All Chapters of The Invincible Goddess: Chapter 521 - Chapter 530
640 Chapters
Chapter 521
“I’ll naturally investigate whether she has been wronged or not, but I have to take this wanted fugitive away now!” Josh’s attitude was firm, and his tone was indisputable. If Josh was saying this, then it seemed as if there would have to be a fight then?Sienna nodded. “Alright then, but you have to wait a while.”Josh: “???”He frowned, and there was clear dissatisfaction on his handsome face.However, Sienna did not care at all, and she punched Kevin again as she asked, “Where did you sell Tammy’s younger brother? I’ll give you ten seconds to answer me. Otherwise, I’ll take your arms first before I take your head!” Kevin, who was stunned after getting hit, had a nosebleed, but he did not answer Sienna’s question. Instead, he cried out at Josh, “Captain Gribble, hurry and save me! Kill this woman for me! Ahh!”Everything that he said after that turned into screams. Sienna had to do what she said, so she removed Kevin’s arm directly and said coldly, “Speak up!” Kevin was
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Chapter 522
So, he thought that she would fall to her death if she fell?If one were to think about it, that was also true. After all, this was the fifth floor, so she would die or become disabled if she were to fall from this height. Sienna smiled a little and said, “Thank you for your kindness, Captain Gribble, but you should let go. Otherwise, you’ll fall with me.”She knew ancient martial arts, and she could ensure that she would be unharmed. However, that might not be the case for Josh. Sienna did not want to free her hands to save him. Otherwise, would her strength not be exposed then?There would even be the risk of her exposing her own identity.However, Josh misunderstood her.He looked into the girl’s eyes which were as bright as stars under the night sky. Josh thought that she was saying such a thing because she did not want to implicate him.He pursed his lips and held her even more tightly as he said, “Come up for now, and we’ll talk about it.”After pausing for a moment, h
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Chapter 523
A few guards who were downstairs hurriedly ran over. When they saw that Josh was alone, they could not help but ask, “Captain, where’s the wanted fugitive?”“Oh, I didn’t catch her.”Josh replied casually. The guards took a deep breath and shock was written all over their faces as they asked, “Captain, are there any fugitives that you cannot catch?”Josh’s skills and strength had been evident to all the guards all this while!He did not appear often, but as long as he made an appearance, he could always fight alone and bring the criminals back single-handedly without the help of others. There had never been any exceptions in the past years!But he actually missed today?Josh glanced at them and asked, “Is it very strange?”“No, no, no.”The guards shook their heads. No one dared to tell the truth.Josh instructed, “Go and take that fellow inside to the hospital. Send a few men to keep an eye on him and imprison him for investigation immediately after his surgery. In addition
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Chapter 524
Sienna said slowly, “Write down your younger brother’s information and characteristics. I’ll send some people to help you to find him. I’m not sure if I can find him, but I can only do my best.”Tammy trembled for a moment, then quickly picked up the pen and paper to write down her younger brother’s features that she knew in detail. Tammy handed the paper to Sienna when she was done writing.Hunter took a look at it and said, “Okay, it’s quite detailed. I’ll upload this to the computer and sort it out. By the way, give me a recent photo of your younger brother.”“Okay.”Tammy quickly took out her cell phone. It did not take long for the missing person’s notice to be completed. Hunter issued a reward to the public under Sienna’s instruction. Since Tammy’s younger brother was taken on the train to Marsgath, then following this clue would definitely pay off.As soon as the reward was issued, and since it was quite a big reward, several full-time anti-trafficking officers took o
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Chapter 525
In fact, she already knew Sienna’s identity the moment when she saw Sienna’s face.In Isonbert, there was almost no one who would not recognize Sienna’s highly recognizable face.In addition, Sienna’s marriage contract with Quentin had been talked about and ridiculed for a long time. Negative public opinions had been emerging one after the other, and people often called her useless or a vicious young lady. Later, when Sienna broke off her engagement with Quentin in public, the news of Harry from the Scott family asking her to marry him then caused a huge sensation in the entire Isonbert!It was hard not to know who she was!Sienna was even more curious. “Since you know who I am, what’s the use of following someone useless like me who has no one to support me and back me up? I won’t be able to protect you if something really happens.”Useless person? Tammy looked at Hunter, Monki, and the others who were standing by the side, and then said bluntly, “If you’re really useless lik
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Chapter 526
Sienna’s gaze wandered as she retracted her thoughts. After that, she instructed Hunter, “Get her a new identity, and buy her a ticket to Marsgath.”“Yes!” Hunter walked to the side immediately and called someone.Tammy asked, “This is…”“Don’t you want to find your brother? Go ahead and do so then. No one will be more attentive compared to you in this matter.” Sienna smiled lightly and said, “Don’t worry, the Armed Guards won’t be able to find you with a new identity.”Sienna was really planning every step of the way for her.Tammy nodded fervently. “Okay! Thank you, Miss!”Hunter worked quickly, and it did not take long before the certificate for the new identity that Hunter had arranged for Tammy arrived.But before buying the ticket, Hunter still asked, “What time do you want the ticket to be? Tomorrow morning or afternoon?”“The sooner the better, please.”Tammy had long been anxious.Hunter glanced at it and said, “You can leave tonight, then. There’s a train that leave
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Chapter 527
She would really have to go hungry if she did not find a way to make more money!Just when Sienna was deep in her thoughts, her cell phone rang a few times. She picked up her cell phone and saw that it was a text notification from the Ninja Survival production team!They were inviting her to participate in the live broadcast of Ninja Survival again. The contract was still the same as it was before. The remuneration for her participation was not high, but the income reward received from their personal live broadcast would all belong to the guests themselves!Sienna raised her brows. Before she replied, they asked again, “Miss Sienna Lang, will you be coming to the recording of the program the day after tomorrow?”Sienna typed one word at random and replied, “Yes.”She had already received money for this. Quentin had spent nearly ten million dollars to ask her to participate in this program and to show her vicious, selfish, and cold-blooded side so that Clara would stand out.At th
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Chapter 528
These words were really vicious. Zeke frowned, and he felt some discomfort in his heart.He had naturally heard about the Lang family from the capital city before. The Lang family used to be extremely glorious and was later as bleak as it could be. The three generations of War Gods and Goddesses in the Lang family defended the country against foreign enemies and protected the people!But in the end, the entire Lang family was then nailed to the pillar of shame because of the great crime of collaborating with the enemy. These young ladies talked without hesitation. “That’s right, the whole Lang family should be damned and deserves to die! It’s really gratifying now that even Sienna is dead!” “Yes, that’s right!”Another young lady snorted, “I just feel very dissatisfied and unconvinced. What exactly does that bitch, Sienna, have to the point that Young Master Harlowe is so obsessed with her and can’t seem to forget her? Why?” Zeke could not continue listening anymore. He was a
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Chapter 529
However, Harper was already impatient. He glanced at the guests who were in great numbers, and the first question he asked was, “Who are the ones who brought gifts?”When the guests heard this, their eyes brightened up as they stood up, one after the other.“Young Master Harlowe, this is the finest ginseng that I brought with me. Please kindly accept it!”“Young Master Harlowe, this is a piece of jade that I got by chance. Its color is extremely beautiful.”“Young Master Harlowe, look at mine. This is a small token of my appreciation…”The crowd scrambled to offer their treasures, out of fear that they would fall one step behind.As a result, Zeke, who was empty-handed, was pushed out of the crowd. He stood there alone, and it was particularly awkward for him. His assistant said in frustration, “Boss, I told you that we would look stingy if we didn’t bring anything. Sigh. We finally managed to get an invitation, but it turns out that we will have to return without success…”Ze
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Chapter 530
The live broadcast was still the same as it was before but the gameplay and process had all been changed.Last time, all the guests were able to choose ten items that they wanted to bring with them, but there was nothing this time. All the guests were empty-handed. They had to survive in the tropical rainforest for twenty days without any food or weapons. Of course, twenty days in the game was equivalent to just three days in the real world because the virtual world was essentially different from the real world. In the live broadcast, the actor, Kaden, was absent. It was said that he began to enter the foreign film and television market after the last live broadcast and had successfully won a contract in a large-scale production play. Therefore, instead of forming a team this time, all the guests became a whole team who would assist each other to survive together. Clara cried out, clutched her chest, and said, “This challenge is too difficult. What should I do? I’m so nervous.
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