All Chapters of The Invincible Goddess: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
640 Chapters
Chapter 491
Fortunately, the cellar was big enough. As such, their hands and feet were spread open when they fought.In fact, these killers were really skillful and looked like they had undergone special training. They would be really good at fighting if they were placed outside.Unfortunately, their opponent today was the Flame Army that once wiped out an entire battlefield!Who could compete against the Flame Army?Brandon looked at the chaos in front of him, and his face was filled with admiration and tears as he said, “Dad, they… they’re so incredible!”“Yes.”Professor Blaise nodded. Although he did not know who the group of people who rushed in to save them was, but with such skills, he figured that they might be the custodians from around this area!Professor Blaise sighed. “Brandon, we can finally be saved with this group of custodians taking action!”Brandon retorted immediately when he heard this. “They’re not custodians!”His childish voice was filled with conviction and confid
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Chapter 492
What was this situation? The accident happened so quickly that everyone did not expect it at all!Monki looked at Hunter. “You’re not hurt, are you?”Hunter shook his head. “I’m fine, but the leader seems to be… dead.”Hunter did not know where the huge electric current came from just now, but it electrocuted and killed the leader of the group of killers in just one second. Monki picked up a wooden stick as he swung it left and right and muttered, “Damn it. I didn’t see anything that could’ve conducted electricity like that on him.”“There is.”A cold voice came from behind the crowd. Hunter and Monki turned around immediately. After that, a slender figure jumped down from the skylight and landed on the ground lightly, as if she was floating.The young woman was also wearing a mask on her face.Although the mask was concealing her face, Hunter, Monki, and the others recognized her at one glance and shouted excitedly, “Boss, you’re here!”Sienna stepped forward. She squa
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Chapter 493
The dried salted fish cut through the night with a whoosh and fell from the sky, hitting the forehead of the man in the suit with a thud. The man in the suit lifted his head and saw a black figure wearing a mask standing on the rooftop. She was condescending as she stood high above them, and she finally gave them the middle finger. Could such provocation be tolerated? Could it be tolerated?The man in the suit was furious. He instantly aimed his pistol at Sienna who was on the rooftop, pulled the trigger, and fired!Sienna seemed to have already anticipated this. She dodged sideways and threw a few more salted fishes down. The salted fishes were like several parabolas with unparalleled precision, and they hit several killers on their foreheads!The man in the suit was furious as he roared, “Go upstairs and catch her!”Someone next to him cautiously said, “Boss, the master instructed that it’s important to bring Professor Blaise with us. We have to rush to the cellar as soon a
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Chapter 494
In the next second, they were empty-handed, and all their weapons had fallen into Sienna’s hands.Well, the harvest was pretty good.The exchange only lasted for a short twenty seconds, and it was dazzlingly fast!However, Sienna sighed as she muttered to herself, “I’ve regressed.” In the past, when going against a few people like this, she definitely would have ended the battle within ten seconds, but it took her twice as long today.When the killers on the ground heard those words, they almost vomited blood. What kind of pervert was this? She was going against seven enemies on her own, and she managed to take all their weapons and knock out one of their teeth in twenty seconds. Was this called a regression?Sienna did not care about what they thought. She was about to leave with her weapons, but at this moment, two beams of light were cast on the road as two jeeps roared. Based on the logo on the car, it was the Armed Guards from this neighborhood!As the name implied, the Ar
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Chapter 495
Sienna suddenly stopped in her tracks before they could come to a decision.“Something’s wrong.” Sienna was very vigilant as she looked around.The entrance of that restaurant was surrounded by the Armed Guards. The Armed Guards would take care of the group of killers that was tied up, and they would then escort Professor Blaise and his son away. They could not collide with the Armed Guards, so they had to abandon the minivan parked at the entrance. They were going through the back door of the restaurant now, and evacuating from this route would require them to cross a hill to get back onto the main road. Sienna’s hot air balloon also landed near here earlier.However, the road was unusually quiet at this moment, and the sound of insects and birds chirping could not be heard either. Sienna’s expression changed. “There’s an ambush!”As soon as her words fell, dazzling headlights lit up in all directions!All the lights converged and shone on Sienna and the others, so they h
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Chapter 496
What brought a great figure like him here?Heath’s face turned pale.He could already feel Cloud’s terrifying aura even from afar! It was like a huge mountain pouring down, and when that oppressive feeling came, it was as if there was an invisible hand widely strangling his throat as the murderous aura filled the air!It was known to all that Cloud was the Lord of Chaos, and he had countless troops and incredible power! It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a hegemon, an emperor-like existence!Soon, the hot air balloon slowly descended.A few black figures descended from the hot air balloon first. They were exuding a murderous aura, with an expression on their faces that seemed to make people feel the unbearable hostility and arrogance on the battlefield.Any one of these few people would be a big shot!However, at this moment, all of them had their heads lowered respectfully at the side like a few statues, and they were only kneeling and showing respect to the
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Chapter 497
If he were to see her real appearance, she might lose her identity as the abandoned daughter of the Lang family in an instant if it was known that she was Lone Shadow.Sienna cleared her throat and replied, “Long time no see.”The last time she met Cloud was when they teamed up to sneak into the kidnappers’ lair in Starksholm.She did not expect that such a friendship would come in handy today.As Sienna thought of this, a shallow smile appeared under her mask. Although the others could not see it, the curve of her eyes was enough to show her friendliness.When Harry saw this, he did not even need to think about it to know that this young lady in his family who was usually indifferent and aloof would only smile so brightly when she had something that she needed help with.Sure enough.Sienna spoke up.She said, “Cloud, are you here today because you’re looking for me?”The corners of Cloud’s lips curled up slightly, and he slowly answered with one word, “Yes.”He suddenly loo
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Chapter 498
In the spacious and comfortable off-road vehicle, Sienna pondered and asked, “Thank you for relieving the situation for me, but I’m very curious… Why are you here in Isonbert?”Sienna had a conjecture. If nothing else, Cloud should also be here to deal with Professor Blaise’s matter. However, she did not get a response from him for a long time when she was done speaking.Sienna could not help but look at the man beside her. The interior of the carriage was dim, and only the shadows of the street lamps on both sides of the road could be seen. The man was wearing a mask that basically blended in with the darkness of the night. From her side, she could not see his appearance. She could only see his God-like side profile.Cloud turned his head as he was aware of Sienna’s gaze.He stared at her quietly for a long time with his pair of deep and beautiful eyes before he slowly replied, “I was just passing by.”“Oh.” Sienna blinked. For some reason, Cloud, who was rumored to be decisi
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Chapter 499
Sienna got out of the car.She only heaved a sigh of relief after those off-road vehicles had disappeared in front of her eyes. She looked around to make sure that no one was following behind her before she raised her hand to stop a taxi. Sienna returned to Lang Garden at one o’clock at night.Miss White was still awake in the living room. When she heard Sienna returning, she hurriedly greeted her, “Miss, why did you come back so late? I was worried sick.”Sienna shook the shopping bags that she was carrying in her hands. She had casually bought them when she was on the way home. She did not even pay attention to what was inside and simply asked the shopkeeper to wrap them up before the shop closed just for this moment. Sienna’s expression did not change as she explained, “I went shopping and forgot to look at the time.”Miss White said earnestly, “Miss, don’t go shopping too late next time. It’s not safe for a girl like you to be outside alone! This is especially so in the pas
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Chapter 500
Sienna took several steps backward and was almost forced to the corner.She glanced at the familiar shopping bag and suddenly came to a realization. “So, this is why you came here? Don’t you like it?”Harry’s smile became even more enchanting as he said, “I like it. So, I came here to specially thank my wife for the gift that you specially chose for me.”He deliberately emphasized the words, ‘specially chose’.However, Sienna did not get it at all. As such, she replied casually, “It’s nothing. You’re welcome.”“Then…” Harry smiled half-heartedly, and his cold and picturesque brows seemed to be tinged with a scarlet hint. There was a glint in his eyes, and even his low and pleasant voice also seemed very compelling.“In that case, do you want me to wear it for you to see, honey?”Sienna pricked up her ears, and she keenly caught his point.Wear it?Did she buy something that needed to be worn?Sienna was stunned for a moment. She grabbed the shopping bag on the table and took
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