All Chapters of The Invincible Goddess: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
640 Chapters
Chapter 161
Sienna waved her hand. She turned around and cast her gaze toward the side before saying, “Okay, we can keep in touch by phone. By the way, keep a low profile and don’t start a fight without a good reason. We don’t want other people to recognize us. Understand?”“Yes, Ma’am!” After Hunter and his men had calmed down, they headed in the direction of the hotel right away.There was no one around. No one heard or saw their movements under the shadow of the tree. However, there was CCTV above their heads. When Sienna passed by the camera, she took off the signal stopper, which was attached to the camera.She had taken this device from the laboratory. It was incredibly helpful; as soon as she turned it on, the recorder or camera would immediately stop working. Sienna put the signal stopper back in her pocket. Then, she took the cab and headed back to Lang Garden.By the time Sienna got home, it was 8.30 PM. She placed the things she bought in the foyer, then she changed into the house s
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Chapter 162
Sienna asked rhetorically, “Am I blushing?”“Yes, you are.” Harry gave a positive answer. He then changed the subject with a meaningful grin. “Nene, are you blushing because you have some unspeakable thoughts about me?”Sienna was speechless. She responded with a fake smile as she picked up the cutlery and cut the steak in front of her ferociously. Then, she answered, “Thou shall not speak whilst eating or sleeping.” She made it clear that she didn’t want to talk to him.Harry let out a chuckle. There was a faint glow surging in his alluring and charming eyes. As he parted his thin lips slightly, there were vague traces of seduction in his magnetic and pleasant voice. “Nene, if you want it, I don’t mind sacrificing myself.”“I'm not interested! Thank you!” Sienna lowered her head and focused on her meal. After dinner, she didn’t even thank him for the meal but ran upstairs and went back to her room.Bona hugged her favorite doll and followed Sienna into the room. She said, “Nene,
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Chapter 163
After that, Sienna walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. It was embarrassing for her to point out this kind of thing, so she figured he should give him some alone time.Harry, who was left behind in the bedroom, was taken aback when he recalled the sympathetic look in Sienna’s eyes before she walked out of his room.‘Was that girl pointing out in a subtle way that I’m impotent?’Harry was at a loss for words.‘Very well! One day, I'll show her how 'powerful' I am!’...The following morning, Sienna got up earlier to train as usual. After some time of training, she felt she had gradually regained her combat power. She used to have an extremely solid foundation, so it was not that difficult to pick it up again.After the training, Sienna went back to her room to change her clothes. When she went downstairs to have her breakfast, neither Harry nor Kai were present.Miss White warmed up the milk and reported, “Miss Sienna, Master Harry mentioned that he needed to t
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Chapter 164
Hearing this, Sienna started to laugh. She finally understood what this woman was trying to tell her. She was forcing her to give way. Sienna picked her ears and asked leisurely, “Are you done?”‘This girl isn't showing any respect to me at all!’Felicity fixed her eyes on Sienna’s face. The girl who stood in front of her had exquisite facial features, fair skin, and bright eyes. She was stunning. In terms of appearance, her beauty was indeed one in a million. Whenever she appeared, she would attract people’s attention.It made sense why some people claimed that Sienna deserved to hold the title of Isonbert's most beautiful girl after she had left the city.'Heh.' Felicity sneered in her heart. She was very jealous of her.Julia had sent her images and messages a few times before she took her flight home. Those were images of Harry and Sienna at their engagement banquet. She didn’t take it seriously at the time. Since Lady Scott had been searching for a bride for Harry, Felicity f
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Chapter 165
Bona snorted softly toward Felicity and entered the house with the barrel. At this precise moment, a black luxury car slowly drove by.Felicity recognized at a glance that it was the car that Harry rode around in most often. She tidied her hair and blocked the car. She bit her lower lip and cried out “Hazz” as pitiful as she could.Kai had to stop the car. He turned around, looked at Harry, and reported, “Master Harry, it's Miss Marlow.”‘Why is she here?’ Harry frowned. He looked a little cold and impatient. He urged, “Get the door.”Kai immediately went down to get the car door. He said respectfully, “Master Harry, watch your step.”Felicity felt a variety of emotions as she watched Harry exit the vehicle for her sake. Her eyes were filled with admiration. Then, she recalled that she hadn’t been abroad for long, and while she had been longing for him during that time, he had already put a ring on the finger of another woman and signed a marriage contract with her. Felicity fel
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Chapter 166
Felicity’s footsteps were weak, and her fragile body swayed a little.She thought that Harry would agree to her proposal, but she never thought that the man would be cool and say in an extremely cold voice with a clear, cold, and unfeeling tone—“Notify the Marlow family to come and get her. Also, get the maids to come over to clean the ground and disinfect it.”“Right away, Master Harry!”Kai complied and did as he was told immediately. Felicity froze in place, and she then watched as Harry stepped into the villa and closed the door coldly in front of her without even giving her the slightest chance.Felicity stood still on the spot with chills all over her body.He was still the same as he had been in the past. He was like a divine being who had isolated himself from the world, and even if he was surrounded by glaciers and wilderness, he would still rather be alone and shrouded in loneliness than give her the slightest opportunity to get close to him.Felicity turned around,
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Chapter 167
Sienna shook her head. She was too lazy to say anything.At this time, her cell phone buzzed twice. Sienna picked it up and saw that it was a photo and text message from Hunter. He was asking, ‘Boss, what about this shop? Is the size suitable?’Sienna clicked on the photo, and she found that the location that Hunter had chosen was actually directly opposite Cash 4 Go!In addition, the size of the pavement was just nice, and they could get the whole building. At present, they could rent all three floors. They could start their business on the ground floor and live on the two floors above. If she had money in the future, she could consider buying the whole building then. Sienna replied with one word, ‘Yes.’Hunter replied immediately, ‘Roger that.’After that, Hunter sent a picture, which was a lease agreement.Sienna let out a laugh, then placed her cell phone back into her pocket.That was right. She was going to open a shop. To be exact, she was going to establish an ultra-mo
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Chapter 168
Sienna did not know what Clara was secretly plotting.She walked in the direction of the school entrance alone.There was the sound of fighting as she walked past the grove by the field. It seemed to be a group of boys. They would yell out some harsh swear words from time to time, followed by the sound of them punching, kicking, and smashing things. Amongst them were a few words—“Beat him! Beat him to death! Kill him!”Sienna was not interested in meddling. In this private aristocratic school, there was no shortage of heirs who came from wealthy families. They had always been accustomed to being lawless. After all, their family members would always help them out and cover up for them no matter what kind of trouble they got themselves into. Thus, they were naturally domineering and free to do whatever they wanted.Sienna did not glance sideways. As she was about to walk through the grove, she paused, then turned around and walked toward the depths of the grove, where the sound o
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Chapter 169
Bam!Sienna raised her hand and knocked the group of people down. Finally, she walked up to the leader of the thugs and kicked him down with one foot. After that, she looked at the other party in a condescending manner and uttered casually, “I didn’t hear you clearly just now. Who did you say you were going to teach a lesson to?”The thug was completely frightened!The girl in front of him who seemed to be delicate had made a move without even blinking her eyes!She was definitely well-trained in terms of her skills. He did not even see how she struck, but he simply saw all his followers screaming miserably before flying out and then rolling on the ground in pain.A wise man would submit to the circumstances, so he immediately said, “I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything…”“You have three seconds to get lost.”Sienna raised her brows slightly, then showed a gentle and yet cruel smile. “I will give you two more punches for each second you delay. Do you understand?”The th
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Chapter 170
This was the first time he tasted food.Orpheus’s eyes flickered, and his long eyelashes drooped, covering the unnoticeable glimmer in his brown pupils.Sienna was also hungry. So, she sat down on the stool and started eating.She had bought a lot of food. She not only bought fried meat skewers, but she also bought French fries, bagels, and fruit juice. The table was filled with food. Sienna invited Orpheus as she ate. “Don’t just stand there. Hurry up and try everything.”Sienna still bought food even though she knew that Orpheus did not need to eat at all. She simply wanted to let him experience the world through his sense of taste, just to give him a different experience in his long and lonely years. The other reason was that they would have to start working on the holographic game pod after eating. She did not want to give him too much pressure, and she wanted to give him a sense of warmth and relief as well.Orpheus naturally knew Sienna’s thoughts. The corners of his lip
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