All Chapters of Spoiled by Mr. Russell: Chapter 2321 - Chapter 2330
2452 Chapters
Chapter 2321
Rhea wanted to tell Fred to leave the surgery to her, but she could not bring herself to do it. Her fingers trembled as she thought, ‘How am I supposed to perform such an intricate surgery alone?!’As if sensing her concerns, Fred said, "Don't worry, I've arranged top-notch assistants for you." 'What the hell?' Rhea thought. 'Why doesn't he have them perform the surgery instead? If they’re the best, why are they my assistants and not the other way around?' Although she had always thought highly of herself, her expertise was limited to research and development of drugs. Surgeries like these were not what she did best. "What's the matter? You can't handle it?" Fred asked somewhat unhappily after seeing her hesitance.Rhea gulped and said with a forced smile, "I'm honored you trust me so much, but—" "That's all I need to hear." Fred raised a hand and interrupted her. He knew he would not like what she was about to say."Rhea, I know you’ve performed brain surgeries before, and
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Chapter 2322
"I don't want your best. I want your guarantee that it will succeed," Fred said as he stared at Rhea.She took a deep breath and nodded firmly. "I promise it’ll be a success." Seeing Rhea’s confident look, Fred nodded. "Good. Keep up the spirit, okay?"He then lowered his head and said to a mouthpiece, "Is everything ready?"After receiving a reply, Fred nodded and looked up at Rhea and three other surgeons. "Please get ready and change into surgical gowns now."They went in deeper, and Rhea found a sterile room and an operating room, complete with all the surgical equipment necessary. Fred must have gone to great lengths to build this place in Hyderland in secret. When they put on their surgical caps and masks, Fred got changed and joined them too. As they were the only people around, Rhea threw him an inquiring look. Fred smiled." Don't worry. The test subjects will be here soon." He called the queen and Lily test subjects, but Rhea didn't see any problem with that. If sh
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Chapter 2323
The queen looked toward Lily. Fred then instructed a guard to remove the latter's blindfold. Lily heard their conversation but chose to remain quiet. When her blindfolds came off, she squinted against the piercing light."All right, we're all set. The experiment can begin now," Fred said happily, clapping his hands.He then looked toward Lily. "Oh, considering the sacrifice you'll be making for the queen, I'll consider granting you a request if you have any." He smiled kindly."Let me go maybe?" Lily said as she looked up at him. "You know very well that’s impossible." Shaking his head, Fred looked regretful. "How about something I can do instead? Like looking after your children, for example?" This served as both a tease and a threat, warning her not to struggle on account of her kids. Lily was perfectly capable of disrupting the experiment if she refused to cooperate, but she had to think about her family. As Fred said, although the Russells were powerful, they were no mat
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Chapter 2324
Not expecting Fred to ask her to answer, Rhea was taken aback. "I…""You heard the queen. What's the success rate?" Fred pushed her.Not knowing the answer, Rhea gritted her teeth and murmured, "Theoretically speaking—""23 percent," Lily interrupted.Not knowing why Lily had said this, Rhea gave her a puzzled look. ‘Did she just pull out a random figure?'Without even a glance at Rhea, Lily added solemnly, "And this is only a rough estimation as the success also depends on the surgeons, the level of cooperation before the surgeon and attendants, the conditions of the test subjects, and so on.“Taking all these factors into consideration, the success rate could be as high as 45% or as low as less than 10 percent.”Fred listened intently as if he had forgotten that Lily was the one about to undergo surgery, not the one performing it."You heard that?" the queen asked Fred in a grave tone."Well…" Fred blinked, then caught himself. "She’s just bullshitting you so that you’d s
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Chapter 2325
Fred said confidently, "Of course, Your Majesty. The experiment will—" Before he could finish, the queen smiled and said, "Good. Since you’ve said as much, I can stop worrying now.""You absolutely should!" Surprised that the queen would budge so easily, Fred thought she still trusted him as she used to. At the next moment, however, several guards walked in. Fred frowned. "Who told you to come in? Get out!"His words fell on deaf ears, and the guards encircled him. "Did you not hear me? Who do you work for?" Fred frowned. "Get the hell out of here, or I’ll kill you!""Do you think they’ll listen to you?" the queen said. Fred was puzzled for a moment before he caught on. "You arranged this?"The queen merely smiled in reply, but the answer was obvious. Fred laughed heartily. "No wonder you're so calm. I underestimated you, my dear queen." Making no retort, the queen merely sneered. "Do you really think they can stop me though?" Fred pointed at the men. "Your Majesty,
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Chapter 2326
"If you must know, many of the officials are on my side. Just leave the country to me. It's time for you to enjoy your retirement," he said with a smile, finally revealing his ambition to rule Yudonia. The queen sneered. "Oh, yeah? Who are these people who are backing you?""Why? Do you plan to take them out?" Fred smiled. "It's a pity that you won't have the chance."Come now, Your Majesty. You could simply cooperate with me and share in the joy of success with me. Why must you make a scene?" Turning around, he pointed toward her men. "People will only treat you and your men as a joke."He then said to his guards cheerfully, "Guys, take them away, and don't let anyone come in here again without my permission! We're about to begin the greatest experiment ever done."However, his men stayed in their spot as if they hadn't heard him. Noticing Fred's upset look, Rhea scolded, "Hey, didn't you guys hear what the duke said? Seize them!" Hearing her words, the guards turned and poi
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Chapter 2327
"You're too arrogant," the queen said indifferently.Holding onto the armrest of the wheelchair, she slowly sat upright, looking as fit as can be.Gaping, Fred caught on. "You’ve been pretending to be dying! You planned all this!" "That's right. Otherwise, would you have proceeded with the experiment so soon?" The queen smiled gently.Fred was terrified. "This can’t be happening!" After all these years of careful planning and scheming, he couldn't believe the queen had uncovered his plot and prepared herself so well."As I said, you're too arrogant," the queen said, "As someone who has worked for me for so many years, you should know me better. Am I someone so gullible and easily manipulated? Do you think I've gotten senile?" Unable to accept his defeat, Fred was overwhelmed with emotions. Having expected this reaction, the queen said, "Do you think you'd be able to buy over my men so easily? You underestimate them and me. I would’ve been killed a thousand times over if the
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Chapter 2328
All his efforts had gone to waste just as he was about to achieve success."All right, the show's over for you." The queen sighed regretfully. "I gave you a chance, but you chose to betray me. You've truly let me down, Fred." As Fred had served her for many years, the queen wanted to show him mercy. However, since he had tried to replace her, she didn’t have any other choice in the matter."This is all a mistake, Your Majesty. I've always told you that you’d stand to benefit from the experiment, haven't I? Yes, I’ve taken some wrong turns and gotten a bit greedy, but I only restricted your freedom and did all this for you!“Think about it. Why have I put so much effort into this?" Fred was unwilling to give up. "When the experiment succeeds, you’re going to be the one to live on forever. What do I have to gain from this?" "Cut the act, Fred!" Lily’s cold voice interrupted him. "You’re just using me and the queen as guinea pigs. If the experiment succeeds, you’ll then repeat it a
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Chapter 2329
Startled, Rhea stopped and wondered if Lily knew she was trying to escape. However, the latter shifted her cold gaze back to Fred and said, “You’ve long found a vessel for yourself. You even picked a young one to have enough time to make preparations, didn’t you?”Fred grew pale, saying, “Say whatever you like. I know the queen won’t believe me anymore because of your lies!”“You know better than me whether or not I’m telling the truth.”Rhea suddenly thought of something. Although Lily’s words were baffling, Rhea strangely understood them. Rhea wondered if she had guessed correctly and looked at Lily in astonishment.“You still refuse to admit it, huh?” The queen chuckled. “Then who the hell is Nick Corden?”Fred was stunned and played dumb. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Your Majesty. Still, I know you're not going to believe me no matter what I say. I want you to know that I’ve done all this for your sake.”He then stopped talking and put on an innocent look. Those w
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Chapter 2330
However, the queen’s following words dampened Fred’s excitement. "Since you've done so much for me, you must be willing to do one more thing, right?" Fred had a bad feeling in his gut and asked, "What… is it?""Why don't you help me find out whether or not R10 works?" she said casually with a smirk. Fred grew alarmed. "Your Majesty… I…"Stunned, Lily looked at the queen. "You're not up for it?" the queen asked, "Aren't you devoted to me? Why are you scared?" "No!" Fred gritted his teeth. "It's not that I'm scared, but the experiment has strict requirements, which I'm sure you're aware of."I had to go to great lengths to find the most suitable vessel for you. I even let you two recuperate for a long time to ensure a high level of compatibility. Therefore, it would take time before we can proceed with the experiment, even if I do have a suitable vessel." After a pause, he thought of something and added, "I swear I'll go through the experiment for your sake if there’s a suit
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