All Chapters of World System Among Gods: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
425 Chapters
Chapter 251: “Abandoned City”
After killing all the Devils outside, Ares and Azalea immediately entered Green Rice City to meet the City leader. All of Ares’ soldiers are currently helping the soldiers of Green Field City clean up the corpses of the Devils that are scattered outside the City walls.The Green Rice City Leader welcomed Ares and Azalea's arrival with pleasure. There was an urge in the City leader's body to kneel before Ares when he saw his charisma, but that urge disappeared when he saw Ares’ smile and head shake.The City Leader smiled, nodded his head, and then ushered Ares and Azalea into the banquet hall.Various dishes had been prepared by the chef of the City leader's residence to welcome the arrival of the two figures who had succeeded in slaughtering all the demons that attacked Green Rice City. The two were treated like heroes as the entire City's leading family greeted them.Caesar, the leader of the City of Green Rice, invited Ares and Azalea to sit in the seats of honour. "Pour, we apologi
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Chapter 252: “Don’t Have Faith”
So far, the only ones leading the Demon Race warriors were low-level Generals whose strength was only on par with early-stage Heavenly God-level cultivators. The high-ranking generals felt that their defeat so far was due to the weakness of the leader sent by the Kingdom, and they wanted to intervene directly to lead the soldiers they had.But Marissa, as their Queen, had other thoughts as she recalled how strong the people from the White Marigold Sect were, especially the strength of the male figure that was acknowledged back then was much more muscular than her. He felt that the defeat he had experienced had something to do with the existence of the White Marigold Sect, and the figure of the man he had feared must be on the side of the White Marigold Sect."Don't be in a hurry; remember, we don't know how strong the enemy we are facing; even if you high-ranking Generals intervene, I still don't have faith that you can win the war. We'd better send spies to spy on the enemy's forces a
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Chapter 253: “Attacking the Demon Royal Palace”
Ares, Keisha, and Yelda, led tens of thousands of soldiers into the forest area within the domain of the Demon Race and the Fallen Angel Race.In addition to the tens of thousands of warriors at the God Sovereign and Heavenly God levels, there were also a hundred thousand God Emperor level warriors led by Zara, Maryam, Jasmine, and Azalea. For the safety of Goose Feather City and White Marigold Sect, the two places are currently guarded by more than three hundred thousand God King-level warriors. A thousand Heavenly God-level warriors are accompanying them.Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed into the enemy's territory, following their leader advancing towards the strongholds belonging to the two Races that became their enemies.After passing through the forest's darkness, even though it was still daytime, they could see a solid black fortress on top, heavily guarded by hundreds of thousands of warriors from the two Races who united their strength. Ares and everyone with him did not f
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Chapter 254: “Enslaving Two Cursed Races”
Everyone gaped at the sight of the Demon Race Ancestor being blown away hundreds of meters with just a wave of Ares’ hand.“Only strength equal to that of an early-stage True God-level cultivator but pretending to be strong in front of me! If only my two wives and I weren't in this place, that person's strength could certainly make you rulers of the eastern region of the Southern Continent, but unfortunately, we are here. And that will never happen.”After Ares finished his words, a powerful aura radiated from his body and his two wives. The atmospheres the three gave off were very strong, making everyone bow down due to the powerful aura pressing down on their bodies.Marissa, Oscar, and their followers looked resigned to what would befall them when they saw three mid-stage True God-level cultivators standing tall before them."Let alone running away; I can't even move my body!" Marissa said in her heart.Marissa had already fallen to her knees with her body locked. She couldn't move
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Chapter 255: “Seven Days to Reach the Territory”
One more month, the time that Ares set before he picked up his family and all his wives in the Underworld. Within a month before going to the Underworld, Ares would attempt to break through to the peak True God level.The Southern Continent had no cultivators whose cultivation level was already at the peak True God level—knowing that he planned to become the first cultivator in the Southern Continent to reach the peak stage of True God level.It was not easy for an ordinary cultivator to reach the peak stage of the True God level, even if he lived in the core region of the Immortal World. But for Ares, who had a system in his body, even if it weren't easy, at least he would be faster in increasing strength than ordinary cultivators.In the Central Continent, commonly referred to as the Core Continent of the Immortal World, there were only thousands of cultivators whose strength was at the peak True God level. Until now, there were only ten cultivators whose cultivation level was alread
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Chapter 256: “Journey to the Alarie Empire”
Seeing their lord and madam who had left, Jasmine and Azalea bowed slightly, and then they went to replace the duties of Ares, the leader of the Heavenly Academy. Meanwhile, Zara and Maryam had already left for their study before Jasmine and Azalea left their place.Above the sky, Ares and his two wives continued to shoot towards the west. "Before dark, we will reach White Stone Town and spend the night there."Utilising Lisa's knowledge, Ares could easily find a City that could be used as a stopover.Keisha and Yelda nodded their heads. "I once visited White Stone City about ten years ago when my two disciples and I were on a trip to the Alarie Imperial Palace. White Stone City is quite beautiful for a mid-level City, but there are many bandits around the city, and perhaps we have to be a little wary of them!”The White Stone City was part of the Aoki Kingdom, a thousand-year-old Kingdom with very close ties to the Alarie Empire. If in the future, the Kingdom that Ares was about to es
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Chapter 257: “A Herd of Bandits in The City”
Ares and his two wives had arrived at White Stone City. The three of them quickly got permission to enter White Stone City by showing their identification marks, which were the identification marks of the White Marigold Sect.However, a few moments after entering the city, five people with the aura of cultivators at the peak God Emperor level that was quite domineering directly blocked the journey of the three of them."Ten gold coins each if you want to enter White Stone City!" said one of the five of them.Ares and his two wives stopped and saw the faces of the people blocking their way. The beginnings of those people did not reflect the faces of the townspeople, then the dark aura emitted from their bodies made Ares and his two wives believe that they were just a band of bandits who somehow managed to commit crimes within the City, which security guards heavily guarded."We are already in the City, then what do we have to pay you for? Even though we are not allowed to enter the City
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Chapter 258: “Identity”
The days passed so quickly that three human figures appeared on the outskirts of the forest far from Blue Lake City, the Alarie Imperial Capital. The three human figures were none other than Ares and his two wives.From a distance, the three could see the splendour of the sturdy fortress that protected Blue Lake City and the Alarie Imperial Palace. Although less grand and solid than the fortress he would build, Ares admired the design of the defence he was looking at.Satisfied in admiring the fortress of Blue Lake City from a distance, the three finally decided to head towards the large road leading them straight to the Blue Lake City Gate.Seeing the long queue in front of the gate, Keisha said to Ares, "At least we'll be here until the evening if we continue to line up, while the gate will be completely closed before nightfall. Even if we join the queue, we will likely be able to enter inside tomorrow." Blue Lake City.”Ares and Yelda nodded in agreement with what Keisha had just sa
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Chapter 259: “Father and Son”
Zeus's face looked ugly when he heard how Ares addressed him. He is the ruler of the three Worlds. As the ruler of the three Worlds, he was always respected and held in high esteem wherever he was. But in front of his son, let alone honour, even his son looked down on him.The figure feared by all people looked like the trash of society in front of his son. The power that always made him look arrogant was ignored entirely when he faced his son, who was far more arrogant than himself.His son was much weaker than him, but Zeus had no intention of causing a ruckus with his son. With just a wave of his hand, Zeus could seriously injure his son, but after that, he might no longer be able to live in peace. His days will be like hell, and death will be much better for him than life.Zeus was still in his place while looking at Ares, not far from him. Today shouldn't be the right time for him to meet Ares, but because of his two naughty daughters, Zeus had to hurry up to meet his son.Zeus co
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Chapter 260: “The Ancient Demon General Appears”
In a room, a man with jet-black pupils is enjoying the warmth of four women competing to give him pleasure and satisfaction.Barnard looked at the four women with perfect bodies with large round chests that were comfortable for him to hold. Once comfortable playing with the tops of his women, he began to tell the four women to give him true satisfaction."I want yours. Satisfy me, and I promise to give you a treasure that will never run out until your death," said Barnard while holding his blunt object, and after that, the women began to queue to give him pleasure and satisfaction.The screams and moans of the women alternated from the room Barnard were in, and they only stopped after five hours of continuous sound. As soon as the shrill screams and moans of the satisfied women stopped, it was not long before there was a heart-rending scream as Barnard killed the four women who had just given their chastity to him.Barnard licked his sword, which was covered in fresh blood."Humans are
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