All Chapters of My son's father: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
126 Chapters
Chapter 101: Steve's POV She's not coming back
Steves POVI was freaking out trying to figure out how I’m going to get Kay out of this mess, I knew this was the final clue and she had to spend an hour with Darren then we would be clear. The guys kept reassuring me he just wanted to get a chance with her again. The thought of Darren touching her drove me nuts, I didn’t want anyone touching her she was mine. I needed to convince myself that it would be a one time thing and then we could work through this all. They told me as soon as she walked into the visit they would let us all go and go on with their lives.I couldn’t imagine them saying okay she’s with Darren go ahead and I would need to wait an hour knowing he was sleeping with my wife cause I told her too. I hated Darren I needed to think of a way to get rid of him, I’m done. Blake came over towards me, “Well it looks like your wife fled, the cops were at your house they arrested one of my guys. This isn’t good Steve, if we don’t get her to that visit there will be a bounty
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Chapter 102: Hearing from Steve
I spent the next few days hanging out at Ian’s with the kids, it felt really nice to not have to look over my shoulder or worry about who was going to come or go. The more time I was away from Steve the more myself I felt, I should be sad about everything but I just wasn’t.I love Steve with all I had, he was my best friend and we had an insane connection, but he was always so closed and thought differently then me. We clashed a lot raising the kids, maybe we just needed a little break from each other and see what will happen.Today Ian was supposed to meet with Steve and talk to him, he has been difficult to get a hold of. I was a bit nervous to hear what he would say to him, Ian has been amazing with me and the kids around. He worked a lot but when he was done work he would come home and hang out with us, he was actually really funny and we laughed so much. I was beginning to plan our next move, I felt guilty staying at Ian’s, he wouldn’t let us contribute to anything, I got a c
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Chapter 103: Ian's plan
I starred at the message from Steve for a bit, why was he being so cold towards me. No one has even broken up and he’s threatening me to court trying to take my kids away. I was pretty mad as I looked over all of Steve's messages. I sent Ian a message,Kay: Just heard from Steve he says he’s going to take me to court for full custody.Then I sent my father a message to see if he heard anything, I know him and Steve talked a lot.Kay: Have you heard from Steve lately?Dad: Not in a few days, why what’s going on?Kay: He’s going to take me to court for full custody.My father immediately called me and told me not to worry he will help me through it all then made it very clear he would have a long talk with Steve. He thinks he’s just doing it to get back at me and he’s only mad trying to get a reaction.As I was about to hang up Ian walked in, he wasn’t dressed in his detective clothes, he looked relaxed. He had a black t-shirt and jeans with work boots on. I looked him over a few
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Chapter 104: Dinner with my father
We packed everything up to head on our little trip, we were going to stop at my father’s on the way there for dinner. I sent my father a text with the details and that I was bringing a new friend who has helped me get away.He seemed a bit surprised with that but was happy to meet the person who helped his daughter and grandchildren. I actually felt nervous about my father meeting Ian and I wasn’t sure why, I usually didn’t care about it but I did this time. Maybe it was just the circumstances of it all.Once we packed up Ian’s car I realized I didn’t even notice he drove anything besides the cop car, he had a really fancy truck. It was black and lifted with gigantic tires. I laughed as I tried to put the kids in, Ian was right behind me helping me put them up into their seats. Jeremy was laughing with excitement, he had a fascination with big trucks.We laughed and talked the entire way and every now and then Ian would speed up and make Jeremy squeal with excitement. Heather and Juni
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Chapter 105: Court date
Once we were done dinner, my father stepped out for a call, I could tell he was mad as he shouted into the phone, I guessed he were talking to Steve. When he came in he wasn’t too happy, he looked over at me,“Your going to need to figure out your stuff for court kiddo, that was Steve and he filed the papers.”I looked down at the kids, I wanted to cry when I thought about everything, he really wanted to take my kids away cause I wouldn’t sleep with Darren. How stupid does that sound when you think about it, he didn’t get his way and he’s having a tantrum. I felt myself begin to shake as Ian put his arm on my back and whispered,“We will figure it out okay?”I nodded as I looked up at his reassuring eyes, my father looked between us and he had a small smile. We helped my father with the dishes then got the kids into the truck to leave, we said our goodbyes when Ian reassured me we were only driving about another hour.I noticed Ian was constantly checking his mirrors as he drove,
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Chapter 106: Getting to the courthouse
We only spent one day at the cabin, we spent the day at the beach with the kids. I dropped the kids off at my father’s on our way back to town. My father didn’t seem too happy about the rushed court date. We got back to Ian’s house pretty late, I went down to my room and he went into his, it was awkward with him after we kissed, I wasn’t quite sure what to do.I jumped in bed and I heard my phone go off as I rolled to the side of the bed and unlocked my phone, it was from Steve,Steve: Your lawyer contacted mine, guess I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful. I rolled my eyes as I read over the message again, I tossed and turned with the thought of seeing Steve tomorrow. I felt anxious to see him at the court house, I got up after attempting to sleep for a few hours and began to get ready. I wanted to look good and show Steve what he was missing.I'm not quite sure why I even cared what he thought, he has seen me at my best and at my worse, but I wanted him to see I was doing good.I wore a
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Chapter 107: One last time
I found a seat across from them as I sat down and looked at the two of them, Bethany barely gave me a glare as Steve didn’t keep his eyes off of me, they were burning right through me. I felt uncomfortable sitting here, I would look back at them for a moment then look around, I didn’t know how to look or sit as I waited impatiently for my lawyer to show up.I tried to relax a bit as I crossed my legs and made sure my dress slid up a bit to show the top of my thighs, I pushed my hair back and bit my lip as I starred at Steve. I followed Steves eyes to my legs then to my lip, I could see him eyeing me uneasy in his chair, as my lawyer came over and told me they were a bit behind, I would be waiting about half an hour, she had all the paperwork done and had to head in with a client until she got called in. I gave her a smile as I tried to bring my dress down to hide what I was trying to show Steve, she was very nice,“I’m really good friends with Ian, I promised him I would do my best
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Chapter 108: Court Hearing
As we walked into the courtroom I could feel Steves eyes on me. I felt uncomfortable walking in there and I wished I wouldn’t of asked Ian to not come. I wouldn’t of done that with Steve although maybe that’s what I needed to do and get it over with. We always had a very physical relationship, maybe I just needed to do it one last time. We never did break things off, I sort of felt better that I actually did even though it was in a odd way.Steve was the most attractive man I’ve ever laid eyes on, but that could just be because we have a lot of unresolved feelings. Love can do strange things, I remember thinking Darren was so handsome and then after I moved on I realized he wasn’t that good looking especially after I got to know him. He was handsome to a lot of people but no longer to me. His personality made him so ugly.I walked up to my lawyer she looked me over,“You look flushed dear, I told you don’t worry. I am really good at what I do, Ian made sure you had the best lawyer
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Chapter 109: First Date
I went inside the police station as Ian grabbed his things, I looked around his office as I was trying to picture myself coming to see him here and bringing him lunches and stuff. I filled him in on the court hearing as he packed his stuff to leave for the day. As we walked out quite a few people were giving us smiles and nods as we walked out of the building. I remembered the day when I wanted to do this, I wanted to be a cop and live Ian’s life, I began to feel sad as I knew that dream vanished a long time ago and I wish I could somehow go back to that. Ian was looking over at me as he reached over and held my hand, “What’s going through your head babe?”I smiled, “How badly I went off track. I had so many dreams and wishes. Why couldn’t it be you I met years ago, my life would be so much different.”He smiled at me, “You know sometimes you need to go through things just to appreciate what you have. Everyone learns differently, I think if you wouldn’t of went through this mayb
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Chapter 110: No running from this
I went to say something as Ian looked me over as I read the message a few times, I didn’t know what to say. I looked up at him trying to find the right words but nothing came to my mind, nothing I could say would help me right now. I whispered,“I’m sorry, it was a mistake.”He didn’t answer anything as I walked over to my room and got dressed, I began to pack my bags as I walked up the stairs. Ian was still sitting at the table, I could tell he was trying to figure everything out, he looked shocked when he saw me with my stuff.“Are you going back to Steve?”I shook my head, “No, like I said that was a mistake. I was confused and I guess I just needed to make sure things were over. I don’t know exactly how to explain it, I was confused. Two weeks ago I was married to him and now I met you and its confusing. Well it was.”He looked me over, “Where are you going then?”I shrugged, “I’m not sure exactly but I’m sure you don’t want me here.”He shook his head, “Go put your stuff back Kay
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