All Chapters of Spoiled by Mr. Russell: Chapter 2341 - Chapter 2350
2452 Chapters
Chapter 2341
Yasmin fell silent, seemingly pondering as Lily continued, “I don’t know if I’ll fear death when I reach your age, but I feel there’s a limit to everything. Even if I want to live forever, I won’t sacrifice others’ lives.“I would never wish the same thing upon my children, friends, and family. Since I wouldn’t want others to do this to me, I wouldn’t want to do it to others, too,” after a pause, she said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”“I’m…tired.” Yasmin closed her eyes, not wanting to dwell on the topic. “You should get some rest as well.”“Your Majesty, I hope you can understand that it’s impossible to achieve immortality. I’ve only created R10 based on the formula they gave me. As for whether or not it’ll work, I’m…truly unsure.“The truth is that I believe the chances of it working are essentially zero despite what I said earlier,” Lily spoke bluntly, no longer needing to beat around the bush."Enough!" Yasmin snapped. "Don't push it just because I've b
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Chapter 2342
"Mike… Corden," the man added.Yasmin repeated the name under her breath and felt it sounded familiar.The guard asked, “Your Majesty, should I tell him to leave?”She waved. “No, let Rhea see him.”Although hesitant, the guard left to carry out her instruction.Yasmin muttered, “What the hell is Rhea up to?” …Mike discreetly scanned his surroundings as he sat in the reception room. Although he had been there before, he was not familiar with the place. He gently caressed his phone as he waited.After a while, he heard footsteps, and Rhea appeared at the door. She was surprised to see him, narrowing her eyes as she said, “Didn’t I tell you to come at night?”She would not have the time to meet him if it were not for what happened just now. Still, she was puzzled as to why the guards allowed them to meet. After all, only Fred knew what was going on between Rhea and Mike.‘Does the queen know about this? If so, why didn’t she ask me about it? Is she trying to see if I’d tell h
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Chapter 2343
“Then who am I?” Rhea asked. "My master," Mike answered after hesitating for a moment. Rhea narrowed her eyes to study him. "Really? But you don't seem to listen to my instructions." "You're my master, but you still need to do what you promised." Mike frowned. "The boss used to let me see my son over video calls, but now I have no news of him. You—""He's dead," Rhea suddenly said. Stunned, Mike said, "What did you say?""I said…" Rhea said emphatically, "He's dead. Your son is already dead." "Wh-what?" Mike's voice quivered. "That's a lie! Nicky… Nicky’s fine.""I'm not lying. Fred killed your son," Rhea sighed and said, "I didn't tell you about it because I was worried that it would be too huge a blow to you. However, since you insisted on knowing, I guess you would find out sooner or later. Just know that I won't be able to help you because he's dead." "No, that's not possible! Why would he kill a child? Fred could have just given Nicky back to me if he was no lo
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Chapter 2344
Rhea was stumped. "What difference does it make? Why would he lie to me about this?"She grew impatient. "Anyway, it's not that I don't want to help you, but there's no one to rescue now. What you need to do now is to give me the formula of the invisibility potion so we can develop it and do great things together!" She reached for Mike’s phone again, but he put it behind him and said coldly, "I'm sorry. I've helped you obtain the formula to rescue my son. Since he’s dead, I won't have to give it to you." Rhea was shocked. "Do you still remember who you—""I'm Mike, and you're my master, right?" Mike snorted and said, "Who do you think you are to be my master?"Rhea grew alarmed as she hesitantly asked, “Have you woken up?”Based on Mike’s reaction, he seemed no longer under her control. Rhea took a deep breath and stared into Mike’s eyes hypnotically. She said profoundly, “Mike, give me your phone. I have something important to do, and I can help you. Give your phone… to me."
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Chapter 2345
"Will you agree to it?" Mike asked as he turned to look at Rhea."How would I know if you don't tell me what the deal is?" As expected, Rhea would not promise him anything so quickly. Mike walked up to her and said, "Well, I need you to help rescue Lily. I'll give you the formula if you can set her free. How's that?"Rhea widened her eyes. "Are you out of your fucking mind?""Well, it looks like we don't have a deal then." Mike sighed, looking regretful. "Are you doing this on purpose?" Rhea grew upset. “You know why they brought Lily here, and there’s no way I can save her. You’re asking for the impossible!”She was angry at Mike for making such an unreasonable deal. She was also puzzled by his intentions. After some thought, she said, “I can't do it. Make another request.”"Why not? That's all I want you to do," he insisted. "I can't rescue her! How about I pay you—" She remembered that Mike was already wealthy and caught herself. Unable to come up with anything else he m
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Chapter 2346
"You—" Mike whipped around and glared at Rhea. "You were stalling!" "That's right, I was waiting for them to come." Rhea strolled over and looked at him. "I have no plans to make any deals with you, you piece of shit! Since you've brought the formula, there's no way I'm letting you leave with it." She snatched the phone from him as she spoke. Mike tried to grab it, but several guards pointed their guns at his head.Rhea then waved the locked phone in front of Mike’s face to unlock it via facial recognition. She tried searching for the formula, smiling as if she were enjoying it. “There's so much stuff here. Why don't you help me find it, Mike?"She showed Mike the phone, but he looked away. Rhea laughed. "So be it. Do you think I can’t find it without your help?"She thought the file had to be in one of the folders, so she continued to search for it. A few minutes later, she was thrilled to find it and immediately sent it to her phone before even opening it.The formula co
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Chapter 2347
Rhea excitedly walked away with her phone, wanting to test the formula. Someone quickly called after her, "Ma'am…" She looked over her shoulder and realized Mike was still there. She said, "Throw him out!"Since Rhea had the formula, Mike was no longer of use to her. Additionally, holding him in the embassy would only trouble her."Aren't you afraid I'm going to call the police?!" Mike growled. Rhea laughed. "Call the police? And tell them what? That I stole the formula for an invisibility potion, or that I'm not helping you rescue your son?"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I'm now a Yudonian, and I'm under its protection now. There's nothing the police can do to me here." Rhea smugly turned and left. 'Now that I'm under Queen Yasmin’s protection, why should I fear the police? All I need to do is to please Her Majesty. Besides, if I can develop the invisibility potion, I can go anywhere I please.‘Who will stop me? Who cares about immortality? What matters is to seize the mome
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Chapter 2348
The man listened to Yasmin quietly. He was just like a piece of decoration who never voiced his personal opinions. "You're very loyal, but it's boring chatting with you." Yasmin sighed and shook her head again. "Lily disapproves of my actions, so she won't like what I say. As for Rhea…"Knowing she had nothing in common with Rhea, she grew helpless. Yasmin felt rather sad that she did not have anyone to talk with. As she looked out the window and thought of something, she said, "Didn't Fred kidnap a miracle doctor not too long ago?""Yes, the old man is Lily's mentor," the man said thoughtfully. Yasmin perked up. "Yes, yes, that's him! Where is he?""The storage room on the top floor.""Bring him here." After a pause, she decided not to wait any longer. "Forget it. Take me to him." "But he's in the storage room," the man said after a moment's hesitation. "I know. Just take me there. I just want to talk to him, not stay there, okay?"Since she insisted, the man then wheeled
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Chapter 2349
"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm just someone who wishes to chat with you." Yasmin did not want to tell Dominic who she was. Instead, she smiled and whispered to her bodyguard, telling him to leave.The man obeyed somewhat hesitantly and closed the door behind him.Now that Yasmin and Dominic were alone, the latter said, “I know who you are.”"Oh?" The queen raised her brow and smiled, asking, "Who am I then?""You're a woman. From Yudonia," he said thoughtfully, pointing at her.Yasmin laughed and said, “You’re right! Anyway, I’m surprised you speak Yudonian so well. That's pretty rare for someone your age.""What's wrong with my age? I'm still young, okay?" Dominic said, patting his chest."How… old are you?" Yasmin was hesitant because he sounded severe. She thought she had guessed his age wrong. She even thought Dominic was in his fifties because of how energetic he seemed."I'm seventy-five!" Dominic declared. "I'm still young."The queen was shocked. 'I'm five years yo
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Chapter 2350
Whenever Yasmin looked in the mirror, she would notice more wrinkles and grey hair despite her efforts to slow down her aging. Thus, she slowly gave up trying and no longer wanted to look at her reflection."So you're saying it's lucky to be able to grow old?" she asked hesitantly, finding the idea intriguing. "Of course!" Dominic slapped his thigh and said, "It's not easy to do that. I've seen and treated many people during my travels. Various strange diseases and illnesses plagued children, which was truly…heartbreaking. "So why fear aging? The real regret is not being able to grow old." After a pause, he thought of something and added, "Anyway, I'm really not old, okay?" Amused, the queen laughed.She nodded and said, "Yes, you're not, but I am.""You're not. You've only let your negative thoughts affect your body," Dominic said, shaking his head. The queen was puzzled. "Hmm? Are you sure? Would negative thoughts affect my health?" It was a subject she cared most about.
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