All Chapters of Spoiled by Mr. Russell: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
2452 Chapters
Chapter 131
At that moment, it was difficult for her to back down. Melanie, conscious of the audience's eyes on her, forced herself to recall the process and to keep a level head.It was not only a matter of taking a sample, stating a few words, or even figuring out the general formula and ingredients. What if Melanie said something wrong that she could not take back? Due to the overwhelming tension, even holding a test strip made her hands tremble.After she completed a series of procedures, there was still a faint lingering aroma on the tip of her nose. She thought long and hard about the ingredients so that she could give a brief description of them. That would be preferable to saying nothing at all. "Ms. Thayer?"As soon as the host spoke, she responded quickly, "I like this fragrance. Light and elegant scents are my go-to, and this one has won me over. Whoever the perfumer is, I imagine they value peaceful silence and enjoy a serene garden view with birds and blooming flowers.
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Chapter 132
He lifted her hand and planted a kiss on the back of it. Clap, clap.The audience erupted into applause as Melanie withdrew her hand immediately. Most people could only see the kiss Frank planted on her hand, but he had also licked her hand. It was brief, and he released her hand instantly after. It was as if it had never happened. The area he had licked and kissed her burned. It was a tickly feeling, like a cat's tongue. It made her heart skip a beat. Melanie's cheeks flushed red, but she did not dare expose what he just did in front of the audience. She smiled and lowered her head shyly, acting like all the praises she had just received embarrassed her. Only Lily narrowed her eyes at them and looked at Melanie with a smirk. Lily was too far away to see what Frank had done, but based on Melanie's reaction, it was not due to the compliments she had gotten. Melanie was the type of person who would claim credit for something that was not hers, so she certainly was not on
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Chapter 133
It was an eventful day for Melanie, filled with turmoil and excitement. She initially thought she was about to fall into a bottomless pit, but at the most crucial moment, Frank appeared and extended his arm to catch her.On the way back to the hotel, her mental state was in such a mess that she did not even struggle to break free when Frank held her hand without asking. There was only silence. A sense of edginess filled the air, making them feel restless.Frank led Meanie to the elevator when they arrived at the hotel lobby. When the elevator doors closed, he pushed Melanie against the wall and trapped her with his body.“Mr. Moreau!” Melanie yelped in surprise.“Melanie, I’ve done a huge favor for you today. Shouldn’t you be grateful?” Frank said as one of his hands grabbed the back of her head.“I-I,” Melanie hesitated and wanted to speak, but Frank ignored her and kissed her abruptly. Melanie could not even breathe, less tried to stop him. Though her hands were on his chest, it
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Chapter 134
Lily questioned herJenny in silence, but Jenny was not looking at her as her full attention was on the call. Jenny nodded, saying, “Okay, I understand. Don’t worry! I’m coming over right away!”After Jenny hung up the phone, Lily asked, “What’s wrong? Do you need to be somewhere?”“Yeah, they bought a new bunch of ingredients, and I need to go check on them.” Jenny nodded apologetically.“Then I’ll come with you,” Lily offered.“There’s no need for that. The staff told me to go without you.” Jenny shook her head, fearing that Lily might take it wrongly. “I-It’s not that they don’t trust you. It’s most likely not the company but the client. Well, we sometimes have strange clients with bizarre rules. Still, they’re asking for me, and our driver will be with me. I-I’ll probably just look at some stuff and sign a few papers, so I won’t take long.”“Sure, no problem. I’m just worried because you’re going alone, and it’s late now,” Lily replied.“What’s there to worry about, you silly
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Chapter 135
It felt nice to be in Alexander’s embrace. Lily lifted her head to look at him, saying, “When did you get here?”Alexander planted a kiss on her forehead, “Take a guess.”‘Now, he wants to play games!’ Lily thought as she gave Alexander a playful glare. Afterward, she said, “You left on the same day as we did, didn’t you? Even though we got here first, you weren’t far behind.”Alexander smiled and gave her cheek a peck, “You’re such a smart girl!”“That’s because I tried calling you but couldn’t get through. You never turn off your phone, even during a meeting. I’m guessing that was because you were on the plane, right?” As Lily recalled the details of that day, she could piece together a chronological timeline. However, she never thought it was because Alexander was coming to see her.“Well done. I should probably reward you for being such a clever girl, right?” Alexander smirked cheekily as this only made him love Lily more. He carried Lily to the sofa, sat down, and held her cl
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Chapter 136
"Does the gender matter?" He asked. Right! It was impossible to reason with a jealous husband. "Okay then, I'm honored that Mr. Russell is all jealous because of me. However," she paused and cupped his face in her hands, "We're also decent human beings and should be considerate of others. I'm going to check on Jenny. Please, just be good for me, okay?" She pecked him lightly on the lips and went to make her call. Alexander could not refute it, as she made perfect sense and even cared for his ego. It was undeniably difficult to refuse her. "Hey Jenny, are you there yet? How's the situation?" Lily asked. She was unsure if the client was an actual client or just someone Alexander had planted there. Regardless, she wanted to ensure her friend was safe. "How long do you need? Come back soon and if you need anything, just call me," Lily repeated. At the same time, Alexander raised his hand and squeezed her waist playfully. Lily rolled her eyes at him and continued,
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Chapter 137
Just as things were about to get into a heated mess, Lily's phone rang. She fumbled for it and answered the call, "Hello?""Lily, I'm almost back. I'm getting something to eat. Do you want anything?" Jenny's voice rang from the other end. In a flash, Lily was awake. She pushed against Alexander and jolted up, "N-No, thank you. I'm not hungry." "Okay, were you already asleep? I'll be back soon," Jenny promised."Right, yeah!" Lily hung up and dragged Alexander. "Hurry, Jenny is about to come back! You must leave now, and don't let her see you!" Lily warned as she struggled to tidy her clothes and handed Alexander his coat. This was when she noticed he was just sitting on the sofa with a dark expression on his face.Oops. "Okay, I know it's my fault, and I'm sorry, but it can't be helped. You know we can't expose our relationship for now, and Jenny knows you!" She continued to coax him into giving in. Alexander huffed in annoyance, "You're making it sound like I'm a nobod
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Chapter 138
Lily's heart skipped a beat. Jenny missed seeing them by a hair's breadth. Lily forced a smile, "Y-Yeah, sure!" Looking at her stiff smile, Jenny stood in front of Lily and observed her. She pointed out, "You're acting strange!" "Who's acting strange? You said you’re almost back, so I came to welcome you. Since I'd have to open the door for you, I might as well check to see if you're here yet. My timing was perfect, right?" Lily babbled on to hide the fact that she was still nervous. She took the bags from Jenny's hand and walked toward their room. "What did you get?""Those are mine!" Jenny insisted. "Aww, don't be like that!" She placed the food on the table and opened it to see what was inside. There were sandwiches, noodles, as well as some kind of tacos. They smelled delicious, but they were food unfamiliar to Lily. Though Jenny said that she got nothing for Lily, the amount of food she bought was for two. Lily knew Jenny was just teasing her. "You said y
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Chapter 139
“Oh, really?” Jenny emphasized that Lily had not convinced her in the slightest.“Yup, that’s what happened.” Lily took a deep breath and lightly nudged Jenny. “Aww, I missed the cold and arrogant you. I didn’t know that you were this noisy. Hurry up and take your shower. I’m still waiting for my turn!”“This is exactly how a person would react when exposed, but it’s fine. I won’t bicker with a child” Jenny waved her hand to dismiss Lily and turned toward the bathroom.Lily rolled her eyes but sighed in relief. She was glad that Jenny had let her off easily, but Lily knew she needed to be extra careful when meeting Alexander the next time.When she thought of Alexander, Lily took her phone and noticed she had received a text from him, saying, “1808.” It was Alexander’s room number. Lily smiled and sent him a cute emoji before cleaning up the leftovers on the table.After clearing the table, she removed her clothes from the luggage and saw Jenny leaving the bathroom with her hair s
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Chapter 140
“Why can’t you fall asleep? Are you not feeling well? Are you restless?” Nathaniel immediately asked with concern.“No, I’m fine. Maybe I can’t sleep because I miss you,” Melanie murmured as she tried to resist the temptation of accepting Frank’s offer. “Can you come and see me, Nate?”“I will, soon. Just let me finish here, and I’ll go to you immediately,” Nathaniel instantly replied without much thought. To Melanie, it felt like he was just giving her an excuse and was not sincere.“What’s keeping you so busy? The event will be over by then! Can’t you come now or tomorrow?! You just have to book a flight. It only takes you two hours to get here. Can’t you come and keep me company?” Melanie whined unhappily.“Mel, stop being unreasonable. You know what’s happening. The company has just started recovering, and we still have many orders to deliver. We have to try harder since we’re relying on our previous products. Also, we’ll have to come up with something new soon.“By the way, h
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