All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
425 Chapters
Chapter 231: “Envoy”
Ares and Keisha had arrived at the third floor of the nine-story pagoda; seeing the test on the third floor, which only required killing thousands of early God Emperor Level Spirit Beasts, made both of them intend to finish the test on the third floor quickly and will immediately proceed up the fourth floor.Ares stared at the many Spirit Beasts walking towards him with various sizes and auras emitting from their bodies. This time, they only appeared from the front, no longer appearing from both directions.Even though they were fewer in number, their strength was much more robust, and God Emperor-level Spirit Beasts had intelligence. Their intelligence would make them more challenging to defeat. The third floor of the nine-story pagoda also greatly benefited flying-type Spirit Beasts, as most of the territory on the third floor was filled with hills and ravines.With an atmospheric pressure twenty times stronger than that in the Immortal World, Ares had to be better at teaming up to k
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Chapter 232: “Take Your Words”
Selim looked at Aslan Faraz for a moment and then said, “Women are good at tongues, but insulting our Sect Patriarch is an act of stupidity that will only make you regret it later.”Aslan Faraz smiled sarcastically at Yelda, hoping the woman would change her expression.“After I noticed, a stubborn woman like you is indeed suitable to be one of the Sect Patriarch's Concubines, and maybe we will also taste your body when the Sect Patriarch is tired of you,” Aslan said while glancing at the area of Yelda's chest that had been teasing him for a long time.Before long, two swords were at Aslan and Selim's necks, ready to separate their heads from their bodies."Take your words, or do you want our merchant to separate your head from your body first?" scolded Zara, whose sword had already slightly scratched the skin of Aslan Faraz's neck.Aslan gritted his teeth as he couldn't notice the movement of the woman threatening him. "Are you sure you can kill us? Even if you manage to kill us, it w
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Chapter 233: “Trial”
The atmosphere on the third floor was very much different from the atmosphere on the previous three floors. Ares and Keisha could feel a strong aura from the first time they set foot on the fourth floor of the nine-story pagoda.In addition to the powerful aura that made them depressed. Ten steps after passing through the Fourth Floor Entrance, the two felt a soul force strike straight into their souls.Ares and Keisha stopped their footsteps as doubts began to cloud their minds. Doubts Azalea after the two of them receive an attack aimed at their souls, and this is when they have to go through the soul test to proceed to the next floor.Strange voices kept echoing in the ears of the two trying to influence their beliefs. But the sound had little effect, and the two of them continued their footsteps."You'll just be a failure, lose everything, and you won't be able to stop it all!" A voice sounded in Ares’ ears, then at the same time, Ares’ consciousness suddenly seemed to be sucked in
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Chapter 234: “Complete the Exam”
Ares and Keisha quickly cleared the exams on the fifth floor, and they were currently undergoing the exams on the sixth floor of the nine-story pagoda. With atmospheric pressure a hundred times stronger than the atmospheric pressure in the Immortal World, Ares and Keisha were forced to fight hundreds of mid-stage God-level Spirit Beasts.After all, Ares and Keisha quickly increased their strength by clearing all the tests. Would they be able to increase their power to the Heavenly God level? Many cultivators whose strength was stuck at the peak stage of the Heavenly God level due to failing the nine-story pagoda test, and because of that, the cultivators' strength began to be overtaken by the power of the magicians who quickly continued to increase their power.Within the sixth floor of the nine-story pagoda, Ares and Keisha continued to work together to defeat all the Spirit Beasts while adapting to the atmospheric pressure on the sixth floor.Ares and Keisha had killed more than half
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Chapter 235: “Heavenly God Level”
Ares smiled gently upon hearing what Keisha said. Ares wanted to clear the entire floor without Keisha's presence because he was afraid that the existence of the seventh and eighth floors would harm Keisha. Still, in the end, they decided to continue together on their way to the eighth floor and, if possible, they would also finish the exam on the ninth floor.Entering the eighth floor, Ares and Keisha were greeted by the scenery of the wilderness. They could sense the existence of more than a hundred intermediate-stage Heavenly God-Level Spirit Beasts scattered all over the eighth floor.“Two peaks of Heavenly God Level Spirit Beasts are right in the middle of this place, and they are probably guarding the stairs leading to the ninth floor!” said Ares, who sensed the presence of two peaks of Heavenly God-level Spirit Beasts on the eighth floor of the nine-story pagoda.“We'll at least get hundreds of Heavenly God Grade Spirit Beast crystals, and again there are two peaks of Heavenly G
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Chapter 236: “Clearing the Exam”
Another day passed, and now Ares, alone with Keisha, was already on the ninth floor of the nine-story pagoda. With all their preparations, they were the final test, and they were determined to be the first two to conquer the nine-story pagoda.The ninth floor looked like a weapons graveyard, with many weapons lying on the right and left sides of the road that Ares and Keisha passed. There were different types of firearms, and strangely each one gave off a distinct aura of power.Since the two of them entered the ninth floor, both felt two strange forces that seemed to keep pulling them closer to him. They could confirm that the peculiar power was not possessed by Spirit Beasts because, on the ninth floor, they did not feel the existence of living beings other than themselves.Unlike the previous floors, which immediately gave them a test, the ninth floor confused them, and they needed to know what difficulty they had to pass.Now they just kept going and did their best not to lose the
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Chapter 237: “Reach That Level”
“Aargh…” Ares and Keisha shouted as their strength and elemental possession increased.The two swords fused with their bodies had absorbed the energy of all the weapons on the ninth floor for millions of years; with the power in those words, Ares and Keisha could increase their strength to the intermediate stage of the Heavenly God level and again the elements in their bodies will rise to the highest level.Despite having to endure the pain, the two of them continued to concentrate on letting their bodies absorb the energy from a sword which in the future would be of great help to them in facing the enemy that would come.“Swoosh…” Two swords appeared above their heads, emanating great power from Ares and Keisha's bodies. At the same time, a sword-shaped mark appeared in the middle of their foreheads.Keisha's Inner lightning of life and death smiled as she could see the yellow and red thunderbolts surrounding her body crackling.Unlike Keisha, whose body was only surrounded by lightni
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Chapter 238: “Cleaning Pests”
In front of the nine-story pagoda building, Ares, Yelda, and Keisha escorted four people who were going to do the nine-story pagoda test to increase their strength to the Heavenly God level.Zara, Maryam, Jasmine, and Azalea had already prepared themselves for this moment. With complete confidence, they entered the first floor and had ten days to complete the test inside the nine-story pagoda.Ares had created an illusory dome that enveloped the entire sky in the Goose Feather City area. So, whenever the four of them managed to break through to the Heavenly God level, only the people in the White Marigold Sect would know about it.After escorting Zara and the three others into the nine-story pagoda building, they went to the Sect's hall to welcome the representative of the supreme leader of the Angel Race, who would deliver a reply to the previous letter sent by Yelda through Zara and Maryam's hands."My wife, why are you so hurry to ask them for help? You didn't even wait for me to co
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Chapter 239: “Getting Rid of All Threats”
The guard bandits were quite intense for the size of the guards; again, there were quite a few. But in front of Lisa, whose strength level not even Ares could see, they looked like a bunch of weak creatures weaker than an ant.After some time had passed, there were now about five hundred guard bandits appearing from all directions, and it seemed that they were guarding what was inside the cave.The guard bandits were the first to arrive; they all heard Ares and Lisa's condescending words. The guard bandits were angry at the terms between the two; therefore, they were determined to tear Ares’ body apart and enjoy Lisa's body until she died gruesomely."Dare to insult us; there are no words for you but DIE!" shouted the guard bandit leader; then, he mobilised his men to attack Ares and Lisa.A very dense blackish-red aura enveloped the bandits' bodies. Ares and Lisa, who saw that, wanted to finish them off immediately. The aura they gave off was the same as that possessed by the Devils o
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Chapter 240: “Fallen Angel Race's Attack”
Ares had just arrived at the residence belonging to Yelda, the Patriarch of the White Marigold Sect. The calm and comfortable atmosphere of Yelda's living made Ares feel at home for a long time. Shortly after Ares’ arrival, Yelda and Keisha appeared nearby as the two wives sensed his presence.Both of them were curious about what Ares had just done, but when they saw his gentle smile, they forgot what to ask Ares, and they preferred to enjoy Ares’ body warmth when both of them fell into his arms.Ares took his two wives to the garden behind Yelda's residence to enjoy the beautiful evening sun. Four waiters prepare drinks and snacks when the three people they serve want to relax in the park.Yelda immediately poured tea into Ares’ cup while Keisha was preparing some cakes in Ares’ mouth. Both of them wholeheartedly serve their husbands, whom they love very much. Still, they can't continue their intimacy in bed because they are both simultaneously entering the monthly phase of a woman.A
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