All Chapters of The Invincible Goddess: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
640 Chapters
Chapter 171
When she came out, she saw that it was already very late, and she had not completed her acupuncture task today.Sienna changed her clothes. Her hair was still partially damp as she took her acupuncture bag with her and headed toward Harry’s room.Knock, knock, knock.She knocked on the door. A meowing sound came from behind the door, and the little kitten started scratching the door anxiously.A few seconds later, the door was opened from the inside.The little kitten leaped up into Sienna’s arms directly, acting like a spoiled child.Meow, meow, meow.“Good kitty.” Sienna stroked the kitten’s chin, then looked at Harry and said indifferently, “Take off your clothes.”Harry raised his brows then proceeded to unbutton his shirt. The corners of Harry’s mouth twitched slightly as he looked at Sienna’s serious and supervising eyes, and he smiled half-heartedly as he said, “Nene, this would be rather obscene under a different scenario.”“Isn’t it all thanks to you, Master Harry?”
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Chapter 172
Sienna was asleep, and she simply rolled over awkwardly. Harry laughed dumbfoundedly. He stood up, raised his hand, turned off the bedroom light, and left. Sienna basically maintained the same frequency throughout the week. She got up early every day on the pretext of going to school, but she actually headed to the laboratory instead. After that, she would stay until late at night, and she would return to her room and fall asleep after administering acupuncture for Harry. Finally, the holographic virtual world was constructed on the eighth day. The Universal Atrium had also been fully renovated during those few days.The last step now was to arrange for the holographic experience of the virtual world to be integrated into the system in the Universal Atrium.This work was very important, and she could not complete it on her own.As such, Sienna took Orpheus directly to the Universal Atrium. Hunter and the other brothers were already waiting in the atrium.When they saw O
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Chapter 173
There was endless flattery.Sienna did not respond to them as she pressed the start button with the back of her hand.The voice within the holographic game pod began to broadcast: ‘The game starts now. Good luck to you.’Hunter and Monki smacked their lips and said in unison, “This voice is quite suspenseful. It’s not bad. It would be even better if it could sing.”In the next second, the transparent hatch of the holographic game pod slowly closed. Hunter and Monki’s visions were blocked, leaving them in complete darkness. After that, they found themselves in an abandoned and dilapidated building. There were scrapped vehicles and garbage which were swept up by the wind all around them. “???” The two men looked at each other with an expression of shock and astonishment in their eyes. “What’s going on? Why are we here?”At this moment, there was the sound of a system broadcast coming from the sky—‘This is a warm reminder to the experiencers that this is a Doomsday War expe
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Chapter 174
Sienna accepted it calmly as the both of them knelt before her. After that, she waved her hand and told them to go to the side to calm down.When the other subordinates saw this, they could not believe it at all.“No way! Are they exaggerating?”Chase was also suspicious. As such, he volunteered and said, “Boss, let me experience it!”“Okay!” Sienna readily agreed and let Chase get into the holographic game pod.Chase only persisted for a few minutes. When he came down, his face was pale, and he said in a trembling voice, “Boss, I was wrong…”After that, there were other subordinates. After everyone had finished experiencing it, Sienna laughed and asked, “Is it technological enough?” “Yes! Yes! Absolutely enough!”The group of men nodded repeatedly. This was absolutely unprecedented! They could be immersed in the experience to such an extent, so there was absolutely no reason why the Universal Atrium would not be popular amongst the audience!They did not know how amazing
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Chapter 175
Everyone’s eyes fell on Orpheus in unison after Monki was done speaking.Everything else aside, Orpheus was really handsome! He looked like someone who had just come out of a comic, and it seemed as if he had been meticulously crafted from his head to his toes. There was not the slightest flaw that could be found on him!If he were to do the live broadcast promotion, he would attract a large group of young girls who admired his appearance in just a split second!“What do you think of this proposal, Boss?”“Not good.”Sienna turned it down without hesitation.Sienna would not get Orpheus to do what she herself did not want to do.Besides that, if they simply wanted to achieve a publicity effect in the end, then they could simply look for a beautiful young lady or handsome young man to complete this job. “I’ll handle this matter.”Sienna said, “Well, it’s getting late. The meeting is adjourned.”Having said that, Sienna turned to look at Orpheus and asked, “Are you going back
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Chapter 176
Sienna smiled.“Do you still want to play the game from before?”The thug shook his head repeatedly. “I don’t dare… I don’t dare to.”He could not remember how many seconds he had delayed the last time, but he could only remember his body receiving one punch after the other. That had caused his whole body to hurt.After running and having escaped, he went to the hospital directly and stayed there for a whole week!The thug was frightened and afraid. Although he was begging for mercy, he suddenly felt anger rising in his heart!He was not ready the last time, so he let this young girl teach him a lesson!He had a weapon in his hand this time. Would he still be unable to defeat a young girl?The thug had a wicked expression as he narrowed his eyes and raised the knife in his hand without warning. After that, he roared as he stabbed toward Sienna fiercely!“I told you to mind your own business!”The change came suddenly.No one would have expected that the thug would dare go
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Chapter 177
The teenager asked, “Why did you help me?”Sienna did not answer his question.She squatted down, picked up a roasted sweet potato from the ground and said lightly, “It’s not too much for me to take this as a thank you gift, right?”Having said that, she got into a taxi that was parked by the side of the road and left.The taillights from the car disappeared into the empty street. The teenager looked at the roasted sweet potatoes that had rolled all over the ground, then remembered the ‘thank you’ that Sienna had taken away. For the first time ever, he felt his chest being filled with various mixed emotions. He did not have such emotions when he was getting beaten up on the ground to the point where his whole body was bruised and swollen.He did not have such emotions when he lost all faith in this gloomy and obscure life. However, he felt a lump rising in his throat as he felt respected. He was being treated as an equal.The middle-aged woman picked up the stall as she ask
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Chapter 178
Monki had a very fast reaction, so he replied immediately, “This is called a virtual world! The Universal Atrium is the world’s best ultra-modern technology experience hall! It allows you to be immersed in such experiences! What you see is not a pre-recorded film but the experiencer currently experiencing a scene that is even more realistic than what you see in movies!”Hunter chimed in and nodded. “That’s right!”However, after they had finished speaking, the only viewer also left the live broadcast room. Monki let out a long sigh and was prepared to stop the live broadcast with resentment. He also sighed while operating and said, “Do you think it’s because I’m not good-looking? I’m obviously also a pretty charming older brother with a handsome face.”Unexpectedly, the viewer who had commented just now came back.Monki was excited, and he hurriedly retracted the operation to turn off the live broadcast. He then asked enthusiastically and eagerly, “Dear, do you want to come and p
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Chapter 179
There was not a single experiencer that day.The area was completely deserted. Monki yawned sleepily and looked up again to find two cars parked in front of the shop. An old man with glasses got out of the car, and five nerdy-looking students followed behind the old man.They walked toward the Universal Atrium after they had gotten out of the car with an air of arrogance and majesty. From their expressions, it seemed as though they were joined in opposition to the same adversary. Monki froze for a moment and was then instantly re-energized. That was right!The old man at the lead must be the old professor who had left a message in his live broadcast yesterday, saying that he was coming to expose the counterfeit!“Brothers, there are guests. Come out to receive them!”Monki turned back and shouted, then picked up his cell phone to send Sienna a text message.‘Boss, the person who’s here to expose the counterfeit… I mean, the professor is here!’After sending this message, M
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Chapter 180
The challenge scene in the virtual world that Monki had chosen for them was called the World of Ice and Snow. As the name implied, they would need to face various challenges in the icy scene.Monki smiled, and he was even gloating a little.The moment he pressed the start button, the cabin hatches of the holographic game pods closed slowly. The students pursed their lips, and one of them said, “Pfft. They really have pretty good swindling skills.”In the next second.It was completely dark before them, and when they opened their eyes again, they were surrounded by a vast expanse of white all around them. There were glaciers and snow-capped mountains everywhere. Cold wind started blowing, whistling harshly in their ears, and they could feel the cold air pierce into their bones!The five students were all stunned!When had they ever seen such a scene? At this moment, they were all freezing and shivering, and there was thick white mist when they spoke and breathed. “Damn it!
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