All Chapters of The Invincible Goddess: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
640 Chapters
Chapter 481
It would be better to let him go in that case.However, Sienna had to admit that even though this child was silly, he was quite intelligent. First of all, he did not give out Lang Garden’s address. Secondly, he also knew how to find a seemingly safe location to meet up with the custodian.Sienna guessed that his father must have taught him all these.Sienna put the teacup down, then turned her head to look at Bona. She raised her brows slightly and threw a look at Bona. ‘Want to go and fight?’Bona’s eyes instantly brightened. ‘Yes, yes, yes! Let’s go and fight!’…It was 9:55 PM.West Street Night Market was bustling with people everywhere at this time of night.Brandon paid thirty dollars for the taxi fare. After receiving the change from the driver, he walked to one of the stalls to buy cotton candy and ate it as he walked. There were many children of his age at the night market. Most of them came out to play with their parents, and he was the only one who was alone. H
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Chapter 482
Brandon did not know why he shuddered abruptly for some reason even though the woman in front of her obviously had a very gentle tone.When these words reached his ears, it seemed to carry a different meaning.It was like the wolf posing as her grandmother asking Little Red Riding Hood, “Little Red Riding Hood, where are the items? Hurry up and hand them over to me. I’ll eat you up as soon as you hand them over to me!” Brandon was taken aback by his own rich imagination.Felicity patiently asked again, “Little boy, speak up. Are you really Brandon Blaise? Do you have the items on you?”Brandon nodded. “Okay...” The look in Felicity’s eyes instantly changed in a flash. Since the target had already been found, the next step was no longer her business. Felicity gave a signal, then her subordinates opened the car door immediately. Brandon was about to get into the car but was then stopped by Felicity.“M-Miss…” “You’re such a silly child.” Felicity smiled and patted Brandon’
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Chapter 483
The few killers were ruthless, and they searched his body directly.However, after searching for a long time, they could only find sixty dollars of change on him!“Kid, tell me where you hid the items! I’ll kill you if you don’t tell me!”Brandon trembled all over, and he was just like a lamb that was waiting to be slaughtered.The other killer who grabbed the back of his neck noticed that something was wrong, so he snorted and said, “Why is the color on this kid’s back so strange?! Hey! This layer of skin seems to be fake!” There was a ripping sound!That layer of imitation skin was instantly torn apart!Brandon struggled desperately as he yelled like a wolf cub, “Don’t touch it! That’s what my father left me! Don’t touch it, you evil men!” The killers ignored him.The imitation skin was torn apart, but what came out was not the completed drugs and research materials.It was a piece of paper.A sentence was scrawled on the piece of paper—‘I’m the only one who knows what
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Chapter 484
Sienna put the pair of binoculars down and patted Bona’s shoulder.“Go.” The two figures descended from the rooftop, passed through the dark alleyway, and then walked toward a minivan parked at the side of the road.The engine roared and the second-hand minivan clunked. Bona could not help but grimace and asked with a wry expression, “Nene, this car will not fall apart, will it?”“It won't.”Sienna had deliberately asked Hunter to buy several minivans at the last minute in order not to reveal her identity during the tracking process. The car license plate numbers were also fake. The killers would not be able to identify her identity even if they were to accidentally expose themselves. It would save them a lot of trouble by doing so.Sienna glanced at Bona and smiled slightly as she said, “Fasten your seat belts. We have to speed up to catch up to them.”“Okay!”Bona nodded repeatedly and fastened her seat belt obediently. Sienna stepped on the clutch and shifted the gear
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Chapter 485
Brandon sniffed as he sat in the middle seat with his head lowered.Based on the meaning behind these killers’ words, they must be intending to silence both him and his father after they found out where the drugs were hidden!“Sob… Sob…”Brandon wanted to cry. However, after his tears fell, he suddenly thought of how when he was saying goodbye to Sienna, she looked at him and said meaningfully, “Go on. Be safe and don’t cry.”Don’t cry…‘Could this mean what I think it means? Will Miss Fairy come to my rescue?’…Bona also asked a question on the hot air balloon. “Nene, they’re not giving us money, so why are we going to save him?”Sienna looked at the city beneath her feet. There were neon lights everywhere, and thousands of lights under her feet seemed to have converged together like the vastness of stars.Sienna faced the breeze as she replied softly, “Bona, not everything needs to be measured with money. Money is very important, but what determines whether we should take a
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Chapter 486
Hunter was stunned for a moment. His goosebumps instantly rose when he heard such a phrase, and he suddenly felt extremely excited and was filled with expectancy. “I’m willing!”Several other subordinates in the back seat also nodded. “I’m willing too!”Monki laughed brightly and said, “Let’s think of how we can convince the boss since all of us are willing.”The group of subordinates opened a small channel with the communicator and came up with a plan!“Boss was the one who created our Flame Army back then. If it weren’t for the incident that happened after, more than half of our brothers would not have been killed or injured, and Boss would not have disbanded Flame Army out of guilt. Since we want Boss to lead us again now, I guess we’ll probably have to think of another way then.”“In fact, if you were to ask me, if we were to really talk about that incident back then, we were in fact the ones who implicated Boss. However, she never blamed us. Instead, she took all of the bla
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Chapter 487
They wanted to show the world that the Flame Army could accomplish and do what others did not know how to do or could not do!Everyone responded one after the other, and they were all flushed red, a resolute and determined look appearing in everyone’s eyes. At this moment, the little red dot that was Brandon’s location stopped. Hunter, Monki, and the others glanced at each other, then sped up to chase after them.They had already fallen a long way behind in order to deliberately widen the distance before. According to their positioning, it would take about a ten-minute drive for them to chase up.As soon as the accelerator was stepped on, the minivan rushed forward as if it had been given an adrenaline shot. Sienna, who was on the hot air balloon, used a pair of binoculars and saw that all the cars driven by the killers had stopped. Sienna pulled out the map and saw that the place where they had stopped turned out to be near Research Institute Nine!There was a restaurant b
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Chapter 488
Speaking of weapons, in actual fact, they were merely sticks, but since there were not enough, some of the sticks were disassembled from brooms and mops. It was not too shabby!The subordinate named Rowan rushed inside while muttering, “This broomstick seems quite brittle, and it’s not even as strong as my fist…”Hunter coughed lightly to boost morale as he said, “Well, it’s okay. The equipment will be available later. We should save the people first!” “Rush in, brothers!” They rushed into the restaurant with great fanfare. When the killers who were keeping a lookout inside saw this, they were just about to warn the others, only to be taken down by Hunter, Monki, and the others in just two to three blows!There were no extra movements heard aside from the muffled grunts. “Rowan, tie them up! You’ll stay back and keep a lookout!” “Roger that!”Rowan nodded solemnly, then nimbly tied up the three killers who had been brought down together, back-to-back.Hunter and Monki beck
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Chapter 489
The leader of the group of killers was already impatient as he said angrily, “I’ve been so fucking lenient with you, but since you insist on courting your own death, don’t blame me for being cruel then!”“Go ahead and grab his son! Strangle Professor Blaise’s precious son to death in front of him!”“Understood!” The killers who were standing by the side immediately complied and did as they were told when the leader gave the order.Professor Blaise’s face was pale. He held his son in his arms, and he was on the verge of an emotional breakdown as he said, “What are you doing? Get away from us! You can kill me if you want to, but please spare my son. He’s only six years old…”His voice was already breaking at the end.However, this was a group of fearless and emboldened desperadoes. As such, how could they be merciful and soft-hearted with just a few pleas?“Dad!” Brandon cried out loudly to no avail.He was forcibly dragged away by the group of killers. Immediately afterward, a he
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Chapter 490
Hunter and Monki were in full swing in battle. After that, they caught a glimpse of Bona, who was wearing a Sailor Moon mask and had also come to join in the fun, out of the corner of their eyes. Bona was very strong. She was giving each person a punch, and there were people who suffered crushing defeats wherever she went!Hunter was anxious as he turned his head around and shouted, “Oh, leave two for me. Don’t kill them all!”When the killer who was fighting him heard those words, he was stunned.What was he saying? What were they? Soft persimmons that could be easily taken care of?The face of the leader of the group turned ashen. The group of people in front of him who dared to humiliate him with brooms made him feel an unprecedented sense of shame and humiliation!“Kill them! Don’t leave even a single one of them alive!”The leader of the group of killers had a serious look in his eyes as he reached his right hand into his suit.Professor Blaise, who was firmly protectin
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