All Chapters of The Invincible Goddess: Chapter 501 - Chapter 510
640 Chapters
Chapter 501
Sienna had a dream when she was half asleep. In the dream, it was foggy, and a sturdy-looking body slowly walked from the pool. The tall, sturdy figure with a smooth and almost perfect abdominal muscle line was full of explosive power! His physique was so good that it was shocking enough to make people blush and scream!Sienna could see the man’s face clearly in the fog. It was Harry.He hooked up his lips at her, and he had an extremely evil smile!“Nene, do you like such a gift?”Her nose started bleeding as she nodded. “I… I like it!”Sienna woke up.She was completely awakened by this dream!Sienna turned on the night light after opening her eyes. After knowing that everything that just happened was just a dream, she massaged her chest as her heart was beating frantically, and she murmured, “Fortunately, it was a dream.”In reality, it was absolutely impossible for her to be a pervert!… The sky was bright the next day.Sienna went downstairs after washing up. She d
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Chapter 502
Sienna did not go to the sports field to look for Hunter and the others. Instead, she went directly to the main control room on the top floor with Orpheus. It could be said that this entire floor was Orpheus’s work area. The big, round table in the middle was all lit up with computer monitors, control equipment, and keyboards for typing programs. Orpheus was usually here to control the operation of the entire Universal Atrium. Sienna glanced around and asked, “It seems that there are a few more servers now?”“Yes.” Orpheus smiled and said, “There are a lot of people coming to the Universal Atrium for the experience. The servers are barely enough at the moment, and the database is too large. In the long run, we’ll definitely need a bigger place to store the servers in the future.”Sienna nodded. “I remember that there are still three underground floors in this building. So, why don’t we just buy this entire building then? This way, it should be enough.”“Okay.”Orpheus silentl
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Chapter 503
Orpheus nodded. “Alright, Miss.”Sienna patted Orpheus’s shoulder and said, “Thank you for your hard work.”“It’s no hard work at all.”Orpheus smiled.There were no such words as ‘exhaustion’ and ‘hard work’ in his setting program. As long as he had enough energy and recharged himself in time, he could work around the clock without sleep, and he could easily do eight men’s work on his own. He was a machine or a machine that surpassed the level of modern technology and could never go wrong no matter how heavy the load was.Orpheus looked into Sienna’s eyes and said, “Miss, you didn’t sleep well last night.”Speaking of last night, Sienna then remembered her strange dream.In her dream, she seemed to have a nosebleed when she saw Harry…Wow.Sienna put her hands behind her back, and she had a calm expression on her face when she was in fact changing the subject. “Well, I’m going to the sports field to take a look. I wonder who, out of Hunter and the others, won or lost…”Orp
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Chapter 504
Sienna naturally knew what they were thinking. She laughed, then raised her brows, and said, “Fight me first, then. I’ll have nothing to say if you can beat me.”“But…” Monki touched his nose and said haughtily, “But it will be embarrassing and humiliating for you if we win, Boss.”“Yes, that’s right.” Hunter and the others also nodded.Before the change, Sienna’s skills were far superior to theirs. It would be impossible for them to beat her at all!But today was different from the past. The Sienna today was no longer the Goddess of War from the capital city. She had been resurrected from the dead. Could she still possess the skills that she used to have with her current small body frame?“Boss, we really can’t bear to see you cry.”“…”Sienna laughed half-heartedly. She had not taught them a lesson for a while now, so their self-confidence has increased greatly, huh?“In that case, all of you will come at me at the same time. Those who get hit seven times by me will be elim
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Chapter 505
They no longer underestimated the enemy, and their desire to win was ignited. They felt excitement in their heart, and they became even more eager to try as they became even stronger with every setback!“Let’s go again!”After losing several times in a row, they already understood the fact that the eleven of them combined were no match for Sienna alone!The huge crushing pressure caused by this difference in strength was very challenging!The same was true for Hunter. Monki and Hunter looked at each other and tacitly chose to charge forward while the others went around behind Sienna and prepared to seize the opportunity for a sneak attack!Eleven people formed an impregnable encirclement. Sienna stood in the center of the encirclement as she looked at the aggressive crowd. She did not panic at all, and the corners of her lips even curled up slightly as she smiled.Great. Their fighting spirit had been stimulated. Sienna’s body moved and dodged the attack in front of her. As s
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Chapter 506
“Understood!”The clear and loud voices echoed in the empty sports field.Sienna nodded. “Okay then, continue!”The seventh attempt kicked off.This time, Hunter and Monki were on guard as they waited seriously. They had extremely serious expressions on their faces compared to how it was before. This time, no one dared to act recklessly and carelessly like before. Sienna threw the ruler away. This time, she would only be using her fists and feet to fight them. If they wanted to fight, then it was time for a good fight!When Hunter, Monki, and the others were serious, their skills were really powerful. There were several times when Sienna almost could not defend herself when she was faced with a siege from several people.But Sienna had a strong personality. As such, the stronger the opponent, the more excited she would be, and this would also completely stimulate her desire to win. This competition lasted for more than two hours!During this period, several people withdrew f
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Chapter 507
“Boss, I knew you would agree to it!”“That’s great, that’s great! Haha.”“There are eleven of us, and with Boss and Bona, there will be thirteen of us in total. It’s perfect if we change it to Flame Squad.” “Boss is awesome!”In the joyful atmosphere, Monki took out his cell phone and connected it to the stereo to play the song ‘Good Day’. Sienna felt both angry and amused as she listened to the beat of the drums in the background music. They could be happy, but they should not forget about serious matters!She pointed out the deficiencies that she had discovered during the battle with them just now and finally said, “I want all of you to remember these few problems, and reflect upon and overcome these problems. I don’t want you to fail in just two moves in my hands again next time.”“Roger that!”The voices rang out in unison.Everyone was firm and determined—They would definitely be doubling down on their training.Sienna was so strong, so they could not be dragging th
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Chapter 508
Sienna parked her car and took out her cell phone to call Zeke.Beep… Beep…The phone call was connected, but no one answered the phone even after a while.Sienna frowned. …At this time, thousands of miles away in the capital city.Zeke was dressed in a neat and proper suit on the second floor of the VIP rest area of the racecourse. He was walking next to Chris. The two were chatting as they walked toward the second floor. Zeke’s expression remained indifferent, and there was a faint smile on his face.In the past few months since he came to the capital city, he had experienced the pain of losing his mother, and he had faded away from the previous innocent youth that he used to be long ago. He was also longer the boy who used to help his mother sell sweet potatoes on the streets downtown. There was hatred in his heart that was like a wildfire. Now, in just a few months, he could chat and laugh with people, and he could deal with all kinds of entertainment without changin
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Chapter 509
His vision was unfocused, and he was clearly in a trance.To be precise, he was thinking of that person again after seeing this familiar venue…Chris sighed, and he could not help but say, “Harper, it’s not that I want to say this, but there are many girls in this world who are better than Sienna.”“There are those who were gentler than her, those who understood style better than her, and there are people who are more beautiful… Forget it, they’re not as beautiful as her.” Sienna was undoubtedly beautiful. But that was not the point.The point was that Sienna was already dead!The original Goddess of War, who was also the eldest young lady of the Lang family in the capital city, was already dead!What was the use of dwelling in the past all the time? Chris casually pointed at the young girl who was racing and said, “Sienna isn’t the only one who knows how to ride a horse!”Harper sneered. His laugh was extremely cold, with a strong sense of sarcasm and disdain. He had
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Chapter 510
Zeke could only vaguely catch a few words because the distance was far apart.Just when Zeke was about to move a few steps closer to secretly eavesdrop, he saw Harper suddenly turn around. He had a gloomy look in his eyes and an extremely cold and indifferent expression. It seemed as if he was facing a sharp and oppressing aura. Zeke was stunned. He wanted to seize this opportunity to have a few words with Harper, but Harper did not even glance at him. Harper was just like a high-ranking king who did not even care about the insignificant ants in front of him.Harper then left. His well-trained servants and subordinates followed behind him. As long as Harper passed by, outsiders who were inside or outside the racecourse would bow and retreat. They were really fearful from the bottom of their hearts.It was not only because Harper was the head of the top family in the capital city, but it was also because Harper was ruthless, cold, bloodthirsty, and cruel. It was only after
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