake, and he still showed a haughty attitude; this time, he would take advantage of his power. "You do have an aura of life, but still, it can't hide the demonic power in your body, and again you have killed two Venice City warriors. As the leader of the City, I will sentence you to death. Eight soldiers quickly surrounded Ares, and two among them came forward to capture Ares, who was about to be sentenced to death.”Yelda, who was already furious with what Austin did, quickly removed her veil and got up. With the aura of a mid-stage Heavenly God cultivator emitting from her body, Yelda looked at Austin, whose body was shaking as he learned the identity of the woman beside Ares.Maybe others will fear Austin, Venice City's leader and th
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Chapter 245: “The Peaceful Atmosphere”
Days, weeks, and months passed; it had now been almost a year for Ares to be the leader of the Heavenly Academy. For the four hundred Heavenly Academy disciples, their strength was now at the Grand Wizard level, and there were fifty disciples whose strength was already at the Sorcerer level.After one year and at least one of the Heavenly Academy's students had reached the level of a Grand Sorcerer, Ares would open a new enrollment for his Academy. On that very day, he would go to the Underworld to pick up his family and nine wives.As for the White Marigold Sect itself, they currently had thirty Sect sages whose cultivation levels were already at the early-stage Heavenly God level; besides that, there were also five sages whose cultivation levels were already at the mid-stage Heavenly God level. As for Keisha and Yelda, their cultivation levels were already at the peak Heavenly God level after obtaining the resources that Ares bought from the system shop.The strength of the White Mar
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Chapter 246: “Silver Crow Sect Attack”
Hearing that Ares seemed enlightened, it was foolish of him not to check the system store after his cultivation level increased to the peak Heavenly God level. "Turns out I went too far looking for a way out that I didn't see the way out in front of my eyes."Lisa smiled at Ares’ words. "Sometimes thinking too hard will keep you away from the answer you are looking for."Ares looked at Lisa then a smile appeared on her face. "Somehow, sometimes you understand me better than my wives.""I am a part of you, and of course, I will understand more about you than anyone, even if it's your wife or family," said Lisa, who was cheerfully walking beside Ares.Amid their conversation, a massive explosion rang out from the entrance gate of Goose Feather City. Sensing something terrible was happening, and he went to see the Goose Feather City gate state with his teleportation technique while Lisa had reentered her body.A white flag with a silver crow in the centre was seen fluttering amidst the ru
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Chapter 247: “Against True God-Level”
Yelda and Keisha looked at Ares, who was in their midst, with adoring gazes. They both did not expect that their beloved husband would have a very extraordinary surprise to show them.Not only the two of them but everyone by Ares’ side also admired the figure now flanked by the two most beautiful women in Goose Feather City. They never expected that Goose Feather City's defensive power could be on par with the defences of a Kingdom on the Central Continent.Ares didn't care about the praise directed at him because, right now, he was more focused on the enemy in front of him.“Annihilate them all but leave the two strongest people on their side,” said Ares giving orders to the troops bought from the system shop.Led by five hundred mid-stage Heavenly God-level cultivators, the entire Ares army attacked over one million disciples from the Silver Crow Sect and the other two sects. A loud thud sounded as Ares’ army put all its might into annihilating all their enemies. Meanwhile, on the e
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Chapter 248: “New Appearance”
Ares stepped towards Diego, who had lost both his hands. After knowing his weakness, he wanted to finish the fight with Diego quickly. He did not think that Diego's weakness was the light element, one of the elements in his body that he quite rarely used.Seeing Ares stepping closer to him, he took the initiative to step back. But not yet moving away, the rays emitting from the tips of Ares’ index fingers managed to paralyse him after losing both legs.Diego roared in pain as he lost both his legs. Disturbed by Diego’s loud voice, Ares immediately made a golden white fireball in his palm, then threw the star at Diego. Finally, the star exploded, and Diego’s body instantly burned to ashes.Ares squatted on Diego's ashes. He muttered under his breath, "This is the end of your life story, your strength is still far from allowing you to defeat me, and in the end, you still die by my hands."Returning to his feet, he looked at the Remnant disciples from the three Sects who had launched the
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Chapter 249: “The Demon Race's Movement”
Yelda and Keisha widened their eyes upon hearing what Ares said. Establishing a Kingdom without being tied to the Alarie Empire was tantamount to indirectly challenging the Empire that was the sole ruler of the Southern Continent."My love, we can't possibly do that! Doing that would be like challenging the thousands of Heavenly God-level cultivators who devoted their lives to the Alarie Empire. Again, the two ancestors of the Alarie family and the Anouilh family are middle-stage True God-level cultivators," said Yelda.Seeing the look on her husband's face, Yelda knew neither she nor Keisha could prevent their husband's wishes, but they would do their best to keep their husband from doing what he wanted.Ares just smiled when he saw the frightened expressions that his two wives showed. He already knew how robust the Alarie Empire's strength was from Lisa, who had constantly been giving him information. He also knew why True God-level cultivators could exist in the Immortal World. Most
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Chapter 250: “The Angel Race's Sacred Aura”
After learning of the two cities around Goose Feather City that had been controlled by the Demon Race and the Fallen Angel Race, Ares sent four spies to monitor the state of the two Cities that were now in the enemy's hands."After the business in Green Rice City is finished, we will go directly to the other two cities."After hovering over the territory of the White Marigold Sect, Ares summoned his warriors, who continued to increase their strength while remaining in the dimensional necklace. Lisa had told Ares that the warriors purchased from the system shop could continue to grow, but their strength development would stop when their strength was one stage below their master's.With two thousand early stages of Heavenly God level warriors, and five hundred intermediate steps Heavenly God level warriors, Ares and Azalea shot towards Green Rice Field City. Despite being an Angel Race, Azalea was a cultivator, and currently, her cultivation level was already at the mid
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