Semua Bab Spoiled by Mr. Russell: Bab 141 - Bab 150
2452 Bab
Chapter 141
Melanie refused to answer Nathaniel’s incessant calls after she hung up. After a while, she grew annoyed with the constant ringing and turned off her phone. She had even more trouble falling asleep after such a stir, so she walked toward the small square window. It felt completely different from the floor-to-ceiling ones in the presidential suite overlooking the city’s night view.The window represented a frame that contained her whole life as Melanie could already foresee her future. She felt she was destined to live this life and could no longer count on Nathaniel since he could not give her what he wanted.As expected, one could only rely on themselves. It did not matter that Melanie had dedicated herself to following Nathaniel over the past few years. Melanie knew how dedicated Lily was to Nathaniel when Lily was with him. Melanie would likely fall into the same destiny as Lily and become old and ugly if she devoted herself to Nathaniel.Melanie thought, ‘Nate might have another
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Chapter 142
When Lily was done showering, she noticed Jenny had fallen asleep. She appeared to be exhausted as she was snoring softly. Lily tiptoed over to cover Jenny with a blanket, then silently left the bedroom after turning off the light.She was staying in a small business suite with an adjoining living area equipped with a sofa, table, and chairs. She cleared the trash from supper to a corner of the table.Right now, she was still wide awake. The sampling session today was quite fruitful. Although there were few differences between the new products, they were consistent with the overall theme. Frank’s perfume caught her interest. She had tried the sample provided by the organizer. Although the fragrance was like chrysanthemum, professional perfumers could tell at a glance that it was not the case.It was likely that Frank cleverly used a refined spice that smelled similar to chrysanthemum, but not to test those who took part in the sampling. He likely thought that no one could see thro
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Chapter 143
Alexander kissed and hugged her but stopped at the last step. He sighed reluctantly, but his hand remained at her waist as he squeezed it.“I’m willing. I am, and I won’t regret it.” Lily embraced him and confessed her thoughts. “I know.” Alexander believed her words as he saw her determination in her eyes. He hugged her tightly and kissed her hair.“Why aren’t you continuing?” Lily asked in confusion.“I want it to happen properly,” Alexander sighed softly as he leaned on her.She was precious to him, so he wanted to be careful and treat her right.“...” Lily’s head remained under his chin as she put her arms around him.“I don’t mind.” In the end, it was the person who mattered most. Everything else was irrelevant. Alexander understood her thoughts and was appreciative. He continued to hug her as they laid down on the bed.“Go to sleep!” Alexander said while he looked her in the eyes.“...” Lily’s eyes remained wide open as she looked at him. Then she leaned over and kiss
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Chapter 144
”Ugh, Jenny again.” Alexander frowned, looking displeased. “I should transfer her back to the headquarters soon.”His words rendered Lily speechless as she thought, ‘Is this how a CEO should treat his employees?’“I’ll have other colleagues even if you transfer her away. You can’t expect me to work alone. What if my new superior is a man? Then…”Before Lily could finish her words, Alexander pulled her toward him and pressed her against the bed. Staring at her fiercely, he feigned anger, “How dare you?”Lily chuckled. “I wouldn’t dare to do anything. In comparison, Jenny seems to be a much better choice, doesn’t she?”“Hmph,” Alexander disapproved, but he lifted some of his weight off her. While caressing her hair, he asked, “Let’s make our relationship public, shall we?”The smile on Lily’s face froze as she shook her head. “Let’s wait a bit longer.”He sighed. No matter what, he respected her choice. Initially, he was not bothered by the fact that they had a secret marriage. Af
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Chapter 145
Lily walked back to her room on tiptoes. After scanning her access card, she entered through the door and tried to appear as calm as possible.“I’m surprised you’re back.” While closing the door, Lily heard a sarcastic voice behind her, making her tense up immediately. “H-Hey! You’re awake?” Lily turned back to look at Jenny, sitting on the couch in her pajamas, watching her. It looked like she was waiting for Lily to return.“Did I wake you? Oh, man. I wanted to throw our garbage downstairs and buy breakfast on the way back. I’m sorry for waking you up.” Lily’s words naturally flowed as she had gone over them in her mind earlier.“Wow! Continue with your interesting story. I’m listening.” Jenny snorted.“What story?” Lily blinked innocently, then said, “I’m tired. It must be because I woke up too early. I better get some more sleep now.” She stretched her arms as she spoke, wanting to walk to her bedroom. However, Jenny was quick to move. She stretched her leg and stopped Lily
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Chapter 146
Since Jenny asked Lily all those questions out of concern, Lily did not feel annoyed and allowed Jenny to finish her words. However, she felt that it was inappropriate to tell Jenny about her relationship with Alexander right now. That was something she had to keep from Jenny, and she made a mental note to apologize to Jenny one day.“Don’t worry. My friend isn’t from here. He’s here on business too, so we agreed to meet,” Lily paused before continuing, “We met that late because he was only available then. We were both busy with work during the day, so…”Although her excuse sounded a little fake, it was much better than getting lost during her night run. Jenny nodded thoughtfully, but something hit her suddenly. “Your friend is a guy?”Lily did not know how to respond, but her expression answered Jenny. “Is he your boyfriend?” Jenny continued.Lily just said, “I guess?”‘He has been my husband since we registered our marriage, and a husband had to go through being a boyfriend be
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Chapter 147
Lily smiled nonchalantly. “So, who is it from La Beauté Group then?”Jenny sighed. “What do you mean by who? It’s all just a misunderstanding. I’m not sure why Mr. Will insists on keeping you here, but I know it’s not merely because of your connections or luck since you have the potential to be a great perfumer.”This was the greatest affirmation for Lily. “Thanks. I’m glad you think so.”“Hey, stop flattering me! Didn’t you say you wanted to sleep? Go ahead, but don’t sleep for too long,” Jenny looked at her watch and continued, “We need to arrive at the site earlier.”“The site?” Lily repeated but quickly understood what Jenny meant.Middle Valley was a suitable climate for flowers and plants to grow. Hence, there were many parterres, including for the grafting of new breeds at considerable amounts. After all, it benefited perfumers to search for fragrances from natural resources. Each plant was a treasure with its own God-given uniqueness. After some refinery, purification, a
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Chapter 148
He truly cared for her in any way he could.After breakfast, they departed to the site. Although it was barely 7 a.m. and the morning breeze blew, the temperature difference between day and night was clear. Lily wore a thin cardigan and a sun hat. They needed to take precautions against sunburn since they would be at the nursery.This time, a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon was their ride instead of a Rolls-Royce. Jenny did not say a word, but her excitement at seeing the ride was evident. The SUV looked fantastic and was perfect for their journey because of its off-road capabilities.“What a great arrangement by the company. I didn’t know they had so many models of cars we could choose to ride in.” Jenny exclaimed while admiring the view outside the window.Then she turned to look at Lily. While resting her head on the window, Lily sensed Jenny's gaze on her. She continued to stare out the window, trying to appear clueless for fear of Jenny noticing something.However, Jenny would not le
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Chapter 149
The man in charge of the nursery did not exaggerate its size as it was indeed enormous. After walking around the entire morning, Lily and Jenny probably visited only a third of the site, and their legs were already sore.“Let’s get ready to head back soon. Later, we’ll get them to send us samples of all the flowers they have so we can compare them and decide which ones to use. Our task is basically done after that.” Jenny dusted her hands, her face dotted with sweat from the heat.There was a considerable contrast in the temperatures between the day and evening. It was still bearable in the morning, but it was sweltering now, even after they removed their cardigans.“I want to look around a little longer,” Lily said.“Huh?” Jenny was surprised. “At what? I think we’ve seen enough. Even if we spend all day here, we probably won’t be able to see everything because the place is so big. How about this? What species do you want to look at specifically? I’ll get someone from the nursery
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Chapter 150
”Y-You’re up?” Melanie forced a smile.“You’re going to get what you deserve.”His words washed away all of her humiliation as she looked at him with wide and gleaming eyes. “Really?”“Of course!” He lowered his head and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Take a shower and get dressed up. I’m taking you somewhere later.”“Where are we going?” Upon hearing what he said, she suddenly felt energized.“Didn’t you want to learn how to become a star perfumer? Then, you shouldn’t ask anything and just do as I say.”Finally, he stood up and withdrew his arms. When he looked down at Melanie, she felt immense pressure and was at a loss for words. Even though he was right, it made her feel like she was an item for which he could set a price as he wished. It made her uncomfortable, but when she thought about it, she would give him what he wanted in exchange for her dreams. That was how a deal worked.He would find it amusing if she suddenly became concerned about her pride, given that she w
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